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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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I think a one time name change would be great. I put "The" with my surname because it wouldnt let me use spaces. So now its The and word together. It didnt accept my uppercase letters. Also in the supreme legacy name format, it says The The_____ Legacy. Looks retarded. Please allow Legacy na

me change!!!

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Funny.. I always making my decisions in a game like this with the future in mind, and the assumption that my choice is being made once and for all time. I guess I'm in the minority. I like my Legacy name.


I like my legacy name as well. I might want to change it later. I know plenty of people who want to change theirs, for whatever reason. Why not? It's a personal thing only and affects no one other than yourself.

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I fail to see how bonuses would be negated. Having a legacy name isn't necessary to recognise a user's alternate accounts and confer bonuses. The game isn't going to confuse you for someone else and give them all your points. I don't mind having a unique legacy name anyway. I only ask that the surnames be unique.


Of course you fail to see, because you're still not understanding that the legacy IS the surname and vis versa, and it's associated in a way that gives meaning to the surname. A surname without a legacy is boring, it's been done before, and a legacy without a reference to whom does this legacy belong to, some guy on a server that shall not be named, or an actual family. "The Skywalker Legacy" sounds a lot better than "The Same Nameless Legacy As Everyone Else" there's no point of reference. If you had your way, everyone would share the same generic legacy.


If someone else - or ten someones - was named Graym Inz-Tyr I'd probably have a chuckle about it. I don't really care as long as I get my name. Sometimes people have the same exact names in real life too. Ten would be an odd occurence, but hey, if ten people love my name so much it's kind of flattering, I suppose.


What a cop out response, all lies. We all know you'd be on here whining about that too if it were the case.


Of course, since first names are unique, I can't imagine it ever occuring.


I can't imagine the legacy being separated from the surnames for the same reason.


Yes, I do think it's bad for RP that 6 or 7 of my characters are either all mono-named oddballs in the vein of Cher or bizarrely tied to my main by a series of awkward rationalisations. You can disagree if you like.


No one is forcing you to display this legacy name for all your characters, therefore it is you that is "bad for RP" for 1. chosing a name you don't like 2. choosing to display it over all your characters. This is not something BioWare can fix because people like you will always find a way to make it "bad for RP" when in reality it's an extra feature that can be enabled/disabled at any time with the touch of a button within the UI.


If you don't have time to spare leveling eight different characters, then apparently the legacy system is failing in its purpose to entice you to create alts. Shame that. However, you appear to be acknowledging that the experiences of those who do have time to create diverse alternate characters would be better served with altering the legacy system to allow for multiple surnames.


Not true. I do have an alt that I plan on leveling later, but you see I actually like my legacy name and took that into consideration when creating the character. This is what RP is all about. You clearly made a decision you don't like and would like BW to reverse that, which is cool, everyone deserves a second chance, but dismantling the legacy system is out of the question. You already have individual characters with unique names and stats, that's not the purpose of the legacy system which you seem to not understand.

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Of course you fail to see, because you're still not understanding that the legacy IS the surname and vis versa, and it's associated in a way that gives meaning to the surname. A surname without a legacy is boring, it's been done before, and a legacy without a reference to whom does this legacy belong to, some guy on a server that shall not be named, or an actual family. "The Skywalker Legacy" sounds a lot better than "The Same Nameless Legacy As Everyone Else" there's no point of reference. If you had your way, everyone would share the same generic legacy.


Look, my problem is that the exemplar "Skywalker" legacy had a lot of people in it that were NOT named Skywalker, which this system does not allow. Moreover, it doesn't make sense at all for a situation where numerous species with different names conventions are all in the same family "legacy". Unless there are hundreds of families out there who adopted several children all from different species or whatever. Frankly, the way I'd deal with it is have people pick a unique identifier as a legacy, and make surnames an entirely separate thing. That way, those who WISH to use that as their surname or have none at all can do so, and those of us who like our characters to not all be part of a family but still have surnames as fluff can do so. Whether someone else's legacy is generic or not doesn't really matter to me, because it's just a system designed to give people bonuses that will encourage the creation of alts and the only person who should really be interested in my legacy is me. I like the idea of legacy but I think it could use tweaking.


