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How will Jessa be handled


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I have decided that I will never use the companion terminal, I have only completed KoTFE once but I know its something I will never do, I will wait patiently for their "official" return.


Yup. Me too.

I played through on multiple characters, but I'm just going to focus on my sith warrior for the time being. If there is ever a point where story varies between class again, I might play my inquisitor through it.

Edited by Tarkashae
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I certainly would not be surprised if she is dead storyline wise


I hope not! She is loved my many players.


At this point I m going to stick with the wait and see approach and not ruin how she may be presented story-wise. I just have to walk past that terminal every time I go to the datapad, and it's torture. lol

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I have a sneaking suspicion that "dual personality" characters will probably not be back. This includes Khem Val and Jaesa Wilsaam.


Basically it means for each "persona" a character can have they have very different story impacts. Romance arcs impact personal story but are unlikely to have much of a larger impact, which is why we all can pick who we want to romance pretty freely. But the core persona is a much more substantial thing. Dark-side Jaesa would be having very differently than Light-side Jaesa. Furthermore, the second persona is likely only really applicable to a small fraction of players of the particular class that had that companion before.


Could it be worked around? Yes. But I'm thinking that in the grand scheme of things and everything else BW has to work on it would be, at best, for a side character acquired via KoToR-style dialogue scenes as was true for Pierce, Xalek, and Talos.

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Have a quest line that requires either a dark or light side choice. The choice you make affects alignment. Or summat. that way you could have a DS Jessa with a pub toon or a LS Jessa with an imp toon as well as the more standard alignment.


Or have Jessa appear DS and have an option to prove the strength of the light etc. Would be cool if you could choose her alignment rather than getting her one way or the other.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that "dual personality" characters will probably not be back. This includes Khem Val and Jaesa Wilsaam.


Snipped the rest. No real logic here. I think you're just doing some courteous trolling. Its realistic she will return. I just think it will be drastically underwhelming.


Oh, and why do some people still think that its impossible to bring her back without Rachel Leigh Cook to voice her? If Bugs Bunny and other Looney Tunes characters can be voiced by others after the death of Mel Blanc, I think they can find someone who can perform Jaesa's voice for SWTOR.

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... but her VA simply Isnt In the credits...


That means nothing, actually. A lot of the romanceable companion voice actors aren't in the credits. All that means is that *for this season* those companions won't be back. Keep in mind that this is only Season One. They're already working on Season Two and THEN those voice actors will be called in and given credit (if their characters in written into the season).


Basically, for those of us who romanced Vector, Quinn, Jaesa, and the others, we have to suck it until about this time next year at the earliest.

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Have a quest line that requires either a dark or light side choice. The choice you make affects alignment. Or summat. that way you could have a DS Jessa with a pub toon or a LS Jessa with an imp toon as well as the more standard alignment.


Or have Jessa appear DS and have an option to prove the strength of the light etc. Would be cool if you could choose her alignment rather than getting her one way or the other.

Like all partners, her alignment is 0. She will have had 5 years to fix her conflicting personnalities :p After that, Siths and Jedis work together, it makes no difference other than having red eyes or not

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Would be nice if every class had one companion that remained exclusive to them Jaesa being a prime example. I want my light / dark apprentice. Sadly they're more likely to give us vette exclusively (not that I don't like vette or anything) But I too remain worried because I don't want generic conversations with my former apprentice and my character better damned be talking instead of this kotor style cutscene by the time we meet her.


On another note: Jaesa does have new voice acting: "All healed" and "Next time not try not to get all banged up"

She's probably not in the credits because they haven't developed the chapter containing her as major character.

Edited by Noyjitat
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Actors for the coming chapters are included, at least some of them. For example Vette's actress, as mentioned earlier in this thread.


Vette was probably included in the credits because she actually DID already have voiced parts in KOTFE... while piloting outlander warriors ship during chapter 1.


Jaesa is the companion I most want back.. Mako being the second, although I haven't even played my Bh through kotfe..

