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Can we kill Quinn now?


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Love the new changes to companions! All of these upgrades work incredibly well to really increase the value of all of our companions. That being said, with the new flexibility of usage (tank, damage, or healer) the individual value of certain companions has gone down. Specifically, Quinn is now nothing more than an annoying kiss-a**.


His value to the story was originally a knife in the back for the Warrior. This is the kind of betrayal that every Sith story needs. But because of his value as the only healer companion for the Warrior, your character's honest reaction, choking the life out of him, was discarded for gameplay reasons. Losing their only healer was an insurmountable handicap for a class that couldn't play the role of healer.


With the advent of KOTFE, however, he's now back to being more valuable for his story than his role. So can we please kill him? Pleeeeeeeeaaaaase? :D

Edited by jamesedjones
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  • 1 month later...

Forgiving Quinn was the ONLY light sided thing my SW ever did. -and it was under duress. But there was no alternative.


He was condemned to the ship and never ventured forth again. -Ever.


- Not even summoned to give him his trousers back!


A Sarlacc pit with Jar-Jar Binks for company isn't punishment enough.


Recruit and kill, or never recruit. - The only choice that matters.

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Answer: No.


Reason: He hasn't been introduced yet back into the story so there is no way to kill him.


The dream is to kill him in Chapter 3. Or have the scenario changed so that he has a change of heart and tries to stop the trap, but it's automated and too late and he helps you fight the droids. Or something. But the guy gloats about killing you. HE GLOATS!!!! And then you are forced to forgive him and not even tell anyone what happened?!?! Even though if you brought someone he gloats to them too implying that he would recommend that Baras kill Pierce (who I had with me). And Pierce got amnesia and forgot this somehow??? Errrgh!!


The damage is already done at the point of KOTFE. Killing him out of the blue then makes no sense. He needs to die in route to Corellia.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Kill? pfff , please....he doesn't deserve death! Death is too sweet !


Nah..what I would want is to smack him with Vette shock collar and abuse the Button ON! :D


I like that idea better, actually, considering how awful he is to Vette.



If you bring Vette with you to the Transponder Station, he's practically giddy about having to knock her out before attempting to kill the Warrior.



Seriously though, my Light V Juggernaut will gladly sacrifice her "Pure" title for a bit just to duly punish that whiny fool. She comes from a culture where people are expected to be strong and brave, not submissive and spineless and they do not tolerate betrayal at all either.


I assume that if and when Quinn returns, we will have the option of killing him for whatever reason, as we are now able to kill other companions. Otherwise, it wouldn't really be fair to players.

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I like that idea better, actually, considering how awful he is to Vette.



If you bring Vette with you to the Transponder Station, he's practically giddy about having to knock her out before attempting to kill the Warrior.



Seriously though, my Light V Juggernaut will gladly sacrifice her "Pure" title for a bit just to duly punish that whiny fool. She comes from a culture where people are expected to be strong and brave, not submissive and spineless and they do not tolerate betrayal at all either.


I assume that if and when Quinn returns, we will have the option of killing him for whatever reason, as we are now able to kill other companions. Otherwise, it wouldn't really be fair to players.


I know right ??


I really don't think he deserve to die , he deserve to SUFFER!!


I smack him with Vette shock collar and Let her Boss him around for starter :D Also , if you recall . Quinn way is that he LOVE to destroy someone career and dreams . he is a sadist , he was taught by Baras . So I would do the same to him . Strip him from his rank and drop him below a slave and watch the Agony lol


Whats the best revenge against someone who think of himself intelligent and the best Tool ? discard them to useless and watch his 'gift' being wasted on lame task...He go bonker so fast lol

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The damage is already done at the point of KOTFE. Killing him out of the blue then makes no sense. He needs to die in route to Corellia.


I agree. Letting us kill Quinn (/Vic/Skadge/Xalek/Gault/Kaliyo/whoever) in KotFE is a nice consolation prize, and all, but ultimately it feels really meaningless and petty to be all "yeah I forgave you seven years ago but now you get what's coming to you, boy!"


As long as the vanilla game remains as it is, the damage is done, and no amount of ex post facto punishment will satisfy the damage done to the storytelling by making all comps mandatory 1-50.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ah, my own Warrior is only anxious to get her Quinn back. Period. He is HER Quinn, and dang if anyone ever will even bother a single, gorgeous hair on his head! Baras might have used him as a bludgeon against her but that only earned Baras a big lightsaber in his fat gut.


Seriously. Why would she even be angry with Quinn? He outright SAYS he was forced. Nah, my Warrior put the blame where it belonged -- buh bye, Baras.

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Ah, my own Warrior is only anxious to get her Quinn back. Period. He is HER Quinn, and dang if anyone ever will even bother a single, gorgeous hair on his head! Baras might have used him as a bludgeon against her but that only earned Baras a big lightsaber in his fat gut.


