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How about saying something nice about KotFE?


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There are tons of negative threads about people nitpicking apart the new expansion. I personally have encountered a few things that have irked me, too. Let's use this thread to say something nice about the expansion! If you want to complain about it, head over to the 10,000 negative threads out there and type to your heart's content.


Overall, I am thrilled with this new expansion. This is the most fun I have had in the game since I first started playing it back in beta. Yes, some of this stuff will turn into a grind after the shininess wears off, but for now, I'm having a blast. Lots of new things to do, and it even has a bit of a KOTOR feel to it. The whole alliance thing reminds me of Mass Effect 3 where you had to gather up allies (lets just hope the ending turns out better!)


Whether you agree with how it turned out or not, it's obvious they put a lot of time and thought into it and I want to at least give them some kudos for that. What are some of the things you like about KotFE so far?

Edited by Kalabakk
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I've been on SWTOR for maybe 2-3 years now, so not around at launch, but I've been on daily and maxed out, experienced a lot of the games content.


1 - I was never that big on crafting, so hearing its been dumbed down - doesn't sound like a bad thing to me ;-p


2 - The content i've played on KotFE so far has been truly excellent, seriously story driven content is exactly what everyone seemed to want, so in this sense it seems that BW really did listen and deliver a cinematic experience in spades. Literally loving it and can't wait to jump back in to Chapter 3 when i am online next.

I didn't expect it to be quite as good as it is, seriously impressed with what they've created here. All those people that said this game was dead/dying -- WRONG! ;p


3 - Giving us a lvl 60 - good call - many thanks BW! ;-)


4 - Now we just need some true Jedi Robes for our chars (pretty sure these were promised a very long time ago, but we're still waiting) and I was hoping this would be the patch for that!! Alas, not yet.


5 - So far, every element I've experienced with the recent updates has been a good thing, to allow ease of access to skills and the games core content (crafting, PvP, PvE, end game content) So Kudos and I'm happy there too.


6 - Yes, I am a fanboy, but surely you have to create something good in order to have fanboys, riiight..???

Edited by KylanJin
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Thank you all for taking the time to say something positive about this amazing and incredibly fun new expansion.


As I've been skimming over the forums I've been astonished by the onslaught of so many toxic and negative comments that ultimately are from people who are idiotic, immature and prone to temper tantrums over very trivial things. The problem with forums is that all the articulate, thoughtful and CONSTRUCTIVE posts get buried by this overwhelming avalanche of stupidity. I want to combat this and try to indicate to the game developers who have worked very hard at delivering something bold and exciting with this new expansion that they have done a wonderful job so I am dedicating some time to dig through the forums and bump up any constructive, thoughtful posts I can find to help counter the histrionic and deranged rantings people keep trolling out.


I encourage other fans of this game to do the same. I don't want my favorite MMO to degenerate from Star Wars into Troll Wars.

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I came back to this game specifically for this expansion, because it's story driven with the promise of more story to come! While I don't have a character in the new expansion yet (Want to finish Shadows of Revan before jumping in to the new stuff), I'm eager to get in and see the story. I'm loving the new companion system, especially that I can make anyone tank for me and that I don't have to keep 5 extra people geared up. That was a wonderful change. Thank you Bioware. Hope to be praising the story soon.
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I hope you like it. I've only started Chapter 2 so far but something that I enjoyed right from the start was the immediate difference in tone this new story expansion takes. It's just so much more engaging and intriguing. Bioware really did a great job making this new story *feel* like Star Wars.
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The story! I knew I would love it! But I'm seriously stunned by how well-presented the storytelling actually is, amazing work! I am already planning how to make this story work with the intertwining of my Legacy characters, and just engaged in playing every one of them through the story to get it from each single perspective.


Happy dances (minus the dance balls)!

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I have to say I really like the story, with the neat cutscenes and all the bickering among the crew, sure I wish it were the old crews, but I will take what I get. So, the new chapters felt like a very good TV show, that I could binge watch the first half the season... wonder how terrible the wait between further chapters will be (hope BioWare will keep up their promised schedule next year then!).
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I've had fun with the x-pac so far. The story was overall excellent and the delivery (mostly the cut scenes and VA) was surprisingly so. I've just started chapter 9 stuff. Assuming they get server issues sorted I think the game is in a very good place for SW7 fans that haven't tried this before to jump in. Edited by Savej
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mOST OF ITS TOAL JUNK .. UI is nice...


