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So My Character Doesn't Speak Anymore?


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Voice actors are tricky in the games industry. Like 3 weeks ago they went on strike and demanded better cut of total profits or something, as if a voice actor is the key to a game's success up against the dozens or hundreds of devs who labored and toiled to release a finished game.


The current strike is mainly regarding working conditions, not money. Only one part of what they were asking for was about money, and that was just residual payments when games do really well.

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It's supposedly just for Alliance stuff, but I want to make sure, that they know it's NOT OK to cheap out and think they can get away with this for the future and do it for all the conversations including main story ones.


And I would even add main companion stories to this as well. No one will like their Vette, Corso, Torian or Elara returning to them in a one-sided, voiceless, uncinematic conversation.

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I think a large element to the game is lost when our characters and our companions no longer speak.. I understand the new style gives them more room to give us better options.. I am down with that..


But our characters should still speak as with our companions.. Part of their charm is their voice and what they say..


If it isn't broke don't fix it.. :cool:

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Well, this is obviously a massive spoiler by you.


But yes, SWTOR is no longer a fully voiced MMO, in fact, this is the first time they've dropped voice overs for the protagonist since Dragon Age Origins.


Real step backwards in my opinion. Shame.


more like a real step forward. lets be real here, one thing that always held this game back was the fact, it required VOs. without VOs, bioware can do so much more.



so at the end of the day, which you rather have: more story and content, but less VOs or more VOs, but less content due to the fact everything needs to be VOs?


besides, who really listen to the dialogue after the 100x time?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I have to say that I was so very disappointed that my character no longer has an actual dialogue with the npc anymore. The voices gave the characters depth that added a dimension that mmorpgs lacked. I actually thought something was wrong with the game when it happened. Really bummed over this :mad:
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It wouldn't be that bad if the camera angle was half baked and the entire scenes didn't feel like a beta version of the origin story quests. When I first got the initial hut scene I honestly thought it was bugged and was an unfinished portion of the game. Totally immersion breaking and terrible. I'd rather not have alliance dialogue or quests if they cannot be voiced over.


Honestly after handing crates to these guys for the 3rd time you will already be skipping their conversation. So I can understand the reasoning behind that decision.

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  • 10 months later...

Considering one of the selling points of the game was the VA, it's almost false advertising now. But then it's probably not a selling point anymore. Sort of like when they changed most MMOs to MMOG from MMORPG.


If, and I guess that's a big 'if' you are making a habit of turning in supply crates and doing alerts, then it's actually, not a small part of KotFE. A lot of your time is spent in these dialogues.


In my opinion, yes it is jarring and breaks any kind of immersion once you get into the alliance dialogues.

The 'more' options that can be available so far are just more ways of doing the one or two options you can already select or just loops back to the first couple of options after asking you why did you even select this option, you should know better that there's still only two or three options real options.


I hate that it takes away the chat box, as well. That might work fine in KOTOR where you don't have anyone else to talk to in the game but SWTOR is a little different, since, you know, there are other players in the game you might be planning stuff with while you try to turn in supply crates.

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they got lazy is all made it sound like kotor convos are the greatest **** in the world lol its not

Not lazy just not enough $$$.


Read a couple of comments lately seems when the team was relocated it got shriek to 20 people.

Though take it with a grain of salt...

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  • 3 years later...

This is very disappointing!


I preordered the collector’s boxed set of the game and have been a subscriber since. I took a few breaks between content releases and just recently found out that my character is no longer fully voiced. This is a HUGE mistake as the main selling point of this game was it being fully voiced!

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This is very disappointing!


I preordered the collector’s boxed set of the game and have been a subscriber since. I took a few breaks between content releases and just recently found out that my character is no longer fully voiced. This is a HUGE mistake as the main selling point of this game was it being fully voiced!

Luckily that's only for the alliance sidequest stuff, the story expansions after KotET are still fully voiced.

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It was always a trade-off.


If needing one voice actor instead of seventeen to record lines for a conversation makes it easier for them to add content to the game, then I can live with it.


If it's a choice between these KOTOR-style conversations and not having your character talk to the NPCs at all, because of the costs of having so many fully animated, voiced-over cutscenes ... Well, these conversations are better than nothing.

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It was always a trade-off.


If needing one voice actor instead of seventeen to record lines for a conversation makes it easier for them to add content to the game, then I can live with it.


If it's a choice between these KOTOR-style conversations and not having your character talk to the NPCs at all, because of the costs of having so many fully animated, voiced-over cutscenes ... Well, these conversations are better than nothing.


I wish this game hadn't fallen to the status of "better than nothing" :( I wish they had used the time and resources they wasted making Anthem on SWtOR instead.

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I wish this game hadn't fallen to the status of "better than nothing" :( I wish they had used the time and resources they wasted making Anthem on SWtOR instead.


The time and resources are there, management at BW is notoriously terrible these days and EA has privilege to choose priorities. Anthem was in the works since ME3 was still dropping dlc and all of the gameplay was made just a year before it launched. I recommend the Kotaku article for details and one of the dozen Jimquisition vids to really get what was going on there.


There was a voice actor strike when those parts were written so they couldn't use the lovely talent of the original voice actors so it was silent.


Precisely this.

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The time and resources are there, management at BW is notoriously terrible these days and EA has privilege to choose priorities. Anthem was in the works since ME3 was still dropping dlc and all of the gameplay was made just a year before it launched. I recommend the Kotaku article for details and one of the dozen Jimquisition vids to really get what was going on there.




Precisely this.

I did read it, total crapshow. I stand by my statement that I wish the resources had gone to SWtOR instead of trying to have the company known for story and character heavy RPGs and ONLY story and character heavy RPGs make some generic looter-shooter. SWtOR has felt neglected for years and we only get a few short scraps of story like once a year.

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I wish this game hadn't fallen to the status of "better than nothing" :( I wish they had used the time and resources they wasted making Anthem on SWtOR instead.


This! I preordered Anthem to support BioWare and because I was hopeful but I played it for a month and then was done. That game is horribad and they should have kept focusing on Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and SWTOR which are all established games with a solid following.

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