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Please Remove Required PVP content from "story" missions


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That's not true.


All the Warzones, except perhaps Huttball and the Arenas take place in a defined time period in the past. Alderaan, Novare Coast, & Ancient Hypergates directly related to the storyline. They are part of the battles ongoing in those areas. The raids and flashpoints fill out that content.


Voidstar absolutely takes place in the past because the mission commanders for that are Satele Shan and Darth Marr who as anyone who's done KOTFE know:



Satele is in exile, and Marr is in force ghost mode. And really, they aren't exactly at each other's throats in those fireside chats.


Fair point.

Doesn't remove the fact that M1-4X/Pierce directly acknowledges that battles were fought between first meeting him and recruiting him. WZs may not be the correct representation of said battles but these battles took place and run counter to the idea of the Alliance.

Heroics are still things of the past.

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This can become a bigger detail in later chapters if BW scales story content on how effective an alliance is based on how many members have been recruited, and how much influence you have for each member. The idea seems to be to convince EVERY possible character to join you, as a larger team, in as many varied disciplines as possible is important for success. Just a theory for later down the road, but 20 matches (or have 40 valor already) is a lot for someone who does not PvP at all. If anything its gimping a team to have PVE players in unbolstered gear running around just to get street cred for a companion. :rolleyes:
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I can totally see us having to do GSF missions to get a companion, or having to do bounties to get another companion.


When I think about it a bit more, it's a way of getting people to try out different parts of the game (WBs, PVP, Heroics, etc.)

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Some interesting thoughts about this subject. Except for the "life lesson" comment. Things have been constructive and interesting.


PvP, Guilds, Operations, Flashpoints and Starfighter are in the game and available as an OPTION for all players to try out when/should they choose too. BioWare does not need to lead players by the nose to "try out content". Setting things up to make players partake in content they do not enjoy is a good way to turn players from a game.


The following is an example of the mentality that directed content like PvP, Flashpoints, Operations, and such can and do create.


***So seeing as how I would like to have "X-character" as part of "My Story" and to get "X-character", x-number of PvP matches will have to be played to acquire said character, the following is the answer. I will join the PvP matches and do nothing during said matches, as I do not care for the outcome win/lose personally.


This will have an effect on the PvP players experience. I will likely get reported for "doing nothing". Trouble is, I don't care.***


To those that like PvP (in SWTOR) I ask you. Are players that think like this someone you want on your team? If you have a full PvP group you run with, please be smart enough to know this question is not directed at you and your team.

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When I think about it a bit more, it's a way of getting people to try out different parts of the game (WBs, PVP, Heroics, etc.)


I can see that, but it seems unnecessary at this stage of the game. The content, you mentioned, has been there since launch, with more added as time passed. There is no reason for Bioware to direct players toward that type of gameplay.

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first off -- I'm not a fan of pvp -- never have been .... but ....

I want the droid :) so ... I'm pvping ---- and have found it to not be as bad as I thought;

I've even won a few ( very few) matches --- you don't have to get the 20 for him all at one time. and you don't have to win them ( losses give 1 point ) --- I'm at 6/20 now and taking it slow -- it didn't say you had to do it in a few hours --- I've found that trying new things is scary, but really not that bad ( after this I "plan" to never pvp again, but who knows ?)

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I agree with the request to remove the pvp, all the other companions can be done solo so why this one (sort of two) be held back. if they can't remove at least give us a legacy unlock so we can get them without having to do this process for every character.
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Yeah, not going to be forced into PVP just to get the droid. I'm relieved to hear that I don't need to have him in order to keep things going. Quest deleted and alert ignored. I still want Felix back. My consular romanced him all the way to max but has only gotten one letter from him and not heard from him since.
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i would totally love having to do GSF for Mako and Elara . I really hope that bioware wont cave to people on this and keeps this the way it is with 4x and the other one.


Agreed. Troopers and Warriors can get them back without doing the PvP, for everyone else, they get the choice.

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Meh I guess I will through in my biased input. I really only play this game for pvp. I dont have time to commit to a raid group so I just happened to be way passed valor rank 40 to get pierce. I can see where other players who do not like pvp are disappointed but in my honest opinion I think that its a refreshing way to the questing system. And you can get those 20 WZs done in a night if you really want to :).
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Come on guys, if our local huttball games are being very unsuccessful for our home team, than how will anyone be motivated for war?





In other words there should be a pve way to do this since the huttball makes me laugh...Maybe killing defenders at the other faction's bases? I like to think that would count towards the war effort

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