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KOTFE: Best Class For The Storyline?


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Class differences mainly crop up in the first two chapters and largely disappear after that.


In before people start posting about the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior, and wanking over the Inquisitor with odd comments that it's completely impossible for non-Force classes to be doing this stuff without accepting the candy from the man in white robes.

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That's what I really thought it was going to be like. Very Force-Focused in terms of story, leaving Non-Force Sensitives to be kind of... "Why am I the one doing this?".


It's not Force-focused in the slightest, and the game goes out of its way to explain why a non-Force class has earned the center stage.


Some people just have trouble with the idea of non-Force-users being in the same weight class as the Force-sensitives.

Edited by Cythereal
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It's not Force-focused in the slightest, and the game goes out of its way to explain why a non-Force class has earned the center stage.



Valkerion telling you "only you merited my full attention" really work best if your class story had some sort of personal connection to the man.

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Valkerion telling you "only you merited my full attention" really work best if your class story had some sort of personal connection to the man.


Valk explains why every class merited his complete attention, and every class does have a personal connection to him by being instrumental on Yavin and Ziost.


The Warrior mattered about as much to Valk as Scourge - a useful tool to an end and nothing more unless the Warrior was also the PC. And the Knight is hardly the only person to have slain an Emperor's Voice.

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Valk explains why every class merited his complete attention, and every class does have a personal connection to him by being instrumental on Yavin and Ziost.


The Warrior mattered about as much to Valk as Scourge - a useful tool to an end and nothing more unless the Warrior was also the PC. And the Knight is hardly the only person to have slain an Emperor's Voice.


warrior slain emperor's voice on Voss.

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warrior slain emperor's voice on Voss.


And he's had other voices before. Like the possessed Jedi Master women who embodies his consciousness on Ziost until the PC - who can be a non-Force-sensitive beats her down. Including, probably, Valkorion. Who can die from a blaster pistol blowing a six inch hole in his chest, depending on the player's class.

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You also got to take into account the OT where Han Solo, a smuggler shots Vader, a Sith Lord out of the sky in ANH. He also helped take on the Empire and was quite instrumental in helping Luke achieve what he did. Last time I checked he was not force sensitive, so it wouldn't feel out of place to be a smuggler or trooper or bounty hunter.
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You also got to take into account the OT where Han Solo, a smuggler shots Vader, a Sith Lord out of the sky in ANH. He also helped take on the Empire and was quite instrumental in helping Luke achieve what he did. Last time I checked he was not force sensitive, so it wouldn't feel out of place to be a smuggler or trooper or bounty hunter.


Well to be fair, Han never engaged Darth Vader in single-combat. (Or group combat really. He got a pot-shot off in TESB). But he was instrumental to the Alliance and Luke for sure.

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Well to be fair, Han never engaged Darth Vader in single-combat. (Or group combat really. He got a pot-shot off in TESB). But he was instrumental to the Alliance and Luke for sure.


Valkorion, though, explains in some depth why a non-Force class earned his undivided attention. In particular, that you did as much to affect the galaxy as the greatest Jedi Masters and Sith Lords, and you did so without the Force and all of its advantages.


I've done the first two chapters of KOTFE - where the vast majority of the class-specific content is - with every class, and a light-side Imperial Agent gets the most lavish praise from Valkorion for their accomplishments.

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I've only finished KOTFE on my Smuggler and Warrior, and the one I had a blast on was my smuggler. Now I did a bit of lving on each of my toons, so I've seen most of the first two chapters for each class (did this because I was curious about the differences.) And on further note non-force users chapter two of KOTFE is more varied.


But I think it comes down to which class the player prefers? Bioware/EA has made it so if your favorite character is the Trooper he/she still falls into this story perfectly, same for any other class agent/warrior/knight, etc., etc. Pick which character you love and enjoy KOTFE.



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I've only finished KOTFE on my Smuggler and Warrior, and the one I had a blast on was my smuggler. Now I did a bit of lving on each of my toons, so I've seen most of the first two chapters for each class (did this because I was curious about the differences.) And on further note non-force users chapter two of KOTFE is more varied.


