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Bioware, remove the PvP from the quest to get M1-4X.


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Pure hypocrisy given you think your opinion is the only right one also, and don't care at all the PvPers have to join us in PvE when they don't want to.


Nope it would be hypocrisy if i was saying PVE should be the only way to acquire the companion. Which i have not said even once. All i have asked for is an alternative to forced PvP for those people (including myself) who have zero interest in PvP. I've even agreed with a suggestion that players who take the pvp route get an achievement not available to people like me whom would take the PvE route.

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Just played a pvp match. No one except for myself and one other jedi sage even left the platform to fight, everyone else was too busy rolling over and dying at the top of the platform refusing to even TRY and fight. Too busy talking smack to the other team for "cheating" for jumping up to the platform to murder all of them.


Please take the PVE entitled wusses out of my PVP matches bioware,


See this? I can actually understand your frustration, and I'm speaking as a player who does PVE 99.9% of the time. I'm not good at PvP (nor do I really wish to get better because it's not my thing) but at the very least I made the effort to do as much damage as possible before I got killed. I was lucky that the 16 matches I participated in that everyone made some effort (though I could tell that a lot of my teammates were PvE'ers like I am).

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After the next patch this is moot since they will be fixing the terminal where you can get all your companions back.


Nope, since Trooper/Warriors already get their respective companions without PvP.

All the other classes are still required to PvP for them.

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Only if you want them as part of the KotFE story. If you just want them for non-KotFE stuff, jump into a Heroic and yank out the companion of the day, the terminal will give it to you. Edited by iacon
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Only if you want them as part of the KotFE story. If you just want them for non-KotFE stuff, jump into a Heroic and yank out the companion of the day, the terminal will give it to you.


What? It doesn't work that way at all!

The terminal that is currently bugged allows for players to recover their "lost" CLASS companions. Nothing else. Meaning that the only way for, say, a Consular to get M1-4X is to PvP. The terminal won't help.

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Any of your choices get you to a different overall story outcome in the end? Didn't think so. So far choices have only matter from the standpoint of acquiring and keeping companions.


It's all about the journey and the details. You may not care about that, but plenty of other people do.


Every time I eat ice cream, the result is the same: I'm full, I'm happy, and there's a sweet aftertaste. But, sometimes I want vanilla and sometimes I want chocolate. That difference is purely "cosmetic" and the result of eating either is the "same."


In keeping with that theme: BW is asking me to bake a cake so that I can have ice cream. Cake is OK sometimes, but it should never be forced when I just want my ice cream.

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To quote the 4.0.1 patch notes: The Companion Locator Terminal now correctly unlocks pre-4.0 Companions. So, you should be able to get them back if you want them. Will have to try it out and see exactly how it works.


For KotFE roles, do the requirements for the optional companion.

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To quote the 4.0.1 patch notes: The Companion Locator Terminal now correctly unlocks pre-4.0 Companions. So, you should be able to get them back if you want them. Will have to try it out and see exactly how it works.


For KotFE roles, do the requirements for the optional companion.


It's been explained time and time again, both officially during livestreams and via datamining: It's only class companions from the class you are playing.

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Nope it would be hypocrisy if i was saying PVE should be the only way to acquire the companion. Which i have not said even once. All i have asked for is an alternative to forced PvP for those people (including myself) who have zero interest in PvP. I've even agreed with a suggestion that players who take the pvp route get an achievement not available to people like me whom would take the PvE route.


Yet didn't offer the same option to PvPers before forced to PvE for them. Or all the other things they are forced to PvE for.


We have to PvP for this one minor optional thing and outrage. But look at what all they have to do in PvE? Where is your outrage for them for that?



If you are going to propose something like this, at least be fair and make sure you put in a propose for all players not just your own.

Edited by Deyjarl
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Then if someone wants to be a completionist and get an optional companion not in their class, do the requirement for that companion. Do not expect the game to conform to your (general use) whim/style.


I picked up all the optional companions I could because I tend to be a completionist on some things. Are there some things I prefer not to do? Of course. Did I do them anyway? Yes, because it was the requirement for the companion. I did not sit on the forums and ask for the game to be changed because it did not fit what I like to do. I sucked it up and did it. Now I have 23 some odd companions. Will I grind out all the optional companions again? I might, I might not. It depends how I feel at the time. But since I only PVP on 1 toon I probably will not have M1-4X on any other character.


Now only being able to send out 6 still? That is something that could stand to be increased to make having that many companions somewhat useful plus all the crafting missions are listed instead of a limited selection.

