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Yoda's Species Please. And Pod Racer


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Dear Suggestion Box,


Al right, al right, alright..... I know you had a tons of topic about this idea, and many of the forum karate kids said not going to happen. BUT! It could, be and should be.


I have done like 8 years reasearching about this Species, it was always a death end.

But thanx the time and for those in the team of Lucas, they had several confrimations.

Yet the species is "unknown" but lets say this is not true. Al ot of wiki searches confirmed only 2 sources withc is close to Yoda's race. The first confrimation is believe it or not Yoda's Species. The second one is the Lannik Species, they look the same, except they skin colour, hands, and foots and ofc hair stlyes. sience the whole galactick had it's own "yoda species" characters, like : Minch, Oteg, Yandar Tokare, Yaddle and Yoda. So thiese characters were, Individiuals. Oh and found their Collectors name: Sentient withc is a good point to clear and avaoid any Sue issues from mr. Lucas. So we have 3 Sourced name withc could use as a specie name for Yoda's race.: Lannik, Yoda's Race, And Sentient. if you do your home work on wiki, the site mention it they are trongly connceted with the force, and many of them call them Sentient witch is strongly true for his species. And the last source is: The secret of the Ancient Order of the Whills. hmm why not they are extreanly strong and connceted with the force too. See clone wars last season.


How to add the game? Well the code name of its species is given in manyways.

The character Design is not that hard. OFC that means they can't wear gloves, boots, and head gears to. Saceling down the model isn't hard eithr. Referency is in the game (Master Oteg). for the feamle character you can use referancies from Yaddle( she was the one feamel character(what we knew about their race) Saceling the armours are both not hard to do it, to looks like them just like in the film. The only problem could be is the cost of the voice actors. (but im sure you can handel that too, just as oyu did with master Oteg). I would gladly Play for this species even 10k CC to allow me to play as him. Or more.


The Second Idea is: the Pod Race.


I heard, or read you said that you devs couldn't abel to emmulate the pods crushings, when the players hitt eachothers on the racetrak. Buuut probably with a new Engine it could be done(ye ye ye, dont came to like this: this engine is fine and we are not going to replace it nor even update it) Times Change friends, there is a lot of missing core elements, characters, species, sports, competitions, (like i mentioned tfor example the pod race)should be done. Wich is makes this game MUUUCH more Epic. ( ye its already epic now too, but with these ideas you gonna rule the mmo's world.) And it would be nice to have more inventory spaces, and Cargobay spaces


I wishes you the best day, and hope we can see these features very soon in game :)





PS: Trollers and negative feedbackers don'r even read this topic. It is for the devs, and for those whom agreed with my litle suggestions, and ideas to improove this game to an inter galaktical way. the sky is the limit. :)

Oh and Sorry about my dreadful grammar :S


Public forum so i'm posting :p....8 years of research and you can't figure out Sentient isn't a species name, it's a designation meaning they are able to feel and perceive things...humans are Sentient. It's dead end, not death end, also it's Vandar not Yandar. The Lannik species is actually a separate species as they are more humanoid in appearance. Yoda and others being members of the Whills species is only fan speculation at best. None of this took 8 years of research, it took 5 minutes on the internet.


Pod racing has been ruled out many times by the devs themselves due to the limitations of the game engine.


Luke's proposed name in Star Wars was not Mark...it was Annikin Starkiller, which then became Justin Valor in the first draft, Annikin reappered during the third draft and was changed in the 4th draft to Luke, I think you're confusing him with Mark Hamill. It wasn't until the actual filming of Star Wars began that Lucas changed the last name to Skywalker from Starkiller.

Edited by tjmck
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I seem to remember that SW licencees have always been actively forbidden to explore&include information about Yoda's species, and that Master Tokare in KOTOR and Master Oteg in SWTOR only were allowed after a special authorisation from Lucasfilm.

And in my personal opinion, that's just fine, keeps the mystery :)


As for podracing, I think the speeder missions on Ziost pretty much showcased that the engine can't handle it.

Edited by wolfyde
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I seem to remember that SW licencees have always been actively forbidden to explore&include information about Yoda's species, and that Master Tokare in KOTOR and Master Oteg in SWTOR only were allowed after a special authorisation from Lucasfilm.

And in my personal opinion, that's just fine, keeps the mystery :)


As for podracing, I think the speeder missions on Ziost pretty much showcased that the engine can't handle it.


There are two missions on Ziost involving speeders which do you mean?


