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Early access - a slap in the face by ea


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And on one would fault you for that. I get people would be disappointed that they thought they were getting something only to find out it won't happen until next week.


Few if anyone would have issue with people saying they were disappointed. My issue and I believe the issue others have is when people try to claim that Bioware is guilty of fraud rather than admitting that they made a mistake.


Again, I'd welcome any suggestions on how it could've been worded differently to make it more clear.


Perhaps they should of say 'From Aug 10th through Oct 19th'...


RIght, it was my fault that I didn't understand the terms, but I think it obvious they were confusing for quite a number of players. No, I don't think BW is guilty of fraud either, but rather they are guilty of poor communication and for setting these requirements for early access in the first place. I doubt they will do this again.


For me, if they said in their headline "Be CONTINUOUSLY subscribed from Aug 10 through Oct 19", I would have understood this. The whole chose to be a subscriber between the dates text is what caught me. I did get 12x XP out of the sub so I am not entirely unhappy as I was at least able to level up all my Republic characters.

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I don't think we know the number of people who misunderstood the T&C's.


That's my point though. There are people claiming that this thread and others is proof of how many people didn't get it. But that's not really proof of anything.


I mean how many different people are actually upset about it? I know that a fair % of the posts in these threads are made up by the same group of people, myself being one of them.


But it's a common mistake to think that discussion on a message board is actually representative of the player base as a whole.

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So EA, I'm a subscriber, I pay my subscription every two months, but because I missed a day and was prefferred status for 24 hours, when I constantly subscribe every month, I'm getting no early access?


Instead, despite being a monthly subscriber, I'm now getting the same waiting time for KOTFE as free to play players?


Tell me EA, why the hell I should bother buying a subscription anymore if you're gonna pull this on us.


I really feel like EA is just taking one big dump on there loyal subscribers, and only rewarding those who purchase recurring subscriptions. I subscribed every month just the same as everyone else, but because I have to pay a certain way I feel like EA is not only slapping me in face but scruitnizing against me because of my financial situation that pretty much obligates me to pay in this manner.


I'm tired of EA pulling these stunts, and they really need to get their act together.

ALL SUBSCRIBERS should have gotten early access even if they qualified for the bonuses or not.

It's complete rubbish, its bad enough my level 400 crew skill has been rendered practically useless now with the new design changes but I have wait another 7 days to play KOTFE despite shelling out a monthly subscription as well as 10,000 cartel coins independently purchased every month.


Thanks a lot EA. I give you money and you give me the middle finger.

And all you fanboys that will post below and say


"OH but subscribers are still getting double XP and this has been posted on the forums for months."


That doesn't make any of this fair or sensible. All subscribers should have early access in my view.

Regardless of how they pay.


It's a freaking disgrace. I'm not paying 60-120£ a month on this game to be treated like a freeloader.

I feel like I have a right to be annoyed, even if some of you don't.


I've only spent about £40 on this game so far, and I have early access, and I've not even bothered to log in. You mad? :)

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I agree with your lengthy and accurate assessment up to the point to where they used the present tense verb "choose".


---EDIT--- I should point out that I'm not being sarcastic about the length of his post, I just clipped all but the cheers because it actually was lengthy as it was accurate. ---EDIT---


No one has been able, no one has even tried to refute the tense of choose as present tense, I don't know how one would even begin to really. They used the present tense verb choose in the phrase "choose to become a subscriber" in a promotion long after that choice was no longer possible.


Why did so many people misunderstand? Choose. That's why so many people misunderstood. That's why people that read the promotion before Aug 10th understood it differently than those after Aug 10th, for them it was indeed still a choice.

Edited by Thunderstriken
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Everyone's perspective is differently. The OP is quite a bit more upset than I am. From her perspective having the early access did mean a lot and I am sure it hurt to not get it when logging in on 10/20.


Emotional distress would be to harsh a definition for me, but disappointment would be a good way to describe how I felt when I understood the T&C's of early access.

i'm in the exact same boat btw, signed in tuesday and was thinking "oh crap" then looked it up and saw how i misunderstood the terms.


but i stick to what i said, we both have to put this into perspective. instead i played some warzones and had a perfectly good time this week. i'm sure i'll enjoy the story next week just the same. this can't be considered a big deal by any stretch and most mature adults can wait patiently. but you have to admit, there are a lot of people acting like petulant children in this thread, stomping tantruming.

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I don't know how this was so confusing. I researched the early access back when they first mentioned it (by researched I mean 5 minutes of reading). Subscribed appropriately, and got into early access no problems. So did tons of other people.


Also, the OP clearly states a few sentences in he missed a day or something in there. That's on him.


They make it insanely simple to auto pay month to month. All that had to be done was research for 5 minutes "Oh you have to be subscribed for all these milestones. So I'm going to put myself on auto pay so I don't miss anything". Done.


Not EA/Biowares fault, other issues may be, but not this particular situation.

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Oh man, do I ever get a kick outta you. Since this has been discussed a million times already, I'll play....


Start by putting the early access perk in chronological order on the far left of the timeline. Then after Aug 10th change the present tense verb choose to the past tense verb chose to denote it is no longer a possible choice. Then change the wording of the early access perk to read, "Those that chose to become a subscriber on or before Aug 10 and maintain that subscription through Oct 19 will be granted early access to the game on Oct 20."


What do I win?

^ this is much more clear.


u could have won bw some extra subs in august.

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It's a week wait. Seriously, it's not like there's some kind of progression content you need to get the jump on or something.


'slap in the face' is the new phrase of the twitter generation.


