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Video Proof that Companions are Too powerful! KOTFE


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The fact is that a bunch of newbs didn't know how or care to gear their companions. They didn't want to put the effort out. Now it is like oh look what companions can do. Welcome to gaming. Yutts.


You might have a point there - I've always geared my companions as well as my own character (save for Treek who could handle not being upgraded quite so much) and I'm sitting here wondering why my companions aren't OP. I even played a little bit on my only non 55+ character a level 34 smuggler and haven't noticed a difference.

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You might have a point there - I've always geared my companions as well as my own character (save for Treek who could handle not being upgraded quite so much) and I'm sitting here wondering why my companions aren't OP. I even played a little bit on my only non 55+ character a level 34 smuggler and haven't noticed a difference.


I too see no difference aside from tanks have smart AOE now, and healers will not sit there plinking at an enemy, and will actually heal. I too always geared my companion well so maybe this is why, I don't know. But i see no difference in performance.


Went back to Black Hole for dailies, and it is again exactly like it was when I was 52. My companions have not become these "op" monsters I read of. I was very impressed with how the down scaling so accurately replicated how it was when I was 52, both my character and companion. TTK is the same etc. Been playing for days now and simply do not see this. Big difference is that I like how they behave more now. The "smart" aoe is nice as it was very tedious to enable/disable companion aoe constantly, just a personal thing. And for once, healers will heal rather than just shoot at things.

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So any character not in KotFE is missing those buffs.


The scale gets wider, the stacked bonuses for companions get bigger, and the simple blanket "nerf them" gets less appropriate as a course of action.


Except it's not for companion. Buffs increase your hp, damage etc.

With buffs: You can take hits from champions in Star Fortress without huge issues. Interrupting is still a smart thing to do though.

Without buffs: Your hp drops a lot more when champion or Knight of Zakuul hits you. Also killing trash in Star Fortresses takes a lot longer without damage buff.

Edited by Halinalle
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Video Link is below. This is Chapter 3 of KOTFE and is probably the 2nd real boss fight i encountered. No spoilers please I have cut most of the story sequences from this clip. This is what we are going to ask new and returning players to put up with. Think of how crappy they may feel when they find out its this easy.


Here you will see rank 1 Lana take on 2 elites by herself. Furthermore, She finished the battle unharmed and with 95-100 percent HP. Unfortunately i was not so lucky. You will see all my presence unlocks which is not even half of the legacy unlocks, and proof that she is only rank 1 influence so no bonuses there.



It kind of makes me ask why they bothered with me when she can do all this by herself. This isn't about the companions being on par with you but its about them being better than even you at fighting these things. Also 2 man heroics should be done by two people that is why they are called 2 man heroics.


The Starfortress Heroic has an Achievement called <All for One>, in which you have to do the Heroic ungrouped, and without using any of the terminal buffs. Please do that, take video, and then tell us how OP companions are supposed to be.

If you are RDPS, and your comp is a Heals, its not over hard, if you are MDPS I pitty you, and if you are heals as in that video... LOL

Really though I promise that you won't be thinking your comp is OP after that.

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Forget more of a challenge. Lets start with a little challenge. She tanked everything and barley took any damage. How can you say i should take my armor off? They didn't even attack me so that didn't come into play.


What does changing my weapon do? oh right absolutely nothing.


Solution, instead of complaining about not being challenged. Dismiss your companion and fight without one, now you have the challenge you seek. Problem solved.

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You might have a point there - I've always geared my companions as well as my own character (save for Treek who could handle not being upgraded quite so much) and I'm sitting here wondering why my companions aren't OP. I even played a little bit on my only non 55+ character a level 34 smuggler and haven't noticed a difference.


Serious I get a kick out of some folks. As Shipwright said it seems like it did before. Treek could go a long way on lower level gear. Still after GSF and all the legacy gear. I set it up to have the gear ready. Just pass it down. It was augged so I didn't have to do much but IPS, barrels, ears and that kind of stuff.

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Since Star Fortress doesn't qualify as proof for some reason let's use something simpler to prove that companions aren't overpowered.


- No stuns

- No interrupts

- No DCDs

- No companion

- I miss literally all my procs including set bonus one.


Edited by Halinalle
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So any character not in KotFE is missing those buffs.


The scale gets wider, the stacked bonuses for companions get bigger, and the simple blanket "nerf them" gets less appropriate as a course of action.


Those buffs only work and only last in the phase. So you if aren't running KOTFE you will never enter the phase where they work. It isn't for the whole game, just one Heroic. So I don't really understand what you are complaining about. Just like the Force ghost buffs on Yavin, once you leave Yavin you lose the buffs. So there is one Heroic that has buffs for players who don't feel they can do it without them(or want to race through it). When you leave the phase you lose the buffs.

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I've brought this up in every thread.... I have yet to see a reasonable response to it. Still waiting...


And here is the thing. They can't train players 2 ways. If they expect that you solo H2 content, then they expect that you should solo it all the time. You can't teach people that H2 = group only, then change it at the end. It's the logical explanation.


