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Bioware?? Why didn't you listen in the beta??


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Then go do PvP if you want him on your knight, it's as simple as that.


So easy to say. Go play a game mode you hate for hours and then come back to tell me it's "as simple as that".


EDIT: You know what? Fu** it. I'll go play those warzones. And when my faction is tired of seeing a weak-a** Knight running around feeding the enemy, causing loses constantly, then maybe it'll become clear that it's a stupid idea.

Edited by Leklor
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I really don't know why I insist but here to those who tell me I don't "need" Forex, answer this:

Were can my Knight find a pro-Republic murderbot voiced by Tom Kane as companion outside of M1-4X?

Find me that companion and I'll relent and go chase him instead of Forex.


You can't. Great thing though is you don't need such a companion as companions are purely cosmetic now. So if you WANT 4x then stop complaining and hit the PvP queue.

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Second, what is being said is it's not necessary for your Jedi Knight's story. So you don't need him. You may want him very badly. If that is the case do the warzones. If you hate PvP just think of how bad you'll be sticking it to those folks while you stumble around their battlefield. If anyone should be upset about this it's the PvPers, but they seem not to care.


It's more fodder for the war machine. 4X and Pierce would agree as well. Honestly I don't mind, an extra hp bar is an extra hp bar, and I have ways of leading groups of the other team around towards afkers... :cool:

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So easy to say. Go play a game mode you hate for hours and then come back to tell me it's "as simple as that".


You don't have to tell me about grinding out companions doing things I hate. I've unlocked HK-51. Had to wait until recently because I didn't want to run the flashpoints (one of them heroic) at level. Finding each individual piece by searching only took about an hour per piece, so adding up Hoth/Coruscant/Dromund Kaas/Taris around 4 hours. In total it took me most of a gameplaying day.


And you know what.


It was as simple as that.

Edited by JDiablos
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EDIT: You know what? Fu** it. I'll go play those warzones. And when my faction is tired of seeing a weak-a** Knight running around feeding the enemy, causing loses constantly, then maybe it'll become clear that it's a stupid idea.


We see that in PvP every day from people who WANT to be there. You'll fit right in. :p

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So easy to say. Go play a game mode you hate for hours and then come back to tell me it's "as simple as that".


EDIT: You know what? Fu** it. I'll go play those warzones. And when my faction is tired of seeing a weak-a** Knight running around feeding the enemy, causing loses constantly, then maybe it'll become clear that it's a stupid idea.


Don't worry, your tears will assuage their losses.

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You can't. Great thing though is you don't need such a companion as companions are purely cosmetic now. So if you WANT 4x then stop complaining and hit the PvP queue.


One would think that the people who love PvP would hate forcing non-PvP people into PvP matches more than anyone else.

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Don't do it in a quest.. 20 warzones?? Are you serious???


You dont really lose anything by not recruiting companions with WZ quest. You can just leave them standing there forever.

I havent recruited half of the people I've gotten alert missions for, some even killed, so really its not gamebreaking to leave a quest undone, just like its not gamebreaking to never step on a WZ or never do Gree event pvp.


Its just one mission you can choose to skip.


Personally I'm skipping the hunt alert because CBA to kill worlbosses again after already gaining Big Game Hunter.

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Don't worry, your tears will assuage their losses.


My tears? What about my fits of laughter at seeing them rage because they can't win because of me and yet have to bear with me while I still have my companion at the end?

I think in the end I win. I just need a book to read while pretending to play.

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One would think that the people who love PvP would hate forcing non-PvP people into PvP matches more than anyone else.


Just more players to fill out the que. With or without companion chasers there are bad players. The best you can hope for is that they balance out to both sides. Besides they might enjoy it, and then it's one more soldier in the ranks. Also PvPer's love the tears man.

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1) Thank the Force it's only a single ally. Still makes zero sense lore-wise to be limited to PvP (Since half the warzones I fought were against my own faction. I can already imagine Forex telling me "Yay, you slaughtered those Republic pigs and... wait a minute!") why can't we have a huge number of Imperial NPCs to kill (Or maybe a list of commanders who drop influence item like Qyzen works)

Makes perfect sense lore-wise, well as much sense as anything else.

Same faction PvP warzones are introduced as training missions. What better way to raise morale and inspire the troops than having the Outlander come down and give them some training footage.

2) It's 10 to 20 matches per character. If like me you have tons of alt, it climbs up to nearly 200 to 400 matches to play. If at least there was an "Alliance" tab to the Legacy system, where you could pay a certain amount of credits to automatically validate the requirement to recruit new companions on further characters, I'd be okay with doing the quest once with a Pub and once with an Imp. As it is now, the won't be any way to circumvent the warzones grind.

