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Anyone Deleted Their Free Level 60 Toon?


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So the new armor is Legacy Bound and Adaptive. There is a discussion in the New Play Forum that you can delete your free level 60 toon as long as you do not get up to level 61 and you will then be allowed to create another free level 60 toon.


The thought process here is people want to collect all of the armor that the new level 60 toons come with, mix and match it with the actual toon they will use through KOTFE as well as have some left in Legacy Storage for other toons once they hit level 60. I would love to mix and match some of the armors for my new toon.


Has anyone actually deleted a free level 60 toon and been able to create another for free?


The New Play Forum has one guy saying yes he did and another one saying once he deleted he lost the free boost.


Need more input.....

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So the new armor is Legacy Bound and Adaptive. There is a discussion in the New Play Forum that you can delete your free level 60 toon as long as you do not get up to level 61 and you will then be allowed to create another free level 60 toon.


The thought process here is people want to collect all of the armor that the new level 60 toons come with, mix and match it with the actual toon they will use through KOTFE as well as have some left in Legacy Storage for other toons once they hit level 60. I would love to mix and match some of the armors for my new toon.


Has anyone actually deleted a free level 60 toon and been able to create another for free?


The New Play Forum has one guy saying yes he did and another one saying once he deleted he lost the free boost.


Need more input.....


I did. Created new lvl 60, run around a bit (become like 60,5, did not cross 61 border), realised I do not like him and deleted. Then created another one.

To be very clear - another lvl 60 was of the same class. But I do not think it matters.


Did not try to take off new armor. Should be possible, I guess.

Edited by Mirandel
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If you delete your free level 60 char you won't get a replacement, that is a one-time deal.


Did you try and were not able to recreate the level 60 toon?


Only people that have tried and can confirm please answer. The last thing we want is a debate if you can do it or not, that just wouldn't answer the question now would it?

Edited by Effec
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It works !


I made a lvl 60 Vanguard with it. Didn't play him at all becides log onto it. Sent the gear to another char on Imp side (note that in case you send the gear to the other faction the looks of the gear will be converted, i.e. meaning the Vanguard gear ended up looking like Powertech gear)


Then deleted the 60 Vanguard ( did not cross lvl 61 ) and I was able to make a new lvl 60 Sorc.


So in short, yes you can delete and redo a lvl 60 char as long as you dont cross lvl 61.

And you can send gear around but the looks will change if you send it to another faction.


Hope that helped !

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So the new armor is Legacy Bound and Adaptive. There is a discussion in the New Play Forum that you can delete your free level 60 toon as long as you do not get up to level 61 and you will then be allowed to create another free level 60 toon.


The thought process here is people want to collect all of the armor that the new level 60 toons come with, mix and match it with the actual toon they will use through KOTFE as well as have some left in Legacy Storage for other toons once they hit level 60. I would love to mix and match some of the armors for my new toon.


Has anyone actually deleted a free level 60 toon and been able to create another for free?


The New Play Forum has one guy saying yes he did and another one saying once he deleted he lost the free boost.


Need more input.....


Yes you can do this, I did it four times yesterday and I know of others who have to for reason you stated. Just don't level to 61 and you can reroll it 10000 time if you want.

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It works !


So in short, yes you can delete and redo a lvl 60 char as long as you dont cross lvl 61.

And you can send gear around but the looks will change if you send it to another faction.


Hope that helped !




So if I get the Trooper armor and send it to my Sith it will look like the Bounty Hunter armor? That would suck....

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yep. just did it today for the outfits. didn't do it 1000 times, but rather just 4, since stat wise, they are pretty meh and appearance tabs - save for future use. not to mention - they automatically change appearance depending on which faction character you want to use them on (which.. actualy is something I dislike, personally - I thought we moved past that.. but I guess not. :/)
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Also, the following items are not legacy bound either by design or due to a mistake in coding:


Off-hand Pistol

Off-hand Lightsaber





I made one of every variant AC, so 22. Deleted them all after getting their legacy gear and 4! Black/Black dyes from the cantina crates. Previously, I had made around 100 trash level 1 toons for the crates and got just 1 Black/Black. I doubt the odds really changed between level 1 and 60, but it certainly turned out to be rewarding, regardless.


Some of the looks are cool. Some not so much. I plan on decking out one of my trooper crews with multiples of the legacy trooper gear color matched to black/light gray.


The smuggler gear looks like ****.


None of the sets has a distinctive helmet. All are just plain head mics.

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What happens if you buy a level 60 then delete?


So I have 4 level 60,s 1 free, 3 brought of cartel. If I delete one do I lose it if all are above level 61. Or only the first one made as that is the toon that counts as the free one. Considering the high cost of the level 60's this is something BW should make sure everyone is a where of there policy on this.


As for the free armour on the level 60, I do like the consular's and yes would like a few more for my alts. The inquisitor's is nice as well. The rest eer no.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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What happens if you buy a level 60 then delete?


So I have 4 level 60,s 1 free, 3 brought of cartel. If I delete one do I lose it if all are above level 61. Or only the first one made as that is the toon that counts as the free one. Considering the high cost of the level 60's this is something BW should make sure everyone is a where of there policy on this.


As for the free armour on the level 60, I do like the consular's and yes would like a few more for my alts. The inquisitor's is nice as well. The rest eer no.


Any instant 60 that gets to 61 can not be deleted and re-made without buying a new token.


Below is from the support help center located at : http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/7443


If you’ve created a new level 60 character and find that the playstyle of that Advanced Class does not suit you, you may delete that character before they reach level 61 and create another without having to buy a token from the Cartel Market.

Hope this helps :)

Edited by Jerqa
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  • 3 months later...

I made one of every variant AC, so 22. Deleted them all after getting their legacy gear and 4! Black/Black dyes from the cantina crates. Previously, I had made around 100 trash level 1 toons for the crates and got just 1 Black/Black. I doubt the odds really changed between level 1 and 60, but it certainly turned out to be rewarding, regardless.


And this is the reason they changed the start at 60 equipment to be bound to the character instead of legacy.


A bit of info that's not in the FAQ for start at 60's: If you make a start at 60 and do a server transfer, and delete it, you will not get your token back regardless if you level up or not.

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