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Don't Rush to endgame...


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Also bumping this, great post. Endgame is probably the most important thing in an MMORPG. Lets hope they add to it, and soon.


They will, just give them time. Listen, I understand the lack of patience in this world, but honestly - the game is 2 weeks out. Atleast give them a couple months before writing these threads

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Excuse me.


But staring at a wall? lol


I wonder how I got lv50 pvp armor and a valor rank of 41.... hm...


Must be from that wall.:p


Well you def. dont have a family with kids or a career. So maybe you should try grinding that aspect of life then games like this would carry more meaning for you.

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Thank god for posts like this.



Its funny, all the slow gamers and "take your timers" will all sit here and laugh and have their chuckles over this, but when they get there in a month and there is still no content and they all are sitting there going: 'wow, I those posts were right...'


You may not feel it today or tomorrow, but there will come a day when you log in and go: "wow I have nothing left to do..."


and then you'll feel sad and either quit or go make your 19th alt....

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When I reach 50... lets see I'll do Heroic Flash points... Operations... Nightmare Flashpoints... Heroic Operations... and Nightmare Operations.


That will keep me entertained for months. By then I will expect new content. Because...you see, I'm a NORMAL player, not a basement nerd that plays video games 24/7.


Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner!!! Not to mention this game is launching with more content then WoW did.

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It's simple logic really, you can tell from the game from the first second you step into it that bioware spent a LOT of effort on making the leveling and questing experience rewarding and fun which probably means that endgame and PvP was the areas that suffered.
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Illum needs to offer a lot more. I see most players trading bases with the opposite faction in order to complete the daily after wards both factions leave and don't ever return.

I understand bioware is trying to get the players to start their own "problems/beef/hate/etc..." with the opposite faction in order to get organized fights to happen but there is just no incentive for us players to go out their and fight each other with out any reward but the satisfaction of victory (increase in e-pen)


So from what I understand from your post is that all the people rushing to 50 don't want to play eachother?

It's pvp why would you need problems/beef/hate to get things rolling?

Everyone knows that pvp comes before the drama and hate, it is what starts it all.


No incentive for the so called hardcore players to go out there and see who is more hardcore? I thought that is what pvp was all about. Why are all those level 50 hardcore gamers not fighting eachother and how is it Bioware's fault they are afraid to get thier epeen's popped?

Edited by Zerothreat
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How do people expect that hitting 50 in a week will be rewarded with TONS of content? The game just launched, the big bugs dont even get noticed till the game goes live, so let them get to that first.


Let the majority of the pop get to 50 then maybe complain 6 months from now if they dont put anything new out...

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Im just amazed.......



So this guy rushed to endgame, and now complains about the lack of 'content'........WE KNEW THIS BETA BUILDS AGO YET THESE PEOPLE STILL HAD TO RUSH TO ENDGAME IN ORDER TO HAVE THE BIGGEST EPEEN ON THE SERVER....



Well now that youve done that, you DESERVE what you get. I have no sympathy for these people that have to rush to endgame in order to be the most 'leet' player on the server....The stupidity is amazing. Just confounding.............


Serves you right.


Now go stare at the wall..................


You don't have to "Rush" to the endgame, most regular and hardcore MMO players will be at 50 by the end of the month without breaking a sweat. This is supposed to be an MMO, which means it's supposed to have Endgame content, and massively things to do to keep subscriptions month after month. Hoping that people just roll alt after alt is not going to happen in mass numbers. Bioware needs a carrot and stick, this is what keeps people coming back for more.

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Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner!!! Not to mention this game is launching with more content then WoW did.


Stop comparing to WoW ffs. This game came out in 2011, where it should have learned MANY things from games that have come before it, not repeat the same mistakes made by MMO's in recent years that have widdled and died off to low populations.

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Stop comparing to WoW ffs. This game came out in 2011, where it should have learned MANY things from games that have come before it, not repeat the same mistakes made by MMO's in recent years that have widdled and died off to low populations.


It is impossible to launch a game with the content of WoW unless you want your company to go bankrupt. It's leaps and bounds better than WoW was at release and pretty much any other MMORPG out there, yes there's lots of things that needs fixing but that's to be expected in this genre of games.


Many topics in the forums are absolutely correct in their complaints but most people are still having a blast in game, bioware will improve the game as time goes.

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Not a complaint i love SWTOR, but i do have a question... why did they end up doing the pvp bag thing instead of allowing players to choose what they want to get? it wont deter me however, again i am a die hard fan but it does seem a little wierd how they did the rewards system for pvp.
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I'm level 45. I haven't skipped any of the storylines or quests. If you want to level slowly, do so. If you're like me and work your way through a bit faster, thats fine too. But to be childish and cry, whine and name call in this thread about how people are a higher level then you and they ruin the game waa waa waa, then I will say You are the ones ruining the game, not everyone else.

Play how You like to play and enjoy the game and everyone else will play how they enjoy the game. If you don't like it, too bad. The world doesn't revolve around you.

Edited by Daphnie
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When is it that people started treating MMORPGs as being entirely about Endgame content? I think that is our first problem right there.


No, the first problem is you didn't read his post. He never said "entirely" end game content. He said it's supposed to have it. You added the "entirely" part.

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No, the first problem is you didn't read his post. He never said "entirely" end game content. He said it's supposed to have it. You added the "entirely" part.




However I was drawing a general conclusion, not a specific one from a single statement. His post very directly states that without Endgame content (and "massively things to do" - which I'm not 100% sure of the meaning of, but I'm guessing) there is no reason to continue resubscribing.


So while "entirely" may have been added by me, and slightly on a hyperbolic side, it contains a very real point.

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However I was drawing a general conclusion, not a specific one from a single statement. His post very directly states that without Endgame content (and "massively things to do" - which I'm not 100% sure of the meaning of, but I'm guessing) there is no reason to continue resubscribing.


So while "entirely" may have been added by me, and slightly on a hyperbolic side, it contains a very real point.


Since the beginning of the genre? MMORPGs have always been about progressing your character. Sure, there may be players here and there that prefer to roleplay and whatnot (which is fine), but the MMO genre has always been about endgame content. It began with EQ and I don't see changing anytime soon.

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