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Companions - It's not about "challenge"


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I'm honestly not sure if this is a serious response or not.


If it is...I don't understand where all this hate comes from. Did my original post really offend you this much?


Probably because people are tired of seeing the same 7 or 8 folks spam "Companions are OP" threads.

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Probably because people are tired of seeing the same 7 or 8 folks spam "Companions are OP" threads.


This is the only thread that I have started in terms of Companions and 4.0.


I honestly believed my perspective and question on the matter was different than the rest of the threads on the matter, so I posted it.


I thought I posted my perspective and question in a respectful manner, or at least I tried to.


I definitely had no intentions of offending or pissing off anyone.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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First, I will apologize for making another thread about this...but this topic is somewhat different than all the others.



Now this just may be my opinion, I don't know.


For me, the way companions are in 4.0 has nothing to do about "challenge" or how difficult/easy the game is.


I think that everyone truly knows that the game has really always been easy, when you consider playing through the story solo.


For me, it's about immersion.


Pre 4.0, your character was the main character, the powerful character.


If you sent in your companions, chances are, they would need your help...and I can't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game and companions in general.


In 4.0, if you send in your companions, they simply do not need your help at all.


Pre 4.0, when you decided to fight, you, the player character, you made the difference. You were the one that made the game easy. Again, I don't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game.



Now, assuming that this design in 4.0 is working as intended...


Would you not rather it be the player characters that were the ones buffed, instead of the companions?


Leave companions alone...IMO it was never "easier"...especially with Bonus rounds or heroics. I love the new change and it made it a bit easier and still has a challenge for me. Ultimately, if you need a "better" challenge...DO NOT use companions at all and see you can take bosses on your own. There is always that part and no need to redesign the whole game just for a better challenge on that aspect. I wish people can just leave this topic alone.

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I like it the way it is.

I don't feel like a sidekick.


I feel like my sidekick isn't useless anymore.

In the movies all the "sidekicks" were just as strong as the leads. :)

Think that way, you're golden. If I spent all that time with them, they should be tougher.

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I like it the way it is.

I don't feel like a sidekick.


I feel like my sidekick isn't useless anymore.

In the movies all the "sidekicks" were just as strong as the leads. :)

Think that way, you're golden. If I spent all that time with them, they should be tougher.


Yes, exactly what I think.

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I was always frustrated - yes, this includes in KotFE - how my companions would run off to do something, shout out loud that they could handle it, and then I would have to double back to revive them after beating several swarms of enemies I was expecting their help with. Particularly since I don't play as a healer, so short of taunting (and even then, some companions will override your taunt no matter how close to death they are) there's nothing I can do to keep them from dying.
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This is the only thread that I have started in terms of Companions and 4.0.


I honestly believed my perspective and question on the matter was different than the rest of the threads on the matter, so I posted it.


I thought I posted my perspective and question in a respectful manner, or at least I tried to.


I definitely had no intentions of offending or pissing off anyone.


For the record, I thought your OP was reasoned and rational. I don't agree with it and I think I stated why, earlier in the thread - But I definitely don't think it should have offended or pissed anyone off.

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For the record, I thought your OP was reasoned and rational. I don't agree with it and I think I stated why, earlier in the thread - But I definitely don't think it should have offended or pissed anyone off.


It pisses people off because it's an effort to create the illusion of volume. Instead of posting in one of the already 13 existing threads about companions being OP, another is created to make it look like more people are upset about it. Especially considering that each of these new threads is made by someone already arguing in another thread about the same damn thing.

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FWIW, I feel that the companions are a bit (said sincerely -- a little, but not that much, IMO) more powerful than they should be now. That said, I think they were really sad before and yes, pretty much useless as many have stated. Some (healers) were more effective than others (DPS), while some were totally ineffective (tanks) in their roles. But IMO, all of them were in need of a little love.


So yes, I think they're a little overpowered now, but honestly, I don't feel that's as big an issue as having them be the weak things they used to be. At times (certain situations, certainly) they were even more liabilities than helpers. As the companions are primarily used when doing solo missions, very rarely in groups, and not at all in PvP, they really don't present much of a balance issue, IMO. First and foremost, I believe they should be useful/helpful to the player who wishes to do some solo play.


Should they be 'nerfed?' That's a touchy subject. IMO, they could be taken down just a bit from what they are now -- but not a lot -- certainly not to the 'old level' they used to fight at. Given that I don't feel they really 'break the game' for anyone but the person utilizing them (if at all), I don't think it's a big balance issue that really needs high priority. I am frankly rather leery of BioWare's ability to adjust them without going overboard. Thus far, IMO, they've generally tended toward extremes and overcompensating, rather than careful, slight adjustments. (Which is kind of why they're too powerful now -- overcompensation.) If the devs could tweak them down slightly and carefully, not slamming things around from one extreme to the other . . . well, it might be a good thing. I just don't have that much faith in them though.

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Yes my companions are stronger than other players but that does not make them OP.

Do you have any idea how many battles we fought together??

How many companion gifts I gave??

How much blood sweat and tears we shed???


With all that sacrifice I expect my comp to be more powerful than

players and mobs. Goddamnit my comp can even take on a 200k

hp Zakuul knight! But they are still not OP. If they fought against me

they would undoubtedly lose. So does that mean im god like? Hell no!

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