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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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Totally agree there needs to be some kind of mechanic to change Legacy name, even if it's a one time deal. Like most rushing thought early access, I didn't have a ton of info on Legacy names so to get that pesky window to disappear I just typed in a stupid name and continued on.
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Back to the topic at hand, I chose the wrong surname, and wound up choosing a different character as my main. She will either now have to have no surname (unacceptable), or the wrong surname (also unacceptable), or I can abandon my guild and reroll on another server. As awful as such a prospect is, this is the direction I am now learning.



If you're willing to do that (leave guild and server) over a surname, then likely you'll never be happy anyway (there'll always be something else).


They probably shouldn't allow both sides on the same server either.




Having said that I'd have thought paid legacy name changes would solve all of this.

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Wow, some people are so ignorant.. Do you not realize this is more of an issue to certain types of people than even broken content?


This game was one of the best I have ever played little bugs here and there, no big deal. Then the legacy system crap pops up - boo! bioware.. boo!

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So I was listening to an older episode of a SW:TOR podcast I'd been meaning to catch up on for a while, and they were discussing the pre-orders and that there wasn't going to be a grace period (to set the time frame of this episode).

They also mentioned the Legacy system and said very specifically that it would act as a surname and apply to all your characters on that server.

One of the podcastees was surprised by this info but obviously the information was out there and detailed well before early game access started, for those people who were willing to go looking for it.

(For those interested, the podcast was 'The Instance: TOR Edition' ep #2, recorded Thurs Dec 8. Timestamp of Legacy discussion started at 26:40).


While I do agree that the surname mechanic could have been better implemented, and that there should be a confirmation box (with a preview), and that they could allow multiple capitals (d'Jeurs, MacGibbons, O'Connoroy, etc) and even non-unique surnames, or surname sharing b/w friends, or something, people saying that they didn't know how it works did not research it fully.


Hopefully we will be offered a (paid) name change service in the upcoming months.


Personally I'm curious to see what happens to our Legacy name if we have server transfers... Does our Legacy name transfer with us? Will we be prompted to enter a new Legacy name when we next log in?

Edited by Dafpants
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Yeah... I agree. BioWare should take a page out of Blizzards book here and know that people want this. They should have First name changes, legacy name changes, character re-customization, and faction changes. People are willing to pay money for these services! I'm one of them! There isn't even a way to know if the legacy name is taken before you hit the enter button. :(


I hope that this gets implemented soon because I would love to pay (*hint hint*) BioWare to change my legacy name.

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So I was listening to an older episode of a SW:TOR podcast I'd been meaning to catch up on for a while, and they were discussing the pre-orders and that there wasn't going to be a grace period (to set the time frame of this episode).

They also mentioned the Legacy system and said very specifically that it would act as a surname and apply to all your characters on that server.

One of the podcastees was surprised by this info but obviously the information was out there and detailed well before early game access started, for those people who were willing to go looking for it.

(For those interested, the podcast was 'The Instance: TOR Edition' ep #2, recorded Thurs Dec 8. Timestamp of Legacy discussion started at 26:40).


While I do agree that the surname mechanic could have been better implemented, and that there should be a confirmation box (with a preview), and that they could allow multiple capitals (d'Jeurs, MacGibbons, O'Connoroy, etc) and even non-unique surnames, or surname sharing b/w friends, or something, people saying that they didn't know how it works did not research it fully.


Hopefully we will be offered a (paid) name change service in the upcoming months.


Personally I'm curious to see what happens to our Legacy name if we have server transfers... Does our Legacy name transfer with us? Will we be prompted to enter a new Legacy name when we next log in?



