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I got my girlfriends account banned by sending her 200k credits


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either it's a mistake and they'll rectify it if you contact them.


or maybe. just maybe. she actually did try to buy credits and just won't admit to it.


no that couldn't be right? not your girlfriend :rolleyes:


as usual there's probably more to this than the OP is telling...or knows himself.

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Not trying to be funny here. By "my girlfriend", do you mean a real life person you know face to face, someone playing at a pc right next to you, or is it a female character you met and had an in-game/online relationship with?


I ask, because scammers will use any tactic they can to get what they want. I haven't heard of it in SWTOR, but years ago, in SWG this kind of in-game scam was going on. Scammers would create female toons, run around asking for help, and find some nice person willing to help. They would then work their way into an in-game romance, play clueless about how to succeed in-game, so the victim would give them credits/items to help them. Then they would vanish. If they had an out of game online thing going, the excuse that was often used was " I got banned because they thought you giving me credits was a credit exchange from a credit farmer".


If it's someone you know in real life, have her contact customer support, explain the situation, and them you contact info to verify. If it's someone you know only online, I cannot stress this enough, do not give them you personal information. That can lead to bigger problems.


What is this, RuneScape?

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I feel like there is a little more to the story to what we're told. I transfer credits all the time from my ALT's doing WZ's. It' very easy to get credits if you have lot of patience. Logically you would be banned as well if they thought she was buying credits from you. Fact only she was banned. Makes me think there is more then what people are saying..if a person did buy credits. Would they admit it.

The gane is treats mails to alts differently from mails to other players, you can even see that, since the mails between your characters are instand while those to others take half an hour. I wouldn't be also too surprised if the game traces you, and thus would not react when someone sends the spouse some credits, since both accounts are being played from the same account. Anyway, maybe it would have helped OP if his girlfriend would have added his character to her friendlist first and maybe they actually played some time together, or be together in a guild, or something so that the game could tell those people actually know eachother (myabe should have referred that her account too).

Edited by Drudenfusz
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The gane is treats mails to alts differently from mails to other players, you can even see that, since the mails between your characters are instand while those to others take half an hour. I wouldn't be also too surprised if the game traces you, and thus would not react when someone sends the spouse some credits, since both accounts are being played from the same account. Anyway, maybe it would have helped OP if his girlfriend would have added his character to her friendlist first and maybe they actually played some time together, or be together in a guild, or something so that the game could tell those people actually know eachother (myabe should have referred that her account too).


Then why wasn't he banned as well if they thought he was selling credits. Logically if they thought she was buying credits then person sending it must been the seller. Yet only one was banned. How do you explain that part.

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Then why wasn't he banned as well if they thought he was selling credits. Logically if they thought she was buying credits then person sending it must been the seller. Yet only one was banned. How do you explain that part.


Sometimes you leave the pimp on the corner and watch from across the street to arrest the johns.

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200k isn't even an amount the credit sellers sell; their minimum transaction is one million creds.


This is just Bioware being moronic, and would leave a sour enough taste in my mouth that if I was OP's girlfriend I wouldn't even bother with trying to get the account unbanned. I would just say "**** it" and find a different game.


Or maybe we just have half of the story, you ever think about that? People send more credits than that in mails every second in this game. Hell, every time I create a new character I send them more credits in the mail than this, so it's either a mistake, which sucks for the Op but will most likely get fixed, or there is something else going on here that we don't know about.

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Hmm I've traded pretty high amounts of money but not via mail. Well if it was a fairly new account you could always simply make another one. And BW should be able to give you some idea of why the account was banned, they should have to at least prove that there was something going on against their TOS.
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or there is something else going on here that we don't know about.


Perhaps but we will never know for sure what really happened.


It might be a setting that flags any credit transfer to a new account that activated for some reason or there is more to this story.

Edited by Icestar
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