It's because everybody feels entitled these days. They are used to coming in last place and still receiving a trophy for it. They are able to play the victim when they do something wrong, and it's the word's fault instead of their own.


Either way, early access in every game is always full of things like this in every single game. It's one week people, who cares.

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The only thing I'm disappointed about are the special rewards (Okarr as a companion, his pistols, his coat, etc.). It's very disappointing to know that they were being offered for free, but because some people didn't know about it (since they weren't playing at the time, despite having been a subscriber for the entirity of when they did play the game -- ie, no lame free2play leeches), they completely missed out on them.


It'll be nice to know that they'll be available on the Cartel Market or something at some point. But if they were truly unique to this event, it's going to sting. And sting really hard. Especially since Okarr is just a really cool companion all around.

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The only thing that's evidence of is that there's people out there who didn't get it. That does not mean there's something inherently misleading or unclear.


But let's hear some suggestions on how they could of made it better.


Exactly, it took me one read over to understand the terms, and low and behold i got early access. :rolleyes:

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No one has been able, no one has even tried to refute the tense of choose as present tense, I don't know how one would even begin to really.


Yep still sound like a child who can't understand that 'we'll see' does not mean 'I promise'


No one has tried to refute it because it's a BS argument and the fact that you keep making it proves beyond any doubt you can't understand any argument anyone else makes anyway.


I mean that's like saying someone wins an argument because no one refutes them when the claim the earth is flat and is carried around on the back of a giant turtle.


But let's make it as clear as I can, in difference to your inability to understand plain english. The tense of that verb means nothing. It does not make it fraud or does not change the meaning of the sentence that follows.

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I agree with your lengthy and accurate assessment up to the point to where they used the present tense verb "choose".


---EDIT--- I should point out that I'm not being sarcastic about the length of his post, I just clipped all but the cheers because it actually was lengthy as it was accurate. ---EDIT---


No one has been able, no one has even tried to refute the tense of choose as present tense, I don't know how one would even begin to really. They used the present tense verb choose in the phrase "choose to become a subscriber" in a promotion long after that choice was no longer possible.


Why did so many people misunderstand? Choose. That's why so many people misunderstood. That's why people that read the promotion before Aug 10th understood it differently than those after Aug 10th, for them it was indeed still a choice.


That's true I read it after 10th August (in October) and just like me, my friends also got the idea.

That subscribing will give us EAC if we choose to subscribe anytime from this date to that date.

Well therefore there are Terms and Conditions, so I cannot say they mis-advertised or scammed us.

I guess what we can call it a intended or not marketing tactic and T.C. makes it all subjective.

Edited by ProKsnNwk
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I'm confused.... how are you, a sub OP, having to compete with F2P for sub only content? You aren't. Lol



What the hec are you talking about? You get priority log in, everything unlocked and KoTFE for free. How is EA ruining this for you?

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i'm in the exact same boat btw, signed in tuesday and was thinking "oh crap" then looked it up and saw how i misunderstood the terms.


but i stick to what i said, we both have to put this into perspective. instead i played some warzones and had a perfectly good time this week. i'm sure i'll enjoy the story next week just the same. this can't be considered a big deal by any stretch and most mature adults can wait patiently. but you have to admit, there are a lot of people acting like petulant children in this thread, stomping tantruming.


I have completed the 5 stages of grief related to my early access and have moved on. I have spent the last couple of days finishing off some leveling on some alts to finish up the legendary title.


As to the people who are extreme in their reactions, this could just be manufactured rage in order to attempt to influence BW into some sort of action, which will not happen. Also, they could genuinely be this upset, for many people this game does mean that much. Lastly, you assume most are mature adults ...

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I don't remember EA saying that F2P wouldn't get KOTFE.


And this is your whole problem, you didn't pay attention to how the promotion worked, got screwed because of it, and like most entitled brats you are blaming someone else.


Free To Play and Preferred Player do not get access to leveling past 60 or the KOTFE Story, only Subs get it. You would know this if you had bothered to read the promotion page that was up for months and also explained how you have to maintain your subscription to get early access and the other rewards.


Try taking some personal responsibility for being a lazy whiner.

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well i dont see how they can even take one report of this without doing something? You call any other company and they will bend over backwards to make there customers happy why? because the customer is always right. Also the game is literally dying they have 1 active server Harbinger on US side that before launch you could get pops for pvp and what not on a regular basis. And now it cant even handle any sort of load its just insane the cheapness i feel when i think about swtor. Now they just decide to screw over hundreds more customers and i am positive this will result in quite a few people just leaving. i for one may try out Gw2 since its coming out with an expansion you can buy and actually play not a scam where you had to be subbed months ago to be qualified for. Edited by X_Vindictuz_X
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but because some people didn't know about it (since they weren't playing at the time,


I got an email from Bioware warning me it was my last chance to get the Nico companion, on July 23rd. So the only reason someone wouldn't of known about it, is because they no longer check the email that they signed up with.


Bioware sent everyone an email, there isn't much more they could do to make people aware of what is being offered.

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And this is your whole problem, you didn't pay attention to how the promotion worked, got screwed because of it, and like most entitled brats you are blaming someone else.


Free To Play and Preferred Player do not get access to leveling past 60 or the KOTFE Story, only Subs get it. You would know this if you had bothered to read the promotion page that was up for months and also explained how you have to maintain your subscription to get early access and the other rewards.


Try taking some personal responsibility for being a lazy whiner.


whats more important is bioware milked everyone for revan expansion then gave it away for free.

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