Edited by iacon
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Then if someone wants to be a completionist and get an optional companion not in their class, do the requirement for that companion. Do not expect the game to conform to your (general use) whim/style.



And it sucked.

Because I had to be carried through 20 matches.

20 defeats.

Where I only fed kills to the enemy.

20 matches required is too much.

And there would be exactly zero harm in adding a PvE alternate route.

PvPers would still get the companions. They would not have to carry unwilling players.

The Alliance system wouldn't be plagued with completely useless requirements (What's to stop Bioware from adding Alliance GSF companions next? Or NiM Ops companions?).

PvP exclusive companion are fine, just get that crap out of my Alliance. Put it on the PvP terminal and be done with it. And create some new companion. Tons of ideas have been offered before.

And you know what's best? Those 20 defeats are just the beginning of a loooooooooooonnnnnggg stream of continuous failure in PvP for me because I have 15 more characters to put through that stupid quest.

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I could see a GSF requirement, but not a NiM requirement. Not everyone is capable of doing NiM content, but doing x number of GSF missions would be the same as the PVP requirement. And if they made GSF a requirement for another companion, I would do it even though my ship is not geared out and my piloting skills are average at best. Edited by iacon
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Isn't it also punishing pvp players by filling the 65 unranked with loads of us pve'rs.


Theres already load of you PVErs anyway, long before expansion. Trust me, you wont make a difference. Just go in with the rest.

Edited by Kiesu
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Seems the core aspect that some of the "pro this feature" camp are missing between forced PVP and forced PVE is that forcing non PVP players to do PVP content for whatever reason ( yes I get it's not mandatory but it's still forced in the sense of needing to be done to achieve that result ) is going to generaly impact on the enjoyment of PVP by PVP players.


There is no way they can force us to actually play PVP properly, learn it or do anything other than just run around and try lose as fast as possible to speed up the process.


Thus PVP gets ruined for PVP players ( unless of course the goal is WIN X matches or get X kills etc. but BW don't seem to like to go down this path )


PVE goals on the other hand generally aren't going to impact on other players as much as even the group orientated ones generally expect you to get past a certain point or achieve a certain goal which means if you're just eating lunch whilst it goes on you probably aren't going to achieve it unlike the recent spare of PVP "goals".

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Thus PVP gets ruined for PVP players ( unless of course the goal is WIN X matches or get X kills etc. but BW don't seem to like to go down this path )

Theres already millions of clueless PVErs on WZs, few more really wont make any difference. If you think pvp is ruined because this you should prolly make a premade.


PVP isnt forced. Its optional. The companion is optional. I want ranked cosmetics but I have no interest in doing rankeds, therefor I dont and I can live without the reward. I'm sure you can live without one companion if PVP is that terrible too.


If there would be a GSF required for OPTIONAL companion, and its a companion I actually WANT, yes I will suck up my terrible flying skills and do some GSF. I am willing to work for a good companion, unlike some it seems.

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There is no way they can force us to actually play PVP properly, learn it or do anything other than just run around and try lose as fast as possible to speed up the process.



This attitude is exactly the problem with too many people these days. Me, me, me, I, I, I ... my style is affected ... I will play how I want regardless of how it affects someone else. Honestly, grow up. The requirement for the companion is what it is. Pouting and throwing a tantrum during a match or doing what is akin to standing in the corner holding your breath like a 2 year old does not effectively promote change of any kind..

Edited by iacon
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Yet didn't offer the same option to PvPers before forced to PvE for them. Or all the other things they are forced to PvE for.


We have to PvP for this one minor optional thing and outrage. But look at what all they have to do in PvE? Where is your outrage for them for that?



If you are going to propose something like this, at least be fair and make sure you put in a propose for all players not just your own.


You seem to have bigger issues with the game than just this one thing. I didn't design the game, i didn't decide was PvE the emphasis. Seems to me you're just spoiling to jump on anyone/anything that proves how hard done by PvP players are. Noone can change the injustices done to PvP'ers except Bioware and they're the ones that caused it. There's nothing wrong with PvP and it being rewarded, but when it gates otherwise exlusively (previously) story basedcontent - as in a companion behind a PvP grind, players can be and are (justifiably) upset at it. Has nothing to do with the way Bioware has handled PvP in this game as a whole - especially since it was never marketed as a PvP-centric game. Certainly they said there will be PvPbut not that it was the driving feature of the game.