The first is on post destruction Ziost and had the Walkhar speeder that goes insanely fast in spurts but it is in a very small and controlled area and the other mission is on post destruction Ziost and you are not controlling the speeder on the mission it's going from point A to point B to point C on it's own.


They could do it but it wouldn't be anything like the pod racing in the movies and the KOTOR game didn't have pod racing it was swoop bikes.

Edited by Anaesha
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There are two missions on Ziost involving speeders which do you mean?


The first is on post destruction Ziost and had the Walkhar speeder that goes insanely fast in spurts but it is in a very small and controlled area and the other mission is on post destruction Ziost and you are not controlling the speeder on the mission it's going from point A to point B to point C on it's own.


The Post-Ziost one is not automatic. I mean, yes, you have to follow a path; but you are in full control of it.


Unless you meant something else?

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Just one time. Why is so hard to be a supportive in this idea, tehcnicaly this idea isn't imposibel to make it happen. Yet, most of you just do what done already in other topic says nothing more than no, and not gonna happen, and ect. with this attitude im not surprised there isn't any constructive ideas or principles whitch cose nothing changes in this game, and most interesting thing, none of you have been said anything about the pod race, just nonsense point of views about Yoda's species. oh btw you dont have to you'll probably will do the same, witch means you guys are realy dont have any immagination, and seems even with my bad grammar, you can't say more then no, witch is means your expressiveness is way lower than my faild grammar. (don't take it personaly if you are not one of them) Im not trying to convice the palyer base. They are hopeless anyway. why? because most of them is just QQ about the game and can't even have constructive ideas how to improove this game furthure more, they just sit on their asses and whining. I came here with a constructive idea, not for whining. Huge Differency. Yet you can't do anything just judge me, and making joke about my grammar, Sorry English is not my native languge, and i am not feel a shamed of it if i cannot use it in the correct poetrical grammatical way. For those i say **** your self, my language is the third hardest language in the world try to learn that and after that try to learn engilsh it is way harder then you can think.


Yea think about this topic what you want. I made this for a reason, who cares if no one knows Yoda's species true name? i Don't. Referencies told hes race name could be covered by those concepts what i have been listed. To be honest i don't need support from those peopel whom cannot see trhough theri nose.

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Just one time. Why is so hard to be a supportive in this idea, tehcnicaly this idea isn't imposibel to make it happen. Yet, most of you just do what done already in other topic says nothing more than no, and not gonna happen, and ect. with this attitude im not surprised there isn't any constructive ideas or principles whitch cose nothing changes in this game, and most interesting thing, none of you have been said anything about the pod race, just nonsense point of views about Yoda's species. oh btw you dont have to you'll probably will do the same, witch means you guys are realy dont have any immagination, and seems even with my bad grammar, you can't say more then no, witch is means your expressiveness is way lower than my faild grammar. (don't take it personaly if you are not one of them) Im not trying to convice the palyer base. They are hopeless anyway. why? because most of them is just QQ about the game and can't even have constructive ideas how to improove this game furthure more, they just sit on their asses and whining. I came here with a constructive idea, not for whining. Huge Differency. Yet you can't do anything just judge me, and making joke about my grammar, Sorry English is not my native languge, and i am not feel a shamed of it if i cannot use it in the correct poetrical grammatical way. For those i say **** your self, my language is the third hardest language in the world try to learn that and after that try to learn engilsh it is way harder then you can think.


Yea think about this topic what you want. I made this for a reason, who cares if no one knows Yoda's species true name? i Don't. Referencies told hes race name could be covered by those concepts what i have been listed. To be honest i don't need support from those peopel whom cannot see trhough theri nose.


You know - you put a subject up for discussion.

The general consensus was either "no" or "it'll never happen".

You get stroppy.

There is no point at all posting anything if you aren't prepared for people not agreeing with you.

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You know - you put a subject up for discussion.

The general consensus was either "no" or "it'll never happen".

You get stroppy.

There is no point at all posting anything if you aren't prepared for people not agreeing with you.


I don't care if they don't agree with me. they are pointless, and meaningless, it is not about the negativity, it is about they short viewing.

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I don't care if they don't agree with me. they are pointless, and meaningless, it is not about the negativity, it is about they short viewing.

That's pretty arrogant, you know. "People who disagree with me are pointless, and meaningless." As if you are a fountain of ultimate knowledge and infinite wisdom, when in fact you can't manage a coherent argument without launching ad hominem attacks before anyone has even had a chance to respond.


Alternatively, We Have Been Trolled, and his score is already up to four pages.

