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Can we please just get rid of unranked arena's already


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Least path of resistance for Bioware is to get rid of unranked Arenas.


Fixing the match making system is beyond the in house development skills of Bioware and therefore the above option is the most likely out come.


Ahh Im wrong, doing nothing is the least path of resistance.


Nothing will come of this :-(

Edited by FrogSkin
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We need to get rid of arenas altogether. It's not like ranked arenas are much better.


Ideally, I'd take arenas out of the general queue and move them to their own queue. Teams only since they can control what classes they play. Swap out arenas for objective matches in the solo queue; it's a better fit since individual performances are a bigger contributor to success in objective matches.

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This is game have been made into a story game with some MMO features. By saying its a PVE game your implying thats the main focus. Yet there are no new operations or even NIM versions of the latest ops out. And your saying you are being forced to do PVP.... you are the one who q for it and you can even decline the pop or leave the match. Bio does not force you to do it you yourself are forcing you to do it for the reward at the end. Enough said.
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I love when pvers complain about pvpers, and claim that a game is a "pve game", when clearly they are wrong.




Yorioko, you need to calm down, before you have an aneurysm, or a stroke.


It sounds like he already did....


But seriously, would it make anyone happier if we could choose the arena we played? Just a thought....

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It sounds like he already did....


But seriously, would it make anyone happier if we could choose the arena we played? Just a thought....


Hmmmmm Worth considering.........

Could arenas be made similar to FPs, so you can que for THAT arena only or those only, much like the selections in the GF.


Interesting thought indeed.......;)

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Better Arena than that deplorable Huttball.

That is still the absolute worst warzone I have ever played in an mmo.


huttball is actually surprisingly well designed and greatly rewards teamwork and players who use their brains rather than pick a target and go berserk

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