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Everytime Koth approves of my actions I wanna punch him in the face


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Why do you hate Koth so much? He seems like a cool guy and you obviously see eye to eye on your actions and decisions :confused:


He is AWFUL!!!!! He needs to learn when and when not to talk, he's such a know it all. Always putting in his opinion WHEN I NEVER ASKED. He drives me insane

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Why do you hate Koth so much? He seems like a cool guy and you obviously see eye to eye on your actions and decisions :confused:


He is AWFUL!!!!! He needs to learn when and when not to talk, he's such a know it all. Always putting in his opinion WHEN I NEVER ASKED. He drives me insane

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That whole hypocritical attitude of his; he can't get over his Valkorian fanboi crush, doesn't care about the billions of dead people from our part of space but totally freaks out if we don't stop one puny reactor from going poof and killing a few thousand of his people..... yeah he's a prize moron that needs blaster to the face, repeatedly.
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He's the latest incarnation of Carth Onasi. Most people have a genetic aversion to his type of npc in Bioware games and his spiritual successor is in every single game Bioware has ever made since KOTOR like an Easter egg hiding a dev troll. Actually, if I wracked my caveman brain, I could probably come up with his antecedent from Baldurs Gate and Planescape.


I swear there must be a plaque in the Bioware home office main hallway that reads: "Tho shalt include a male good-aligned NPC companion in every single game created by this company, with the personality of a turnip, and a huge chip on his shoulder about something completely asinine, who will never shut up and be reviled by all and sundry."

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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He is AWFUL!!!!! He needs to learn when and when not to talk, he's such a know it all. Always putting in his opinion WHEN I NEVER ASKED. He drives me insane


So he's a free thinking being? *GASP*


Slave pens are that way. ------>

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So he's a free thinking being? *GASP*


Slave pens are that way. ------>


True, people tend to rage against any character who disagrees with them or has their own viewpoint. The popular characters are the ones who have no real opinions of their own and just agree with everything the player says and does or just doesn't care and likes the player no matter what. That character also has to be funny to some degree.

Edited by Nefla
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Killing millions of people is alright as long as you're good to Zakuul.

Koth in a nutshell.


The player kills thousands of people and is still considered a hero, but I an easily see Koth being in denial about Valkorion, thinking he had his reasons for doing what he did, etc...

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I kind of hate him as well, I find myself redoing things just to get his disapproval. There is something about him that just bothers me. At first I thought he was a nice addition, after a while I started to just dislike him with a passion. I won't even bring him along for missions now, he angers me.
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The player kills thousands of people and is still considered a hero, but I an easily see Koth being in denial about Valkorion, thinking he had his reasons for doing what he did, etc...


Is that directly or indirectly?


Aside from one dark side character that I have (whom I don't really like), the rest of them I can actually count the number of times I've EXECUTED someone on one hand. If you're talking about mobs, I prefer to think of it as 'knocking them out and robbing them after' - see that's why they come back later on.


At first I thought he was a nice addition, after a while I started to just dislike him with a passion. I won't even bring him along for missions now, he angers me.


That's how I felt too. My warrior tried to start a romance with him but after he dismissed the lives of billions of people, it was just over for me.

Edited by Avalyssia
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The player kills thousands of people and is still considered a hero, but I an easily see Koth being in denial about Valkorion, thinking he had his reasons for doing what he did, etc...


It's something else to kill billions of people to feed yourself then killing a few bunch of people because reasons.

Edited by Fixiooo
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Just so he knows I'm not doing it for him


In fact, every convo with Koth should have the 3. [Punch in face] option




Why do you hate Koth so much? He seems like a cool guy and you obviously see eye to eye on your actions and decisions :confused:


I agree with how annoying Koth is. However, this is because I started KoTFE with Darth Nox, a Dark Lord of The Sith. Koth needs to learn his place! I want to zap him with lightning SO MUCH!!


Darth Nox: "Learn your place, worm!" *zzzZZZAAAAAPPPPpppp!!!!*


Koth: "AAAAAAAAAYYYEEEEEEE!!!!! Sorry, man!! Dammit!! Did you have to be such a...."


Darth Nox: *zzzZZZAAAAAAPPPppp*


Koth: "AAAAAAYYYEEEEE!!!!! Fine! Fine, I get it!!" *kneels, and grudgingly says,* "Master."


Oh! But for the good ol' days!


I suppose, if I played as anything else, Commando, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, my attitude towards Koth would be different. They actually would get along much better.


Just wait until I start my Sith Warrior in KoTFE... Woooweee! Koth better be careful!! (Iikely I'll end up frustrated as I am with my SI. I'll want to force-choke him SO MUCH, but won't be able to. *sigh*)

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He's the latest incarnation of Carth Onasi. Most people have a genetic aversion to his type of npc in Bioware games and his spiritual successor is in every single game Bioware has ever made since KOTOR like an Easter egg hiding a dev troll. Actually, if I wracked my caveman brain, I could probably come up with his antecedent from Baldurs Gate and Planescape.


I swear there must be a plaque in the Bioware home office main hallway that reads: "Tho shalt include a male good-aligned NPC companion in every single game created by this company, with the personality of a turnip, and a huge chip on his shoulder about something completely asinine, who will never shut up and be reviled by all and sundry."


"Verily!" -- Anomen Delryn, Baldurs Gate 2 (yet another facepalmworthy bioware romance for female PCs)




I like him. I suspect most don't because of this:



I couldnt care less what color pixels he has, i dislike him for what i mentioned above:


Koth in a nutshell: "I dont care if he killed billions of people, they werent -my- people after all..."


Skin color is my least concern, Vin Diesel? Yes please! Wesley Snipes as Blade? Oh yes! pants on head idiocy however is a huge problem to me...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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<<I just want to smack him for being so blind to/uncaring about Vitiate/Valkorians badness....>>


Actually, playing on my agent, he gets a wakeup call at the end of chapter 8 with what were my conversation options.


Spoiler ahead...











she knelt, but didn't give any other power to V until the last conv - where she did.


after all the damage, Koth says...


"Valkalorian did that?"


So.... he finally sees the "truth" I think. Meanwhile, for my characters that made all lightside choices, he remains oblivious.....

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