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Kylo Ren is Jacen Solo, grandson of Anakin Skywalker.


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Yep. He is also known as Darth Caedus and gets his ability to maniupulate the force from Leia. This is presumably why J.J. Abrams disavowed the Expanded Universe as canon, so as to be able to rip off the author of the Thrawn series that introduced the character Jacen Solo and to be better able to recycle rather than to create, as is his forte.



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Yep. He is also known as Darth Caedus and gets his ability to maniupulate the force from Leia. This is presumably why J.J. Abrams disavowed the Expanded Universe as canon, so as to be able to rip off the author of the Thrawn series that introduced the character Jacen Solo and to be better able to recycle rather than to create, as is his forte.




I was under the impression that it was Disney, not J.J. Abrams that disavowed the Expanded Universe, and anything other than the movies as canon.

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Yep. He is also known as Darth Caedus and gets his ability to maniupulate the force from Leia. This is presumably why J.J. Abrams disavowed the Expanded Universe as canon, so as to be able to rip off the author of the Thrawn series that introduced the character Jacen Solo and to be better able to recycle rather than to create, as is his forte.




That may very well be the case, but unless you are actually basing that on some type of evidence then for now it is just BS.

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Well Disney is the IP holder now so yeah it was Disney.


I was actually hoping for discussion of the topic, not pilpul about minutiae contained within my post.


when that minutiae implies your initial point is grounded in a lack of understanding of how and why the EU was being abolished overall its relevant. Disney tossed the EU because it gives them and the people they hire complete creative license to develop films and content for the time periods going forward. It also separates them from a body of work that is largely below the standard of polish disney has insisted on for many of its recent projects - the EU was a haven for low tier writers who build careers off of star wars IP, using lightsabers to mask bad character development and poor writing while also alleviating the need to do anything like world-build.

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For all those expecting Disney to come up with original new ideas and characters when they could just recycle old ideas and existing characters, I would say you are going to be sorely disappointed.


Look into the character of Jacen Solo. Look at what we know about Kylo Ren from the trailers and what we suspect: his familiarity with The Falcon, his obsession with the past and his connection to Anakin Skywalker, which we know because of the Vader mask.


They are the same character

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I believe Kylo and Rey are siblings, with Han and Leia as parents, and there is a strong rumor that Finn is related to Lando.


Though what has been published in EU has been made non-canon, Disney has stated that they very well may explore some of the ideas that came out of EU work.

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PS It's likely that Lucas would have rewritten or invalidated a lot of EU stuff had he made the next 3 episodes. He has a history of disregarding major EU themes with his newer movies. The movies are top priority in terms of canon, everything else flows from them.
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Jacen Solo no longer exists as far as the canon is concerned. He got nuked along with the rest of the EU.


I wouldn't be surprised if Kylo Ren turns out to be a relative of Luke or Leia however, even if he isn't the same character as Jacen Solo. There is some speculation at least that he might be one Han and Leia's children, or Luke's son. Either one might explain why the character has a fan crush on Vader rather than Palpatine. Vader being an ancestor, in that case.


On a side note, Kylo Ren being Luke's son might explain why Luke has gone MIA. He might be in a "I have failed" mental crisis at the start of the film, until the film's events pull him out of it.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Well Disney is the IP holder now so yeah it was Disney.


I was actually hoping for discussion of the topic, not pilpul about minutiae contained within my post.


Sorry mate,


BUT - I'm disappointed, I really hoped that you had a source of some kind to back up your bold claim in your post Heading.


The lack there off and on top of that your false statement on who does what to the Star Wars Canon/Lore just drag your credibility down below Zero.


I recommend you to watch these guys -do some google research then come back with a speculation we can't ignore ...

Edited by t-darko
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While I suspect Kylo is indeed Han's son, I'm a lot less convinced about Rey.

For a simple reason:

Rey Solo isn't as much of a selling name as Rey Skywalker would be.

A lot of that speculation about that comes from the MSW synopsis and please do note that the synopsis doesn't confirm IN ANY WAY that Rey is related to Han, simply that she is traumatized by what she learns. Period.

My own theory is that Rey is Luke's daughter.

Rey Skywalker.

Because if she is Han and Leia's daughter, then her name should be "Rey Solo" or "Rey Organa". Family names don't jump generations just "because".

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To all these people that are and have been so incredibly adamant about the old EU novels and comics being the basis for these new films...

...you are so setting yourselves up for disappointment.


Not at all - if you have anything that resembles an open mind - and - like fanfiction in general an

movies in particular then this gonna be a great movie . . .
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No, no, no, no, NO


Rey is not related to any previous character. Finn is not Lando's son. Kylo Ren is not Han's son. They are a new set of characters completely. Knowing JJ, this will be as much of a reboot of Star Wars as possible. This will be about a few random people across the galaxy suddenly realizing they have force abilities, and will thus be a "New Hope" for the galaxy (how the rebellion has not managed to defeat the Empire after all this time when they destroyed 2 Death Stars and killed the Emperor and Vader is beyond me.)


Just be grateful he is not going full Star Trek, and using time travel gobbledy-**** to dispense with 50 years of Star Wars movie canon--though I am sure that was on the table at some point.


Just imagine: Episode 7 starts with Kylo Ren taking a new time travel ship back in time to the opening scene of Episode IV and uses his ship to destroy Tatooine, Leia's ship, and the Star Destroyer chasing it. That would take care of Luke, Vader, Han, and Leia and leave him open to tell his own story.

