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Unable to customize Lana Beniko's armor?


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I quit WoW when changed the female Blood Elf model.


Now, SWToR takes away our class stories.

And, it looks like new character customization is gone too.

Then, this game lost 2 of it's best features.


No Exquisite Dancer outfit in KoTFE; no .....

1) playing past Revan

2) adding to my CM coins

3) sub


I have already done 1 and 2.

Saving me $hundreds per month.


I'll run all my characters to KoTFE, then quit.

No point making story/character decisions till I know how KoTFE will play.


Will give GW2 a look.

If this game is on it's last legs ........

Any good MMO's to check out with 1) class stories 2) customized characters 3) realistic character models


While I obviously haven't quit, I do have to say I haven't spent any money on the CM since KOTFE went live.

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I wonder if the reason why they haven't added or said anything about adding companion customizations is that, for all intents and purposes, KOTFE isn't finished yet? There's still 6 more chapters to come out, which means more companions to recruit as well (Since we know Kaliyo and Bowdaar are coming at a minimum).


I'd be willing to wager they'd hold off on new companion customizations, or adding the ability to customize post-KOTFE companion gear until after the entire story has been completed.

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I wonder if the reason why they haven't added or said anything about adding companion customizations is that, for all intents and purposes, KOTFE isn't finished yet? There's still 6 more chapters to come out, which means more companions to recruit as well (Since we know Kaliyo and Bowdaar are coming at a minimum).


I'd be willing to wager they'd hold off on new companion customizations, or adding the ability to customize post-KOTFE companion gear until after the entire story has been completed.


Does this mean there's a chance that Piggyface Beniko may be killed off? If so, YAY! Also Koth of the Craterpores? YAY!


Can we get a new jacket and boots for Theron that actually fit him instead of him wearing his father's clothes (that are big enough to have been worn over the heavy armor)?


Also, does Nico ever wash that dirt off his face? Or is it the coolbro goggle suntan that he's after? HA, we already know he's bald under that hat (or will be soon because wearing a hat that much kills hair follicles).


As per usual, EA pushed out this expansion long before it was ready. I think that maybe these things may be coming in the future, because I can't imagine they'd turn down all the money they'd make from people like me buying CC to play dress up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I urge you to use a browser with a spell-check before using those stale trolling tactics on me. :rolleyes:


Not to be horribly pedantic, but welcome to the internet, where American English isn't the world standard. 'Armour' and 'customisation' are, in fact, perfectly legitimate UK/Canadian/Australian/etc spellings of the words. So, if you're going to urge people to spell-check, perhaps you should first know if they've actually misspelled anything.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Oh look, the "Creepy dudes want to stick Lana in a bikini to polish their lightsaber to her" thread has been necro'd.


And? Who cares if you think it is creepy it's their choice! What if 99% of people think it's fine and you think it's creepy, will you still complain? Treat your characters how you want and let everyone else do the same thank you very much.

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Necro'd or not this is amazing. Games 10 years ago allowed you to customise your allies there is no excuse for this not happening in 2016. BW/EA should kick themselves in the butt over this.


Games 10 years ago? Pft.. THIS GAME allowed you to do it. I don't see why they don't want you to do it with the KotFE ones. Heck, if they die in the story, you can still retrieve their gear through the Contacts screen, so it isn't a concern of losing what you put on them.


Who knows what their reasoning is.


And also, no, like someone said above, it isn't about wanting to stick her in a bikini. I haven't done that with any of my female companions (or characters). I just like to have my folks look, you know, a little unique.

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I do hope we soon get this fixed. Who the hell was behind this decision? Removing the ability to add cosmetic gear to NEW companions was an idiotic decision.


If I had to guess, it has nothing to do with a decision and everything to do with cut scenes and the amount of people who would complain about their companions not wearing the clothes they put them in during said cut scenes in KotFE storyline. Perhaps once this story line business is over they will allow customizations, clothing changes and the like to those companions, but I imagine right now it would be a huge nightmare to keep continuity in the cinematics.

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I think moust of us agree on the fact that companion customization is fun and that seeing 20 completly identical Lanas in a group on Feet is kinda weird....


I can understand that there are concerns regarding the skimpy outfits some playsers prefer for their companions, but the majority of the companions i see nowadays have normal dressups, so i think this shouldn´t be a major issue... and to be honest if they rly want to dress her up like that, they should be able to. ( I had the sith armor with the drone ready to go for her)


I hope that Bioware will adress this at some point soon or at least will let us know if and how customization will work for the new companions.

