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So much lost


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And for what I would be paying by keeping a subscription over the next year to get all those more 7 chapters (and if these are any indication) 4-5 hours of game play from them, I could buy 3 single player RPGs next year and get about 10x if not more play time from them.

I actually agree with your thinking.


Now, you only need to sign up for a two month subscription. Once you are done working through the first chapters, you can wait an entire year to play the other chapters. Why sign up each month for one chapter? You can do all seven to nine of the end ones in a day.

Edited by Linyivee
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Really, I'll spend $9.00 and watch SWe7 and it will be what? 2 to 2.5 hours long. A much better deal than one hour of new content for $15. IF you spend more on the over priced frills thats all on you.


$9.00?! Can't even see a matinee in a cheap theater here for $9.00. $12.00 minimum, and that's if you don't want IMax or 3D, and no refreshments.


And I live in a mid sized Texas town. When I go to Dallas it's far worse. I bet California is insane.

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Where I live it's about $12 for a single ticket then add something to drink and a snack at Theater prices I'm paying roughly $20 to $22 now add to that if there is another person and they get the same things that becomes $40 to $44.

You have a point, but if you're going to use the price of 2 movie tickets + snacks/drinks as your value baseline, you really should be comparing it to the cost of 2 subscriptions + snacks/drinks.

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You *********** parasites got an entirely new, awesome story which eliminated nearly all the grind in favour of good old story telling, which is going to be continued all for the low price of a *********** month of subscription. That's right, those of us already paying for a subscription got his badboy for free. You don't like it? piss off back to your holes and wait for the next expansion to come out that you can buy then complain about, like you no doubt have done for the entirety of this game (yet are still here...)


I basically agree with this^, though I would have stated the sentiment less profanely. KotFE is a good deal for subscribers. We're getting far more for our monthly $15 than ever before. People who complain about that come across as spoiled brats.

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$9.00?! Can't even see a matinee in a cheap theater here for $9.00. $12.00 minimum, and that's if you don't want IMax or 3D, and no refreshments.


And I live in a mid sized Texas town. When I go to Dallas it's far worse. I bet California is insane.


Charlotte NC, Banking capital. $7.28 matinee AMC 22 movie theater. Very nice.


Sucks when things are over priced isn't it. Like for movies, video games or SWTOR as in this debate.

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I basically agree with this^, though I would have stated the sentiment less profanely. KotFE is a good deal for subscribers. We're getting far more for our monthly $15 than ever before. People who complain about that come across as spoiled brats.


ya you get the old raids all over again and 3 hours leveling experience. NO new PVP maps no new OPs i mean only in SWTOR can you get 0 content and people defend it.

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I basically agree with this^, though I would have stated the sentiment less profanely. KotFE is a good deal for subscribers. We're getting far more for our monthly $15 than ever before. People who complain about that come across as spoiled brats.


The only people arguing about money here are you fanboys lol....go ahead and read up

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Charlotte NC, Banking capital. $7.28 matinee AMC 22 movie theater. Very nice.


Sucks when things are over priced isn't it. Like for movies, video games or SWTOR as in this debate.


Yes I hate when things are overpriced. SWTOR isn't one of them, in my opinion.


In 2000, a two hour movie cost roughly 3-7 bucks. Everquest sub was 14.99 for a full month of entertainment.


In 2015, movies are anywhere from $7 to $20, but MMO subs are still 14.99. That's not too bad.

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I guess you're one of those types that goes to a movie Alone and/or doesn't want popcorn or a refreshment. Where I live it's about $12 for a single ticket then add something to drink and a snack at Theater prices I'm paying roughly $20 to $22 now add to that if there is another person and they get the same things that becomes $40 to $44.


Ya well see I used to be able to justify a subscription based on how much entertainment I got for the money compared to other things like going out drinking or movies etc. So my limited budget went a lot farther. But if I spend 15 dollars a month to log into 1 hour of new game play time and then look at my other options and see nothing I haven't done a thousand times and don't want to do a thousand more, then saying it has cost me no more then a movie isn't a selling point anymore, because I would rather have seen the movie I haven't seen before.


