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Overpowered companions 4.0


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That's what I was thinking too. It takes a lot of the fun out of the game. I have no fear walking into a heroic area because I know I can just switch my companion to DPS or Tank and they'll take out enemies like they're trash enemies.


Play without your companions then, and quit whining about it.

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When I see a new thread on already discussed topic for me this is past discussion. This is TROLLING. I'm going to treat such threads as such. Instead just having a single topic to discuss in a civil manner re-hashing the same question in a dozen different topics is trolling to me trying to entice a rise out of people. If not spamming.
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When I see a new thread on already discussed topic for me this is past discussion. This is TROLLING. I'm going to treat such threads as such. Instead just having a single topic to discuss in a civil manner re-hashing the same question in a dozen different topics is trolling to me trying to entice a rise out of people. If not spamming.


It's not about you.

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Play without your companions then, and quit whining about it.


Simply cutting out an important part of the game because it's broken is a bad solution. I'd much rather Bioware simply re-balance companion stats and create ways that I can having meaningful gameplay while still giving you options to create AI demi-gods to play the game for you.

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I am not sure why the opinion of one person should trump game design.


The game redesign was made for the ease of new players. Chances are, that's not you.


Ease? This is beyond easy.


The best course would be to weaken them, but not as weak as in the old game.


Just exactly how bad must a player be to even die in the game now.

Edited by Daezihang
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Simply cutting out an important part of the game because it's broken is a bad solution. I'd much rather Bioware simply re-balance companion stats and create ways that I can having meaningful gameplay while still giving you options to create AI demi-gods to play the game for you.


It's been said countless times, but bears repeating: If you let your companion play the game for you, that's on you and you alone. Stop complaining about battles you were going to win anyway. Nothing has changed, it was easy before, it's easy now. Ops and FP's are harder now, and they were the only hard content before. Heroics have been soloable for a long while now, 4.0 didn't change that one bit.

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Try playing as a healer now through class missions, and remember what it was like pre 4.0. It was a miserable, slow experience before, now...it's actually pretty fun. I used to have to respec to dps on my healer characters, I'm so glad that's in the past.
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I accidentally got into some PVP on Tatooine (my bad, I just clicked on a red character, turns out it was another player, but never mind.) after a few minutes we both got bored and walked off - why? because both of us had a healing companion with us and we simply could not do enough damage to overcome the uber healing abilities of the other persons companion.


Companions have very little expertise, stun the player and kill the companion then call it a day while he has to 2v1 you and your companion. They have 800 something expertise at level 65, if you get down synced, all their tertiary stats and expertise get down synced too, but player stats do not. On Coruscant, my level 65 companion has like 50 expertise.


50 expertise versus 2018 expertise, doesn't matter what their stats are, you'll win if you aren't bad.

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It's been said countless times, but bears repeating: If you let your companion play the game for you, that's on you and you alone. Stop complaining about battles you were going to win anyway. Nothing has changed, it was easy before, it's easy now. Ops and FP's are harder now, and they were the only hard content before. Heroics have been soloable for a long while now, 4.0 didn't change that one bit.


And companions don't do well in flashpoints anymore like they used to... this is maelstrom prison tactical:




T7 ain't healing that without help from heal nodes too.

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While companions are pretty strong now and it makes things easy, i kinda like it vs the old companions that even with moderately decent gear couldn't fend for themselves unless you microed them.


Now, i can actually direct my companion to attack something and know that (s)he won't get blown up while i dispatch the other trash we're fighting.


before the change my compainions were doing fine you must of not been putting the correct gear on them :eek:

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And companions don't do well in flashpoints anymore like they used to...

It probably depends on the flashpoint.


I had a HM Battle of Ilum last night, and the healer dropped group. Forex healed the three of us the rest of the way.


No Kolto stations in HM.

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Companions have very little expertise, stun the player and kill the companion then call it a day while he has to 2v1 you and your companion. They have 800 something expertise at level 65, if you get down synced, all their tertiary stats and expertise get down synced too, but player stats do not. On Coruscant, my level 65 companion has like 50 expertise.