Edited by gsummers
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No, no, no, no, NO


Rey is not related to any previous character. Finn is not Lando's son. Kylo Ren is not Han's son. They are a new set of characters completely. Knowing JJ, this will be as much of a reboot of Star Wars as possible. This will be about a few random people across the galaxy suddenly realizing they have force abilities, and will thus be a "New Hope" for the galaxy (how the rebellion has not managed to defeat the Empire after all this time when they destroyed 2 Death Stars and killed the Emperor and Vader is beyond me.)


Just be grateful he is not going full Star Trek, and using time travel gobbledy-**** to dispense with 50 years of Star Wars movie canon--though I am sure that was on the table at some point.


Just imagine: Episode 7 starts with Kylo Ren taking a new time travel ship back in time to the opening scene of Episode IV and uses his ship to destroy Tatooine, Leia's ship, and the Star Destroyer chasing it. That would take care of Luke, Vader, Han, and Leia and leave him open to tell his own story.


You started of making perfect sense, then you went on with that Obi wa .... J.J. Abrams jibberisch. Abrams were never a Trekie “I’ve always been much more of a Star Wars guy than a Star Trek guy,” . For JJ, Lucas is The Father(the Son being Spielberg) and the holy Ghost is Star Wars.


Star Wars did outgrow its creator, the Fans made Star Wars theirs and among those fans were JJ Abrams, he know that he can only Fail, but I bet you; he will do it in Style

Edited by t-darko
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No, no, no, no, NO


Rey is not related to any previous character. Finn is not Lando's son. Kylo Ren is not Han's son. They are a new set of characters completely. Knowing JJ, this will be as much of a reboot of Star Wars as possible. This will be about a few random people across the galaxy suddenly realizing they have force abilities, and will thus be a "New Hope" for the galaxy (how the rebellion has not managed to defeat the Empire after all this time when they destroyed 2 Death Stars and killed the Emperor and Vader is beyond me.)


Just be grateful he is not going full Star Trek, and using time travel gobbledy-**** to dispense with 50 years of Star Wars movie canon--though I am sure that was on the table at some point.


Just imagine: Episode 7 starts with Kylo Ren taking a new time travel ship back in time to the opening scene of Episode IV and uses his ship to destroy Tatooine, Leia's ship, and the Star Destroyer chasing it. That would take care of Luke, Vader, Han, and Leia and leave him open to tell his own story.



you're completely wrong on that on so many levels.

. Star Wars however has always had a more unified feel to it. it's what writers and fans alike want. the star wars story is very much the story of the Skywalkers. given the "seen your eyes" bit I think it's a safe bet that we'll see a new generation. with that in mind I also expect to see new unrelated characters. or ones related to people who previously had been at best minor characters. So Finn being related to Lando somehow is an intreasting idea but I doubt it.


JJ Rebooted Star Trek because the opinion among the writers was that the large amount of background material was bogging the writing down. Not saying I agree with this myself, (what was brogging trek down IMHO was writers who saw trek as just a weekly episodic tv series, and fans who wanted something more) no one wants to reboot SW, now I do think we're gonna see them inching away from the prequal trilogy and focusing a little too heavily on the OT.


Honestly my greatest fear isn't a reboot. my greatest fear is the problem Superman Returns had, where they spent so long playing homage, they forgot to slide a decent movie in there. that's my biggest fear for TFA. that it WON'T stand on it's own sufficantly.

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No, no, no, no, NO


Rey is not related to any previous character. Finn is not Lando's son. Kylo Ren is not Han's son. They are a new set of characters completely. Knowing JJ, this will be as much of a reboot of Star Wars as possible. This will be about a few random people across the galaxy suddenly realizing they have force abilities, and will thus be a "New Hope" for the galaxy (how the rebellion has not managed to defeat the Empire after all this time when they destroyed 2 Death Stars and killed the Emperor and Vader is beyond me.)


Just be grateful he is not going full Star Trek, and using time travel gobbledy-**** to dispense with 50 years of Star Wars movie canon--though I am sure that was on the table at some point.


Just imagine: Episode 7 starts with Kylo Ren taking a new time travel ship back in time to the opening scene of Episode IV and uses his ship to destroy Tatooine, Leia's ship, and the Star Destroyer chasing it. That would take care of Luke, Vader, Han, and Leia and leave him open to tell his own story.


Yeah J.J Is Not Exactly A Good Sci-fi Director In My Opinion,I Fear For Star Wars...

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when that minutiae implies your initial point is grounded in a lack of understanding of how and why the EU was being abolished overall its relevant. Disney tossed the EU because it gives them and the people they hire complete creative license to develop films and content for the time periods going forward. It also separates them from a body of work that is largely below the standard of polish disney has insisted on for many of its recent projects - the EU was a haven for low tier writers who build careers off of star wars IP, using lightsabers to mask bad character development and poor writing while also alleviating the need to do anything like world-build.


The thrawn Trilogy and Shadows of the Empire, are really the only books that respect the OT. They very well could have fit in the canon lore.


Everything else, was pretty meh. Especially, The Black Fleet Crisis. Thank god George Lucas did the prequels and killed that mess. However, it also killed I, Jedi...which was a good novel as well

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