I should also point out that as far as I can tell you didn't address the idea that actual bonuses would be negated if surname and legacy were untied. You just said surnames were boring and had been done before. I think surnames are a nice extra bit of customisation that doesn't need any extra frills to make it worthwhile. You can disagree if you want.



What a cop out response, all lies. We all know you'd be on here whining about that too if it were the case.


What a reasonable response. I say this sarcastically as you've been rather impolite. The fact is that I have understood all the points you've made. I just don't agree. My position is that honourable men can agree to differ. I genuinely don't care if people were to use my surname if they weren't unique. You can call me a liar - as well as decide that legions of unnamed people agree with that assessment - if you want but it doesn't say much for your ability to argue in good faith.



I can't imagine the legacy being separated from the surnames for the same reason.




No one is forcing you to display this legacy name for all your characters, therefore it is you that is "bad for RP" for 1. chosing a name you don't like 2. choosing to display it over all your characters. This is not something BioWare can fix because people like you will always find a way to make it "bad for RP" when in reality it's an extra feature that can be enabled/disabled at any time with the touch of a button within the UI.


In point of fact, I'm happy with my legacy name. I'm happy using it as the surname for the three characters I've decided are actually related. I'd just like for my other characters to have distinct surnames because I have decided that they are NOT related and it adds a bit of flavour that I don't believe detracts from anything. That's why the fact that I can just not display it doesn't really solve anything.



Not true. I do have an alt that I plan on leveling later, but you see I actually like my legacy name and took that into consideration when creating the character. This is what RP is all about. You clearly made a decision you don't like and would like BW to reverse that, which is cool, everyone deserves a second chance, but dismantling the legacy system is out of the question. You already have individual characters with unique names and stats, that's not the purpose of the legacy system which you seem to not understand.


Again, you give me motives that I do not have to bolster your argument. Please refrain from doing so. I have no interest in changing my legacy name. I like it just fine. I just would like five of my characters - when I get around to them - to have different surnames. I don't need to dismantle the legacy system, just make the legacy name seperate from the surnames, but still unique. The purpose of the legacy system, as explained in the video, was to allow players the option to have a family legacy of characters on one server. I don't want the option of a legacy family. I want an entirely

different and less restrictive option, which would still allow players to have their 8 character family legacy IF they wanted. That's why I commented on this thread. Apparently I am not the only one.


As far as I'm concerned, RP includes getting to design and craft my character the way I want them to be as much as is possible while still working within the lore of the fictional universe I am RPing in. This includes picking out their names.



Im just sad that after a ' or a - the leters all are non capital :jawa_frown:


I agree. That's also an annoying issue that I hope is fixed.

Edited by Graym_Inz-Tyr
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The argument about extra, non-unique, cross factrion legacy names is a little off topic, this post was started to ask for a way to simply change your legacy name; not redevelop how it works.


I am eager to see a change implemented as i still have an accidently offensive legacy name and have to hide it on every character, every time i see legacy experiance gain it annoys me thinking i have something i cant do anything with (not even fussed it isnt finished yet) at all.


Its like having a permanantly engaged lightaber on my waist that i cant get rid of without deleting what i already put into the game.

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Why hasn't Bioware given a definitive response yet?


I would think typing a response to this would not be too taxing on a developer. Seriously it'd be nice to know if there is at least a possibility of this in the future instead of random conjecture from players filling up threads with "maybes".

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I made the mistake of picking a name for my SI and then I got a mail in-game telling me it's for ALL my characters. A little late once i'd chosen it.


My name of Darkshire is fine for the dark side and fits them well but it's not so good when I roll toons on the republic side. I hope we see an option to change it sometime.


Same issue I can already foresee coming up for me as I have an Imperial Agent/Sniper that's about to get to the point when I can choose the Legacy name, and I have a Jedi Consular (who's just getting started mind you) as well.


