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Space combat...good or bad?


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Thing is, in this day and age, one doesn't expect a P2P Star Wars MMO to be limited to a Tunnel Shooter type gameplay.


Unless, of course, one was told to expect this well prior to the game's release and nothing else was ever promised.


Granted, I didn't follow every bit of pre-release hype fanatically; I just gleaned bits and pieces via osmosis from Massively and similar sites. So I suppose it's possible that, somewhere, I missed Bioware saying they'd be releasing a space combat mode that was on par with X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter or the like. All I remember reading is "rails shooter", but perhaps that was a later modification. Even so, it's all I've heard for a long time pre-release, so any expectations of something more should have been thoroughly dashed long ago.


Would it have been better to have NO space flight at release, ala SWG, and then release it via a (paid!) expansion a year later? Some players may think so; I'm not one of them. I really hope they plan to add more, a lot more, to it, especially ship customization, maybe a space combat skill tree to supplement existing trees, capital ships where each player is a crew member with a different function (Pilot, gunner (DPS), shields (tank), engineer (heals)), and more, but these are "hopes", not "expectations", and learning the difference is a valuable life skill. I think they'd be idiots to NOT build on the system; Star Wars is heavily defined by space combat and space action.

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Lol, is it so wrong for someone to have enjoyed something else?


Of course!


Everyone knows that if someone likes something you don't, it's a direct and personal assault on you, a complete denigration of your worth as a human being, and certainly cause for violence. It is not possible for people to have different tastes, or for one person to like two different things in the same category because they appeal to different aspects of his personality or are otherwise equally satisfying. That would be like saying, "I agree with this candidate on Issue X and this other candidate on Issue Y", which is utter nonsense... One candidate is a perfect paragon of virtue and correct in all things, and the other is vile scum who plots every day to destroy America. Any other position indicates that you're just a simpering toady incapable of clear and decisive thought.

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Looking at STO, you have to say that SWTOR's "space combat" is well below parr.


1) It does not integrate (or even pretend to integrate) with the rest of the game.

2) The "hook" of SWTOR (storyline or light/dark etc) is absent.

3) there's no PvP or co-op/grouping/raids or anything that adds to an MMO.


It wouldn't be a huge shock to learn it's simply a separate SWF file that gets loaded locally into the SWTOR process :(.

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Looking at STO, you have to say that SWTOR's "space combat" is well below parr.


1) It does not integrate (or even pretend to integrate) with the rest of the game.

2) The "hook" of SWTOR (storyline or light/dark etc) is absent.

3) there's no PvP or co-op/grouping/raids or anything that adds to an MMO.


It wouldn't be a huge shock to learn it's simply a separate SWF file that gets loaded locally into the SWTOR process :(.


Other than the last sentence, I can't disagree with your points, as they focus, correctly, more on how the space module integrates than if it's free form, rails, etc. You're right -- it's effectively an unrelated minigame at this point. For all practical purposes, it might as well be implemented, in-game, as a hologame in the cantinas that you can sit down and play.


It's a good distinction -- whether or not you find the space combat fun as implemented, it is undeniably disconnected from the rest of gameplay, and that's a bad thing. (It's quite possible to have lightside/darkside options in space flight.... you're flying a mission, and orders come in to shoot down a transport. The Empire says it has enemy agents on it, but the transport says it has hundreds of innocent civilians, as well. You can decide to shoot it down or let it escape. (A very basic and obvious kind of plot point, but you get the idea. More interesting ones can surely be devised.))

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I like Space Combat as it is, its a fun diversion especially while your waiting for some crew skills to complete. Quite honestly if I wanted more out of space combat, I would prefer a game of its own. Give us new a Tie Fighter game, one of the best space combat simulators ever made.
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Don't like it. I grind through them for the xp and the hope for spaceship upgrades from the missions, but it's like looking forward to a visit to the dentist. Repeating the same missions ad nauseum.. bleh.. this is why open space free roam 3d space combat is way better - it won't always be the exact same thing and you can try new strategies and interact with other players.
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Space Combat is a mini-game where i expected a game.


space combat was a huge focus of the star wars series. mini game is an injustice.


it's terrible and one of the reasons i'm cancelling


I'm asking this seriously, because I'm curious as to how people form opinions: Upon what did you base your expectations of how space combat would be implemented? Pre-release news from bioware? Magazine articles? Reports from beta testers? Other Star Wars games?

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I like it. It's a fun rail shooter and a nice break from questing/PvP. I haven't done a lot of it, but I'd like to see some bigger challenges so that the upgrades that we can do to our ships are more worthwhile.


Would I like to see some deeper, off-the-rails space combat? Sure, who wouldn't? In fact, let's just annex EVE Online! >:]

Edited by belialle
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I absolutely love it.


Galaga was my favorite arcade game, and I played Starfox a lot too, so maybe I just have "less expectations." But then again, I don't understand why everything has to be complicated. I would be dissapointed if they made it full 3D.

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Space combat...good or bad?


In my opinion? Both.


As "space combat" it is flat, bland and severely lacking. However, as a "mini game" it is fun, entertaining and well done. The rewards are solid and worth the short time it takes to do a mission.


For me it was a disappointment because I was really wanting a new X-Wing vs Tie Fighter in an MMO but I accept it for what it is and am moving on.

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