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PVP should be priority


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MMO, if there is no PVP nor operations, it is not a MMO. Remeber it, please. :)


I disagree with you on that part sorry.


MMO at least for me, means a place where you can be with other players, and help them, trade, speak, and have fun.

Operations and PVP are not what i could call *friendly grouping*, wild world is.


You need a mix of all that to be a good MMO, though the community of raiders and pvpers have a big responsability : depending of their attitude they will draw in or reject a lot of new raiders or pvpers,


May be there was a fail on this part on SWTOR.

Mocking people because they dont know what to do, pointing them, insulting them and mentionning them on the general chat are certainly not the good way to lure new raiders and pvpers.

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Almost everyone is not only happy without PVP, but they seem to hate it, and they would be much happier if it was removed from the game :eek:


Please show me the information you have access to in order to make this statement. Because I doubt you have any real data other than the vocal minority on the forums and you asking your PvE buddies if they like PvP.

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Please show me the information you have access to in order to make this statement. Because I doubt you have any real data other than the vocal minority on the forums and you asking your PvE buddies if they like PvP.


Nah, as a general rule if you talk to people who have metrics, and just look at queue pops the pvp crowd in MMOs is generally on the small-ish side these days. That's not to say NO-ONE pvps as some people here are saying but it's something those of us who like pvp just have to admit and deal with. Pvpers are more common than people on this thread who don't pvp think, but smaller than I think a lot of Pvpers think.


That being said while I don't expect Bioware to every make PvP issue number one I do hope they give it a little more love. Some more balancing, and some new maps and modes. I guess we'll see....

Edited by Kalzyk
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PvP from all the other activities in the game has the best replayability, as it changes from zone to zone, and from character to character you play.


Having a core story is nice, but it is now extremely repetitive.


The Operations and Flashpoints are cool, and provide a lot of content to the latecomers. However, they are still scripted story-based encounters.


PvP is different from both leveling & PvE, and, unlike the GSF, you still get to play your own character & do not have to learn the whole new game.


By the same token, about moving to the Other Games, frankly, I do not want to be a newcomer all over again and learn from ground up again.


I have a great legacy/support network build in this game, I am starting to know this game's classes and stuff, AND this game offers a plethora of other activities as well. The versatility of SWTOR allows to try different roles, to repurpose the characters, so if it is bad today in a particular area, it can be used elsewhere....


There are a lot of things that make SWTOR a great game, but its versatility is the best thing about it, imo.


Having more added to PvP imo will enhance the game. :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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+1 There should be a TON more PvP content in this game


Ability pruning is also VERY VERY needed.


Be careful with asking for ability pruning... look at what is going on with WoW.


Bioware really just needs to throw the pvp community a bone. No matter the actual size of it, people do play and try to enjoy the pvp side of the game.

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Be careful with asking for ability pruning... look at what is going on with WoW.


Bioware really just needs to throw the pvp community a bone. No matter the actual size of it, people do play and try to enjoy the pvp side of the game.


I agree with this completely. Even if you don't pvp, you shouldn't ask for them to just ignore pvp. Even if it's only 10% of the community it'd be a big hit to lose pvpers. They have enough people to at least add some new maps/modes sometimes between story arcs/Ops/etc.

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And while that doesn't mean that Bioware should ignore it or that the players who go in for it are any less worthy of considerations relative to any other part of the playerbase -- it does mean that making it a priority would be a mistake.


Um, yes it does. If less than 5% of the player base is bothering to pvp, it would be financial suicide to invest significant resources into an element of the game that the vast majority avoids. They are a business, they will fail and shut down as a business if they do not pursue what the majority of their consumers want.


It's unfortunate for those who like pvp, but that's the reality. Bioware cannot throw good money at a losing proposition.

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I started playing SW:TOR because of the storylines and PvE. So far I haven't touched PvP and I don't intend to. If PvP becomes the main development focus, it's game over for me.


There are plenty of different games that focus on different things. You'll get better results by picking something that already offers the playstyle you want.

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PvP is insta' pop and multiple servers. PvP'ers last longer then those who PvE. Wanna know why? Because PvP content doesn't get old. It's always different. It's not like learning a mechanic from a boss and well ... nothing left here folks. Getting groups for PvP has always been faster. No need to spam chat for that like you do OPS.


You wanna know why PvP servers are dead? Because people get wrecked in open world PvP. Most simply can't handle that. So over populating a PvE server where they can then ENTER PvP at their own "safe," will is something that normally appeals to the masses. So don't give me that bantha fodder about 5% of SWTOR pop' is only PvPing.

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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.





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Make PvP the main focus? No.


Develop new PvP content? YES!


Obviously PvP is not the main activity for most players of this game. However, the lack of attention given to this major function of the game is embarrassing. It's high time for some new maps. And not just arenas, please. We need some new objective-focused PvP maps. Maybe they could even be bothered to come up with something different than what they currently have. You know... shake things up a bit.


But, at this point, I would almost be ok with them re-skinning something like Voidstar so we get something that at least looks different.



