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Would You Like Legacy Influence And Legacy Alliance Ranks? Y/N Explanation


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I agree - not quickly or easily, but no point if it (influence) doesn't have any bearing on where the story goes.


But people are sick of doing dailies, however much you dress them up as something different. - And a well placed Convo is going to swing the story much more I'm guessing - The next generation of players don't do repetitive things every day for influence, or reputation, achievements, for titles and such. They want a dose of story, a quest they haven't seen before, a chance to chat/rp/pvp with their friends and they're gone. Us long standing players have big lagacies and a dozen or more characters, and few of us want to grind out influence on the same companion many, many times over just coz each new head of the resistance is a different set of pixels.


Just think if you wanted to raise all available companions from rank 10 to 50 on say a 1/2 dozen characters..... You're talking months to do it even at 3-4 hours play-time every day.


If you started your first character at sixty a week ago -It's not much of a chore- seeing that everything you do is all shiny and new - For some people coming up on their fourth year- there was a very-long cutscene and a new solo-able heroic and a bunch of 5-10 minute missions.


What we got wasn't content. It was smoke and one more mirror. - Therefore throw us a bone BW and make it (optional) for legacy wide.


The fact that we are grinding the same old content is the worst part of it.

I don't mind grinding the star forts they are new but over two year old heriocs are really hard to keep doing more work than fun.

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The fact that we are grinding the same old content is the worst part of it.

I don't mind grinding the star forts they are new but over two year old heriocs are really hard to keep doing more work than fun.


This is one of my main issues with the alliance specialists. I've done the old heroics on multiple characters and now I have to go back and farm them for supplies on each of my characters.


The star forts I'm enjoying though

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When i heard about alliance system i was SURE this is something to do with legacy. Now after playing and seeing that for EACH alt you have to recruit ALL companions and allies every time and also grind influence for EACH character i realized on day one when i started early access that i WILL NOT do that. This would take YEARS even with lots of hours every day to do that. Im also doing other activities in game than just to grind all that for alts.


So if any Bioware developer or community team reads this be sure players wont go with that grind for long. It should have been legacy wide and bit longer to get influence. Story yes can be for each character separately but not this alliance system.

Edited by Divona
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How about for each companion you get to max, you get a % increase legacy wide to all influence gains? Would have to be pretty significant though, maybe even 100% increase with a max of 500%? Just throwing random numbers out for the idea.
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My wife and I ran the Alliance heroics with only one pair and decided we will not do them again unless it becomes legacy-wide.


They made companions so strong, we can basically sleep walk through the story. Yet, they put in this NON legacy system to make us grind them out until our fingers bleed and our brains go numb. Talk about a way to lose subs, that is it right there. Who in their right mind will do that with several alts?


We are legend on Yavin, but because it was legacy wide, it was worth the effort to grind that out....

There is NO incentive to do this for the Alliance system and we expect the story to go on weather we do them or not.


We are already talking about if we should sub every few months now, because, outside of the story, there is not much more we would like to accomplish. We stayed subbed a long time after SOR, because we wanted legend rep on Yavin. That system worked in keeping us subbed..... ;)

Edited by Themanthatisi
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When i heard about alliance system i was SURE this is something to do with legacy. Now after playing and seeing that for EACH alt you have to recruit ALL companions and allies every time and also grind influence for EACH character i realized on day one when i started early access that i WILL NOT do that. This would take YEARS even with lots of hours every day to do that. Im also doing other activities in game than just to grind all that for alts.


So if any Bioware developer or community team reads this be sure players wont go with that grind for long. It should have been legacy wide and bit longer to get influence. Story yes can be for each character separately but not this alliance system.



Totally agree with this.. So throw us a bone BW and make it Legacy wide please.

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I would like it to be legacy but I doubt it will happen now that individual characters have started spending resources.


Aah dont be so certain they have done it so many times in the past.

Infact they did that to datacrons just recently after so many years of peoplw getting all their alta maxed lol.



This is again one of those times to making alts useable again because of the single story angle again dlc. :)





Ours characters do not exist in the same universe with each other anymore and they are all the one.

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For specialists....eh sure. For useable companions? no. game is already too easy. They need to keep more time-sinks, not remove more.


it makes no sense from gameplay perspective or lore perspective (each "Outlander" is the ONLY "Outlander" so why should it be legacy wide?)

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For specialists....eh sure. For useable companions? no. game is already too easy. They need to keep more time-sinks, not remove more.


it makes no sense from gameplay perspective or lore perspective (each "Outlander" is the ONLY "Outlander" so why should it be legacy wide?)


Well i would like to see people using different companions but i plan to max them all and see how much it took.


But blue and purple gifts you can go from 1-50 giving them gifts at 3 seconds each (hurts your hand also try to use old mouses for this) in about hour to hour and a half for the total 250,000 each.


You will need about 9-10 million per companion or just just farm heriocs and diplomatic missions at the same time.

Edited by Heromofo
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I would vote Yes. The grind/tedium element of 250,000 Influence is at odds with their direction for the game. It exists wholly to support activity between their releases of 1 or 2 hours of story content planned once a month for the next 7 months.