Edited by obek_kwae
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This attitude is exactly the problem with too many people these days. Me, me, me, I, I, I ... my style is affected ... I will play how I want regardless of how it affects someone else. Honestly, grow up. The requirement for the companion is what it is. Pouting and throwing a tantrum during the game or doing what is akin to standing in the corner holding your breath like a 2 year old does not engender anything to be changed.


Instead of being so aggresive, try to understand what he is saying.

What he is saying is simple: You can "force" someone to play PvP. But you can't force him to learn how to do it properly. And NO ONE is going to "learn to play" just for a companion. They're going to do stupid things and make their team lose (Or if it's really good, make victory much harder to achieve.).

It's not about willingly obstructing other players fun, it's about not knowing what to do and having to reason to learn how to do it.

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Troopers get M1-4X without needing to PVP. Sith Warriors get Pierce without having to PVP. If you had the companion before there is no barrier to getting them back. The PVP requirement comes into play when someone other than the original class wants the companion, thus it is optional and you are not missing anything you did not have before. You are getting an opportunity to gain something. Edited by iacon
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Instead of being so aggresive, try to understand what he is saying.

What he is saying is simple: You can "force" someone to play PvP. But you can't force him to learn how to do it properly. And NO ONE is going to "learn to play" just for a companion. They're going to do stupid things and make their team lose (Or if it's really good, make victory much harder to achieve.).

It's not about willingly obstructing other players fun, it's about not knowing what to do and having to reason to learn how to do it.


I solo que PVP a lot.

There was so many clueless PVErs on WZs back then already, that it really wont make any difference if some more go in for 20 matches.

Trust me on this.

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Instead of being so aggresive, try to understand what he is saying.

What he is saying is simple: You can "force" someone to play PvP. But you can't force him to learn how to do it properly. And NO ONE is going to "learn to play" just for a companion. They're going to do stupid things and make their team lose (Or if it's really good, make victory much harder to achieve.).

It's not about willingly obstructing other players fun, it's about not knowing what to do and having to reason to learn how to do it.


I understand exactly what he is saying and as it was stated previously, there are already a great number of people running around in PVE gear without a clue what to do. Having some more because of an optional ( really feel the need to keep bolding, italicizing, underlining and coloring this word) companion is not going to make a lick of difference or diminish play all that much.


My point, which you are glossing over, is that it is an optional companion with requirements to obtain it. Do the requirements and get the companion. How hard is that? Everyone has things they do not like to do in the game, but are willing to put up with it for something they really want to get.

Edited by iacon
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This attitude is exactly the problem with too many people these days. Me, me, me, I, I, I ... my style is affected ... I will play how I want regardless of how it affects someone else. Honestly, grow up. The requirement for the companion is what it is. Pouting and throwing a tantrum during a match or doing what is akin to standing in the corner holding your breath like a 2 year old does not effectively promote change of any kind..


I don't PVP, I want the companion for alliance ... why should I PVP?


When I stand around doing nothing it will be the PVP players packing the tantrum demanding for vote kicks etc.


BW chose to make me go through that content to get what I want so I'll do it ... just not by playing the way you want me to. ;)


The requirement is what is after all, doesn't say I have to actually try ... or do much of anything really ... :D

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Theres already millions of clueless PVErs on WZs, few more really wont make any difference. If you think pvp is ruined because this you should prolly make a premade.


PVP isnt forced. Its optional. The companion is optional. I want ranked cosmetics but I have no interest in doing rankeds, therefor I dont and I can live without the reward. I'm sure you can live without one companion if PVP is that terrible too.


If there would be a GSF required for OPTIONAL companion, and its a companion I actually WANT, yes I will suck up my terrible flying skills and do some GSF. I am willing to work for a good companion, unlike some it seems.


The stupidity in your response is you think everyone will think like you and actually try.


Between this and conquest changes more and more people will just go in to WZs and do stuff all, it's already being spoke of in this thread - it's not some "what if" scenario, it's a reality.

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Troopers get M1-4X without needing to PVP. Sith Warriors get Pierce without having to PVP. If you had the companion before there is no barrier to getting them back. The PVP requirement comes into play when someone other than the original class wants the companion, thus it is optional and you are not missing anything you did not have before. You are getting an opportunity to gain something.


Yup and I can optionally ruin other palyers PVP fun by optionally going to get that companion ... doesn't stop me taking the carrot BW offered and ruining others PVP fun though does it? Will I get banned? Nope. Is there any negative effect to me deciding to being a tool in PVP just to get my comp? Nope.


Not saying I intend on doing any of this either but if you can't see how this is detrimental to proper PVP players then you are blind ( this on top of removing crafting conquest too heh ).

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