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Don't Rush to endgame...


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People complaining about end game content have only themselves to blame. Rushing to ML doesn't do anything for you. They'll get it added in, eventually, just don't expect it to be sitting there waiting for you tomorrow, or the next day.


Take your time, enjoy the game, and hey, play a few classes, not just one. They're all enjoyable from what I've seen.

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Im just amazed.......



So this guy rushed to endgame, and now complains about the lack of 'content'........WE KNEW THIS BETA BUILDS AGO YET THESE PEOPLE STILL HAD TO RUSH TO ENDGAME IN ORDER TO HAVE THE BIGGEST EPEEN ON THE SERVER....



Well now that youve done that, you DESERVE what you get. I have no sympathy for these people that have to rush to endgame in order to be the most 'leet' player on the server....The stupidity is amazing. Just confounding.............


Serves you right.


Now go stare at the wall..................


I have to agree with the sentiments expressed here. It is a problem RPGMMO's constantly face from those who play for extended periods of time on a daily basis.


This is the real challenge for this genre, to provide enough content for level capped players. Obviously ToR being new was never going to have this, anyone thinking otherwise had unreasonable expectations.

However if the average player, playing 15-20 hours a week (based on average play time for WoW) also runs out of content in a few months then this will be a major problem and will be reflected in subscriptions lost in 3-6 months time.


This is why a new game in this genre has a difficult time competing with the more established games. From what I have read WoW is going to address this issue in the next expansion, ToR will also have to do so. However the problem is more urgent for a new title.


Didn't BW say they were hoping for 500k to 1M subscriptions? This is probably what they want to have as a base line. So provided they 'retain' enough subscriptions they will be okay until the next major content patch. It may be that this is not a game that a portion of the player base will subscribe to for a whole year but rather will return to on a periodic basis (that seems to be an established pattern for WoW).


Perhaps that is the new P2P RPGMMO business model.

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I agree completely. Dont take this the wrong way though its only been 7 days since retail release and 2 weeks since early access. NO mmo that ive played in my time has had an exceptional amount of endgame at this time after release. And ive played ALOT of mmos starting with ultima in the 90s. Not even WoW had endgame 2 weeks after release. Theres more raids in Swtor then WoW had 2 weeks after release. Give it time i know you think endgame can just magically appear after a week of effort but it doesnt nothing is perfect and so far this is the best mmo experience ive had and hopefully it stays that way.
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good wow-style MMO,

Here is our problem. People think they are playing wow, instead of a game designed to be enjoyed during the leveling phase(which is what we have here).


This isn't wow, or wow style, other than the fact that its a theme park mmo, and all theme park mmos have certain things in common...


End game focus is not actually one of those things.

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People complaining about end game content have only themselves to blame. Rushing to ML doesn't do anything for you. They'll get it added in, eventually, just don't expect it to be sitting there waiting for you tomorrow, or the next day.


Take your time, enjoy the game, and hey, play a few classes, not just one. They're all enjoyable from what I've seen.


So what if they had levelled half as fast? Then they'd discover there's nothing to do in another 12 days. That helps the game how? What if they'd levelled 25% as fast. Then they could wait a month before noticing they're bored. What the heck do you expect; people to play half an hour a day so they never get to end game? Play 4 or 5 different classes for an hour a day? Some people don't particularly enjoy playing alts or going through the same content over and over again and, despite what the fanboys keep telling us, you do, in fact, repeat about 85% of the content whenever you re-roll on the same faction. The stories aren't "unique," they are 15% different.


If people are at 50 and getting bored in 1 week after launch, how many more will be there in a month? Blaming the player for levelling too fast is so beside the point I don't even know where to start. It's not like you have to work super hard to level in this game.

Edited by Mannic
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I've dutifully watched every cutscene of every quest in the game (I swear, if my toon says "It's both a duty and an honor" one more time...) on Republic side and am about to hit 50 finally. Seeing as you guys are complaining a lot about endgame, I suppose it's time to level one of my Empire alts. Bioware shall have all the time they need to flesh out endgame content, no sweat.
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Yeah, its a great single player game.


I just thought I was playing a MMO.


Rarely I've ever seen a group of 4+ people.

* Other than warzones of course.


Really?? Because I see people grouping for heroic quests all the time, Flashpoints, warzones world pvp on tat... Datacron hunting... random quests.. yeah

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I slept for about 4 hours each day on my grind to 50 and I feel like it wasnt even worth the effort.


You spent EIGHTEEN hours a day playing a game, seriously? You feel like it was not worth the effort???? are you mental? Of COURSE it was not worth the effort, it's supposed to be a game, not a job.


Even if the only thing to do at level 50, was to throw daisies at little pink bunny rabbits, your post is still just insanely laughable. I'm not sure whats actually worse, the fact that you sit and play a game for eighteen hours a day, or the fact that people in this thread take you seriously.

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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


Always people are rushing to 50 and always they are disappointed by the lack of 'end game'. But then they do it again on the next game and expect different results.

