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Option to slow down the experience gain


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Ok, so there are probably a few solutions to this, number one being an item which gives you a buff to continue at the current rate of xp gain or drop your xp gain to something closer to the old rate.


The problem is some of us actually want to play the game, not just race to 60.


I recently got a friend into the game, he brought his girlfriend along at we have been playing alongside another friend with SWTOR experience.

We have no challenge playing the game, by the time we got to Taris we were over levelled, mainly due to gaining over 3 levels running through Hammer Station, so we decided to skip story and only do class quests.

We are still gaining ridiculous xp, stupidly we decided to mix it up with some PVP, 90k XP for the daily, literally gained a whole level in the early 30s.


Sure it down-levels you to the planet, but to ~2-3 levels over so there is still no challenge. We want to play the game and enjoy it, so far its just been a bombardment of levels and a feeling of losing content as we don't want to be doing Tatooine at 65. My friends havent even tried the space battles content due to it probably giving them 3 levels first go.


On top of this, gear just feels completely pointless, there is no sense of accomplishment hitting that mark where you can get those new mods, being able to take on that boss.


Please give those who want to play the game the chance to do it at the right level so there is some challenge and fun. It would also be nice to be able to do the FPs at the old levels, getting bolstered to 65 and having level 61 gear drop when you are in the 30s is just disappointing (yes i know the bosses drop the right level gear).


Tone it back so that class story and main planet story will scrape you through, not scrape you through the next planet.

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I don't skip content, and generally do everything on each planet (+ flashpoints and space missions). Before 4.0, there was a special item to disable 12x XP from class quests, even with it most quests on each planet were green (3-4 levels under mine) until Belsavis-Corellia. Now, they've taken away the possibility to disable faster XP gain, and - surprise - suddenly I find myself maxed at level 65 before I even start on Makeb (which used to be 50-55 planet).

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I for one am all for this. I've hit level 65 while on Yavin, despite having skipped Makeb. I didn't do any dailies, flashpoints, Warzones, GSF or any side quests at all whatsoever, and yet here I am mid Yavin at 65. I haven't even started any KotFE content. Normally I wouldn't complain, but this does damper on things, and takes away the excitement of finally having leveled.
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yet, there are an equal number of posts (roughly) talking about bringing back 12x xp and having to "grind"....if you annoy/upset an equal number of players (both for and against something) odds are, its probably pretty balanced.
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yet, there are an equal number of posts (roughly) talking about bringing back 12x xp and having to "grind"....if you annoy/upset an equal number of players (both for and against something) odds are, its probably pretty balanced.


It's not about upsetting "balance" (if current state of things can be called such), it's about re-introducing an OPTION to slow down XP gain for those who don't need it at 6x because they don't skip content.

Edited by Styxian
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I don't see the issue.

Even with level sync holding you down, is there any reason being a lvl 65 would affect your ability to "do everything" on each planet..?

It's not like you are so strong it isn't even a challenge anymore.


1) It doesn't remove my ability to do everything, but it removes any thrill from levelling-up and watching your abilities progress from a good chunk of the game (for example in my case - Makeb and everything following it). All I ask for is an OPTION to level at an even pace with content. I never asked for ultra fast (6x, 12x, whatever) purple mission XP progression, yet now I'm stuck with it.

2) Actually, it IS like am so strong that everything isn't a challenge. But that's another issue and not the topic of this thread, because it has more to do with companion having the stats equal to being outfitted in all-purple maxed-out artifact gear at each level.

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It's not about upsetting "balance" (if current state of things can be called such), it's about re-introducing an OPTION to slow down XP gain for those who don't need it at 6x because they don't skip content.


Exactly, please give us the option, along the lines of the White Acute Module which nullified the 12x XP

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It's not about upsetting "balance" (if current state of things can be called such), it's about re-introducing an OPTION to slow down XP gain for those who don't need it at 6x because they don't skip content.

Agreed, an option like the White Acute Module we got during 12xp to lower our XP gain to pre-4.0 levels would be great.


Alternatively, even a slider option in the options menu so we can customize our XP gains would be nice and it would be the easiest way to make everyone happy, you could have options like:

  • "0.25xp"
  • "0.5xp"
  • "1x XP"
  • "2x XP"


An so forth. with options to take it higher or lower than those. As well as a secondary dropdown menu with a few selectable presets, something like:

  • "All Quests" (Heroics + FPs included for those who want a harder levelling experience)
  • "Exploration, Planetary + Class Quests" (Pre-4.0 setting)
  • "Planetary + Class Quests" (Normal 4.0 Setting)
  • "Class Quests only". (12x XP setting)


Of course you'd have to have a (de)buff icon, which'd say "This player is earning ???x the rate of normal XP" or something, just to give players some indication of how much XP they're earning.