Seriously. Why would she even be angry with Quinn? He outright SAYS he was forced. Nah, my Warrior put the blame where it belonged -- buh bye, Baras.


Not sure if my fem SW would kill Quinn (she's light V for crying out loud) but things are defiantly going to be very, very awkward between them once Quinn finds out about Lana ;)


Darth Fat Arse betraying her wasn't too surprising (something she fully expected) on the other hand her lover betraying her (even he was forced to do so) she didn't know how to react to that. So with the galaxy gone to hell in a hand basket hooking up with Lana seemed perfectly ok to her.

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Even if 1000 years have passed, my SW gal would never forgive her ex husband. Until his betrail she thought that if some normal maggot would even be a match, than he would be this guy. Smart minds are sexy. Even if he is a perfect agent, she does not forgive and do not forget. He did chose the wrong side. That means to her he signed his deathsentence. No arguments, no second thoughts. ...After all that is why she is the Wrath in the first place.


My SW's persona is quite simple, she is the best there is, and when she takes on a job this means it is done. When someone crosses her, he is done. BW not letting me act properly breaks my entire exerience playing my main toon.


And do not say "he was forced" that's weapongraded ballonium. He had several times to inform the SW about Baras double play. The SW has several dialogues with Malavai, where the SW makes quite clear, she knows of Baras game and the upcoming betrayl. For a smart agent, Malavy acted quite dumb. This is now all up to him. I do not care if he is by now a potent commander who is fighting in the Wraths name. Actually I do care. For the first time playing my main I got quite pissed when I got Malavais Mail. How dare he fight in my name? I'll f***g rip all of his extremtites out!:mad:


Malavay has to die in order the SW got his inner peace. And he has to die by the players hand. I'd be extremly pissed if again one of our personal baddies would be killed by some generic NPC.

Edited by Isnogut
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Not sure if my fem SW would kill Quinn (she's light V for crying out loud) but things are defiantly going to be very, very awkward between them once Quinn finds out about Lana ;)


Darth Fat Arse betraying her wasn't too surprising (something she fully expected) on the other hand her lover betraying her (even he was forced to do so) she didn't know how to react to that. So with the galaxy gone to hell in a hand basket hooking up with Lana seemed perfectly ok to her.


I've always assumed Quinn was coerced using the Force. To be honest, my Warrior NEVER bothered even becoming angry with Quinn. Waking up from carbonite, she's just anxious at losing five years from him and now not knowing where he is or if he's safe. Arcann better watch his crotch, if anything's happened to Quinn while she's been out for the count. She will so crush his ... ahem.

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I hope Quinn has been living in fear for five years.... not knowing when I'll return and start his punishment. - Which should last even longer, and hurt even more than the Sarlacc pit. Hell hath no fury..... and all that.


( Just got to this part of the story 2nd time around..... and still can't forgive, even played LS this time)

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Why do you all want to kill Quinn? The man was loyal to his employer and diligent enough to set up a trap that could have worked. With his former employer dead he is now a reliable asset, and as opposed to your apprentices, he is under no obligation to try and murder you again under Sith-traditions.
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And do not say "he was forced" that's weapongraded ballonium.


I didn't say that; he did. It's only left to the player to determine what form that force actually took. But when it comes to Sith -- who seem perfectly capable of waving their fingers to get their will accomplished -- I'll err on the side of caution and assume a non-Force capable Imperial can't really tell Baras to "take a leap". At least not so easily, lol.

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The Force doesn't work on weakminded creatures. Quinn is one of the quite smarter ones. It is not only hard to belive but most improbable, he was forcepersuaded by Baras to undermine us.


Beside that, he used his chance of reliability up with the SW when he tried to attack the SW. Malavay should have known better. One thing has the SW in particular, he always grow over the hardest trials. How hard was for him calculating this properly? After almost 2 years of knowing the SW... Well acutally this should be absolute obvious, "You do not take the SW head on if you want to win!". He should have shoot a mass distruction weapon on us, unannounced. Covering as much of n areal as possible. So we can't escape. Then he would had a 50/50 chance to get us. But no he had to use 2 droids. I felt kinda disapointed. He wasn't even trying, but gloating, ...yeeees, he really thought, he might had a chance. Freaking maggot! He mocks the SW, and now we have to endure that face? ...AGAIN?!


BW sould really think the idea through of adding him back in the game. If some companion need to be killable then Malavay shoud be this one for sure. You wanna have him, fine, but most of the SW dedicated players have the impression he is nothing but a splinter under our nails.

I for one do really badly want my hands on his throat as a SW.

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Honestly , while I can understand that peoples changed their mind when they killed him and lost a healer and because of that they changed it AGAIN . As soon as Treek came out , the option to kill him shouldve been avaible for those who brough Treek . Heck the option should be there regardless . A nice dialogue that say YOU WILL LOSE YOUR ONLY HEALER , DO YOU WANNA PROCEED WITH THE KILL ? YES/NO . And there you go .
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