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Everytime Koth approves of my actions I wanna punch him in the face


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You know that whole conversation is funny. Thing is, I wish there was an option after Senya says her line where you (the PC) can interject, "No, I know him better than all of you. Why? He's in my fricken' head!"


I was waiting for the PC to auto-reply that, and it never came..

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<<that accent in an alien galaxy where he is the only one with it - no, both voice and behavior do not fit a high ranking officer of a very strict army (as zakuulian army is). I wish they make him a simple smuggler - as he is - and be done with it. >>


Han Solo basically had the same sort of "accent". And he too was formerly in Imperial Military -

again parallel - but saw harshness done to wookies - saved Chewie's life ...became smuggler...

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It's the hipster goggles.


DEFINITELY the hipster goggles.


This is why we need to be able to customize the new companions' armor! Every time I see Koth's goggles, I can only think about the crazy Zabrak on Republic Taris that glued his monoculars to his face so he wouldn't lose them :eek:

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I feel the same way, that the male players tend to hate the male love interests. The complaints they make about these character's personalities are ones they never make about the sexy female characters or female love interests even if they're the same. Female players tend to like the male characters that the male players hate. BioWare themselves have said that the characters that are universally liked are the ones that are funny and don't disagree with the player.


I don't agree that male players hate male love interests. Only a certain type, the smug smart-*** rival. It's exactly the same as IRL, nobody likes the badboy always mocking everybody around. Except girls. Especially the one you're in love with. It's natural I think.


I hate Lana, but I try to romance her, just to dump her later before killing her for her betrayal to me and the Sith. I'm trying to kiss her, and then...



What the hell man ? I didn't hate Koth, before that, but now...

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Happy to see the answer to my argument. Anything to backup your statement about "army unit is totally equals a band of smugglers in behaviour" and not only in RL but in game too? You say it, sure, but the game does not support ex-military men to look and behave as a homeless street-rat a la Koth. Take any other companion with similar background - from Corso to Pierce - in each of them you will find some elements screaming "military". Here - nothing but the words of other companions. It's not about being "rough around the edges", it's about total complete lack of anything military relevant. Even his fighting style they had to explain as "unconventional" because - as I suspect - initially Koth was not planned to be an officer but a smuggler or something.


Again you just go to so you really don't have a lot, if any experience around military or ex-military. Your stereotyping is real just not fitting with reality. Koth reminds me of a lot of some of the Vietnam Vets that turned into protesters against the war, in how he looks. His unit reminds me a lot of the off the cuff portrayal again of Aliens, or heck dirty dozen or any number of general war movies about WWII.

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Again you just go to so you really don't have a lot, if any experience around military or ex-military. Your stereotyping is real just not fitting with reality. Koth reminds me of a lot of some of the Vietnam Vets that turned into protesters against the war, in how he looks. His unit reminds me a lot of the off the cuff portrayal again of Aliens, or heck dirty dozen or any number of general war movies about WWII.


Have we even actually seen much Zakuul military to even make a comparison? All I've seen are droids and knights.

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People complain that he doesn't seem to care about other nations/people that have been killed by the emperor and can't understand why he does it.


But isnt' that what a lot of people nowadays do. You mention something about another country or state and you get not my problem, doesn't affect me.


While I am not romancing him (just don't do romances with companions) I honestly don't see him doing anything worse that a lot of people when you mention the problems or what is going on in another state or county. I hear it all the time, not my problem, doesn't affect me.


Koth is no different than a lot of people nowadays.

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Have we even actually seen much Zakuul military to even make a comparison? All I've seen are droids and knights.

I think it's mentioned somewhere that there are very few living soldiers left in the Zakuul military and they are being steadily replaced with droids, probably because of incidents like Koth's crew going rogue - droids will obey orders no matter what.


For myself, I like Koth. He reminds me of my scoundrel, if he were younger and more idealistic. I can see how others might be more ambivalent, or dislike him a bit for his misguided loyalty, but the hatred by some in this thread is bizarre to me.

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People complain that he doesn't seem to care about other nations/people that have been killed by the emperor and can't understand why he does it.


But isnt' that what a lot of people nowadays do. You mention something about another country or state and you get not my problem, doesn't affect me.


While I am not romancing him (just don't do romances with companions) I honestly don't see him doing anything worse that a lot of people when you mention the problems or what is going on in another state or county. I hear it all the time, not my problem, doesn't affect me.


Koth is no different than a lot of people nowadays.


People don't care about other people, but they do care about past actions of a politician, against themselves. You wouldn't elect a president who obliterated in nuclear fire the last country he ruled.

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People don't care about other people, but they do care about past actions of a politician, against themselves. You wouldn't elect a president who obliterated in nuclear fire the last country he ruled.

Really depends on the other candidates.

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There's another common denominator in that list: 12 out of 12 are males (or male voice for the robots). I find it hard to believe that none of the girls hit the same list. Maybe the fact that they swoon over male characters is what saves them from that.


I have 24 toons, 2 males/1 female or two females/1 male for every class in the game, alternating Light/Dark/Gray, straight, asexual or gay.


