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Level Sync needs an Off Button! : ).


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I new people would hate this I just love the npc agro to slow me down just to get off my mount to one shot the mobs..Just dumb thing they added in this game as well the greed of not having color crystals in the new weapons..you buy they took that out as well..Forcing cartel market sales on color Crystals Edited by C-rom
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I *********** hate this crap. This level sync takes away all the fun of leveling up! Why the hell would I care about it if it does not matter a *********** think anymore... you go to korriban at level 65!! and you can die from a ****** worm attack!! This is pathetic!! I pay for this damn game to entertain me, not to take away my options! if this is a matter of majority for it fine I will leave this crap! I'm waiting until next april if they don't give the option of a turning off button I'm out. No point of paying a game that isn't entertaining anymore! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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I *********** hate this crap. This level sync takes away all the fun of leveling up! Why the hell would I care about it if it does not matter a *********** think anymore... you go to korriban at level 65!! and you can die from a ****** worm attack!! This is pathetic!! I pay for this damn game to entertain me, not to take away my options! if this is a matter of majority for it fine I will leave this crap! I'm waiting until next april if they don't give the option of a turning off button I'm out. No point of paying a game that isn't entertaining anymore! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


... You managed to die from trash mobs on Korriban, while being sync'd down 55 levels to match them...?


Are you sure it's Bioware that's the problem here? Absolutely, 100% positive it is their fault?

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The OP should have a brain check. On PvE servers it can be annoying, but on PvP servers the ability to turn off level sync would be disastrous. While it's pretty easy for lvl 65 to slaughter level 50-, giving the ability to turn off level sync? Yeah, great thinking right there :s


I'll put this into the oven where all the completely horrible ideas get put in, never to be considered again

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... You managed to die from trash mobs on Korriban, while being sync'd down 55 levels to match them...?


Are you sure it's Bioware that's the problem here? Absolutely, 100% positive it is their fault?


Must be in alternate reality. In this reality that is impossible.

I only have to look at enemies on Korriban and they seem to die just from looking. Light can actually kill?




Subscriber Reward = Toggle off Level Sync


There's only two reasons why you would want it:

- open world pvp on pvp servers would be griefer's paradise

- soloing world bosses


Which one is it?

Edited by Halinalle
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- soloing world bosses


This is really the only part of level sync that I don't like. Used to kill three bosses solo at 3-4am just to do the weekly. Now I actually have to do it when guildies are around : (


Other than that, though, I got no beef with level sync. Makes revisiting old locations more fun.

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Well, though I think it would have been wise to leave normal progression in place and leave level sync as optional, it looks like this is a permanent thing. After so many chances to introduce some kind of toggle nothing like this has been added to the game.


Now one could argue, perhaps, they are working on it....but I doubt it.

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At first I was concerned about the level sync but now to be honest I've started to enjoy it.


1. I started to find hidden places as I explore the planet while continuing to gain exp. Before I would just hit max level and avoid most of the planets unless it had a character story quest there. Now with the level sync I have reason to revisit old places with low level characters.


2. There is more challenge now especially the heroics as before I could walk through them without even having a companion out but now I feel like using abilities, watching my health and using my companion again YAY


Overall enjoying it to be honest.

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Ive adjusted to it. Thankfully, either by accident or on purpose, heroics were altered to make going back to prior planets profitable and fun, and that has mitigated any concerns I had about the loss of vertical progression.


After all, IMO at any rate, that is what we have here. Vertical progression is gone. Now, levels serve as only a gate to abilities, and leveling is purely for that purpose, much like SWG. It no longer determines your strength against other fixed level mobs, though the availability of other specials does make your powerful with lower mobs.


Same with SWG...fully trained combat paths made you more powerful. As a fully trained TK master I was able to take on rancors on my own on Dath. It is much the same here.


So, you still feel powerful, and it kind of fits in well with the idea that you would not be a god against enemies at any point, simply much more powerful the better you get at your job.

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Now that all loot is at your natural level, I don't think an off button will ever happen.

Some places I wish had an off button are place like section X , black hole and oricon, just to make them a lot faster but doubt it ever will come

There are good and bad sides to the synch but I think it's safe to say, it's here to stay as it is

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There's only two reasons why you would want it:

- open world pvp on pvp servers would be griefer's paradise

- soloing world bosses


Which one is it?


See above for example of someone who has no actual argument, so they resort to a personal attack.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Now that all loot is at your natural level, I don't think an off button will ever happen.

Some places I wish had an off button are place like section X , black hole and oricon, just to make them a lot faster but doubt it ever will come

There are good and bad sides to the synch but I think it's safe to say, it's here to stay as it is

It was always safe to say it was/is here to stay. At this point, request to remove it or make it optional are simply trolling, like requests to add Wookiees as a player race.

