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WHY do BIG speeders/mounts seem to move SLOW, while smaller ones seem FAST/NORMAL?


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WHY do BIG speeders/mounts seem to move SLOW, while smaller ones seem FAST/NORMAL?

WHY do the bigger speeders move VERY SLOW, compared to the smaller speeders which seem to move at a regular or faster speed or good pace?


I have noticed a BIG difference (and it may be just a bug or a graphics engine limitation, as i am not sure) between the SMALLER mounts and vehicles, and the BIG / LONG / HUGE sized mounts or vehicles.... The smaller ones do seem to move A LOT faster / have MUCH more speed. Whereas the big ones (like the KOTOR-styled one we just got with KOTFE) seem to all ride MUCH SLOWER.


i wonder why that is???

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They move at the same speeds. It just seems slower on larger mounts, like walkers, rancors, etc. than on smaller mounts. It's basically perspective.


What this guy said. If an extremely tall person who has longer legs walks at the same speed as a shorter person, the shorter person will have to have more strides even for the same speed.

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I have noticed my Walker mount walks up ramps much slower than any regular mount.

This is noticeable on all ramps, but it was particularly noticeable during Bounty Contract week.

While doing the Nar Shaddaa bounties and you have to continuously go up and down the ramps between the client and the cantina and taxi point, what have you, the walker is much slower to climb those ramps than a regular-sized speeder.

I found if you walk up the ramp on an angle, almost zig zag your way up, the walker mount moves a bit faster, but if you go straight up the ramp, it feels like you're driving an armoured snail.

Try it for yourself…. or is it just me?

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