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(Please read, Bioware) Angry companion letter


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YES I SERIOUSLY THINK YOU ARE TO BLAME HERE AND DON'T TELL ME I DIDN'T READ WHAT YOU WROTE!!! I read every self-serving, sniveling, whiny word. BW is not obligated to tell you in advance where your "relationship" is headed. If you had ANY sense of Kalio's character AT ALL you would have known, but you thought you could push her around and she wouldn't notice.


Your complaint here is ridiculous and you're being laughed out of the room. No. Sympathy. At. All.


Well aren't you a pleasant person. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to simply state my displeasure and if you can't deal with my differing opinion in a polite civilized way then kindly leave.


P.S. Stop acting like I've commited some horrible crime. She's just pixels dude, just pixels. Calm down please.

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Maybe try reading what I wrote next time. In the class stories she never cared if you flirted of even slept with someone else. If I had known that her character was suddenly going to drastically change I wouln't have flirted but Bioware never told us anything of the sort until we had already done SoR. You can't seriously think I'm to blame here. The only thing I'm guilty of is not being psychic. It's pretty clear to me that you aren't interested in what I have to say though. All you are interested in is picking a fight with me it would seem.


In the class stories she is also a habitual liar.

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Well aren't you a pleasant person. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to simply state my displeasure and if you can't deal with my differing opinion in a polite civilized way then kindly leave.


P.S. Stop acting like I've commited some horrible crime. She's just pixels dude, just pixels. Calm down please.


For all you know, Kaliyo had no problem with you cheating but couldn't accept that you were dead and wanted to be the one to end things and made up some bull cheating excuse to break things off with you so she could get on with her life. Or were you expecting her to reveal the real reason she was breaking up with a dead guy? Anything goes with Kaliyo because nothing that comes out of her mouth is the truth. Wait until she returns in the story to overreact.

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She wouldve dumped you anyways, alot of companions/romances are being dumped most likely beacuse of their VA not doing any work. Jaesa sent me a mail saying that "someone else was looking to be the dark center of her universe" pretty much meaning she found someone else, and her VA Is not In the credits (Rachael Leigh Cook). So If you didnt flirt with Lana, you most likely would have gotten a message similar to mine. Kinda wish Id romanced Vette at this point as I know she will come In one of the later chapters. (Her VA Catherine Taber Is also In the credits).
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For all you know, Kaliyo had no problem with you cheating but couldn't accept that you were dead and wanted to be the one to end things and made up some bull cheating excuse to break things off with you so she could get on with her life. Or were you expecting her to reveal the real reason she was breaking up with a dead guy? Anything goes with Kaliyo because nothing that comes out of her mouth is the truth. Wait until she returns in the story to overreact.


I suppose you could be right. I just hate to think that Bioware would destroy everybody's story progress with romanced companions without even warning them. After all, I think a lot of people agree that the romances in this game (or any Bioware game for that matter) are an important part of the companion stories.

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She wouldve dumped you anyways, alot of companions/romances are being dumped most likely beacuse of their VA not doing any work. Jaesa sent me a mail saying that "someone else was looking to be the dark center of her universe" pretty much meaning she found someone else, and her VA Is not In the credits (Rachael Leigh Cook). So If you didnt flirt with Lana, you most likely would have gotten a message similar to mine. Kinda wish Id romanced Vette at this point as I know she will come In one of the later chapters. (Her VA Catherine Taber Is also In the credits).


That would really suck if they got rid of them all together. I really hope that's not the case.


edit: This is why I think there needs to be more clarification on Bioware's part. As I have said before I don't expect any, but I think many people would appreciate even a vague response (obviously we wouldn't want spoilers).

Edited by Oragummi
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That would really suck if they got rid of them all together. I really hope that's not the case.


edit: This is why I think there needs to be more clarification on Bioware's part. As I have said before I don't expect any, but I think many people would appreciate even a vague response (obviously we wouldn't want spoilers).


To be honest, If the VA doesent want to do any work, get a new one, I wouldnt mind this (obviously I would prefer their original voice) but Id rather have a companion that sounds a little different than not having them appear at all...

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I don't know if the letters work that way, I am fairly sure my knight cheated on Kira with Lana but I got a seemingly standard letter saying how I had been missing longer now than when I was under the Emperors control last time, that she could not keep the crew together and that I need to come back, nothing about divorce, nothing about cheating.


Maybe its a bug and I should have received another letter instead or if the cheating "issues" are only going forward in 4.0 and you will be told in episodes 10-16?

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Cant believe no=one has got this, ok:


Your an agent, used to dealing in subterfuge....


A trusted compatriot just sent you a letter acting completely out of character....


Look at the detail of the letter (either its an accident or Bioware are being very clever)....


Think like a spy!


What message is Kaliyo really sending you?


Im realy looking forward to the next chapter with my agent.

Edited by VelRathis
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I distinctly remember a conversation with Kaliyo back in the original companion conversations where she said she was okay with my agent flirting and even sleeping around with other people. After all, my agent slept around a lot in the class story and Kaliyo didn't mind. In fact she even made jokes about it. Thirdly, she actually cheated on my character in the original story but the relationship continued.


Sounds like she lied. :p I would take this as Kaliyo breaking up with you for some other reason and it was just easier for her to blame it on the cheating. Relationships don't have to end rationally. Send her a letter back telling her this.