Edited by ZealousJedi
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I'm all for this.


When I read about all the changes I wanted to lvl another Agent

just for the sake of the new lvling experience.


But so far what I got from people was more than unsatisfying

because of that Level Bombardment. So I did not.


And I always wished for a way to slow down My ExP gain.

Even before x12. ^^

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As I stated in another thread, IMO the system is flawed when some players feel that their only option is to forgo doing content in order to have a challenging and enjoyable play experience.


I think some form of optional XP toggle or slider would help alleviate the concerns of those players without negatively impacting folks who prefer the current pace of leveling.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I agree with OP. I also think there should be a way to actually stop your experience that you can gain. Something perhaps that can be sold on the fleet for "Subs only" or something in your Cartel Market would be nice as well. As I've leveled enough toons to max level and wouldn't mind having some in the "midbee" ranges where they don't gain any more experience.
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  • 5 months later...

This is still happening, and it annoys me very much! I can manage to stay at the correct level if I skip all side missions, heroics, and flashpoints, but then I'm missing half the game! I'm so tired of feeling constantly under geared and embarrassed to group for tacticals because of it. And I definitely would like the option to slow the experience gain in flashpoints so I can do them as well without pushing myself up too high. I think I gain at least 3 levels in every FP!


The main problem, I've found, is the Starter Planet experience gain. Everything after that appears to be normal, but if you are already too high a level it just keeps compounding. I've been considering putting in a Bug Report about this to make sure the devs notice. It started right after they "fixed" the leveling experience so we only had to do Class and Planetary missions to progress, but the Starter Planets are a bit heavy on the exp rewards.

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I don't see the issue.

Even with level sync holding you down, is there any reason being a lvl 65 would affect your ability to "do everything" on each planet..?

It's not like you are so strong it isn't even a challenge anymore.


Exactly. Levels aren't important in this game, don't get hung up about them.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

You can obtain the token from that creature in the combat section on fleet. It removes any event bonus.


I still don't understand why being "over-level" hurts any game playing experience. All you do is make credits faster as a result. If it's a challenge issue, just remove the hilt or barrel from your weapon and be careful how you gear. Don't give gifts to the companions you plan to use while leveling.


People are making this into more than it is. It's as if they need something to complain about. Instead of making adjustments to the things a player can control himself / herself, Bioware must come up with a time machine tool that would bring back nostalgia.


Remove your barrel / hilt. Don't give comp gifts. Don't log out in rest zones. Enjoy earning credits faster.


I swear people must just like dominating lowbie WZs or something and just don't want to gain XP for that and be average at the next tier.

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You can obtain the token from that creature in the combat section on fleet. It removes any event bonus.


I still don't understand why being "over-level" hurts any game playing experience. All you do is make credits faster as a result. If it's a challenge issue, just remove the hilt or barrel from your weapon and be careful how you gear. Don't give gifts to the companions you plan to use while leveling.


People are making this into more than it is. It's as if they need something to complain about. Instead of making adjustments to the things a player can control himself / herself, Bioware must come up with a time machine tool that would bring back nostalgia.


Remove your barrel / hilt. Don't give comp gifts. Don't log out in rest zones. Enjoy earning credits faster.


I swear people must just like dominating lowbie WZs or something and just don't want to gain XP for that and be average at the next tier.


Some players like unlocking their characters' potential as they go through the story, not having it all unlocked by the time they finish the 2nd or 3rd zone and being left with nothing to look forward to progression wise for the rest of the game. Also people like collecting gear sets for cosmetic reasons - not quite possible when you jump to the next tier of rewards after doing 2-3 heroic quests / flashpoints.

Edited by Khelekin
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Some players like unlocking their characters' potential as they go through the story, not having it all unlocked by the time they finish the 2nd or 3rd zone and being left with nothing to look forward to progression wise for the rest of the game. Also people like collecting gear sets for cosmetic reasons - not quite possible when you jump to the next tier of rewards after doing 2-3 heroic quests / flashpoints.


Just because you get a new ability, doesn't mean you have to use it. Having the ability to use it, doesn't mean you have mastered it (for lore or RP relevance). Mission gear rewards are the same no matter what level you are when you do the mission. The only gear that would be effected by level is random loot drops.

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My suspicion is that Americans are too much used to be given far too much experience points anyway. Devs seem to believe that Americans and people in other countries just LOVE BIG numbers.

The next step to that would be that dounble XP event.

The next logical step would maybe : Why give experience points at all ? :D


I rather prefer the oppiosite : The offline Drakensang games only give a few Experience points. 10 or 20 maximum. Usually only even 5 per enemy, as far as my memory serves me.

One plays with a very different mind set instead of getting hundreds of experience points thrown at.

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