50 expertise versus 2018 expertise, doesn't matter what their stats are, you'll win if you aren't bad.


so if player stats don't go down whats the point of lvl sync might as well take it off no?

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When I see a new thread on already discussed topic for me this is past discussion. This is TROLLING. I'm going to treat such threads as such. Instead just having a single topic to discuss in a civil manner re-hashing the same question in a dozen different topics is trolling to me trying to entice a rise out of people. If not spamming.


You really are quite full of yourself.

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My only concern in regards to companions being OP is small group content. I don't care how OP they are while soloing (hell, I play a lot of healers so I definitely appreciate companions packing a bigger punch now), but I think if companions become significantly better at their job than the average player, we have a problem. Even in this thread we have people mentioning how their companion is better at healing than a pug healer. No group should ever have reason to go: "Let's kick this guy, I'll get Lana out and we'll have a much easier time."
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so if player stats don't go down whats the point of lvl sync might as well take it off no?


Mastery, endurance, and power are affected by level sync. The rest are not.


Honestly that's the best way to handle level sync, since the tertiary stats really don't make up much of your power relative to the content. They make you more efficient but not necessarily a lot stronger. You get more crits, less misses, and faster casts, but you aren't doing 10 times the damage as someone who is the level of the planet.


If you are good, you can still breeze through, work your procs and one shot most stuff out there, and you are still rewarded for gearing since expertise matters in owpvp, and crit, surge, accuracy, alacrity matters for how long it takes you to kill stuff.


Really I'm impressed with their version of level sync, it really is the best of both worlds. Gear still gives you an edge, but it doesn't completely overpower everything anymore.

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My only concern in regards to companions being OP is small group content. I don't care how OP they are while soloing (hell, I play a lot of healers so I definitely appreciate companions packing a bigger punch now), but I think if companions become significantly better at their job than the average player, we have a problem. Even in this thread we have people mentioning how their companion is better at healing than a pug healer. No group should ever have reason to go: "Let's kick this guy, I'll get Lana out and we'll have a much easier time."


They are decidedly weak in group content. They have no armor damage reduction, no force/tech power because no offhand, and tank companions don't have a shield so can't shield hits.


They get dropped faster than a bad habit.

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They are decidedly weak in group content. They have no armor damage reduction, no force/tech power because no offhand, and tank companions don't have a shield so can't shield hits.


They get dropped faster than a bad habit.


You can tell that to my guildie who was complaining today when the group finder gave his pug a new healer... because the companion had been doing a better job. :p

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You can tell that to my guildie who was complaining today when the group finder gave his pug a new healer... because the companion had been doing a better job. :p


That just tells you how bad players are.


Trust me, had an easier time 3 manning flashpoints without any companions, than I did 2 manning with 2 companions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To the developers and other fun people who manage SWTOR. For the love of the force, please "At least" give players the option to return their companions to some power level that more resembles 3.X levels. After checking my account, I have spent $500+ in cartel transactions over the last 3 years playing plus my subscription fees. But if this trash is not fixed, nerfed, retcon'd, or else given the bloody option to turn off the overpowered nonsense, I will unfortunately be a player without a game. (1) Contrary to the players who state they love the new companion mechanic, I for one hate it. Call me old fashioned, but I kinda like to think that there is some challenge to the game when I am playing pve. (2) To the argument that to level new characters is nothing more than a grind, I would ask...what more do you want? They already up'd the experience for class quests and if the thought of wading through camps of mobs is still too much ...Bioware allows players to simply purchase level 60 toons.


I am giving the game 60 days from today to at least give me a button that says...click here for reasonable companions. Otherwise, in its current state, SWTOR has been reduced to one long interactive cut-scene...and I did not sign up to be a simple spectator where my actions or in-actions have zero consequence to the actual game.


Very respectfully,

Siberia Star

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I would like a balanced spec choice for my companion were they can heal and do damage. By doing so the could also make it a bit less over powered.


These things that go on in my head are not some illusions. At the very least its a single thread. It's been four days since anyone has posted here. People have to actively look for this topic to bump it. I don't know if people are sincerely interested in a discussion or this just a way to try bump it to get Dev's to notice. Thank you at least for not creating another thread and posting in an existing one.

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