I'm an altoholic. I sit with 17 level 60s. Having seen the time requirement building an alliance is likely to take I will not be aiming to get every character to a full alliance with all companions at 50 influence. I will probably go back to my old legacy way and focus on one Imperial and one Republic character for alliance. The rest of the alts will level upto 65 out of KotFE and feed in their basic crystals and rep items to these two main characters.

3) Running around and dying repeatedly isn't my idea of fun. Sitting in a corner, minimizing the game and reading a book is a lot more appealing.

As much as I hate the gear requirements of PvP (much reduced with bolster) the actual game play can be a blast if you get over the fact you are going to get beaten. A lot.

4) Once again, thank the Force it's unranked. It would have been the ultimate stupid choice to put a companion behind Ranked WZ.

Why? The alliance ally isn't essential. If they are a previous companion you get them without the PvP requirement. It's no different than putting nice gear into an Operation or season rewards of PvP.

5) Granted, I'm completely okay with taking time. I'd just like to take the time by doing something that is actually fun to play for me.

I'm sure there are many PvP players thinking that about the rest of the alliance companions ;)

6) I don't know, GSF is very difficult to master but I prefer to see ships colliding into each others like drunk teenagers coming back from a night in town than the utter stupidity of how PvP fights look like (One of the reason I tend to favor solo/coop games. The A.I might be stupid but it doesn't bunny-hop, rocket jump or, for MMOs, spam it's skills like crazy. I just can't immerse myself in a game where every fight looks like a group of hyperactive children pretending to have a fistfight.)

Having been in a scuffle or two the melee and spamming of abilities is a lot closer to reality ;)

It's really not about deleting the PvP requirement, just adding a, likewise time consuming, PvE alternative that makes sense in lore.

I think an ally working to promote morale and new troops (Pierce) is perfect sense in lore to ask them to get training footage of the outlander for promotional reasons.

Personally I'd like to see more non-essential content that is locked behind a skill requirement than just a time sink.

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I just had a brilliant idea!

What if, instead of having to chose between force PvP and an unfinished quest/permanent Alliance Alert, I could tell M1-4X/Pierce that I don't want them? Just like Xalek? That way, I do lose a companion, but it's my choice if I get or not. I doesn't leave the sour taste of an unfinished quest.

That is, if I can't go hunting for major Imp/Pub target in PvE instead.

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We see that in PvP every day from people who WANT to be there. You'll fit right in. :p


You only say that on the forums... Maybe you wouldn't say anything in game but don't presume to speak for every other PVPer. I constantly see people who rage over people doing even the smallest things wrong.

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And here's the problem with Bioware's strategy. These "story people" that supposedly make up the game (obvious skew in the data), don't actually like MMOs and only want to play a RPG. Bioware should get some MMO content going and hurry up and replace these simpletons with their dedicated player base that is taking a break until the real game comes back...
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You only say that on the forums... Maybe you wouldn't say anything in game but don't presume to speak for every other PVPer. I constantly see people who rage over people doing even the smallest things wrong.


Yeah that just means they're having a good time. If you're not typing in all caps while a blood vessel in your head threatens to burst you're not having enough fun.

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Yeah that just means they're having a good time. If you're not typing in all caps while a blood vessel in your head threatens to burst you're not having enough fun.


Well it can be kind of funny. But also drives people away from playing with what can easily be considered the worst community in the game. Always PVPers I see talking trash or ganking low levels who can't fight back, even the new exploit going to starter planets just go kill new players or the quest givers


The ones you see wanting PVP servers to be repopulated are more likely then not these kind of jerks who degrade the game for others.

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You only say that on the forums... Maybe you wouldn't say anything in game but don't presume to speak for every other PVPer. I constantly see people who rage over people doing even the smallest things wrong.


I hardly ever see people rage and I'm on Harbinger which has the highest WZ pops by a mile. Most people just take the loss and move on.


And aren't you doing exactly the same thing? Extrapolating your experience (if you in fact do PvP) onto the whole.

Edited by Master-Nala
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My tears? What about my fits of laughter at seeing them rage because they can't win because of me and yet have to bear with me while I still have my companion at the end?

I think in the end I win. I just need a book to read while pretending to play.


You are crying now, they are feasting. Have fun with the thought of that.

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I hardly ever see people rage and I'm on Harbinger which has the highest WZ pops by a mile. Most people just take the loss and move on.