Edited by Karkais
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I would like her back, but only on my warrior. I kind of hope they don't allow all companions to be recruited by all chars. Just do some the classes get to get a couple of companions for themself. There are already so many to pick from. It does ad to the diversity of the classes. We meet Tanno Vik but weren't allowed to recruit him. Of course if you didn't kill him, you might get the chance later. But there are already so many.

Main Characters:

Koth Vortena

Lana Beniko

Senya Tirall

Theron Shan

(im now counting Scorpio and T7-01 among the mains, because ill add them further down the list)


Recruited via Alliance Specialists

Nico Okarr (qualified subscribers only)


Recruited via Star Fortress

Choza Rabbat (Alderaan)

“Deadeye” Leyta (Tatooine)

Hemdil Tre (Hoth)

K’krohl (Belsavis)

Rokuss (Voss)

Veeroa Denz (Nar Shaddaa)


Then there is treek and HK-51 and that Dog and Probe Droid


There are 40 companions where we already get 2-8 depending on your choices.


I almost forgot the 2 shipdroids.


If they allow all companions to be recruited by all, you can get over 50 companions... If they do that, i want 2 legacy options. Summon companions in raids. And summon all companions. Then ill solo raid bosses :D

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I would like her back, but only on my warrior. I kind of hope they don't allow all companions to be recruited by all chars. Just do some the classes get to get a couple of companions for themself. There are already so many to pick from. It does ad to the diversity of the classes. We meet Tanno Vik but weren't allowed to recruit him. Of course if you didn't kill him, you might get the chance later. But there are already so many.

Main Characters:

Koth Vortena

Lana Beniko

Senya Tirall

Theron Shan

(im now counting Scorpio and T7-01 among the mains, because ill add them further down the list)


Recruited via Alliance Specialists

Nico Okarr (qualified subscribers only)


Recruited via Star Fortress

Choza Rabbat (Alderaan)

“Deadeye” Leyta (Tatooine)

Hemdil Tre (Hoth)

K’krohl (Belsavis)

Rokuss (Voss)

Veeroa Denz (Nar Shaddaa)


Then there is treek and HK-51 and that Dog and Probe Droid


There are 40 companions where we already get 2-8 depending on your choices.


I almost forgot the 2 shipdroids.


If they allow all companions to be recruited by all, you can get over 50 companions... If they do that, i want 2 legacy options. Summon companions in raids. And summon all companions. Then ill solo raid bosses :D


I agree.


Certain characters like LI's should be Class Specific only.

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And that's the exact reason why I would never want to use those tokens. A boost to 60 is fine and all but they should let you run those important choice missions rather than automatically choosing for you.


Guess I assumed it was a simple boost to 60 with all the companions unlocked but you could still run the class missions and make those important choices.

Edited by Noyjitat
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Where do you get that idea? Whether she's DS or LS depends on how you recruit her in the 1-50 storyline.

Level 60 token.


Chaloss is probably going to turn out to be right about this.


Having said that, it would be cool if part of her re-recruitment mission included the opportunity to turn her back to the light side?


Really a bigger and more difficult question involves Khem-Val, but that's a discussion for a thread that doesn't have Jaesa's name in the title.

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I'm kind of hoping that they have two versions of Jaesa based on alignment level. It would be neat to see the alignment of the PC impact what sort of alert message you get. That's probably too complicated so it may boil down to the recruit mission involving alignment level or something.


Or the alternative is she takes the Tanno Vik route and doesn't present an option to join at all. Her dark side romance letter hints that she may not be available even if we find her.


Khem would probably default to original mind Khem. No special guests. ;)


I was glad to see very different recruitment conversations for characters like Choza Raabat on my Jedi Knight v what my Sith Warrior had. I have some hope for some interesting developments.


Ultimately, I'm waiting for an opportunity to kill Skadge. Unless there is a *really* good reason to let that turd live.

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