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Best Server for GSF?


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Harbinger is definitely the most active, followed by Jedi Covenant. Jedi Cov will have matches going consistently from 11 AM to 12 AM US EST (sometimes earlier and later) about 90% of the time, with the occasional slow day.


Harb on a slow day is like a usual day on Jedi Cov. Harb had 5 second pops sometimes. It's ridiculous.

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If you have your last match at midnight, you know perfectly well that your server is not a good choice for late night GSF. Why did you suggest it?


Edit: And by the way, I'm not sure JC is the second most active. Shadowlands comes close, and TEH is right up there as well. We also apparently have matches later than you guys do, with our last coming sometime between 1 - 3 AM. Harbinger is still better (probably more active than all three of those combined), and the only server I would suggest to someone who is looking to play late.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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If you have your last match at midnight, you know perfectly well that your server is not a good choice for late night GSF. Why did you suggest it?


Edit: And by the way, I'm not sure JC is the second most active. Shadowlands comes close, and TEH is right up there as well. We also apparently have matches later than you guys do, with our last coming sometime between 1 - 3 AM. Harbinger is still better (probably more active than all three of those combined), and the only server I would suggest to someone who is looking to play late.


lolwut? He said:


Harbinger is definitely the most active, followed by Jedi Covenant.


He didn't suggest it as a great late-night choice for GSF. It isn't, I don't think anyone can make that argument for a server other than Harb.


I do agree with Flav that JC is probably 2nd in terms of overall activity. I have played a bit on SL, and less frequently on TEH (one game with you, actually, about a week ago) and in general I've had a lot of trouble getting late-night pops on both. Small sample size though, perhaps I'm visiting at particularly bad times.

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On Jedi Cov the matches usually run past midnight, often till 1-2 AM, it just slows down a good bit. Largely cause people go over to Harb lol.


Jedi cov is always slow from 2 AM to like 10 AM EST, that much I can 100% guarentee. You might get a pop, but the wait time is like 1 hour.


Jedi Cov used to be the second largest server, I think Shadowlands has passed it now since the update. But GSF is still more active on Jedi Cov than SL or TEH as far as I know. Jedi Cov is still in the top 4 though population-wise.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Gavin, Harbinger is the most active gsf server. The sides there are pretty even so you can start either faction and can probably have good games. If you do roll up there, make sure to /cjoin gsf and look for a group. If I'm on, able to fly and have room, I'll group with you or anybody else.

You mention you fly late at night US time, the pops on Harb will sometimes "slow" down around 3am cst, but even then a wait is maybe 20 mins between pops. One match ends and another begins soon after.

Best of luck.

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He didn't suggest it as a great late-night choice for GSF. It isn't, I don't think anyone can make that argument for a server other than Harb.


He mentioned it when there was quite literally no reason to mention it other than trying to suggest it. I took that as a suggestion, and one that is incorrect.

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He mentioned it when there was quite literally no reason to mention it other than trying to suggest it. I took that as a suggestion, and one that is incorrect.


*Asks for information* - Proceeds to be a dick after getting said info.


Apparently comprehension is difficult for some people - poster indicated harbinger and then offered another server in comparison to give you an idea of the difference but instead you felt it necessary to give off some attitude for someone trying to be helpful.


Even harbinger has slow times but it's likely the most consistent, though based on your attitude in the forums I'd get the impression you're even worse to the potential new pilots trying it out, so I'd rather you'd go elsewhere.

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Well it sure isn't Bastion -- apparently the GSF population died there while I was gone.


OMG a wild Kalphitis appears! Hey man!


Sadly yes many of the small/medium servers went the way of the dodo when the cheap server transfers came out. I've been playing on Harbinger mostly and it's been really good.

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*Asks for information* - Proceeds to be a dick after getting said info.


Apparently comprehension is difficult for some people - poster indicated harbinger and then offered another server in comparison to give you an idea of the difference but instead you felt it necessary to give off some attitude for someone trying to be helpful.


Even harbinger has slow times but it's likely the most consistent, though based on your attitude in the forums I'd get the impression you're even worse to the potential new pilots trying it out, so I'd rather you'd go elsewhere.


Yep, that's me. I hate all new players and definitely never help them.


I already play there. See you around, I hope.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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There are a few decent servers still out there, but IMO everyone should be playing on Harbinger. Nearly instant pops and definitely the highest skilled pilots. Mind you, most of those pilots transferred from Shadowlands/Bastion/Pot5/JC/Jung Ma/etc.


While true a lot of pilots have transferred to the Harby including myself (I transferred from the JC way back tho in Oct. of 2013 I think...) most of the original Harby "Aces" no longer fly there as they have moved on to other games like star conflict etc. The skill level on Harby when I transferred was way higher than the JC had at that time. I miss a lot of the old fellow fliers that no longer play. If you doubt what I say just ask the Red Eclipse guys what happened to them when only 4 former Harby fliers made toons on that server and threw it into disarray hehe.


Back on topic the Harby has always had great pops due to the APAC guys logging in when NA went to bed. That's why I transferred from the JC way back when. Cus working night shift and coming home in the morning the JC was dead and Harby was popping. That's just my two cents. ;)

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Just because Harb pops fast, has a big population, and has skilled pilots doesn't mean everyone should transfer there.


And there's plenty of people who play on Harb who prefer Jedi Cov, or SL, or Ebon Hawk. We have friends and guilds and communities built that we won't leave just for faster pops and skilled players.


Also "Eudoxia" is taken on Harb.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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He mentioned it when there was quite literally no reason to mention it other than trying to suggest it. I took that as a suggestion, and one that is incorrect.


Yep, that's me. I hate all new players and definitely never help them.


I already play there. See you around, I hope.


