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One for All Achievement


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I thought I'd give a shot at these achievement, which sounded quite good.


I went into the Star Fortress ungrouped, walked past the terminal so I didn't get the enhancements, and I don't even have enough influence to use the tech caches.


Slowly I progressed, died 2 or 3 times, but finally killed the exarch and left the Fortress.


Only I didn't get the achievement.


Is this a bug, or did I miss something??

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I thought I'd give a shot at these achievement, which sounded quite good.


I went into the Star Fortress ungrouped, walked past the terminal so I didn't get the enhancements, and I don't even have enough influence to use the tech caches.


Slowly I progressed, died 2 or 3 times, but finally killed the exarch and left the Fortress.


Only I didn't get the achievement.


Is this a bug, or did I miss something??


Are you 100% positive that you chose Heroic and not Solo?

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You have to kill the named champion knights inside the instance also. The achivement description is not detailed enough. Explore the whole instance, find those bosses, kill every boss, then after you kill the Exarch, you will get the title.
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You have to kill the named champion knights inside the instance also. The achivement description is not detailed enough. Explore the whole instance, find those bosses, kill every boss, then after you kill the Exarch, you will get the title.


I did do this as well. Still, nothing

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I don't think i even killed the additional zealot to get the title, just did it without the buff in the beginning, just says to defeat the exarch on heroic 2, with no buffs, no cache buffs, and by yourself Edited by Theeko
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FYI, you cannot even click on the caches. If you click on even one, even if you cannot use it, you will not get the achievement.


Also not 100% sure, but someone I talked to said they could not even get it till they got each faction to 10... But I am pretty sure I got it before I got them to 10.


Also, again not 100% sure, but I also think you cannot use the broken windows during the boss fight to do damage either. You can however use the shields during the fight and the siphon drain leading up to the fight. You can also use heroic moment if you need to as well.

Edited by Psychopyro
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I wanted to confirm that I did get it by clearing the instance, even the mini-bosses and bonus quest and not having clicked the buff station or the caches; I was un-grouped and I made sure to get the killing blow on the exarch by putting my comp on passive the last 2-3%.
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Lots of misinformation here.


I got the achievement and *did not* kill the named Paladins and I also clicked on an equipment cache before I realized what they were (not enough rep yet to get them properly - 6 or 7 with each faction).


So, just as the achievement says, no Alliance buff and killing the Exarch solo should do it.

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This happened to me as well. Went in with the intent to do this achievement. Set it to Heroic, was not rank 10 yet so I could not open the buffing chests, skipped the buff station at the start. I cleared the entire place out due to my decor obsession, I got to the end, I won...and no achievement.
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Same happened to me today.


Belsavis SF

Heroic (at least all the bosses were champions, I don't mean the paladins)

1 stupid death: I sent companion to sell stuff and jumped to 2 elite skytroopers :D

Got the Playing with Fire title and achievement


Didn't get this achievement though.

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I did the heroic twice just for the title and did not use the alliance buff and no cache due to low influence and I did not receive the title. This is not acceptable at all.


weird I think I only had one at rank 10 when I still got the ach

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I also tried it just now I ran trough it killed everyone (except some yellow droids) reached exarch WITHOUT DEATH no aliance buff no aliance gadgets (didn't even click on one so i can get the achiev) killed exarch witchout death even companion survived. Yet I didn't get the achievment. My aliance are all on 10 or above. I did alderan star fortress. Playing on Tomb of Freedon Nadd server. It took me 1.5 hour and I want my achiev so do something about it BW.:mad::mad::mad: PLEASE!!!!! Or atleast tell us if we are doing something wrong.


Edit: tried it again on belsavis and this time I got the achievement the only thing I did differently is that I didn't use shield that drops from skytroopers in last area. Don't know if that was the problem.

Edited by sangrer
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I got it with a rank 11 C2-N2 healer while in tank spec with a mix of 208 and 216. I did not kill any Named Paladins. However, C2-N2 did die when the boss was at about 8%, so I had to finish her off solo. Maybe that made a difference... Edited by Ancaglon
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Same here. Remember you MUST PUT YOUR COMPANION ON PASSIVE when Exarch has litte hp left.

Also, you must kill him all by yourself. First time I wass trying it, I switched comp to passive, and kited Exarch to the radiation zone. I got Playing with Fire but not All for one.

So yes. You must deliver the blow and switch comp to passive, like I did the second time.



Everybody ignore this person. He confused One for All with All for One.


^^ This :D I f+ked up and talked about other achievement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So... I need to put my companion on passive for the last 2-1% and kill it myself? Even though the requirement is that I don't group with someone else? (companions have never been considered a part of the group.)


... So I don't see how this should be relevant.



--- I did Tatooine and Alderaan Fortresses ungrouped, with no buffs (not even my own), no crates, did paladins, bonus quest and opened locked doors... no achievement popped.

Edited by Aderes
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I got this yesterday, in my first attempt (I was worried for reported bugs, so I didn't know if it would pop).


I did not click on the sliceable element at the beginning. I don't have enough influence to click on the 4 specialist buffs, so I didn't even try.


I did search the two Paladins specifically, and I completed the bonus objective.


I extensively used the photonic shields during the last phase, and also the droid drop that takes charges from the Exarch. Of course I used my own buffs and stims, and even Guarded my companion.


It was the Belsavis Star Fortress. In order to start, I talked to the relevant NPC, selected "START HEROIC MODE" and then entered. Selected Belsavis on the shuttle menu, and run it.


Immediately after killing the Exarch and before leaving, the achievement popped. I did not experience any bugs at all.

Edited by Kiersath
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Did a solo heroic 2+ twice today... as a healer it's just annoying and slow. Anyways the first time I did it I killed every mob in the Fortress the second one I did not, never touched any of the buffs and did not get the achievement either time. Yep not going to do it again it was honestly not a whole lot of fun and after the companion nerf I imagine it is just going to get worse.
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