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Just one time. Why is so hard to be a supportive in this idea, tehcnicaly this idea isn't imposibel to make it happen. Yet, most of you just do what done already in other topic says nothing more than no, and not gonna happen, and ect. with this attitude im not surprised there isn't any constructive ideas or principles whitch cose nothing changes in this game, and most interesting thing, none of you have been said anything about the pod race, just nonsense point of views about Yoda's species. oh btw you dont have to you'll probably will do the same, witch means you guys are realy dont have any immagination, and seems even with my bad grammar, you can't say more then no, witch is means your expressiveness is way lower than my faild grammar. (don't take it personaly if you are not one of them) Im not trying to convice the palyer base. They are hopeless anyway. why? because most of them is just QQ about the game and can't even have constructive ideas how to improove this game furthure more, they just sit on their asses and whining. I came here with a constructive idea, not for whining. Huge Differency. Yet you can't do anything just judge me, and making joke about my grammar, Sorry English is not my native languge, and i am not feel a shamed of it if i cannot use it in the correct poetrical grammatical way. For those i say **** your self, my language is the third hardest language in the world try to learn that and after that try to learn engilsh it is way harder then you can think.


Yea think about this topic what you want. I made this for a reason, who cares if no one knows Yoda's species true name? i Don't. Referencies told hes race name could be covered by those concepts what i have been listed. To be honest i don't need support from those peopel whom cannot see trhough theri nose.


First If you'd actually read through the replies to your original post then you'd see that there were actual reason's given as to why this won't happen, not just generic "No's", also you were the one posting about his species name so that meant in some way you cared about it.


Second, there also reasons given as to why pod racing cannot work in this game, mainly due to the limitations of the game engine, this has been explained by dev's already.


You're now the one whining about how nobody supports your idea of making Yoda's species a playable race. And then you go ahead and insult pretty much the entire player base by calling them hopeless. If you want a constructive discussion on a topic, then don't turn around and tell people 'F' you for not supporting you and they have no imagination. You're really not winning over anyone with that kind of attitude my friend.

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how do you know that hm? are you a programer, a developer, a coder and a designer?

I don't think so. and it is fits, if it wouldnt master Oteg wouldn't been in the game. so what you say is nothing more tan filled with negativity, and you only see what makes you comf. Than one question if the togrutas wich was only was avalivabel as a companion in imp side how itnreseting isn't it you can now actualy be one of them as a species. so what you said dosent have a point, nor even a sense. It is posible to add Yoda's race. they did the same with the Togrutas why it is imposible to not add others hm? because you think it's impoisble? Your arguments are week, and dosen't even have the point. Those who came up here with this kind of arguments like you did they are just narrow-minded. and i feel sory for them...oh wait no they deserv to be like that. And i am a fool and naive? awww you guys sometimes have to look inside the mirror and try to do some self knwoledge exercise. Because this is pity, dull, arrogant, ignorant, low, week, because you cannot say more than just no, no, no oh and no. This Mentality is those cross to bear, who hase closed mind, and can't even think about else, then: omg this is stupid, this is not going, to happen, and so on. (do not take it perosnaly, i just reflect what i have experiance in these forums) And you know because of these weeklings, therefore it takes in the game in this way. Stunned, Nothing new, whiners about the companions to nerf them, whiners about the pvp cos they cant play with their characters. And i can continue to read the *****es down for the swamp. all i just wanted to add some awesome blood fresh to the game, but it seems you'd rather like to play this game in the current station. Blinkered Idiots.


Your complete attitude is rude to say at least. What here is hard to understand for you? The fact that Yoda is iconic character and that it would be retarded having 50000 people running it, is pretty much on the same level of stupidity as allowing people to have Skywalker, Kenobi, Windu or any other iconic legacy name.

If you know how ingame skeletons and rigged bodies work, you would understand the issues with all visible attachments that comes to the specific body type or skeleton. You cannot simply scale it down and make it look nice. Current 4 body types already have issues with clipping and what not, and they are different by 10-15% maybe, now imagine introducing another body type and skeleton for it that will be 60+% smaller than smallest body type currently in game. Literally every item in game would need to be re-designed to fit that body type, thus it will never happen due to the time required in game itself for that kind of change.

As of pod races, I doubt it will happen again due to technical issues. Do you know why your mounts run only at 110% of the regular speed? Because the engine cannot handle faster than that. Or at least not at the pod racer speed.

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As of pod races, I doubt it will happen again due to technical issues. Do you know why your mounts run only at 110% of the regular speed? Because the engine cannot handle faster than that. Or at least not at the pod racer speed.