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First off I just want to say it is not my intent to tell you how to run your game. That being said though, there is a lot in this expansion that angers me (and probably many others judging from the forums). One of the main things I'm upset about though is relating to romance-able companions.


So I just finished chapter 4 I believe it was of the main KotFE story and I received a letter in the mail from Kaliyo (who I had my agent romance). The letter was essentially a break-up letter yelling at my agent for cheating on her. Now, there are several major problems with this. Firstly, I never cheated on her with Lana. All I did was flirt a little bit with her. Secondly, I distinctly remember a conversation with Kaliyo back in the original companion conversations where she said she was okay with my agent flirting and even sleeping around with other people. After all, my agent slept around a lot in the class story and Kaliyo didn't mind. In fact she even made jokes about it. Thirdly, she actually cheated on my character in the original story but the relationship continued.


So it seems pretty strange that my agent would get dumped for "cheating" on her. Besides, he is and agent after all and seduction is a big part of that. Hopefully there is a way to resolve this and keep the relationship going but as it is it doesn't seem like it. The romances in my opinion are an important part of the story and had I known that flirting with Lana would cause this to happen, I never would have done it. However, you never warned us about this until after many people had already played SoR. Honestly I can't help but feel a bit cheated and lied to. As it is I'm considering deleting my character and starting completely over from scratch which I really don't want to have to do, but if it means that I can fix my character's story then I will.


I don't expect an answer, but if there will ever be a way to fix this without having to start completely over I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me and everybody else who is concerned about this know. Please, I really don't want to start my character over from scratch.


Two words:



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I wondered about this with Vector, too, musing that out of all romancable companions, he would likely be the one that would be chill with my character flirting around: I mean, the whole Voss story was basically him like "Oh, yes, go and flirt with this Voss! And marry them! And have sex with them! YAY CULTURE! PS: AGENT PLZ MARRY ME NOW, TOO!"- certainly spinning a story that I'm screwing around with Lana or Theron to get information out of them (which, especially for Theron, makes sense- he's an enemy spy!, I should be flirting with him!). Oddly, though, I think my Agent is basically my only character who didn't cheat. I wonder if he sends you an angry breakup letter, too.


That's a bit offtopic, but I just generally agree I don't see Kaliyo really "I'm going to breakup with you because you flirted with someone else!". I could see her making snarky comments of "Oh, do you think she's better then me? I bet I could break her", I could see her "Well, you slept with that person, so I'M GOING TO SLEEP WITH THREE MORE PEOPLE" or even just threatening to hit you, her, or something in her way, but I don't really think of Kaliyo as someone who minds casual relationships on the side. If you were planning on marrying Lana or something, she might kill you, but a bit of casual flirtation? As I recall, she didn't have an issue with my male Agent flirting constantly with Watcher Two while flirting with her (don't remember how the Temple deal went).


(There's a few others I have trouble seeing as breaking up with you, too. Jaesa basically tells you that she was looking forward to finding your mistresses so she could kill them- I think she'd see Lana as an oppertunity to prove herself the better Sith and kill her, rather then dump you. Likewise, Quinn knows he's on very thin ice: him breaking up with you after knowing you have every reason to kill him strikes me as a stupid move from a man who is usually intelligent. Haven't seen what happens there, though, either.)



...On the other hand, I'm totally expecting Corso sending my smuggler the most whiny and angry email ever, and I am totally okay with that. :D

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Two words:




I'm with OP on this. The problem is that choices DIDN'T MATTER. Then suddenly they do, but not just choices you could make from this time forward, but choices that you made long ago, when all information pointed to the fact that they didn't matter.


That is like being two hours into a Monopoly game, and suddenly someone saying "oh yeah, the rule is now actually that every time you use the 'get out of jail free' card, you have to forfeit all cash on hand" and then turning to you and saying, "hey, you used that card 85 minutes ago, fork over all your cash"


Or the NFL saying "the rule is now that field goals are worth 1 point instead of 3" and then proceeding to go through and rewrite the entire history of NFL games played and saying to the teams "Hey, remember those games that you won by 1 point with a last second field goal, well, turns out that you actually lost by 1 point", and making anyone winning any trophies in that scenario surrender those trophies to the other team. Then when the teams protest, they respond with, "hey, choices matter, you choose to kick a field goal in that situation instead of going for a touchdown".


In 2.0 and 3.0, you could flirt to the point of a 'fade to black' with your romantic interest standing right there. And their reaction? Nothing. They didn't say anything, they didn't even waver in their affection. Silence is consent. If they had no problem with it back then, to now suddenly say "hey, remember that time 2 years ago when you said that flirty phrase to that one person? Well turns out that makes me mad now and I'm outta here." seems really childish. If they had a problem with it, they needed to speak up long before now.

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Ok, I just want to clear this up now. Turns out I misunderstood the letter. I cheated on Akaavi with my smmuggler and received a very friendly letter in the mail so I'm assuming that the letter I received from Kaliyo had nothing to do with Lana (though it was very confusing the way it was written and sounded like that's what she was talking about). As someone said above I think there was another meaning to the letter I received and I missed it. This was entirely my mistake so don't listen to me lol.
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