More than half the time, the companions either don't like what I say or do, or are ambivalent. I actually like very few of them. Most I find annoying. I loathe 12 out of 47. Actually, that list should be amended to add Treek, because her annoyance is supreme and now that she is functionally no different than any other companion, she can go out the airlock too.


There are 44 vanilla comps (including HK & Treek).


13 are female.


31 are male.


KOTFE added 2 more males, and 2 female full time comps. Nico and the cavalcade of alien babblers don't count for me. They have like two whole scenes of dialogue each and don't compare to the rest of the cast.


The 12 worst happen to be male.


I love HK-51, Kira Carsen, Elara Dorne, T7, Qyzen Fess, Mako, Vette, Kaliyo, and Dr. Lokin.


I've already listed those slated for airlock inspections.


The rest range from OK to meh to annoying (mostly annoying).


The companions only swoon when you do exactly what they want you to do, otherwise they whine, grumble or become outright hostile, male or female. Except for Kaliyo. Even when she loves me, she seems to be on the verge of shooting me in the back and stealing my wallet and the keys to my starship.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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This is why we need to be able to customize the new companions' armor! Every time I see Koth's goggles, I can only think about the crazy Zabrak on Republic Taris that glued his monoculars to his face so he wouldn't lose them :eek:


lmao XD Yeah I wish we could change his clothes, those goggles would go out the airlock! (they remind me waaay to much of a JRPG or anime) I would also give Lana a rebreather or Ajunta Pall's mask or something to cover her weird mouth and lower face.

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People don't care about other people, but they do care about past actions of a politician, against themselves. You wouldn't elect a president who obliterated in nuclear fire the last country he ruled.


It would depend on why it was done. During WWII we dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan. So to say you would't elect a president just based on that precedent without taking anything else in consideration is hard to do until you look at the factors and reason involved.


And I wouldn't say People don't care about other people because that makes it sound like no one cares and that not entirely correct. I would say some people don't care.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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It would depend on why it was done. During WWII we dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan. So to say you would't elect a president just based on that precedent without taking anything else in consideration is hard to do until you look at the factors and reason involved..


The comparison was more what would have happened if Truman ordered a nuclear strike on, say, Los Angeles. Then moved to Canada and ran for Prime Minister.

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The comparison was more what would have happened if Truman ordered a nuclear strike on, say, Los Angeles. Then moved to Canada and ran for Prime Minister.


not. exactly. it more like they obliterated some country you didn't even know existed on the opposite side of the world, and you are not entirely sure if its even true, since the only proof you have is a word of a person you know capable of subterfuge and a word of a person who just happened to assassinate the president they claim destroyed that other country you never heard of.


it literally becomes "are you sure it was him? becasue the president WE know would have never done something like that"

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Huh. I actually like Koth.


I always seem to be the odd duck about these things.


Oh well! I find him entertaining, and a refreshing change of pace from use another white guy being white about everything. It's nice to see Bioware change it up a bit.


He really doesn't seem like a Carth knockoff to me at all.


More like a Sasz knockoff out of FF13 perhaps, but eh...I liked him too.


So, nyeah :D

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It would depend on why it was done. During WWII we dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan. So to say you would't elect a president just based on that precedent without taking anything else in consideration is hard to do until you look at the factors and reason involved.


As a Japanese, yes, I wouldn't vote for Truman In 1946. What you're missing is Valkorion wasn't the enemy of the Empire, he was its leader.

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not. exactly. it more like they obliterated some country you didn't even know existed on the opposite side of the world, and you are not entirely sure if its even true, since the only proof you have is a word of a person you know capable of subterfuge and a word of a person who just happened to assassinate the president they claim destroyed that other country you never heard of.


it literally becomes "are you sure it was him? becasue the president WE know would have never done something like that"


And yet, he's working for said people unworthy of his trust. So, however we look at it, he sucks.

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And yet, he's working for said people unworthy of his trust. So, however we look at it, he sucks.

If you're playing a Republic character in KOTFE, you're working with a Sith - the guys who invaded your space and enslaved your fellow citizens. If you're playing an Imperial character, you're working with a spy from the Republic - the guys who tried to wipe out your ancestors. Everyone's teaming up with someone they have a reason to mistrust, if not hate.


As far as you're concerned, Koth is mistaken. As far as Koth's concerned, you're mistaken. Neither of you has any evidence to offer other than your own say-so. If you can't convince Lana to abandon her belief in the evil Sith Empire and her insane philosophy in all the time you've known her, why would you be able to talk Koth around in such a short time?

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If you're playing a Republic character in KOTFE, you're working with a Sith - the guys who invaded your space and enslaved your fellow citizens. If you're playing an Imperial character, you're working with a spy from the Republic - the guys who tried to wipe out your ancestors. Everyone's teaming up with someone they have a reason to mistrust, if not hate.


Worst argument ever. I have ZERO reasons to work with these two, actually. I should have killed them both a long time ago. Their survival is just yet another flawin the game. I work with them because I don't have the actual technical possibility of killing them, just like Malavai.

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Worst argument ever. I have ZERO reasons to work with these two, actually. I should have killed them both a long time ago. Their survival is just yet another flawin the game. I work with them because I don't have the actual technical possibility of killing them, just like Malavai.

Then your problem isn't with Koth, it's with the whole premise of the storyline.

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