The Ziost hotrod casts doubt on that assertion. Of course, it's marginally controllable, and it can jump huge distances.


And there's a hint of a possible reason for the restriction: in various places in the game, there are narrow gaps that are (deliberately) just barely too wide to jump over, even with a full-speed mount. Something that is as fast as the Ziost hotrod would enable people to jump over those gaps.

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I want a billion credits,


Please only respond if you 1000% agree and you should also be given a billion credits. Anyone who disagrees is short sighted with meaningless opinions and no imagination. It is an obviously simple request and straightforward, anyone disagreeing isn't worth listening too and just trolling.


see I can do it too. doesn't mean its correct.


I've proven in other threads before it got deleted :( that just because you make a request/suggestion, does not automatically make that suggestion good. Nor does it make everyone who disagrees with it, stupid, trolling, or unimaginative. Very often, the suggestion itself is bad.


tl;dr bad suggestions are bad, people who disagree with suggestions disagree.

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I want a billion credits,


Please only respond if you 1000% agree and you should also be given a billion credits. Anyone who disagrees is short sighted with meaningless opinions and no imagination. It is an obviously simple request and straightforward, anyone disagreeing isn't worth listening too and just trolling.


see I can do it too. doesn't mean its correct.


I've proven in other threads before it got deleted :( that just because you make a request/suggestion, does not automatically make that suggestion good. Nor does it make everyone who disagrees with it, stupid, trolling, or unimaginative. Very often, the suggestion itself is bad.


tl;dr bad suggestions are bad, people who disagree with suggestions disagree.


I want a billion Credits as well. but will settle for 500 million. :D:p;)

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Why is so hard to be a supportive in this idea


Because it's a bad idea. Just because you have an idea doesn't make it a good one.


tehcnicaly this idea isn't imposibel to make it happen.


Technically not impossible means nothing... they could could put Azeroth in as a planet and let us all transfer our characters to WoW, doing so isn't technically impossible. That doesn't mean it's feasible or a good idea.


There are a number of very good and valid reasons not to make Yoda's race a choice.


witch means you guys are realy dont have any immagination


First off, being insulting doesn't help you in the least. Second off, it's not a lack of imagination that's the issue here, it's an issue with the game's engine, and the fact that many of us want Yoda to be special, having a thousand of them running around ruins that.

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Apologies for the double post, but I have to respond to this.


Yet you can't do anything just judge me, and making joke about my grammar, Sorry English is not my native languge, and i am not feel a shamed of it if i cannot use it in the correct poetrical grammatical way. For those i say **** your self, my language is the third hardest language in the world try to learn that and after that try to learn engilsh it is way harder then you can think.


Yea think about this topic what you want. I made this for a reason, who cares if no one knows Yoda's species true name? i Don't. Referencies told hes race name could be covered by those concepts what i have been listed. To be honest i don't need support from those peopel whom cannot see trhough theri nose.


First: I and the others have not made comments of any kind in regards to your grammar or the fact that English is not your first langauage. That's fine. The important part of that is that you are trying. :)



Second: Yoda's species name is the least important issue of this suggestion. It's the fact that his body type would not work. Any body type that is added to the game has to work with two aspects of the game: A. The existing armor with minimal clipping and B. Within all Cinematics, Cutscenes, and Conversations.


Bioware just doesn't think it is worth the effort for such a little gain.

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Second: Yoda's species name is the least important issue of this suggestion. It's the fact that his body type would not work. Any body type that is added to the game has to work with two aspects of the game: A. The existing armor with minimal clipping and B. Within all Cinematics, Cutscenes, and Conversations.


IMO even if the body type could work, I would still be against this. Because Yoda's race is supposed to be unknown and special. Making it a playable race would destroy one of the few remaining mysteries of Star Wars.

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IMO even if the body type could work, I would still be against this. Because Yoda's race is supposed to be unknown and special. Making it a playable race would destroy one of the few remaining mysteries of Star Wars.


True, I was just clarifying it for the guy.


I agree, that it should not be playable.

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Apologies for the double post, but I have to respond to this.




First: I and the others have not made comments of any kind in regards to your grammar or the fact that English is not your first langauage. That's fine. The important part of that is that you are trying. :)



Second: Yoda's species name is the least important issue of this suggestion. It's the fact that his body type would not work. Any body type that is added to the game has to work with two aspects of the game: A. The existing armor with minimal clipping and B. Within all Cinematics, Cutscenes, and Conversations.


Bioware just doesn't think it is worth the effort for such a little gain.