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The game is officially 6 days old...

How much end-game content were you expecting there to be?


Now that BioWare knows it's too easy, they will make new harder events.

You just have to wait...


When i hit 50, I am immediately making another character to check out that story too.

These stories are well done!


Well I don't know exactly how much pve endgame there is in SWTOR yet.


But in WoW on release there were atleast 4 max level dungeons and 1 full fledged raid zone that would take guilds months to complete.


So WoW in 2004 had quite a bit of end-game content on release.

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Well I don't know exactly how much pve endgame there is in SWTOR yet.


But in WoW on release there were atleast 4 max level dungeons and 1 full fledged raid zone that would take guilds months to complete.


So WoW in 2004 had quite a bit of end-game content on release.


When WoW launched it was just molten core raiding. They didn't even have proper pvp zones.


The forums were full of these kind of complaints and people -still- haven't learned in 7 years not to rush to maximum level.

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I slept for about 4 hours each day on my grind to 50 and I feel like it wasnt even worth the effort.


This is a game, something you play for fun. You sound like you tortured yourself till you got to 50 and disappointed there is no further torture...

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When WoW launched it was just molten core raiding. They didn't even have proper pvp zones.


The forums were full of these kind of complaints and people -still- haven't learned in 7 years not to rush to maximum level.


I know MC was the only raid in WoW's launch, but you can't discount the end level dungons (Scholomance, Stratholme, Lower BRS, Upper BRS which was technically a 15 man raid on release) which was an important step in endgame that everyone needed to do to progress to raiding.


Also Molten Core had months of lifetime for most guilds.


That was what I was trying to say, that the endgame of WoW was very substantial on its release over 7 years ago.

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That was what I was trying to say, that the endgame of WoW was very substantial on its release over 7 years ago.



Uh-huh, but you're wrong. No one considered the WoW endgame to be substantial when it launched. It had one difficult boss that took a while to kill because people had to farm the gear to do it, it had no pvp zones and basically nothing else to do but Molten Core.


Sorry, MMO's just don't launch with much at the end game, it doesn't happen. People who spend 18 hours a day rushing to get there are nuts, useful nuts because they help the developers see where more content needs to be added and things don't work as expected, but they're still nuts.

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You spent EIGHTEEN hours a day playing a game, seriously? You feel like it was not worth the effort???? are you mental? Of COURSE it was not worth the effort, it's supposed to be a game, not a job.


Even if the only thing to do at level 50, was to throw daisies at little pink bunny rabbits, your post is still just insanely laughable. I'm not sure whats actually worse, the fact that you sit and play a game for eighteen hours a day, or the fact that people in this thread take you seriously.


24-4 = 20


He spent TWENTY hours a day playing a game.


It doesn't cease to amaze what people expected....of course there wasn't going to be much end game for people who space barred story or grinded 20 hours a day to hit 50 in the first week of early access.....


The launch of a MMO requires them to create the systems, classes, art...so much more than just level 50 content.


It was marketed as a story based MMO, they touted it at every single event, in every single update for 3 friggin years.


Those of us who don't dull our minds with 20 hours of computer use a day could have told you rushing to end game wasn't going to turn out well. The story/leveling was a big part of the launch feature set.


Early access started during my final exams week at University...and even now with 2 weeks off I still don't have 20 hours to sit down and play (and I only sleep 3-4 hours due to insomnia anyway).


Do you not have family/work/school at all? Sitting down and playing for 20 hours on one day is fine, thats like a nerding out kind of a day, but doing it multiple days in a row?


That is the kind of thing negative media feeds off of, and the kind of behaviour that creates a social stigma with MMO players.


By the way I also can't decide whether playing 20 hours a day is worse, or people take him seriously/look up to him....both are pretty bad.


I consider myself a pretty hardcore nerd. but there just ins't the time...and there is NO way to stay healthy doing that...when do you exercise? lol.

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Except this game does have quite a bit to do at endgame. It has two raids with three difficulties, and the highest difficulty has not been cleared by any guild to my knowledge. That includes the OP's guild, which has not "steam rolled" through content, considering they haven't even touched nightmare difficulty.


I agree Ilum needs to give more rewards, but the rest of the OP's post is pretty unsubstantiated. This game has the most endgame content any MMO has ever had at launch.

Edited by GeLopez
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Uh-huh, but you're wrong. No one considered the WoW endgame to be substantial when it launched. It had one difficult boss that took a while to kill because people had to farm the gear to do it, it had no pvp zones and basically nothing else to do but Molten Core.


Sorry, MMO's just don't launch with much at the end game, it doesn't happen. People who spend 18 hours a day rushing to get there are nuts, useful nuts because they help the developers see where more content needs to be added and things don't work as expected, but they're still nuts.


The guy who I originaly responded to asked what kind of endgame would anyone expect in a newly released game and I listed the endgame WoW had on its release.


Now I'm not saying Molten Core was a masterpiece, by the way it had 10 bosses not 1, but it was enough endgame for people until the introduction of Black Wing Lair.

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