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I think moust of us agree on the fact that companion customization is fun and that seeing 20 completly identical Lanas in a group on Feet is kinda weird....


I can understand that there are concerns regarding the skimpy outfits some playsers prefer for their companions, but the majority of the companions i see nowadays have normal dressups, so i think this shouldn´t be a major issue... and to be honest if they rly want to dress her up like that, they should be able to. ( I had the sith armor with the drone ready to go for her)


I hope that Bioware will adress this at some point soon or at least will let us know if and how customization will work for the new companions.


I don't think it has anything to do with skimpy outfits. If they had an issue with that, they wouldn't have them in the game or would have restricted them from companions in the past.


I really think that they just want to sell customizations in the future. However, maybe there is an as-yet-to-be-seen reason for this. I'm thinking something similar to HK-55, for those who have recruited him. Maybe something happens later, but they will offer us a chance to choose between a couple of preset looks?

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I ran into another issue with customisation of companions...


I'm a Imperial player and I want to customise T7-01 with one the security key vendor custom for him. I can't, as its bind on pickup and only available from the security vendor on Pub fleet. I fear this might be the same of all customizations for Pub companions? I'be not had time to check yet.

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I don't think it has anything to do with skimpy outfits. If they had an issue with that, they wouldn't have them in the game or would have restricted them from companions in the past.


I really think that they just want to sell customizations in the future. However, maybe there is an as-yet-to-be-seen reason for this. I'm thinking something similar to HK-55, for those who have recruited him. Maybe something happens later, but they will offer us a chance to choose between a couple of preset looks?


true, but it would be nice to know their plans for this. I would be fine with any kind of customization for the new main companions during kotfe.


Also i don´t see the issue with dying companion as they can just simply send their gear back via mail. something like its unfortunate that x died but we were able to recover their gear through y method. I beleive they already did this with a certain darth during ch1 of KOTFE.

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I totally agree with Op on this matter. So tired of all the companions looking the same, not too mention I could free up a lot of vault space from all the extra gear I have been hanging on to. I am reluctant to get rid of a lot of decent outfits since I don't know what is going to happen to our current and old companions. I wish Bioware would release a statement regarding what their intentions are concerning customization or appearance. If they put this on CM as something you have to purchase, well that just blows........ Edited by Darthmoriquendi
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I ran into another issue with customisation of companions...


I'm a Imperial player and I want to customise T7-01 with one the security key vendor custom for him. I can't, as its bind on pickup and only available from the security vendor on Pub fleet. I fear this might be the same of all customizations for Pub companions? I'be not had time to check yet.


Yes, that is correct. At this time, all non-cartel market customizations are exclusive to their original faction.

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I think moust of us agree on the fact that companion customization is fun and that seeing 20 completly identical Lanas in a group on Feet is kinda weird....


I can understand that there are concerns regarding the skimpy outfits some playsers prefer for their companions, but the majority of the companions i see nowadays have normal dressups, so i think this shouldn´t be a major issue... and to be honest if they rly want to dress her up like that, they should be able to. ( I had the sith armor with the drone ready to go for her)


I hope that Bioware will adress this at some point soon or at least will let us know if and how customization will work for the new companions.


And even if people want to dress their companion is the skimpy outfits, it is their companion, not yours. Bioware created the outfits. I swear, people need to stop worrying so much about what other people do.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I have just levelled a new character and like the rest my companions all look the same BORING!! if the game makers are giving out all these armour sets for you to collect and from cartel coins and the rest what's the point you can only use 1 at a time and a few cosmetic I thought the whole point of them was to customise your companions would the game developers please get a grip and restore this feature
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I have struck a super strange bug of some kind, but I do not think so.

I have at least 1 of my companions that I can fully change outfit for ( kotfe) I think it is at least that tellos drelix or ever he is called, I hardly use him

I seem to remember at least one more.


I don't see why companions can't all wear outfits like before, and just don't get the bonuses, gods idk how much that saves in credis as players too, not needing to upgrade their gear as well as ours, ans usually not on just one companion.


But there are at least 1 tht you can fully cutomize the outfit for.


Also I have no problem in story mode before Kotfe to dress my companions in any way I want, though some look a bit more generic still at times.

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I haven't hit the new content yet - the post-Makeb stuff (I stopped somewhere around the skilltree change update,) but I hope we can customize the new companions, as well. My one Agent has a thing going on with all her companions - they all look identical, and like droids. One of those old Series 212 cybernetic outfits with the Dramatic Extrovert's headgear and bracers, and voila - I have an army of droids helping my Female James Bond!
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