I think he's referring to my post, I did correct how he stated a couple of things, but no where in his op does he say English isn't his first language, just apologized for his bad grammar. But I never made fun of it, but if he took it that way then sorry. I also was the one who commented on parts of his second paragraph regarding Yoda's species.


But IMO, I now view him as a spoiled child throwing a tantrum and lashing out at everyone who doesn't agree that his and only his idea should be immediately implemented in the game right this very second cause he thought of it so it has to be totes awesome...regardless of the reasons we've already given him as to why Yoda's Species wouldn't work in the game, or why pod racing can't work. There is nothing wrong with giving suggestions in the suggestion forum, that's what it's here for, just don't rag on the other posters when they don't agree with you and give valid reasons why.

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  • 2 months later...
Dear Suggestion Box,


Al right, al right, alright..... I know you had a tons of topic about this idea, and many of the forum karate kids said not going to happen. BUT! It could, be and should be.


I have done like 8 years reasearching about this Species, it was always a death end.

But thanx the time and for those in the team of Lucas, they had several confrimations.

Yet the species is "unknown" but lets say this is not true. Al ot of wiki searches confirmed only 2 sources withc is close to Yoda's race. The first confrimation is believe it or not Yoda's Species. The second one is the Lannik Species, they look the same, except they skin colour, hands, and foots and ofc hair stlyes. sience the whole galactick had it's own "yoda species" characters, like : Minch, Oteg, Yandar Tokare, Yaddle and Yoda. So thiese characters were, Individiuals. Oh and found their Collectors name: Sentient withc is a good point to clear and avaoid any Sue issues from mr. Lucas. So we have 3 Sourced name withc could use as a specie name for Yoda's race.: Lannik, Yoda's Race, And Sentient. if you do your home work on wiki, the site mention it they are trongly connceted with the force, and many of them call them Sentient witch is strongly true for his species. And the last source is: The secret of the Ancient Order of the Whills. hmm why not they are extreanly strong and connceted with the force too. See clone wars last season.


How to add the game? Well the code name of its species is given in manyways.

The character Design is not that hard. OFC that means they can't wear gloves, boots, and head gears to. Saceling down the model isn't hard eithr. Referency is in the game (Master Oteg). for the feamle character you can use referancies from Yaddle( she was the one feamel character(what we knew about their race) Saceling the armours are both not hard to do it, to looks like them just like in the film. The only problem could be is the cost of the voice actors. (but im sure you can handel that too, just as oyu did with master Oteg). I would gladly Play for this species even 10k CC to allow me to play as him. Or more.


The Second Idea is: the Pod Race.


I heard, or read you said that you devs couldn't abel to emmulate the pods crushings, when the players hitt eachothers on the racetrak. Buuut probably with a new Engine it could be done(ye ye ye, dont came to like this: this engine is fine and we are not going to replace it nor even update it) Times Change friends, there is a lot of missing core elements, characters, species, sports, competitions, (like i mentioned tfor example the pod race)should be done. Wich is makes this game MUUUCH more Epic. ( ye its already epic now too, but with these ideas you gonna rule the mmo's world.) And it would be nice to have more inventory spaces, and Cargobay spaces


I wishes you the best day, and hope we can see these features very soon in game :)





PS: Trollers and negative feedbackers don'r even read this topic. It is for the devs, and for those whom agreed with my litle suggestions, and ideas to improove this game to an inter galaktical way. the sky is the limit. :)

Oh and Sorry about my dreadful grammar :S


I would love to see the class in SWTOR one day... That would complete the game for me.

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Wheeeeee necro.


You gung hoers are ignoring an important fact.


Fixed camera angle cut scenes.


Such epic cinematic storytelling, where the camera pans over to you... and you see a few scraggly hairs sticking up from the bottom of the screen.


Or the desk your midget character is hidden behind.


If you think they would go back and redo every single cut scene in the game for this those must be some really good drugs, pass them around :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Man, that hurt my head to read the OP.


Getting Yoda's race as a playable is wishful thinking at best.


And they've said numerous times (since long before launch) that there will be no pod-racing. This comes up every now and then and the answer is still "No." The engine won't support it. They're not going to invest in a new engine just to add a mini-game.

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Wheeeeee necro.


You gung hoers are ignoring an important fact.


Fixed camera angle cut scenes.


Such epic cinematic storytelling, where the camera pans over to you... and you see a few scraggly hairs sticking up from the bottom of the screen.


Or the desk your midget character is hidden behind.


If you think they would go back and redo every single cut scene in the game for this those must be some really good drugs, pass them around :p


You are pretty funny XiamaraSimi. :D

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