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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companions - It's not about "challenge"


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try it out, you may change your tune


I've only recently started my Sentinel, not even off Coruscant. Like I said before, experiences may vary. Why are you so dogmatic and set in this mind set that your point has to be 100% valid, and everyone else can go hang?

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if majority voted the sky was blue, doesnt make it right.


Everyone knows it's not really blue...


"start a new sith warrior" on new server so you have no bonuses, so that way you cant blame the bonuses for the power your comp has


I already have characters on Prog and TRE. PvP server? No thanks. German/French PvE or RP server? I think they don't like people who don't speak their language (I only know how to count to three in German).

Edited by Halinalle
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and thats why the game is screwed now...majority does not always mean right.


if majority voted the sky was blue, doesnt make it right.


If the majority of the player base think games should not have any kind of challenge to them and are happy to support companies that gut the gameply from a game and sell you slithers of cutscenes for a monthly sub...doesnt make it right.


Type in english and proofread, gen y person. Also, go play another game and those that feel the same way you do should too. If it turns out that it breaks the financial back of SWTOR the customer base has indeed spoken.

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well businesses tend to go with what's profitable and if the majority say they like what the business is selling, guess what the business is going to continue to do?


still does not make it right.


Your trying to use the fact that a corporate body wants as much money out of as many schmucks as they can get, to convince me that the game is not easy....even tho....once again....lvl 16 vs multiple lvl 21 mobs=neverending battle.


Just try it and see for yourself, you may realise.."oh wait a minute, that does seem a little tiny incy wincy bit rediculous"


Spyro the dragon has more difficultly than 4.0

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still does not make it right.


Your trying to use the fact that a corporate body wants as much money out of as many schmucks as they can get, to convince me that the game is not easy....even tho....once again....lvl 16 vs multiple lvl 21 mobs=neverending battle.


Just try it and see for yourself, you may realise.."oh wait a minute, that does seem a little tiny incy wincy bit rediculous"


Spyro the dragon has more difficultly than 4.0


Just because you think it's wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong.

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I'm not sure why this thread boiled down into so much bickering.


Most of you made your opinion heard that you were ok with how companions are in previous threads, that much did not go unnoticed.


In my OP, I respectively proposed a new perspective and question based on the way companions are now...which was different than any of the previous threads out there.


Most of you have respectively answered that question, showing me that, yes, a lot of people definitely wanted their companions to be the ones buffed, not the player character.


I've noticed people here who posted that it was disrespectful for what they saw as just "another thread asking the same question".


I'm sorry you feel that way, because that was definitely not my intention. I believed that I had a different view point on this matter than was ever discussed in the previous threads. So I posted this thread to get that viewpoint out, and to see how others felt about said viewpoint, because I respect your opinions.



Anyways...there is no need for anyone, on both sides of this debate, to get so angry at one another in this.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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Maybe they went too far but it's having the Companions be stronger was a brilliant way for Bioware to make the leveling/story part of the game easier without impacting Raids or PVP.


We pick our class, we put time in designing our character creation, we find that perfect outfit, so a cookie cutter companion can outperform us, Bioware should make us more powerful so we can enjoy the leveling story even more, then taking a back seat to our companions. We all know this is isn't right or we wouldn't have a mass amount of people posting on here trying to save it.

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Pretty much everything about this game's gameplay design is broken so fixing only the companions would actually make it worse. At least I don't have to bother with the gameplay now. I just let my companion kill everything. This game has more value as a visual novel than an MMO.
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I love the new companions' power.


On the topic of challege: I don't really play for challenge, I play for relaxation. I get plenty of challenge in my day job, and if I truly wanted a challenge against a computer, I'd play computer chess on max level. I like having a game that's kind of on autopilot. I despise combat in video games anyway. I pretty much only play video games for the talky bits and easy combat means that I can skip all the timesink combat grind jazz and just get to the next part of the story. I always hated knowing that to see the next interesting bit, I had to wade through 253,142,753,926 meaningless mooks that add nothing to plot or story development.


On the topic of immersion: I don't see companions mechanical power as a bad thing, because mechanical in-game power is not representative of in-story power, anyway. If that were the case, all these big bad class story bosses are all apparently so much less powerful than the operations mobs who really should be running the galaxy since they take 16 players to kill, not just 1 and a companion.

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buddy, when you cant die in a game and pay 16.50 a month on a sub for 5 hours of cut scenes with the promise of a few more cutscenes a month...thats wrong any way you look at it.


You can't die in the game?

You're not trying hard enough then if that's all this is boiling down to: you paying money to get killed. Have at it.

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wow, and this is why the game is ruined, you cant see the point that is being made, you have to go on some rediculous tangent to try and belittle sum1 who doesnt agree with your stance...


I do not believe you have accurately assessed the exchange I had with that particular poster.


I suggest you go back to the point where you suggested I went off on a tangent when it was you who brought it up in the first place.


Then re-read the comment and perform another assessment.


Also "sum1"? :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure why this thread boiled down into so much bickering.


Most of you made your opinion heard that you were ok with how companions are in previous threads, that much did not go unnoticed.


In my OP, I respectively proposed a new perspective and question based on the way companions are now...which was different than any of the previous threads out there.


Most of you have respectively answered that question, showing me that, yes, a lot of people definitely wanted their companions to be the ones buffed, not the player character.


I've noticed people here who posted that it was disrespectful for what they saw as just "another thread asking the same question".


I'm sorry you feel that way, because that was definitely not my intention. I believed that I had a different view point on this matter than was ever discussed in the previous threads. So I posted this thread to get that viewpoint out, and to see how others felt about said viewpoint, because I respect your opinions.



Anyways...there is no need for anyone, on both sides of this debate, to get so angry at one another in this.


it never can, because in every thread where someone dears to say that the changes in 4.0 are not that great, all hell breaks lose and all these ppl invade the thread, telling us we should not post, we should not whine, accept it and move on...the whole time failing to realise, these changes were made in the first place was because of them not accepting the game the way it was before and whining for the last 3 years.

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How about gear up and be more powerful again? Remember Korriban where Vette oblitereted everything and you could just stand there and gaze with awe? Later on you had to pop all your dCDs to keep you both alive and finally became the Hero and Vette was just a sidekick.


The same story over again - a geared up player will have a higher output no matter what.

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I do not believe you have accurately assessed the exchange I had with that particular poster.


I suggest you go back to the point where you suggested I went off on a tangent when it was you who brought it up in the first place.


Then re-read the comment and perform another assessment.


Also "sum1"? :rolleyes:


its an internet forum mate, not an english literature exam.

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You are all looking at this wrong. Just because there isn't a billion helpless NPC characters running about doesn't mean they don't exist. Your playable characters.. the deck in your hand.. are the exceptional people in a GALAXY. Edited by BlackFx
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