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Iresso romance not acknowledged


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My Sentinels romance with Doc is bugged and I didn't even get to finish it. My Sentinel has not yet completed her original class story, I took a long break from the game just after the Hutt Cartel expansion released and just came back so she has not completed or even started any of the SoR or KotFE content yet. The marriage conversation which should have been available to complete is no longer available to her and Doc responds impersonally to her when I click on him while on the ship or off.


I think this is your problem. The 4.0 patch notes say that companion conversations are now unlocked by story progress instead of affection/influence. If you haven't gotten far enough in the class story, certain conversations won't be available to you.

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I've read the patch notes and don't see this issue mentioned. :(


I'm kind of disappointed. I play this game for the role playing and even more so, the story/character relationships. And at this point I feel pretty let down that such an important part of the story/character relationships of my main character are getting the silent treatment.


I've continued playing because I had faith that BioWare would address this as it's a pretty big deal for many, but the longer they go without even acknowledging the problem the more afraid I am that it won't be fixed.


Now *I* feel like the complainer. :(

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I've read the patch notes and don't see this issue mentioned. :(


I'm kind of disappointed. I play this game for the role playing and even more so, the story/character relationships. And at this point I feel pretty let down that such an important part of the story/character relationships of my main character are getting the silent treatment.


I've continued playing because I had faith that BioWare would address this as it's a pretty big deal for many, but the longer they go without even acknowledging the problem the more afraid I am that it won't be fixed.


Now *I* feel like the complainer. :(

Yeah, it's weird how Tait told me they're "looking into those bugs ^^" even though they haven't said anything about it...

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When did you see the issue?

Honestly, I had some suspicions back during Shadows of Revan, but I assumed it's just continuation of Makeb policy of old relationships not being mentioned.

It became obvious however when consular (sage) didn't receive the message while the inquisitor (sorc) did. And when I summoned Nadia through the terminal, she responded to courting gifts much more weakly than to cultural artifacts, confirming my suspicion.

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Yes they do.




I'm pretty sure that refers to companions that are being leveled up through the class story stuff atm. Not referring to people who are having their already romanced companions (to completion) relationship ignored in KotFE content.

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Honestly, I had some suspicions back during Shadows of Revan, but I assumed it's just continuation of Makeb policy of old relationships not being mentioned.

It became obvious however when consular (sage) didn't receive the message while the inquisitor (sorc) did. And when I summoned Nadia through the terminal, she responded to courting gifts much more weakly than to cultural artifacts, confirming my suspicion.


Apparently the romance bug and the gift bugs are separate issues.

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I'm pretty sure that refers to companions that are being leveled up through the class story stuff atm. Not referring to people who are having their already romanced companions (to completion) relationship ignored in KotFE content.


You are correct. That answer was for Faylana, who hasn't completed the class story yet. Seems we have a few people in here like that who are confusing the game working as intended for this bug where the romances aren't acknowledged. Sorry for the confusion.

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So far I've only run through the expansion with my instant 60 and now I'm afraid to run any of my others through it because I don't want their romances to *not* be acknowledged. That's one thing I love in this game, the romances and connections between characters and their companions.....so yeah, a little scared now. Lol. Might have to wait until they fix this. :(
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So far I've only run through the expansion with my instant 60 and now I'm afraid to run any of my others through it because I don't want their romances to *not* be acknowledged. That's one thing I love in this game, the romances and connections between characters and their companions.....so yeah, a little scared now. Lol. Might have to wait until they fix this. :(


I tested it on one character, and thankfully, they were not bugged, but yeah, same boat. No way I'm taking my other toons, let alone my mains through until this is fixed. About to take another character through, see how that goes.

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I tested it on one character, and thankfully, they were not bugged, but yeah, same boat. No way I'm taking my other toons, let alone my mains through until this is fixed. About to take another character through, see how that goes.


Please post if you do! I believe you are supposed to get an email from the romance companion by chapter 3, right? Since instant 60s have no romance triggers, I never got anything, so I'm not entirely sure what chapter it is. Pretty sure it's 3, though.

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Please post if you do! I believe you are supposed to get an email from the romance companion by chapter 3, right? Since instant 60s have no romance triggers, I never got anything, so I'm not entirely sure what chapter it is. Pretty sure it's 3, though.


I've been through KotFE twice; once ob my level 1 to 60 agent who I mentioned WAS NOT bugged, and through with an insta60 bounty hunter who had no romance to be bugged. The insta60 has no preexisting romance.


As for the letter, it came from Kaliyo at the right time, right after Chap 2.

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Interestingly, I just got my letter from Ashara but the dialogue with Valkorion was still bugged. I'm not sure what that means...


Either it means they fixed part of it, OR it is fixed, but there is no way to go back and play what was already bugged but is no longer? I don't effing know, anymore. Bioware is straight up losing me as a fan and customer with this launch. :( I have special editions of games I loved for systems I don't even own just to support them, and at this point, I am about to make a nice donation to some Goodwill store...

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Back on page 3 Saberchic posted that her Inquisitor didn't get the dialogue from Valkorian but did receive the letter from Ashara. So I don't think they've fixed anything, it's been an issue since launch of KotFE.


It *seems* some romances get partial recognition (no idea how this will play out later w/o a fix) and some get completely ignored :(

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I don't know what's going on with Doc and my JK. I completed my class story, married with him, and flirted with Theron a little bit. I had the conversations about love with Valk and could say that I'd already found love, but I only get a letter from Theron. I never saw a letter from Doc so now I'm worried that I killed things with Doc by a little too much flirting. If it is a bug, I wish it would get fixed.:confused:
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Hope everyone here has decided to unsub or otherwise deny any future cartel coin purchases until the bug is fixed, because while supposedly BioWare has acknowledged that the bug exist individuals, it almost feels like they have yet to address it to a group as a whole.

I unsubbed.

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Hope everyone here has decided to unsub or otherwise deny any future cartel coin purchases until the bug is fixed, because while supposedly BioWare has acknowledged that the bug exist individuals, it almost feels like they have yet to address it to a group as a whole.


That's a bit extreme.

Up to this point, no romance-able companions are in the story to be recruited (outside of the locator terminal post-chapter VIII, but that doesn't really count).

So really, all you've lost out on at this point is an ingame email.


We'll have to see how things will get modified in the future chapters, and whether they can do a post-fix for it.

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