Heck, I'd pay like $5 to split up my legacies.


Heck, maybe we'll finally see something once the legacy system gets rolled out.

Edited by CommanderPaco
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+1 AJK and bump to the thread


While I do think the Legacy system is interesting and from what we're hearing has potential I do think tying it to your characters surname is a bad one, hoping that we'd see a change in it. If not, so be it, but it would be nice to have some help for the people who've be it through bad luck, unclear info or just hasty decision making.


And if not, from what I'm hearing the initial pop up does not inform the player well enough to make an informed decision, in fact you get the info after you've made your choice. And the fact that the pop up keeps bombarding you all the time will eventually lead to frustration and frustration to poor decisions and resentment.


So at least some clarification would be nice and maybe a pop up saying "Are you sure Drkillpantz is the legacy name you wish to choose for the characters associated with you on this server? The choice will be unchangeable."I think that would have saved several people on this thread a lot of headache and disappointment. If not anything else it would clarify the gravity of the Legacy decision and be at least an intermediate solution to the dissatisfaction of many.


Thanks for reading.

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I have The Durron Legacy. I will make Kyp proud.


I have the Horn Legacy....but I agree. It was really cool to have on my human BH but I never thought I had to use it on my Zabrak Sith. Thats is so mindboggling retarded. Who thought that was a good idea?

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I like the system, I do not look at it as a surname though. I look at it as a legacy, a title of an era or a series of events that my characters are a part of.


It's basically like a novel series.


You have your Star Wars novel that takes place in specific canonical time. You have an event the entire series evolves around, you have sith, jedi etc. all part of this event, this era, this legacy.



That's fine, but can I get a last name for each of my characters? I'd really like that.


I made the mistake of thinking that each character got a legacy... /facepalm

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I would think typing a response to this would not be too taxing on a developer. Seriously it'd be nice to know if there is at least a possibility of this in the future instead of random conjecture from players filling up threads with "maybes".


They really should have responded by now. An 70 page thread with numerous people upset should have at least warranted a "we're looking into it right now" response at least

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I generally hate to ask for these things because it just seems to prove to game developers that we are the idiot noobs that they take us for and given the chance, we will **** up our games and complain about, so they think they would be better off dumbing it all down and taking all control away from us.


That being said. I would like to change my Legacy name

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So unaware of the problems with making a surname in the game.... I made mine. I submitted a ticket in game complaining that I wanted to change my surname. According to the response I got Bioware is working to fix the issue soon. We'll see how soon that is. I really hope the allow us to change surnames though considering how many people want to do it.
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On reading through this the main issue is that some people made a mistake and want to change their legacy name.


Legacy names right now are cosmetic only and can be switched off. It really doesn't impact gameplay for anyone else other than yourself.


Given that this can be addressed in future it's hardly a showstopper and needs to be considered later down the line as and when they develop the legacy system.


Name changes are not always available at launches in MMO's, so let's not expect this to happen right out of the gate.


I would prefer more robust naming conventions and policing to happen before we start allowing folks to change things up. Bottom line is that you made a mistake, knowing it was permanent, you'll just have to wait for it to be changed later on down the line.

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Also people claim to have made a mistake with the legacy names.


This is just dressing up the fact they changed their minds and had another idea after they committed their choice.


If this is to happen, it should be on an equal footing with changes to character first name, server choice and advanced class choices, as people can claim that they also made a 'mistake' with those choices and are unable to change them.

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Also people claim to have made a mistake with the legacy names.


This is just dressing up the fact they changed their minds and had another idea after they committed their choice.


If this is to happen, it should be on an equal footing with changes to character first name, server choice and advanced class choices, as people can claim that they also made a 'mistake' with those choices and are unable to change them.


thats not fair. make a mistake with first name and at lv 1-5 oh well, re-roll


but the "mistaken" legacy name not only screws a 30+ character but any other alt characters on a server for all time. There is an obvious difference there.

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