Clearly companions were tuned to the new H2 instance. All H4s were brought down and retuned to be run as H2 with new companions. They are not tuned for solo content, nor were they meant to be. I don't understand why people can't or won't wrap their heads around it.


I've never grouped for an H2. From my very first play through this game 3.5yrs ago I have always solo'd H2s, it could be done and it was a very nice challenge in what was otherwise the typical BW RPG in which you are virtually guaranteed to never fail.

H4... sure need a group, most of the time, though there are a few of those where proper tacts will prevail and you can solo them.

So essentially this FP/Heroic has 4 difficulty modes. Grouped with buffs, grouped without buffs, solo with buffs, and solo without buffs, the last of which awards an achieve.

So what you are complaining about is players having choice in how they play the game, or at least that is what it seems like to me.

Personally I hope they put in a lot more heroics/FPs like this.

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Solution, instead of complaining about not being challenged. Dismiss your companion and fight without one, now you have the challenge you seek. Problem solved.



Seriously I wish people would engage their brain before posting.


Let's look at that logically. There are 3 'difficulties' in the game (or were in the game).



Hard/very hard - dismiss your companion and fight alone (pre or post patch)


Moderate challenge - fighting with your companion pre patch


Utter faceroll - fighting with your companion post patch.



So now we are left with hard/ impossible for casual players post patch, or content so easy you don't even need to join any of the fights while levelling.


Can I please have the midpoint back, you know the way the game way played for the previous 4 years.

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BTW Even in game people say that DPS companions do way more damage than they do.

Funny, I had to save Ashara's *** not later than 10 minutes ago on a Belsavis heroic with those damn Esh-Kars.

And she was on healer mode which everyone say is "omg so op".

Also , on pure dps NO NO NO we still do MORE than them damn it. I tested, rerereretested it on one same mob, me, then her, I killed them way faster.


Rolled a marauder yesterday. Compared my stats with Vette. Guess what? My dps was way higher than hers.



Cut the crap.

Edited by Nihilkult
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Seriously I wish people would engage their brain before posting.


Let's look at that logically. There are 3 'difficulties' in the game (or were in the game).



Hard/very hard - dismiss your companion and fight alone (pre or post patch)


Moderate challenge - fighting with your companion pre patch


Utter faceroll - fighting with your companion post patch.



So now we are left with hard/ impossible for casual players post patch, or content so easy you don't even need to join any of the fights while leveling.


Can I please have the midpoint back, you know the way the game way played for the previous 4 years.


Just did the final Illum battle slaying the false Emperor (Solo Mode).

Soc level 63... Kehm level 8 influence...and the Battle Droid. Equipment: average 55 gear.


Facts: It took me 15 mins to whittle Malgus down. The fight was slow and tedious and at one stage I wondered if I just ought to bail out.


Sorry to say this.... All those crying that the companions are Overpowered it is your own fault.

you gear up to max and have high influence with your Companions and then you complain the fights are way too easy. OF COURSE fights are easy that way. In any of the Twenty or so Games i played Fights were always easy when being overpowered. So please stop the crap comments for the Companions are fine and just right for the majority of players.

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Even before 4.0 there was little challenge going from 1 to 50 (60, now 65). Many or simple everyone would skip H4, some H2 and revisit them when they were easy to beat, as solo, and just get to endgame as fast as possible. Not to mention leveling mutli characters going through the same content is well, yawn.


Now in 4.0 your solo endgame consist of what feels like an endless grind if you want to max influence on 15+ companions. Ofc i dunno how many actually will do this, but the new companions definitely help improve that grind, alot. Can you Imagine if you had pre-4.0 comps to do these H2 with, some class's would stand around all day yelling for a group/partner to do this with.


Swtor is a MMO, but in every aspect you play it as a solo. So no i dont want to be "challenged" when im soloing the same junk over and over again. If i want to be challenged for abit ill join a Tact FP that has no regard for who is a tank or healer.


New companions = No downtime, just keep on trucking. Personally, I fudging love it

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You do know that affection was changed to influence right? You never heard of Bowdaar? What my post shows is that a lot also has to do what level you are. I would take a old companion in a heart beat. I been on this forum since Beta and good luck on finding me using the term in all that time. The fact is that a bunch of newbs didn't know how or care to gear their companions. They didn't want to put the effort out. Now it is like oh look what companions can do. Welcome to gaming. Yutts.


Seriouslly what are you talking about? All you are doing is agreeing with me that no effort is needed to be made to make this story content borderline godmode.


I was refuting this:


what their problem is, they do every thing they can possibly do to make themselves more powerful and remove any challenge, then they come here and cry that there isnt any challenge...


So as you can see by you continuing to point out how little effort is required to remove the challenge or how easy it is ... you are agreeing with me :rolleyes:

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The Starfortress Heroic has an Achievement called <All for One>, in which you have to do the Heroic ungrouped, and without using any of the terminal buffs. Please do that, take video, and then tell us how OP companions are supposed to be.