I think you mean, "Most of it is total junk. However, the UI is nice".


If you are gonna bash something or someone, at least have the dignity of spelling your rant correctly.


I truly do love where the story is going. I expected bugs when launch happened, but most are tolerable. Most of the cut scenes look great, the reactions of your crew are fantastic. The only real complaining I have is about our existing companions. They said we wouldn't lose them, but the terminal is bugged. It looks like we have to wait until the rest of you heathens get access to the content to get them back. I do expect to be compensated for this.


That said, this is one of the smoothest patches I have played through.

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I have unsubscribed, but I am not raging about it. Bad just outweighed the good finally. I will play until my time runs out, and maybe try for some legacy achievements when I am preferred.


Good thing:


Ui editor - perfect now

Keybind management - omg finally. Love it

Collections changes - being able sort and filter is an altaholics dream

Removing filler quests from the map - Wow, yes!

Level sync - so nice to see the old areas playable

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I am with the original OP here there are a lot of negative things on the forums about the game and the expansion. I have early access but I have not played any of the new story yet. I didn't have SoR before so I am enjoying that part first. I thought about just jumping in with the lvl 60 but I figured I wanted to see most of the other stories first. I think that most people are saying is what are they are going to do after they finish the story part of the game. The alliance thing sounds like so much fun and even if there is a part that you have to do that you normally wouldn't do like PvP. Maybe they put that in there to get ones who don't like it or never tried it before to give that part of the game a try. I am a very causal gamer as I don't even have 1 character up to lvl 60 yet and I have been around off an on since the game started. I think I will have plenty to do until they bring out the next set of chapters and although I like to group and hang out with friends I love the fact that there is so much I can do when I just have a little time. Someone said it was like a TV show or a movie well to mean that is the ultimate entertainment being able to interact with my favorite show would be awesome.
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Honestly, there are a few little things that bug me but nothing game breaking.


I like being able to make my companion perform any role so I can use whoever I want whenever I want but I do wish they were more unique with their abilities (something to add later)


Let me be clear here though, despite all the little things I have to admit when I was playing the new story I had A LOT of fun. Like grinning like an idiot fun with the story. Hats off to the Devs, they done did good there.


This game was always about the story, it's what made it stand out from the other MMO's out there, and I for one am glad they remembered how to do them.

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Been saying nothing but good things since it released. Absolutely LOVE the story, that's more like it BioWare!


Also the level sync is fantastic. I can level where I want now. Love it overall, best expansion yet for this game. I'm in love with it. The story is the absolute best part of this expansion. Great job BioWare! But here are some more.


1. Level sync, best idea ever. Now I see it in action. It's great!

2. Import keybinds and grid UI! GREAT QoL features!

3. Companions don't use gear like we do. Good I hated wasting credits and comms on them

4. Alliance system having kotor like dialogue. Yes I know our characters don't speak, but it's a nice gesture to pay homage to kotor. The game that started this all! Plus it's better than that Rishi and Yavin stuff, where you couldn't even pick anything and it was just a text box. Seriously BW, never do that ever again ><

5. I like they are getting back to their roots with mostly storytelling. That's what this game is. Love it


Overall, I just absolutely think it's the best expansion this game has ever had. And I strongly stand by that statement.

Edited by Sarfux
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I've only played less than 2 hours since the release. Here's what I like:

  1. I don't have to grind for companion gear anymore.
  2. I can use ALL of my companions, not just the ones with the particular set of skills that compliment my fighting style.
  3. The UI grid.
  4. Level syncing. Now I can grind on any planet and not just the highest one.
  5. Legacy Datacrons.
  6. Crafted items are now blue be default, not green.


I've also watched videos of the first 4 chapters of KoTFE and I am excited to finally get to start it once I complete SoR with my main toon. Yes, I know I can start at any time, but I want to complete SoR first.

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