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Amnesty For Atrocity.


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Senya doesn't go fully either way. I've fully explored every convo option with her and there's at least one path that will lead to her admitting she didn't know the man half as well as she wished she had, and didn't really have any idea what he might have been capable of.


So she doesn't flat out say that she disbelieves you, but neither does she offer him a gold ticket pass simply because he was "nice to Zakuul."


Koth on the other hand, doesn't ever take into consideration the fact that he didn't really know Valkorian. And instead blindly sings his praise. That's the part that all of my toons have issue with. An inherited trait in my legacy family is a hatred of sycophants.


And that's what Koth is. A blind sycophant, unwilling to admit he barely knows anything about what he's jabbering about, and that the possibility exists that what we say is true.

I haven't explored all conversation options so I'll take your word for it. Though a simple explanation for the difference might be the Force. Senya can feel what Valkorion was like (as much as he allowed) she can probably feel some of it around you and she can feel if you're being truthful (or believe you are) when you tell her these things. It's not concrete evidence but it's more than Koth is getting, which is simply a stranger talking **** about the government after being asleep for five years.


Earlier I said Koth should've challenged you to prove what you were saying, rather than the passive response he gave. But even in this form, it is a bit of a challenge. If you present a case for the atrocities Vitiate has committed and then say he is Valkorion, saying "But Valkorion was good to Zakuul" is still a piece of contrary evidence. It's the start of an argument we make on these forums, namely that the two together doesn't seem to make sense. On its own it's not necessarily blindly pro-Valkorion. It's merely stating a fact that is contrary to the current theory and must be accounted for.


Now is there another, more blatant instance of Koth fanboying? Because if there isn't, labeling him a sycophant may be jumping to conclusions.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Now is there another, more blatant instance of Koth fanboying? Because if there isn't, labeling him a sycophant may be jumping to conclusions.

What's going to be really funny is if there's some big twist coming down the line, that there's been some huge case of mistaken identity and Valkorion is not the same Vitiate we knew at all. Unlikely, but funny. Because then I assume all the characters who want to murder Koth for insisting he's right despite not knowing what he's talking about will have to kill themselves. :D

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But if Koth concluded that you must know Valkorion well because he's inside your head, he'd be wrong. All Valkorion has done since he became a passenger in your skull is obfuscate, misdirect and tempt. He doesn't reminisce about that great time when he ate everyone on Ziost or his past as absentee god-dictator of a brutal police state. Far from learning all about him since this whole process started, we've ended up knowing even less about Vitiate/Valkorion than we thought we knew to start with. If you were giving Koth a running update on everything Valkorion's voice in your head says, what would he have heard that would support your claim that Valkorion is secretly a planet-devouring monster?


1. He does talk about Ziost and his time in the Empire, hinting that while he was Valkorian he might of developed more appreciation for things he once thought pointless.


2. Valkorion never once lies about what he's done and pretty much amde sure to tell you,l I think all his words would support the claim that Valkorian is eating planets.


3. My point is Koth is literally vouching for a man he's probably NEVER met before and never interacted with at all, this is especially strange when even Valkoriasn's wife can admit she might not have known him a swell as she thoguht. Because if the one who fell in love with him can admit it, why can't the one who's never interacted with him even accept the TINIEST POSSIBILITY?

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1. He does talk about Ziost and his time in the Empire, hinting that while he was Valkorian he might of developed more appreciation for things he once thought pointless.


2. Valkorion never once lies about what he's done and pretty much amde sure to tell you,l I think all his words would support the claim that Valkorian is eating planets.

I've only played through the current KOTFE chapters once so far, so there's a good chance I'm forgetting a few things he said. I don't remember anything that would really qualify as a confession, but I could be wrong.


3. My point is Koth is literally vouching for a man he's probably NEVER met before and never interacted with at all, this is especially strange when even Valkoriasn's wife can admit she might not have known him a swell as she thoguht. Because if the one who fell in love with him can admit it, why can't the one who's never interacted with him even accept the TINIEST POSSIBILITY?

Again it could be my memory is failing me, but isn't this based on one or two conversations in total? How do you know he has no doubts, that he isn't accepting even the tiniest possibility? Just because he hasn't said anything about it yet? Call him stubborn, call him closed-minded, I still don't see how it adds up to "must kill him!"

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<<I say take Koth to Ziost and rub it in his face. "Your precious Immortal Emperor did this. Consumed every living thing on this rock. How awesome do you think he is now?" >>


I wish running dailies on post-event Ziost would "count" as "showing Koth the truth". :-)

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So, what happens when Scourge brings up Belsavis?

Any Troopers present squirm a little. :D


Also, wasn't Darth Malak not part of the Empire?

Not really, no, but they seem to recognise him as a Sith nonetheless. Based on the Imperial mission arc on Taris the Empire's official line is to approve of what he did.


(Edit: Also, I'm not sure how widely this is known in-universe, but the Rakghoul plague is the result of Sith sorcery.)

Edited by Joachimthbear
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That'd be fun. I could take Lana and Lord Scourge to Taris and ask them how proud they are to call themselves Sith. :)


Pretty sure they wouldn't give a flying bantha about Taris, and they don't hero worship Malak either.

Also, rakghouls were created by a Dark Jedi, even before Sith Order as we know it now was established.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I say take Koth to Ziost and rub it in his face. "Your precious Immortal Emperor did this. Consumed every living thing on this rock. How awesome do you think he is now?"


Koth: Where are we?

Outlander: The fourth moon of Yavin, and this is what we call an "intervention".

Senya: A what? Where?

Outlander: Sit down. You already know Dr. Drellik, he's going to explain to you what the machine in the temple is for. I'd also like you to meet the former Emperor's Wrath, Lord Scourge, and the semi-transparent fellow over there is called Revan. They're going to tell you all about your precious Valkorion. Later, we will visit a couple other nice vacation spots, namely Nathema and Ziost. After which if I ever again hear the words "good to Zakuul", I will kill the one who utters them. Is there an understanding here?

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Koth: Where are we?

Outlander: The fourth moon of Yavin, and this is what we call an "intervention".

Senya: A what? Where?

Outlander: Sit down. You already know Dr. Drellik, he's going to explain to you what the machine in the temple is for. I'd also like you to meet the former Emperor's Wrath, Lord Scourge, and the semi-transparent fellow over there is called Revan. They're going to tell you all about your precious Valkorion. Later, we will visit a couple other nice vacation spots, namely Nathema and Ziost. After which if I ever again hear the words "good to Zakuul", I will kill the one who utters them. Is there an understanding here?


None of that actually proves that Valkie is Vitiate.


"Okay. I see it. It wasn't my Emperor, it was some other guy."

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