The problem with forum threads is the people that could benefit the most from reading them are the least likely to. Not that your contribution isn't appreciated, just putting it into perspective.

More Importantly I got a nasty sense of elitism out of those snarky replies that weren't even to me, ala my answer is the right one and you are just wrong for even mentioning anything else.


If anything, I felt you making such a fuss over it was pretty silly - much ado about nothing. We're hurting for pilots as is, its not a good sign when the elitism trickles over into something as someone just bringing up potential server choices.


If you're in game is Zyrieas you've already seen me plenty - with the xpac release I've been running the alts mostly to earn req and cq. And if I remember correctly you typically fly a quarrel so me primarily be a scout pilot it's just second nature for us to be shooting at each other when on opposing sides.

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Gotta get something off my chest.


When I read Sriia's posts around here or in game, I don't see elitism or an attempt to put anyone down, instead, I see someone who has been around the block, knows how the game and builds work, and tries her best to help out those that may be straying down a path to frustration. She is always someone that I see discussing builds with people whenever they ask questions, and more often than not, people do not thank her for the tips, but try to argue with her. I believe that she responds the way she does is partially because she is a direct kind of individual, but also because she is tired of having the same discussions over and over again. Almost everything she says, the vast majority of the community agrees with, and while we are not always 100% correct, 100% of the time, we still have the experience to know that testing out a weird build or strategy as your first ship can often lead to ineffective play, frustration, and eventual burnout. She also realizes the difference between what works in casual play (almost everything) and competitive play(hardly anything), and that just because something works in casual, lopsided premade vs pug matchups doesn't make it a viable build when the heat turns up. (We actually fell for this one time, and began, for a few hours, to think that the sledgehammer may have a place in the meta. That is, until a competitive team showed us otherwise within the first minute of the match. This is why we would never suggest putting precious early req into the sledgehammer)


All I am saying is that I don't believe she is being elitist at all, because she is doing her best to help people out whenever she can with the information she has accumulated, which is something all of us should strive to do. The truly elitist ones are the ones who do not listen to the community, complain about ship types for everyone to hear, or exclusively switching to the dominant faction while never helping out anybody new. Just because the information isn't sugar-coated doesn't mean it isn't genuine and helpful.

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Gotta get something off my chest.


When I read Sriia's posts around here or in game, I don't see elitism or an attempt to put anyone down, instead, I see someone who has been around the block, knows how the game and builds work, and tries her best to help out those that may be straying down a path to frustration. She is always someone that I see discussing builds with people whenever they ask questions, and more often than not, people do not thank her for the tips, but try to argue with her. I believe that she responds the way she does is partially because she is a direct kind of individual, but also because she is tired of having the same discussions over and over again. Almost everything she says, the vast majority of the community agrees with, and while we are not always 100% correct, 100% of the time, we still have the experience to know that testing out a weird build or strategy as your first ship can often lead to ineffective play, frustration, and eventual burnout. She also realizes the difference between what works in casual play (almost everything) and competitive play(hardly anything), and that just because something works in casual, lopsided premade vs pug matchups doesn't make it a viable build when the heat turns up. (We actually fell for this one time, and began, for a few hours, to think that the sledgehammer may have a place in the meta. That is, until a competitive team showed us otherwise within the first minute of the match. This is why we would never suggest putting precious early req into the sledgehammer)


All I am saying is that I don't believe she is being elitist at all, because she is doing her best to help people out whenever she can with the information she has accumulated, which is something all of us should strive to do. The truly elitist ones are the ones who do not listen to the community, complain about ship types for everyone to hear, or exclusively switching to the dominant faction while never helping out anybody new. Just because the information isn't sugar-coated doesn't mean it isn't genuine and helpful.


^^^^^^^ this so much this! After awhile you just get tired of all the BS going around you get a little numb about it. :confused:

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OMG a wild Kalphitis appears! Hey man!


Sadly yes many of the small/medium servers went the way of the dodo when the cheap server transfers came out. I've been playing on Harbinger mostly and it's been really good.


Hey Hey


Yeah, sounds like I need to dust off my Harbinger character and head on over there

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Harbinger is definitely the most active, followed by Jedi Covenant. Jedi Cov will have matches going consistently from 11 AM to 12 AM US EST (sometimes earlier and later) about 90% of the time, with the occasional slow day.


Harb on a slow day is like a usual day on Jedi Cov. Harb had 5 second pops sometimes. It's ridiculous.


I'm just going to point out that someone asked which server has good late night pops and I posted what I knew.


BTW, Late night I consider to be after 10PM. After 1 AM is "Why the hell are you awake?"


~ Eudoxia


If you have your last match at midnight, you know perfectly well that your server is not a good choice for late night GSF. Why did you suggest it?


Edit: And by the way, I'm not sure JC is the second most active. Shadowlands comes close, and TEH is right up there as well. We also apparently have matches later than you guys do, with our last coming sometime between 1 - 3 AM. Harbinger is still better (probably more active than all three of those combined), and the only server I would suggest to someone who is looking to play late.


Ignoring who said what and just focusing on the content of the post - someone's a little to eager to say someone's providing misinformation.


And I do get it, I haven't been flying as long as a lot of you and I'm already a bit jaded. I was just trying to point out that it can come out without us noticing. But let's be real, we all have our own elitist tendencies.


When I see a bunch of srw against random new pilots, I don't expect them to split up and even out teams for next match.


When I see drak and co, I don't expect him and his crew to split up and create even teams.


And as unfair as that makes it for the opposing team, stacking the deck in your favor is pretty standard practice in any pvp, after all the idea is to win.


No one here is a saint no matter how much they contribute to the community. We can all have attitudes from time to time and we all have our own egos whether we admit to it or not.


It's just a lil silly when it comes out because someone mentioned another server.

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