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Bioware?? Why didn't you listen in the beta??


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I really don't know why I insist but here to those who tell me I don't "need" Forex, answer this:

Were can my Knight find a pro-Republic murderbot voiced by Tom Kane as companion outside of M1-4X?

Find me that companion and I'll relent and go chase him instead of Forex.


Tell me why you need this particular companion to be on a level playing field with other characters and I might think it matters.

Forex is a luxury for non-troopers. You are not hindered in gameplay by not having him just as you are not hindered by not having Nico, Treek, HK, Akk Dog, or any of the other extra companion you can get from KFE, and there are plenty of them out there.

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Tell me why you need this particular companion to be on a level playing field with other characters and I might think it matters.

Forex is a luxury for non-troopers. You are not hindered in gameplay by not having him just as you are not hindered by not having Nico, Treek, HK, Akk Dog, or any of the other extra companion you can get from KFE, and there are plenty of them out there.


You need to re-read my post and get more than just what you want to read.

It's not about the gameplay. It's about the character and the fact that he completely fits my overzealous pro-Republic Knight. The very same character who was openly celebrating with Aygo their fond memories of Kuat and kicking Imps *** there while Imps Alliance members are around the base on Odessen.

So once again, it's not about gameplay. It's story.

Edited by Leklor
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For those that hate PvP, don't bother posting about it to people that want you to be upset. Either avoid PvP, or do this...


Queue up. Enter the WZ. Then, between the times you push whatever minimum buttons qualify for not being afk-kicked and/or the TOS...


read a book

tab out and browse social media

play on a tablet / iphone

do a quick chore IRL



Have chat off, and you won't even see any reactions from either side. If you're kicked from the WZ, try again tomorrow. If, somehow, BW can tell you are reading a book (!?), or whatever and suspends / kicks you from the game itself... spend your money somewhere else.


But here on the boards, all you'll get is LOL / "I feast on your tears"... Yet there's NOTHING anyone here on the boards can do to stop you from not paying attention to the gameplay. That's why they are engaging with insults... to draw you in.


I'd love to see anyone here preventing me from reading a book IRL while I... "play"...


(and if you CAN stop me IRL... please apply to Seal Team 6... they need your skills)

Edited by DalrisThane
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Forget for a moment the forced PvP argument, it does not even make sense for the requirements for these companions to be PvP from a story point, the whole point of the alliance is that its made up of both sides so I could see this conversation happening :

Talos - I joined because the jedi got some data for me

Yunn - me too

Xalex - the jedi stopped the desecration of my father's grave

Forex - the jedi slayed many imperial foes for me


Talos and Xalex stare at jedi leave and the whole alliance falls apart.

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Real-world experience below.


I've been playing since a month or two after launch, but never done PvP until now. On Shadowlands, I was able to finish my WZs in one long evening of play, and there was never a single negative word said in chat. Not one. I was on the receiving end of some serious asskickings, especially in hutball, but managed to help win a few other matches, one of them being a spectacular comeback that was most satisfying. After the 16 or so matches it took to earn 20 Pierce points, I had enough comms to buy a basic warzone set so I can go back for more, which I will.


Bottom line: the PvP requirement was not a hassle in any way.

Edited by dpwms
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The fact that you can now get them in the Cartel Market does.


Also I think even you would agree that this is clearly the direction Bioware is taking with them. Obviously you dislike this direction, and are going to fight every battle along the way no matter how big or small. I respect your right to do that, and oftentimes think you frame the debate better than most who dislike 4.0. Even if just once I'd love to hear something positive come from you :p.


So let's shift the debate. Let's not argue about whether or not companions should be gated behind PvP. Let's talk about gating companions at all. Let's talk about Lokin and Akk Dog and Nico and even the 6 gated behind PvE flashpoints in alliance mode. Even the fact that Forex and Pierce are gated by faction (barely even mentioned in this thread). This thread is too much based on the PvP aspect and the debate itself is missing the forest from the trees.


I'm not a fan of gated content -- I think it just makes people bitter with the feeling of "have to" instead of "want to". (I'm not going to get into a debate about "there is no 'have to' in game", gated content does put a "have to" condition on an item if someone wants it, in the same way that you have to go to the store if you want a snack.)


As for something positive, let's see...


Auto-fill of ALL names in your legacy now when you're sending mail between characters, not just same-faction.

Stronghold deco hooks now have more wider adjustment for the decos (went from 10 to 20 each way).

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Yes this is incredible dumb move.


I just did two warzones, both of which i did minium damage because yeah whatever its not my type of thing and i have zero interest in it.


And what did i gain from doing two warzone matchs, oh boy. I got a crap load of insults and trash talk from "regular pvpers" at the end of the match. It was unbelievable. "you *********** pleb, learn to play", "you suck ******e" and list goes on.


Thanks EaWare.


p.s if you have to force this onto the PVE'ers, lower the frickin matchs to 5-10. Hell make it 3, just 2 matchs and i felt like giving up on life.

Edited by Zhijn
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