I never said the info wasnt out there. My complaint is, you had to search for the info through podcasts or online forums. Its a game. I just think this was something that really should have popped up when the Legacy box popped up. Like "Once you choose this name, it will be on all your characters on this server permantly". One extra sentance makes the world of difference imo. As far as being a "paid" change, I agree with that, within reason. A paid change in the future, yes, but seriously, if someone makes a simple typo and immediatly opens a ticket, they should be able to change that for you. Any other game would. A week or 2 down the line realizing you dont like it or it changes the way you feel about the character, yeah, I can see that being a paid change

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Agreed, we need to be able to change our Legacy names. I picked a rather stupid name because the legacy window kept popping up when I opened my talent window, so I chose one just to hide it. Now I'm stuck with that surname for every single character on that server? Ridiculous.
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Agreed - I'd also like to change my legacy name. I came up with one on the spur of the moment, thinking it sounded nice with that character name, not realizing it would apply to all characters on that server. Now I'm wishing I gave it more time to find a name that's more universally appealing. :(
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Singed...for not only Legacy Name Change but for the ADDITION of a NON-UNIQUE Surname.


If you have the Surname I want, deal with sharing it. And vice versa. Fair is fair and we all want to have fun.




Not only should players have to deal with sharing surnames but some people WANT to share surnames. What if someone decides that want to RP as part of my family? If its someone I like, I would really be disappointed were they not allowed to share my surname.


This is huge, and like it or not roleplayers are a significant portion of this game's community. You don't need to spend huge amounts of time for us but some little tweaks here and there would be greatly appreciated.


I'm sure name changes are down the road. Personally though, I would like to see sharable surnames and maybe even a family system like in Lord of The Rings Online where you can have parents and siblings and set your title to: Bob Son of Joe or Sally Sister of Jane.

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I didn't read all 62 pages of this thread but I would like to add that I also want to be able to change my legacy name. I only chose the name I have because I wanted the game to stop bothering me, like many others. I did not realize it would effect all of my characters and now I am really angry that I am stuck with this. Bioware please allow us to change the Legacy names.
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I am not to sure what the issue is here. everyone was told it would be a permenant choice. If you are not RP ( of whom i would assume would have taken the time to think of a name they really wanted) what does it matter turn the name off so you cant see it since it doesn't do anything at the moment anyway. Why waste dev time on an issue that is at the moment purly cosmetic
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I, too, am very displeased at this new system. I've got plenty of alts past level 12 at this point, and I wasn't aware that the legacy would be PERMANENT! I hit the confirm button, and not 10 seconds later I knew exactly what I wanted as a surname, but it was already too late. I just picked something to get rid of the window mostly, and I hadn't researched what all went into a legacy because I thought it'd be explained enough to me once I got there. That obviously was not the case. Bioware, I'm loving the game so far, but this is one huge fub-up.
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I am not to sure what the issue is here. everyone was told it would be a permenant choice. If you are not RP ( of whom i would assume would have taken the time to think of a name they really wanted) what does it matter turn the name off so you cant see it since it doesn't do anything at the moment anyway. Why waste dev time on an issue that is at the moment purly cosmetic


Being told it was permanent was one thing. Not being told it affects all your characters on the same server permanetly is a big problem. Regardless, the reason it is a big issue is because if anyone makes any kind of mistake (just read previous ones, from typos, to roomate naming the character, RP players, to UI problems etc), they should be allowed to fix that if they open a ticket immediatly, which Bioware does not allow. The only people that get to fix their Legacy name are those that used an inappropiate name. So, long story short, if you were childish, you get a freebie, if you played by the rules, your stuck. I dunno. That doesnt seem right to me. Whatever the mistake was is that own persons business. What really puzzles me are the people (granted, they are a vast minority) who are against the name change. They dont pay for that persons sub, they dont know how that person wants to play their character, why do they care if they are allowed to change their name since it doesnt affect them in the slightest of ways? Name changes wont give anyone advantages in the game, they wont access a new set of powers, it would just help a person play the character the way they want to play their character. Its their money, it should be their option. Dont get me wrong, I like the Legacy idea, it just needs some serious fine tooning. And, being a loyalist to the game or not, are you really not even the slighest bit concerned that this thread is now 64 pages long and not one member of Bioware has made any attempt to respond? Sorry, but that gets me very concerned. If they are willing to ignore the fan base on this, what else are they willing to ignore as the game goes on?

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