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Please remove level sync


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A gamer who wants new stuff over old and recycled content should be in opposition to level sync.

I disagree.

I see it like this: getting new use of the old content that investors gave BioWare so much money to create, saves resources and helps convince investors to give BioWare more money to create new content

Edited by JediRelentless
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You sound like a troll and people took a bait. A human being cannot be so ignorant or can it? Hmm. I will assume for now that you are not a troll.


You play MMO for over 10 years? I doubt it because you sound like a 10 year old mad at his toy because you don't understand how it works. How about you read instructions or play it yourself before you voice any ignorant opinion that has nothing to do with reality?


The point of leveling is to access new stories. You also become more powerful and this is not taken from you. You keep most of your stats as they are. Only mastery, endurance and armor stats are scaled down. Critical and Power are unchanged. You are still OP to those low level mobs and now with OP companions that are better than players, the game became far more easy than it used to before 4.0.


There is no challenge in the solo content, so I don't know where you see yourself being forced to challenge. Perhaps you play something else but it's definitely not SWTOR that you talk about.


And no, heroics don't require a group. They are easily solo'ed with any companion. Of course you don't know that either because you don't play the game. Just making up things out of mind. You should write some fairytells. You are good at it.


What trolling have to do with this ? I am just pissed at the changes and i want them to change back.

"Challenge", for every person it's mean something different. At this point, it means i cannot kill them in one strike.

And i expect that, since if i am more then 20 levels above them, i should be able to.

Challenging as said before, it depends on a person, some people are clickers, some cannot see thing that are obvious to other, so please do not use the challenge card since it all depends on a person.

I hate changes, how hard is it too understand it ?

People was quiting the game because of pvp changes, and they were demanding that it would be changed.

Nearly half of wow population quit in wod because of lack of content.

In mist of pandaria, people quit because didn't like grinding daily quests.

In cata people quit because raids were bugged aka 25 man raids were easier then 10 man raids, not to mentioned the fact that dragon soul sucked.

In wrath people left because they were not happy how easy heroics were, how naxx was bad etc.

in tbc, people left because raid size was reduced to 25 man, they couldn't comprehend jewelcrafting, didn't like space feeling of tbc.

And yet you say, i am being childing about complaining about level sync. So who is trolling now.

I have invested many years into this game, withness many changes, when they fuc** combat spec for sentinel in patch 1.2, RoHC ( the biggest grind i seen in years, even vanilla wow was less grindy, thorium brotherhood came close :p), when they fu** revan story. etc

They were many things that angered me over the years, but this is the biggest issue i have come across in this game.

I will fight to the end, or until i die ( like manowawr sang ).


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And yet you say, i am being childing about complaining about level sync. So who is trolling now.


The problem is that you complain about your assumptions about level sync, not about level sync itself. And as everyone is telling you in this thread, you are wrong in your assumptions.


Mobs in Czerka/Oricon/Black Hole/Section X die as easily as they did before on your level 60 character. So if you found those dailies not difficult pre 4.0, they are certainly not challenging now either.

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But they could also just make it "optional" - maybe that would make both sides happy-ish? I ono ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If it was optional high level characters would wipe out world bosses and open world daily areas making it impossible for on levels to compete. It is just not possible to make it optional and keep it fair with the new rewards system.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hate this in daggerfall, oblivion, guild wars 2 and now sw tor.

I do not give flying **** about challenge, i have been playing mmo's for over 10 years, i do not need this.

I had a fix routine for doing my dailies, every day. Now fuc** this. I had something to do while waiting for my auctions to sell.

Only thing this does, is forcing me to group for heroic quest. I hate being forced to do something especially if i am paying for something.

I have been in a phase of loving challenge, pve, pve duels etc, you name it. The only thing i wanted was to do my dailies, but no i cannot even do that.

Too bad they have to make such stupid decisions to prevent me from enjoying the game.


Yea, Musco, Tait, and the Gang sit around a table at BW Austin and goes like this...

"Hey gang!"

"Sup, Eric!"

"So I was just wondering how can we make that guy, Sewerus, not enjoy the game?"

"Level sync everything because it apparently makes everything take even longer?"



