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Heroic 2+ For the record


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I just picked this quest up in Odessan as a weekly quest for Dr Ogg rep. I keep dying on the gas room. I have been able to solo everyone of these quests... some harder than others... some by a significant degree. But they are all doable. This quest seems impossible. Is it just one of those deals you have to have a buddy with you to do it?





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Doable with a healing companion on a sorc / sage, though just barely.


Its just another one of those asinine mechanics like the gates on the H4 in Section X that exist for no other reason than to force grouping.


Also annoying about that particular Heroic is if you die to the gas, the instance resets and you get to kill all the trash again.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Is this the one on Makeb? If so, you'll have to have a partner unless you have ridiculous self-heal and sacrifice. The gas does too much damage to reach all four buttons, and there are more evil rooms to conquer after that.
^^^^Yep this right here ^^^^
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Doable with a healing companion on a sorc / sage, though just barely.


Its just another one of those asinine mechanics like the gates on the H4 in Section X that exist for no other reason than to force grouping.


Also annoying about that particular Heroic is if you die to the gas, the instance resets and you get to kill all the trash again.


If they want people to be able to solo it, they may need to re-tune the gas mechanic (like, make it only stack once) or something to make it a little more solo-friendly.


And, the SX H4 doesn't have any 4m mechanics, but the mobs will probably require two players on most characters; because it's attached to a weekly though, I think they should re-tune that to an H2+.

Edited by sentientomega
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I can usually manage to get it by blowing heroic moment + unity before I activate the gas +healing companion, but just barely, I've died just as I finished the last panel more than once, I'd recommend bringing a partner if you don't want to get too frustrated.
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I kind of assumed that when they were going back and re-doing all the heroics so they can be solo'ed they would fix this one too - but no, still as difficult and awkward.

It's thus far the only heroic left on the terminal for me at the end of the week, just not worth the hassle.

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I spent two hours trying to figure out how to solo this one evening a long while back on my juggernaut. Couldn't do it.


Tried again recently on my sorcerer... Just barely did it, but still died a half dish times getting it just right.


It's a brutal thing to solo. Not very soloable at all.


That's fine. Not everything has to be.

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its doable for sure 50% chance of success or failure. i dont even use any boosters to get me around, its just about working on a well worked out pattern down to the second and not dawdling if it can be helped. you can make it with a healer comp if you got the pattern worked out exactly.
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The only purpose of this heroic is to get you spend 10 minutes LFG in general while seeing the same idiots rezzing over and over in front of the entrance. Like... read the chat and group up, seriously!


Totally agree, for that mission anyway; you'd think they'd LFG too, but I know that until BW:A changes the mechanic on it, or whatever, I'll be LFGing for it.


Know the names for both the Imp and Rep versions, if both sides have it?

Edited by sentientomega
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I solo it all the time, though when i first did it i kept dying alot on the last one to disarm. Make sure you stand as close to the first gas trap thats next to the console and then run across to the close 2nd one, then use rocket boost to get to the far side and hopefully youll get it at the last sec. My tank makes it out of the room after doing all 4 traps, but only cause now i have a rank 40 healing companion, before that i would die after getting the last trap done. As long as you got the last trap done when you die, your not booted from the zone and wont have to restart. Still a pita to do, especially if you get stuck on a chair as your running around the room.
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I made a video on this back when they were going to remove the Makeb heroics and people kept saying it was impossible to solo.



My method revolves around using the "Sacrifice" Legacy ability on the last possible second and that should give enough time to click the last console. I have also heard that you can use skills like phasewalk to move quickly enough.


If your class can't self heal, player made health kits with a HoT component are not hard to make/buy. But I don't think is that necessary to have. Also I imagine things should be easier now with healing companions being so OP.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm virtually certain there's also a time limit on this room that kills you regardless of health, because I've frequently gone from anywhere between one third and two thirds health straight to dead. When I turned on Unity and Heroic Moment and set my companion to healing and focused on nothing but speed rather than staying alive, that was when I could complete it.
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Is this the one on Makeb? If so, you'll have to have a partner unless you have ridiculous self-heal and sacrifice. The gas does too much damage to reach all four buttons, and there are more evil rooms to conquer after that.

The other rooms are pathetically easy if you just pay attention to your surroundings. But yes, the gas room is one in which you'll need a friend unless you're very, very lucky. Even if you have good self-heals, a healing companion, and Sarcrifice available.

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