But I think it comes down to which class the player prefers? Bioware/EA has made it so if your favorite character is the Trooper he/she still falls into this story perfectly, same for any other class agent/warrior/knight, etc., etc. Pick which character you love and enjoy KOTFE.




While I still think that feels like plot armor writing, playing through on Consular/Inquisitor and now Warrior, it had me thinking of getting my DSV Trooper through it and always pick DS when Valkie gives the option :)

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While I still think that feels like plot armor writing, playing through on Consular/Inquisitor and now Warrior, it had me thinking of getting my DSV Trooper through it and always pick DS when Valkie gives the option :)


Worth noting that Bounty Hunters, uniquely even among non-Force-classes, are said by Valkorion to be extraordinarily resistant to the Force. My LS Bounty Hunter told Valk that even the Sith fear her and the Dark Council hesitates to get on her bad side. Valk agreed that it was only reasonable for the Dark Council to consider her an equal given her fearsome skill and remarkable resistance to the Force - Bounty Hunters shrug off a legendary war hero of a Jedi Master trying to mind trick them during the story.


So the game explicitly considers Bounty Hunters at least, and by extension probably the other non-Force classes, to be the equal of any Dark/Jedi Councilor.

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Worth noting that Bounty Hunters, uniquely even among non-Force-classes, are said by Valkorion to be extraordinarily resistant to the Force. My LS Bounty Hunter told Valk that even the Sith fear her and the Dark Council hesitates to get on her bad side. Valk agreed that it was only reasonable for the Dark Council to consider her an equal given her fearsome skill and remarkable resistance to the Force - Bounty Hunters shrug off a legendary war hero of a Jedi Master trying to mind trick them during the story.


So the game explicitly considers Bounty Hunters at least, and by extension probably the other non-Force classes, to be the equal of any Dark/Jedi Councilor.


Smuggler shrugged off a force persuasion too. It had me believing all four non force using classes are therefor strong willed enough not to get taken in by force persuasion.


Marr didn't seem to come off as fearing the Hunter though. IMO anyways.

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Smuggler shrugged off a force persuasion too. It had me believing all four non force using classes are therefor strong willed enough not to get taken in by force persuasion.


Marr didn't seem to come off as fearing the Hunter though. IMO anyways.


Marr doesn't fear anyone save maybe the Emperor - but Ravage and Mortis and Acina and crew?


As it is, Valk specifically calls out the Bounty Hunter for their resistance to the Force, something he does not do for the Agent, Smuggler, or Trooper.


That's not a knock against them, though. I for one prefer playing non-Force classes and love taking those mutants with their magic swords down a peg.

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Problem is when the story throws people like Vaylin and Arcann at you clearly stating that they are stronger in the force than the force using PC. That's what throws a wrench in the whole non-force user story line the forces arrayed against you is just too far out there. While the class stories were more down to earth for what the classes are doing.


Hence why its ludicrous rejecting "that guy" offers as a non force user and trying to fight those kids. I was in the non force using camp would fit before release but after? Ehhh not so much anymore those kids are just too OP it would be like boba fett or han solo taking vader/sidious in a duel they would lose.


This is just my opinion on the subject yeah the emperor can pander you but the context of the story keeps me scratching my head on how my agent is actually going to deal with the kids without the power of the mcguffin. While I don't have that problem with my force user.

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What's so hard to understand? All the non-Force classes have fought and prevailed against powerful Force-users before, including Revan and everything on Ziost.


When Arcann's and Vaylin's cutscene powers kick in, exactly the same things happen to Force-users as non-Force-users.


Yeah, the kids are powerful. But my agent is probably going to end up shooting and stabbing them to death, or whatever the cutscene demands (probably the murder pistol, since that's what they use to blow a hole in Valkorion's chest). The kids are powerful, but not invulnerable and will go down when the plot says they go down.

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What's so hard to understand? All the non-Force classes have fought and prevailed against powerful Force-users before, including Revan and everything on Ziost.


When Arcann's and Vaylin's cutscene powers kick in, exactly the same things happen to Force-users as non-Force-users.


Yeah, the kids are powerful. But my agent is probably going to end up shooting and stabbing them to death, or whatever the cutscene demands (probably the murder pistol, since that's what they use to blow a hole in Valkorion's chest). The kids are powerful, but not invulnerable and will go down when the plot says they go down.