Back when I played city of heroes I figured out that all the play time I had on my first character divided into cost of internet service and game subscription entertained me for about .37 cents per hour. That was the kind of thing my wife couldn't argue was a waste of money, time maybe but not money. I don't see a reason to validate the argument that a game developer should look at another form of media and market like a movie, and then use that as its guide for how much people should spend for its product. I go see maybe 1 movie a month I do so because I want to see the movie. I subscribe to an MMO to give me a more robust use of my down time and expect to spend more time playing a game per month then sitting in a movie theater. But by the example everyone thinks is fair if I wanted to play 20 hours a month compared to a movie at 2 hours long that's 10 movies at 12 dollars a movie so I should be willing to pay 120 dollars a month to play the game? Nope don't think so, my decision on what its worth and when it isn't is purely based on how much enjoyment I get and how much time I can fill while enjoying it compared to cost. And at some point it becomes cheaper just to buy a new single player or console game every month then to maintain a subscription to an MMO.

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ya you get the old raids all over again and 3 hours leveling experience. NO new PVP maps no new OPs i mean only in SWTOR can you get 0 content and people defend it.


This was the focus of my post

They keep talking about money lol :rolleyes:

Probably to avoid the issues we are speaking about.

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ya you get the old raids all over again and 3 hours leveling experience. NO new PVP maps no new OPs i mean only in SWTOR can you get 0 content and people defend it.


Right on spot.... they didnt put anything in new besides the 2 hours of story line and then they threw the lvl sync in so they wouldnt have to make new content, toss us back in the lower areas with a "lvl sync" on it so its new OOOOOO nothing new you are doing the same old heroics you did before except now you do the exact same thing for EACH planet....... and each planet you have to free it from the battle station which is the same instances for EVERY planet and ya we have to look forward to paying for the same thing again,,,, 2 more hours of story line and then send us back to the old areas to build rep up again....

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This was the focus of my post

They keep talking about money lol :rolleyes:

Probably to avoid the issues we are speaking about.


The point of the money conversation was that if you got 3 hours of content like the person you quoted claimed you did, then you got your money's worth, considering the cost of a two hour movie. It's not hard to correlate.

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I stated what was lost above

I never space barred once it only took me 6 hours in full 198 com gear...

the loss of endgame is the greatest loss...

That's your most dedicated player base

The ones who buy subs and cc


I'd say losing those people is the biggest gain. There will be less complaining and way less salt. I've never endgamed once and I've been here since the beginning. A lot more people like me than you think...that also sub and use the cartel market.

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ya you get the old raids all over again and 3 hours leveling experience. NO new PVP maps no new OPs i mean only in SWTOR can you get 0 content and people defend it.


The core of the customers BioWare is targeting couldn't give a single f bomb about pvp or OPs...it is hard to believe that because the bark is so loud on the forums.

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The point of the money conversation was that if you got 3 hours of content like the person you quoted claimed you did, then you got your money's worth, considering the cost of a two hour movie. It's not hard to correlate.



you assume I don't understand....

My question earlier....where in the original post does it mention money

I'm talking about content only.

Specifically the real content that keeps people playing after the story.

Unless you are a casual... And this is over your head.

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This is another thread about folks not getting what they think they are 'entitled' to.


Seriously if you got 1 HOUR of enjoyment for 15 dollars then you BROKE even. PERIOD.


Go to the movies, spend more.


Every time Bio releases an expac I see the same posts, its never good enough.




next thread...


Amen, brother. Perfectly stated.

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It's not "story" that is at issue here. they said they were "returning to story" and insofar as they have done it, great! That's what they think a lot of people wanted, and on that issue I agree.


The issue is all these "Quality of Life" changes that have REDUCED the quality of life. They are almost too numerous to mention. Crafting, just as one example, has been completely nerfed. They said they were "simplifying" it which is the exact opposite of what they did. They took away hard-won abilities and achievements and replaced it with astronomical training costs. And NONE of it was necessary at all. It was not broken. They could have added a level and kept going in the same pattern and nobody would have batted an eyelash. Instead, they crapped all over it and it isn't pretty. Ask any crafter.


They COMPLETELY screwed over companions in multiple ways. Some of them can't even use their own weapons any more. Did you have affection up to 10,000 on them? Sorry, now it's "influence" with a peak of 250,000! And it's really nice that my lightning sorcerer has a pair of cool blasters now. She may as well throw them out an airlock. NONE of these changes were necessary. It was not broken.