On a more serious note, that's obviously not what happens, mostly because Musco is a Community Manager and because they obviously not making decisions to make it less enjoyable for you or anyone else. If you only come to a game to play dailies you may need to find a new game, because doing dailies isn't an enjoyable experience itself regardless of level sync or not. Next, you don't need to group for a single heroic save for maybe two (dreadseed and the shroud) because your companion is utterly overpowered and kills everything for you, or makes you immortal with heals that make the sorcerer healer look like a 4th grader smashing buttons on TF2.

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only problem is that it sync you on a level already too high for the planet. For exemple, alderaan is a 28-32 planet, and you are sync at 34. Suppose you have outlevel the planet, which is easy to do given the boost of XP you get from questing, you start alderaan at 34 and completely faceroll the planet.


But then again, you would faceroll the planet with OP compagnon anyway. So i guess it's double faceroll. That does seem to be latest bioware line of design, make the game very easy, highly accessible.


Future will tell if it was a smart decision, forum scanning tells me that you either hate it or love it. there doesn't seems to have middle ground there.


I believe making a game too easy to grab quick cash from ultra casual player is not sustainable. These casual player will want content, story content very likely, and bioware cannot produce story content at the rate is will be consumed. that's why i think it is not sustainable, a lot of player will either move on to other game, or stay as F2P. Because the story content is free in SWTOR.


If they'd made levelsync optional, they could have also made it meaningful.


Those who preferred things as they were before, could turn it off. Those who want to be synced to local, could turn it on, and it could be a true sync instead of the lolsync we have now.


However, as long as it's mandatory, I'd rather they stick with the lolsync, at least it mitigates the rot a little bit for those of us who were never interested in being downsynced to begin with.

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I do not know, who's bright idea was to create to level sync, but please remove it.

The whole point of leveling is to make your character more and more powerful.

Now there is not point in getting better gear, since you can only have two levels above max level of the planet.

I was doing black hole, illum, belsavis solo and i like it, they cannot lost it relevant status years ago so what is the point of being challenging/semi challenging.

I hated it in guild wars 2 and i hate this here.

I want to feel that my character is powerful and you taken it from me.

In warcraft i can solo entire raids with ease.

Here i cannot even solo few champions that are 20 levels lower then me.

I do not see the point of leveling, getting new gear, advancing my character since it won't make a difference.

All changes in patch 4.0 looks awesome but this really puts me off.

I wanted to subscribe but this really puts me off. It is a game breaker for me.


Thanks in advance.


personally i enjoy being able to help my lower level friends and not sap their XP, so no please do not remove it.

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your choice to run into the group, the same as it is to avoid it. that's where the quoted opinion loses its value after that point. you have a choice.


Except with the current latency issues, you aren't rendering those mobs until you drive through them. As many people are complaining, even turning down your graphics is not fixing this terrible server side lag. So, nope. At the moment, that's not even a choice.


As for me. I hate level sync. Find it obnoxious. For people saying it's no longer 'tedious' to combat against level 20 trash mobs. It's actually more tedious. It takes me two hits now to down them instead of one. I can tolerate it. I have been tolerating it. As a system it feels half-a**ed. They wanted old content to be relevant, so created level sync, and then reduced the mob difficulty (across the board) to compensate for it?


I want trash to be easy. Done and over with. These are the moisture farmers of SWTOR, and should fall over. I want my boss and Champion mobs to take thinking. I should have to move off the red death circle, and I should remember to hit my interrupt atleast once.

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*lol* It does sound like everyday lag. Except it wasn't just my laptop chugging along one frame at a time. It was my husband's gaming PC. My brother's gaming PC. And a mini explosion on GC where we thought the world would end.


Instead the world ending was earlier today (sunday). GC starts in on the 'zomg LAG' fest and then, a small army of us were kicked to char select, we logged back in and went '*** was THAT?!'


There are threads in General. Threads in Bugs. Gen Chat convos. All stating that lag is eating the game. Personally I think the ScoreKeeper is after us all for making a mockery of her world bosses.

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Personally it would be better if the pre-4.0 non-level sync'd FP, HM & Ops system we've had since the game was first scribbled on a cocktail napkin was brought back & added as an option. This way both sides can choose to play how they want.


For me zerging FPs, HMs & Ops the old fashioned way with good friends over a smooth scotch after a long day at work is a fun way to unwind. So no. Don't remove it ... just bring back our legacy system and give players the choice.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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