See that's my problem with the non force users "they will go down because of plot" and its pretty clear Valk let himself get killed. Refusing him gets you stabbed like a pleb and as a non force user Arcann is deflecting your shots like child's play. Hence why I said it does not make sense.


Talking about believablity here and I have to suspend my belief on how they will take them down without big V's power. In the context of the narrative all the people the PC's fought the kids would smash them aside with ease. V clearly states that the kids are stronger than the force using PC.


All the non force user classes the enemies they fought fit within the context of their narrative and Revan was fought with 3-7+ people. The force users on zoist are like children compared to the high ranking force uses of zakuul and the kids.


Hell I don't even know how the force users will take them down if you have been refusing the emperor. Saying they will go down because of plot is weak in my opinion and does not help me change my current opinion only strengthen it.


V may say awesome **** about our non force using classes but in the overall story? I feel out of place on how I will beat such a foe with my agent even with my main inquisitor I am still thinking how will take down Arcann. Don't even get me started on Vaylin she is something else.

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See that's my problem with the non force users "they will go down because of plot" and its pretty clear Valk let himself get killed. Refusing him gets you stabbed like a pleb and as a non force user Arcann is deflecting your shots like child's play. Hence why I said it does not make sense.


Talking about believablity here and I have to suspend my belief on how they will take them down without big V's power. In the context of the narrative all the people the PC's fought the kids would smash them aside with ease. V clearly states that the kids are stronger than the force using PC.


All the non force user classes the enemies they fought fit within the context of their narrative and Revan was fought with 3-7+ people. The force users on zoist are like children compared to the high ranking force uses of zakuul and the kids.


Hell I don't even know how the force users will take them down if you have been refusing the emperor. Saying they will go down because of plot is weak in my opinion and does not help me change my current opinion only strengthen it.


V may say awesome **** about our non force using classes but in the overall story? I feel out of place on how I will beat such a foe with my agent even with my main inquisitor I am still thinking how will take down Arcann. Don't even get me started on Vaylin she is something else.


Here's the thing, though: Force users struggle just as much in the same situations. Arcann deflects blaster fire and lightsaber strokes with equal ease in cutscenes, and is nevertheless wounded by one attack that gets past his defenses.


I plan to stab Arcann, personally. It's well established by NPCs that the Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent are considered equals to the Dark Council in fighting ability, and Force use is not invulnerability or innate super-skill.


In particular, Arcann and Vaylin are hilariously overconfident, and that's always been a death sentence for Force users going up against "mere mortals."


If you want to remove the whole suspension of disbelief problem, it's really quite simple: have a lower opinion of Force users relative to normal people. The game sure doesn't think Force users are innately any better than normal people.

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Agent is established equal to Dark Council in terms of fighting abiity? o.O The storyline has it said pretty plainly. You can't beat them, they're Darths.


Out think. Out maneuver. Out talk. But out fight? No.


The fight against Koffe then makes you go, "Wait you just said this whole time..." :p


But really, a lot of the stories end up going against what they play out as, especially after Correllia.

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Thinking out loud here, but the inquisitor story makes more sense to me than any of the other ones I put through KotFE.


Immmense rise to power, from slavery to being one of the two post influential and strong Dark Council members along Darth Marr. Then a new foe appears that tears you down into nothing (out of pure luck mostly, Valkorian did their work for them).


And here's the kicker, the Inquisitor is uniquely suited to deal with Valkorian's ghost and his powers - no spoilers - but most people should know why from the SI storyline.

Arcann says that he has learned that his father is much weaker than he was before, and he beats the PC, this just hints at me that in order to defeat Arcann, or his psychotic overpowered sister, we'll have to completely merge with the Emperor instead of having him vacation in our heads. If this turns out to be so, in my mind, only the Inquisitor makes enough sense. In terms of physical prowess and combat ability from the Force users the Wrath and the Knight are the best guys, but in terms of wielding the power of the Force, the Inquisitors have no equal, so this is just what makes me feel that if my theory turns out to be correct and we need to "merge" with Valkorian, the Dark Lord would be the best fit.



And as much as I love my Hunter or Smuggler or Agents, it doesn't feel...natural when I play Kotfe with them :(

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