And aren't you doing exactly the same thing? Extrapolating your experience (if you in fact do PvP) onto the whole.


I see quite a few of them in The Red Eclipse. But I only PVP to do the daily every now and then, don't care if I win or lose.

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Well it can be kind of funny. But also drives people away from playing with what can easily be considered the worst community in the game. Always PVPers I see talking trash or ganking low levels who can't fight back, even the new exploit going to starter planets just go kill new players or the quest givers


The ones you see wanting PVP servers to be repopulated are more likely then not these kind of jerks who degrade the game for others.


I want PvP servers to be repopulated. Because I've always enjoyed actual world PvP. But those servers were ruined because MMO's have taken to gating all PvP rewards behind instanced PvP so the only ones left doing world PvP are the griefers. But that conversation has nothing to do with the one we're having now.


For the record, I'm not recruiting Pierce on anyone but my warrior.

Not recruiting Forex on anyone but my Trooper

Not recruiting Lokin on anyone but my IA.


I'm already having enough trouble trying to max Hemdil F'n Tre's influence to 250k. I don't have time to add more to my plate. And I dislike instanced PvP on this game. Not on all games, just this one for some reason.

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The ones you see wanting PVP servers to be repopulated are more likely then not these kind of jerks who degrade the game for others.


Actually, those guys left for the PvE servers with more pops. The PvP servers really have few trolls left anymore aside from someone who thinks they're good going around ganking lowbies. But they usually get put in their place quickly by the real PvPers. Warzones though are mostly quiet these days even when we had half the team off the doors in Voidstar, no one lost it and rage quit. Most anyone does now is try to explain how to do calls or where people should be fighting. It's kinda weird, like the PvE servers switched with PvP servers after the cheap transfers. Most of the ragers I see are on PvE servers now.

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And yet they wonder why no one wants to even try PvP...


If you keep insulting a group of people by using generic terms and broad definitions, wanna know something? You deserve the cat calling you get coming back at you.


The dude just kept going about how bad PvP is and how bad PvPers are, kinda sick of hearing it. How would he know, he's never DONE IT BEFORE.

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Actually, those guys left for the PvE servers with more pops. The PvP servers really have few trolls left anymore aside from someone who thinks they're good going around ganking lowbies. But they usually get put in their place quickly by the real PvPers. Warzones though are mostly quiet these days even when we had half the team off the doors in Voidstar, no one lost it and rage quit. Most anyone does now is try to explain how to do calls or where people should be fighting. It's kinda weird, like the PvE servers switched with PvP servers after the cheap transfers. Most of the ragers I see are on PvE servers now.


True they're on PVE servers but there are many on those servers who are only interested in PVE content. Those who are being forced to PVP to get a PVE companion may be discouraged to play PVP again because of these kinds of people, lots of them playing may never even have played PVP before either.


I play everything in the game, PVE and PVP (Warzones) so I don't mind doing some Warzones for 4X however many people don't and at the very least the requirement should be lowered to maybe 7-10. The amount of time for one good Huttball match is about 15 minutes, and if you're on a bad streak yeah you could be doing PVP for a long time just to get one companion.

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If you keep insulting a group of people by using generic terms and broad definitions, wanna know something? You deserve the cat calling you get coming back at you.


The dude just kept going about how bad PvP is and how bad PvPers are, kinda sick of hearing it. How would he know, he's never DONE IT BEFORE.


You're talking about me, right?

How do you know I have never played PvP before?

If I allow myself to say I hate PvP (Hate, as in "Personal opinion", not statement of fact like you pretend I did), it's because I've tried multiple times to get into it. Every time I found that I sucked, for various reasons and that I wasn't having fun. And as a bonus, I was constantly getting insulted because I wasn't doing the right thing, because I didn't know the winning strategy by heart and because I simply wasn't enjoying PvP so I wasn't giving it my all.

THAT is why I loathe PvP and PvP players only. None of those who answered the topic have been able to be polite. I've been called a coward, a lazy a**, an idiot, an entitled whiner (I didn't know asking for an alternative or an opt-out made you entitled, I haven't asked for Forex to be delivered to me by mail, did I?) by rude people who also took the liberty to declare I didn't "need" a companion (It's not their place to tell me what I need.).

So yeah, big surprise, I hate PvP and I tend to despise PvP players who can't wrap their head around the fact that I'm here for the story and seeing story content locked behind non-story content is bad. I'm in the same mind as the Forex/Pierce situation in regards to the ending of Oricon being Ops only (Before, like that other guy, you try to accuse me of being an hypocrite.)

Edited by Leklor
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