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Spoilers! **Darth Marr´s Fate Discussion** KotFE


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I always liked to think that Darth Marr was a light sith in disguise or something closer to that then 100% darkside guy.



If Marr is able to become a traveling force ghost then he had to be atleast slightly atuned to the light side of the force.


Or his ghost was found by Satele and redeemed and decided to acompany her, because he sounded way too humble with her. Just remember how he treated her on Yavin and now.

Edited by Deshiel
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<< If Marr is able to become a traveling force ghost then he had to be atleast slightly atuned to the light side of the force>>



Darth Vader sees at the end that the Emporer is too evil - redeems hims by choosing to save Luke rather than letting him die, gets hit by lightning , dies, becomes force ghost on the moon of Endor and is seen by Luke.


Darth Marr says "never again will I bow to you - sees that Emperor is too evil - " didn't see until too late" - "redeems himself by refusing to kneel -- tries to kill Emperor but fails <too bad not a power shaft nearby> - gets hit by lightning, dies, becomes force ghost on <where?> and is seen by satele shan.


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<< If Marr is able to become a traveling force ghost then he had to be atleast slightly atuned to the light side of the force>>



Darth Vader sees at the end that the Emporer is too evil - redeems hims by choosing to save Luke rather than letting him die, gets hit by lightning , dies, becomes force ghost on the moon of Endor and is seen by Luke.


Darth Marr says "never again will I bow to you - sees that Emperor is too evil - " didn't see until too late" - "redeems himself by refusing to kneel -- tries to kill Emperor but fails <too bad not a power shaft nearby> - gets hit by lightning, dies, becomes force ghost on <where?> and is seen by satele shan.



Actually Marr did not have to be light side at all. I used to think so to before I played as Inquisitor. There the Inq´s ancestor appears just like Darth Marr. And the Inq´s ancestor was no light side Sith. The only way this argument that Darth Marr is a light side ghost will work, is if you somehow prove that all Sith that appear the same way are also light side ghosts.

Edited by AkeroStar
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  • 1 month later...
If Darth Marr is really dead he could have learnt how to appear as a ghost/spirit. That power isnt Jedi only. Its something you learn.


However, if Marr isnt dead then I think its like Rafaman said and I have said. That hes just communicating with Satele using the force to project an image of himself. Because for whatever unkown reason he cant get to her in the flesh.d


Akero is right. Among Force powers, many were universal. Even if it were alight side power, many Sith could use Light side abilities too as long as they were open-minded. Lord Scourge's vision that lead to him betraying Revan is a prime example

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I always liked to think that Darth Marr was a light sith in disguise or something closer to that then 100% darkside guy.



If Marr is able to become a traveling force ghost then he had to be atleast slightly atuned to the light side of the force.


Or his ghost was found by Satele and redeemed and decided to acompany her, because he sounded way too humble with her. Just remember how he treated her on Yavin and now.


oh trust me Marr is hardcore badA sith as sith can be. he just seem to be "lightside" because he is reasonable. something like lawful evil in rpg ;)

Edited by lukewarcriminal
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Actually Marr did not have to be light side at all. I used to think so to before I played as Inquisitor. There the Inq´s ancestor appears just like Darth Marr. And the Inq´s ancestor was no light side Sith.


He was only able to travel at great difficulty, and only due to the Inquisitor's own peculiarities.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Love Darth Marr and wish he didn't get killed off but he is dead, during the game Bioware drills it in very hard that Marr is dead, he is a force ghost right now, his codex on the new companion tab says he is dead, Valkorian states a few times during the dream chapter that Marr is dead, he is dead just have to deal with it, I'm sure bioware will add in quests that he gives and you can probably still get his influence up later on, but he is a ghost
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I refuse to believe Marr died. He was the Empire's hero.


And if he were to be "killed off", Marr should have been "killed"/made comatose during the space battle in the intro, either by diverting the the remaining power to save Imperials and Republic forces, or ramming his ship into the Zakuul fleet-----with the Outlander surviving the ship's destruction out of luck.


But to be "killed" so nonchalantly by Valkorian? I refuse to accept that.

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Isn't there a dialogue between you're character and Lana at one point where your character tells her Valkorian killed Marr and Lana says something like .."yes, I've felt his presence disappear as well." This seems to confirm his death..


I do think he's dead and an actual force ghost when talking to Satele..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Marr is dead, that much is known. I'm assuming he was able to come back as a force ghost because he was one of the few sith who did not fear death.


I read somewhere though that through some leaked achievements, it's hinted it will be possible to bring marr back to life somehow. Not sure how (que Palpatine's quote about the darkside and unnatural abilities), but it's based on how much influence you get from marr when he lives.

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  • 4 months later...

About Marr and wandering spirit. Years ago I had a theory that Sith spirits in comparison with Jedi, cannot travel far from the place of their burial/death... except when they are drawn by specific foreign influence, of have some personal connection with something/someone in a new place. SW lore seems to support this idea.

Freedon Nadd was able to appear on Dxun (where his tomb was), near Exar Kun (having his artifacts) and near the Onderon rulers (who were descendants of him). Other Sith Lords were briefly drawn to Exar Kun by the force of amulets. Lord Kallig appeared outside his tomb only near the Inquisitor - blood of his blood. Karness Muur followed his artifact. And so on.

We do not know the fate of Marr's body. We know, however, that Satele visited Zakuul. I would not be surprised if she has some Marr's artifact or part of his body - and it serves as anchor for his spirit, allowing him to travel alongside Satele.

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