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Those nerfs/removal of mechanics to SM lol

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And go do hardmodes with our superb 208/216 data crystal gear?


The difficulty gap between SM and HM was huge before, and with the SM nerfs and bolster in KotFE I suspect it's even greater. We are stuck grinding boring easy SM until we get enough gear to attempt HM.


Easier SMs = faster to elite exclusive HMs. Where's the issue?

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eh, aside from removing AN ENTIRE PHASE most of the operations haven't really changed.


It certainly was what I was expecting however, since the operations need to be able to accomodate 50s


Removing entire phases from boss fights changes the operations. If you're trying to imply that Kephess is Kephess, and as long as he Kephesses around the operation is generally true to form than sure I'll agree. But, yeah....changing mechanics/ eliminating them completely does in truth change the entire dynamic of boss fights which in turn changes the entire dynamic of the operation.


And what is this about 50s needing to be accommodated in such a fashion? Since when was a level 50 player unable to perform mechanics?

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These nerfs made me laugh harder when I saw this:




I'd probably only take folks with Gate Crasher or equivalent if I were going to 8m a 16m DF (assuming bolstered not overgeared).


We struggled with chained manifestation with 5 dps in 16m, so maybe the clock phase is similarly difficult to underman right now.

Edited by bdatt
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i've found more about DP which are totally not needed:


-interrogators don't do whirlwind anymore, only revivification, chain lighting and lightning storm, poor guys.

-raptus does not teleport you at the bridge.

-drouks seem to not buff themselves with proximity.


ok, a newbie coming straight to 60 or first joining the game is going to have a good start, but for those who are going to step HM or Nim with a guild recruiting it's going to hit really really hard imo. it would be nice to calculate the dps loss for dpsing out of bulwark shields alone.

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i've found more about DP which are totally not needed:


-interrogators don't do whirlwind anymore, only revivification, chain lighting and lightning storm, poor guys.

-raptus does not teleport you at the bridge.

-drouks seem to not buff themselves with proximity.


ok, a newbie coming straight to 60 or first joining the game is going to have a good start, but for those who are going to step HM or Nim with a guild recruiting it's going to hit really really hard imo. it would be nice to calculate the dps loss for dpsing out of bulwark shields alone.


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All these nerfs do, is reinforce my belief that the devs couldn't care less about the pre 4.0 player base and are happy to lose them. They expect there to be an influx of players associated with the new film and want to give them instant gratification at the expense of the current crop. 4.0 has no sustainability the recommended gearing for each tier is way over (haven't started nim yet) and will be a faceroll for even mildly competent players. Catering to casuals and the people who crave story (chapters 1-9 takes 7-8 hrs watching all cut scenes) means that the endgame is now worse then ever.
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