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Level sync ensures there's a linkage between reward and difficulty. As of 4.1, all or almost all mechanical rewards are scaled to your actual level. We know from the Rakghoul Tunnels that scaling difficulty to level involves some mildly grotty hacks (triggering mobs to teleport in while the tripwire mob is invulnerable until it level sets. This messes with a LOT of character mechanics.) So the devs built level sync as a way to ensure that there is a minimum level of difficulty between the player and the level appropriate rewards. (And it stopped soloing world bosses, which is not quite the same thing).


Now this does put a crimp in some emergent gameplay that didn't doesn't involve mechanical rewards. So I'm not going to say that anyone who wants a toggle wants rewards without work. But the non-mechanical-reward case is sufficiently edge as to not be worth the more than doubling of the QA load implementing a toggle would be.


For the "knocked off my speeder" argument, they added a bunch of QT points, and I actually think they could use to add some more. Particularly to the Cantina on Coruscant where the underworld contact hangs out. But I'm not going to hold my breath, either. I have yet to be knocked off my speeder making that run.

Edited by IanArgent
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SNIP.. it's here to stay as it is


Sadly I think you're right but the down leveling is the one major things I dislike about SWTOR now. It will always be a downside moving forward for me. Knowing you're leveling up so BW can knock you back down in some hope to make thing take longer that shouldn't because it sure as hell didn't add difficulty or challenge.


WPVP was never a problem and down leveling doesn't stop griefing given how secondary stats and skills you have others don't. World bosses could have easily been adjusted to stop them being soloed if that was truly a problem by adjusting how they spawn and using similar code to the nightmare pilgrim to stop those outside the group.


I've had no fun with the down leveling mechanic so far. As a sub, I'd love for them to get a toggle to turns it off.

Edited by Quraswren
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I just started playing swtor this year, but I also play GW2 which had this sort of system from day 1. I was surprised to hear that this wasn't always the case for swtor. I don't see the issue with it tbh, trivializing old content is boring. Besides, just like in GW2, if you're a high level you're still significantly more powerful even while downleveled anyway.


I can see the appeal of wanting to poke enemies to death if you're level 65. For people who enjoy that sort of thing maybe there can be areas where you can faceroll mobs for fun.


It's just my perspective that it doesn't make much sense lore-wise to be so powerful against the same enemies even if you find higher-level counterparts elsewhere. Example: the k'lor'slugs on normal Korriban vs the k'lor'slugs during the Korriban flashpoint. These are the same creature, it's not like acolytes are fighting level 55 slugs at level 1. *shrug* idk it just seems game breaking and lore breaking to be that powerful.


People say that they want a toggle but that other people can keep the downleveling if they want. This won't work because some people will take advantage of the toggle to destroy mobs that other people wanted to fight while leveling or being downleveled. From what I've seen of the community I wouldn't put it past people in this game to do this sort of thing tbh, and I think it's best if it stays the way it is.

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At first I didn't like Level Sync but now I have come to appreciate it a lot.


I recently started a new Jedi Knight playthrough and level sync is actually saving the experience for me.


I played that class before but these days we get an insane amount of XP for completing quests. I am already level 55 and just arrived on Balmorra with that character.


Just think how that would go down without level sync. Level 55 and questing on Balmorra. No level sync = boring.


There is not a lot of challenge left anyway in the game. I like being powerful but an off-toggle for level sync would be an instant "i-win-button". No need to learn your class, rotation and how to deal with tougher enemies.


I know that even with level sync there is hardly a challenge left. So leave level sync alone. We know how BW operates. They nuke things into oblivion and considering how easy it already is with level sync I don't want it to become even easier.


Just my two cents on the subject.

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  • 4 weeks later...
...quote removed as poster changed his post content.....


I have yet to die on a sub-level planet since level sync was released. And honestly, in almost all cases, It's a face roll on sub-level planets, even against champions.

Edited by Andryah
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I rarely run into level sync, as a I don't like grinding heroics (didn't like doing old-school dailes, either).


The only part of it that bothers me is when you end up hitting a lowbie planet for a big Chapter ending setpiece fight.


In the vanilla game, those areas were "instanced" and contained mobs at the level you were expected to be at that time. I would have much preferred the same approach for 4.0. You go to Dromund Kaas and are hit with a level cap 16. BUT, enter the instanced Dark Council chamber map for your final class quest fight, and the level cap is now 50 (with the mob stats as they were in the vanilla encounter).


As it is, whatever formula they used to reset the level 50 mob stats down to level 16 (for those fights in question) seems to be REALLY poorly thought out. They're easier to kill than a single silver mob on Corellia you fought just a few minutes earlier.

Edited by Khevar
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