If you are RDPS, and your comp is a Heals, its not over hard, if you are MDPS I pitty you, and if you are heals as in that video... LOL

Really though I promise that you won't be thinking your comp is OP after that.


What does ANY of that have to do with the faceroll story content? I don't think I've seen anyone complain about companions really saying they are too easy to use in heroics etc. but more so the story and how stupidly ridiculously easy it is.


Pull a couple of elites, go make dinner whilst companion cleans house without losing barely any health.

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I left this in another thread, but it applies here:


I've found an issue with companions.


Inside level sync'd areas they have an armor rating appropriate for gear of that level. Outside of level sync'd areas, ie flashpoints, stronghold, guild ships, they do not have an armor rating regardless of the companion (well not sure on KOTFE companions since I have not started that storyline so can't check them, but all original companions and ship droids). Even flashpoints that are rated as 2+, for example CZ labs tactical recommends a 2 player group plus companions, they do not have an armor rating at all and therefore do have armor damage reduction.


Standing outside the flashpoint, in CZ-198, T7 has 49k hp, 4999 armor rating, 25.98% armor damage reduction, and 9.45% defense chance.


Go inside, T7 has 96194 hp, 0 armor rating, 0 armor damage reduction, and 14.64% defense chance. My vigilance guardian has 34.5% armor damage reduction, making my 69k hp last longer than a tank companion's.


I think this is a big reason why people are having massive differences of experience with companions. In level sync areas, they are better in endurance, mastery and power than most players, and have some armor rating so they aren't entirely getting nuked. The rest of us who find them quite weak are trying to use them outside of level sync'd areas where they completely lack armor rating and are getting one or two shot by champions or FP bosses.


I am also going to bug this since 2 man flashpoints assume companion usage, and they do not have armor rating in them either. Not sure which way is wrong, they should have an armor rating or no armor rating, but one of them is wrong since logically they should have it or lack it everywhere.

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Solution, instead of complaining about not being challenged. Dismiss your companion and fight without one, now you have the challenge you seek. Problem solved.


Dismiss companion to do the companion based story ... SMART thinking. I mean it can't be the game design is the problem no, we should just have to bow down to work arounds to the stupid combat instead of having it fixed or offering alternative combat difficulties to cater to all.


I wonder if they nerf it so companions are really weak at first and are a bit stronger than they currently are when you get 50 influence if everyone with the "just dismiss your companion" argument will be fine with it since we can retort saying "just build up your influence and you'll have it as you had before" - I doubt that.

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I left this in another thread, but it applies here:




I am also going to bug this since 2 man flashpoints assume companion usage, and they do not have armor rating in them either. Not sure which way is wrong, they should have an armor rating or no armor rating, but one of them is wrong since logically they should have it or lack it everywhere.


I noticed this playing through KoTFE though I can't quite recall where, odessan perhaps which makes sense it wouldn't have any sync being level 65.


Level 4 influence companion with roughly 100K HP and whatever the defense was but that was about it.

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Video Link is below. This is Chapter 3 of KOTFE and is probably the 2nd real boss fight i encountered. No spoilers please I have cut most of the story sequences from this clip. This is what we are going to ask new and returning players to put up with. Think of how crappy they may feel when they find out its this easy.


Here you will see rank 1 Lana take on 2 elites by herself. Furthermore, She finished the battle unharmed and with 95-100 percent HP. Unfortunately i was not so lucky. You will see all my presence unlocks which is not even half of the legacy unlocks, and proof that she is only rank 1 influence so no bonuses there.



It kind of makes me ask why they bothered with me when she can do all this by herself. This isn't about the companions being on par with you but its about them being better than even you at fighting these things. Also 2 man heroics should be done by two people that is why they are called 2 man heroics.


Um, I've been doing the same thing on my assassin tank. Nice video, I really liked the poster that said "I'll take that challenge, I already do that in every room, except where it's hard..." In that same fight, on my assassin, with Lana set to DPS, a habit I've been in for well over a year now, I came out in roughly the same margin of "unharmed" as Lana did in your video, about 90% health, give or take, I didn't know I would be expected to record it, so I didn't write it down. For me, it was simply business as usual.

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I noticed this playing through KoTFE though I can't quite recall where, odessan perhaps which makes sense it wouldn't have any sync being level 65.


Level 4 influence companion with roughly 100K HP and whatever the defense was but that was about it.


Defense would be about the same, it's set by level not influence. If you and therefore your companion are level 65, it'll have the value I listed for inside the flashpoint since I'm 65 and there's no sync inside an FP, just bolster.


Where there is a level sync, like CZ daily area, they will have the defense rating appropriate for that level.


Expertise, critical, accuracy, alacrity, defense, shield and absorption do not change on influence, they change on level. For players, level sync does not affect these stats, but for companions they do because companion stats are set by level, then endurance, mastery, and power are modified by presence.

Edited by Draqsko
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