It is not necessary to enforce enjoyable play and in a game where you were encouraged to make multiple alts, its frustrating, to say the least, to have them switchgears 4 years in and now attempt to focus you on one or two characters because its not reasonable to do more.


There is no benefit to the tedium either to BioWare/EA or to the Players. Its more likely to cost them money as people get bored with the unnecessarily punitive grind and just quit.


GSF should be legacy as well, any ship/perk earned should be available to all characters (though you would still have to unlock Imperial and Republic things separately) I know many players refuse to play GSF as they feel unfairly and unnecessarily restricted to using just one character in GSF and be able to be competitive.

Edited by EnkiduNineEight
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Yeah no to both. The alliance system is extremely easy to lvl up I've hit 20 with all specialists on 2 characters while not even trying just simply doing my weeklys. If that gets made into legacy people will just sit around and complain they have nothing to do. As for companions I choose who I want to rank up gor a certain characters team and this step would be pointless if the influence was just shared.


I do not think the grind in place here is too much as it gives us something to do while still giving decent rewards. I know some people do not like the orange shells but I personally do, as does a good chunk of people I've seen speaking about it. Idk just my thoughts on it but for me the grind is something I enjoy working towards and do not feel legacy is needed here.

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I would vote Yes. The grind/tedium element of 250,000 Influence is at odds with their direction for the game. It exists wholly to support activity between their releases of 1 or 2 hours of story content planned once a month for the next 7 months.


It is not necessary to enforce enjoyable play and in a game where you were encouraged to make multiple alts, its frustrating, to say the least, to have them switchgears 4 years in and now attempt to focus you on one or two characters because its not reasonable to do more.


There is no benefit to the tedium either to BioWare/EA or to the Players. Its more likely to cost them money as people get bored with the unnecessarily punitive grind and just quit.


GSF should be legacy as well, any ship/perk earned should be available to all characters (though you would still have to unlock Imperial and Republic things separately) I know many players refuse to play GSF as they feel unfairly and unnecessarily restricted to using just one character in GSF and be able to be competitive.


Agreed i am getting bored of it because they have made it so non alt friendly so i am just doing my main.

Who now has very little if nothing to do but wait and i dont wish to log on to the alts and spend time with it because of the regrinds.

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I don't think this is a good idea. Especially with regard to Influence.


The point of this system is that it's supposed to leave you free to make choices and build your characters into individuals. So my Commando that hates Lana and will only use her if/when necessary shouldn't have the Influence of my Warrior who is in love with her.


There is simply no need to have everything on every character. The game is easy enough that a companion at rank 1 is powerful enough to do the story. The Alliance base rewards only take a week or so to earn. This isn't a particularly grindy system. It only feels so if you believe you need to get all your companions to 50. You don't. Work on the companions you like, feel free to ignore the others.

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I would not like to see legacy influence. Right now folks that want to add some difficulty to the game can do so by restricting the amount of influence one or two companions gain. A system like that, I assume, would cause all companions to be that high level, and I think that would not be wise.


That said, I would be fine with legacy alliance ranks. That is a bit different.

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I would not like to see legacy influence. Right now folks that want to add some difficulty to the game can do so by restricting the amount of influence one or two companions gain. A system like that, I assume, would cause all companions to be that high level, and I think that would not be wise.


That said, I would be fine with legacy alliance ranks. That is a bit different.


I hope they can sort this out for them without them losing their companions.

Influence does not bother me because i will just use one as i don't care they are just skins.

But it ruins their profit for selling new companions later on but alliance is keeping me off my alts.

Because we have to farm the same heriocs we have done for years it just feels like work and I'd rather play for fun.

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I think the driving force behind people wanting a legacy option is completion. Players feel they need to obtain every companion and max every companion on every character. Until they know what is coming down the line, they want to cover their bases. So it's really more a question of trust with the devs.


If you think choices matter so you should play your character the way you want your story to develop, then you'll recruit who you want, raise influence with who you want, etc. without having to complete everything. If you think every companion needs to be in your Alliance for whatever gameplay related reason down the line, then you would prefer to not have to grind 10+ alts. Personally, I'll limit my Alliance interactions to 2 or 3 characters for story purposes and only raise influence on others for crafting reasons. It might be nice to have a legacy perk to reduce recruitment time or increae influence gain rates, but that sort of eliminates the grind they obviously were putting in place to tide players over to January.

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Companions no, specialists yes.


Companions reflect your character, but specialists are same for everyone so no point in them being character based and can safely go to legacy like reputation.


Note that i wouldnt mind whole alliance be made legacy wide, i dont intend to get all followers on all characters anyway, and it would be cool to have access to SF without actually aquiring follower.

Edited by Mikahrone
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If it was legacy wide, I would absolutely do the grind. On all companions. It'd be pretty cool.

As it stands now, I don't bother with the grind (or even getting all companions,) because I can't stand the thought of having to do it all over again. That level 50 cap is absolutely ridiculous for even one companion, let alone more than 20 companions across a dozen alts. As I said - if it were legacy wide, I would embark on the journey to grind it. As it stands, I'm not even going to try.

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