You can argue some of the other changes. I know there is controversy over Level Synch, for example, but the fact is the player population is 60 to 40 against. I'm sure the 40% are happy, but 60% aren't and BW crammed it down our throats. And the thing is, it was not necessary, Players weren't screaming "Give us Level Synch now!" It's just that 40% think it's a good idea once they heard about it.


When you add up all these changes it hardly matters that there is now, so they say, "more story." With this carbonite plot device they've managed to rip us out if the old story and plant us into a completely new one sans our companions. All-in-all it's like starting completely over at square one.


Now there have been predictions of the game's demise many times over the years, and I share your laughter at them, but this may be the closest they have come. I cannot see how these changes will attract new players at all. Just because there is a new movie coming out does NOT mean all those viewers will suddenly turn into gamers and shell out a few thousand for a rig just so they can play SWTOR. nor will they get droves of old players back. I think you folks who stay are in for a bumpy ride, and it will take a few months for all this to play out.

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I'd say losing those people is the biggest gain. There will be less complaining and way less salt. I've never endgamed once and I've been here since the beginning. A lot more people like me than you think...that also sub and use the cartel market.



I hope you inherit lots of capital

You're going to do awful in real life

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you assume I don't understand....

My question earlier....where in the original post does it mention money

I'm talking about content only.

Specifically the real content that keeps people playing after the story.

Unless you are a casual... And this is over your head.


It was brought up because, as always, someone complained that it wasn't worth subbing for. Its over someone's head, but it certainly isn't mine.

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I hope you inherit lots of capital

You're going to do awful in real life


lol I do just fine. Thanks for the concern though. I can see how not being on the hate bandwagon but donning a white knight costume would set me back though.


For real though, I know I kind of did the same, but I just love how people look at a forum where maybe, at best, dozens of pissed off traditionalist mmo player sound off steam and they proclaim doom and gloom with the same accuracy of those churches who cry a new date for judgement day every year. The reality is these people are not true market studies, and I highly doubt the core of gamers playing the game are as "pissed off" as this board would leave you feeling.


If the game brings in new blood is another story, but I support the changes and enjoy them.

Edited by IamLordeRandy
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I'd say losing those people is the biggest gain. There will be less complaining and way less salt. I've never endgamed once and I've been here since the beginning. A lot more people like me than you think...that also sub and use the cartel market.



I hope you inherit lots of capital

You're going to do awful in real life

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Is it really that short??


Ugh, I keep reading "one evening to complete" things and that is kinda lame if it is true. I have early access but haven't started it yet as I want to run all the planetary arcs before I jump into KOTFE.


And what's this ( darn it I didn't quote him) about the armor vendors on fleet being gone??? I am going to flip out if that is true. I had big plans to get all my new /old companions into some gear I always loved but couldn't use.


On the bright side I had a blast playing yesterday, I ran around Hoth and Tat doing planetary missions, was pretty cool. Level sync aint mean jack squat to pve IMO, wrecking NPCs hard and that was in my pvp gear...

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Is it really that short??


Ugh, I keep reading "one evening to complete" things and that is kinda lame if it is true. I have early access but haven't started it yet as I want to run all the planetary arcs before I jump into KOTFE.


And what's this ( darn it I didn't quote him) about the armor vendors on fleet being gone??? I am going to flip out if that is true. I had big plans to get all my new /old companions into some gear I always loved but couldn't use.


On the bright side I had a blast playing yesterday, I ran around Hoth and Tat doing planetary missions, was pretty cool. Level sync aint mean jack squat to pve IMO, wrecking NPCs hard and that was in my pvp gear...


It's true and I won't even tell you about PvP.... That's worth a whole other thread

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The core of the customers BioWare is targeting couldn't give a single f bomb about pvp or OPs...it is hard to believe that because the bark is so loud on the forums.


Well now is the perfect time to test your theory, of casuals not interest in any challenge whatsoever, are a larger player base then the other two. When the other subs leave as you and others like to tell them to do, if the game will be financially viable with just casuals who want nothing more then to watch a animated movie...

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Well now is the perfect time to test your theory, of casuals not interest in any challenge whatsoever, are a larger player base then the other two. When the other subs leave as you and others like to tell them to do, if the game will be financially viable with just casuals who want nothing more then to watch a animated movie...



My thoughts exactly this is just a controllable movie now rather than a game...

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