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But the point is:


PVP community would be VERY HAPPY if they (we, I include myself) got some new warzones, even if they were the same game modes in different maps. We are now just asking for some new maps!! Not a whole expansion, with many chapters, a new epic story, a new system, new companions...


I can't believe that new warzone maps-modes mean that much work, compared to all the work BW must have done to develop and think KotFE now...


We would be very happy if we got just a little... But we only get story-focused expansions... Is it really that expensive and difficult to do? :(

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No thanks. The majority of players I have talked to in game do not PVP. PVP has absolutely NO interest for me.


If you like it, great!! Have a blast. However, if this game had been a PVP game to start, I would never have started playing it.


My advice would be, if you want PVP, wait for Battlefront since that is basically PVP only....


BINGO precisely! I've never understood players who play a role playing game and whine about the role playing and story. Perhaps they should just join a PVP server and be done with it, but no most of them seem to like to hang out in PVE servers and gank unsuspecting PVEers. Yes having played Battlefront is 100% only PVP and zero story campaign.

Edited by RagnarAugustus
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The selling point for SW:TOR has been story all along. Developing PVP to the exclusion of that is the wrong move.


Battlefront will be out soon. That might make you happier.


Battlefront may be funny, but it is not swtor PVP, which may be not be the best PVP, but it is a MMO-based PVP, with a large set of skills, classes, rotations... The skill in swtor does not come from reflexes and accuracy (what you need to be good playing a shooter, like Battlefront), but controlling the battlefield, knowing your class abilities, rotations...


I mean, I had a lot of fun playing shooters, and I used to do that, but the most engaging experience has been swtor PVP, even it is not perfect. And we want to keep playing swtor PVP, we don't want BW to stop developing amazing story chapters, we just want some thing...:(

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BINGO precisely! I've never understood players who play a role playing game and whine about the role playing and story. Perhaps they should just join a PVP server and be done with it, but no most of them seem to like to hang out in PVE servers and gank unsuspecting PVEers. Yes having played Battlefront is 100% only PVP and zero story campaign.


Maybe some people don't want to play a FPS game? :rolleyes:


And how, exactly, are people able to "gank unsuspecting PVEers?" You'd have to have yourself flagged.


I think most PvP enthusiasts are like me in that they like the story of this game, but like to also battle with other players during the long breaks in story. Sure beats doing dailies! But anyway... PvP hasn't gotten any love in a very long time. And when it did, it was just another stupid Huttball map.

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BTW, if PvP is of any significance (which is to safe to say it is not) first thing BW needs to do is remove the effects of gear, augs, datacrons and stims in WZs. PvP should not be gated by anything. This is the biggest turnoff for new players, and the biggest hurdle even for PvP veterans like me to invest time trying new specs.


If they (BW) did something like ArenaNet with instanced pvp, make everyone 65 an put a fleet or ship or something where you go select your gear complete with augments expertise and then qued so the gear imbalance wasn't so critical maybe people like me that level toons in pvp until they get to the second tier. which then becomes a prelude to level cap pvp , EXPERTISE WINS

Edited by Atalantia
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BTW, if PvP is of any significance (which is to safe to say it is not) first thing BW needs to do is remove the effects of gear, augs, datacrons and stims in WZs. PvP should not be gated by anything. This is the biggest turnoff for new players, and the biggest hurdle even for PvP veterans like me to invest time trying new specs.


But this is how it is even for raiding in PvE. All of this stuff is their way of giving people a goal to work toward. If everyone had exactly the same stats all the time in PvP, it would not be fun. And this is coming from someone who takes a long time to gear up.


If they wanted to do that for ranked, I'd be behind it, though.

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Years ago, in other games, I truly enjoyed PvP. So much that I did not sleep, stayed up nights for just a few more hours owning Mos Krayt, etc. Thinking through strategies to hunt down the DeathDealer pvpers; and besting one who always seemed to slip away right when the surf shifted to my side (still love ya, Pila, you crazy New Zealander, whereever you are). This was, of course, open world PVP, and a non-themepark sandbox server.


...kinda caused wakefulness issues at work, honestly.


And, after Sunday afternoon, I have something between 3k and 4k comms, Valor 21, and Fourex on my main main, starting from zlich and going specifically for Fourex. My imp main is a Juggy, so he has Pierce without having to enter the pvp queue...


...and I was awake all last night, thinking about all the ways my team won and lost throughout the afternoon.


I've been down this road before, and I don't like what it does to me. PvP shouldn't be the main priority; this isn't where most of us are. My vote is for the story.


Incidentally, I do not raid for the same reason: I do not have the time to gear, and resent having gear being my deciding element in any endeavor (including pve). I prefer skill solutions.

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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.


Nope, because PVE pays the bills.

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And how, exactly, are people able to "gank unsuspecting PVEers?" You'd have to have yourself flagged.



LMAO, like you don't know, but I'll bite. They run around flagged and try to get in your AOE to flag you, that and/or they stand around the mobs your attacking in hopes that you'll target them instead of the NPC. A**hattery at it's finest. I'll say it, open world PVP has no place on a PVE server.


PVP is a priority on PVP servers, have at it, 24/7 365 days a year. PVP is it's own reward, and the open world PVP on PVP servers trumps anything they could script.

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