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Everything posted by gladeo

  1. 1. Can't change lagacy surnames.. nothing should done in an mmrpg that can't be undone. 2. This game has by far the worst support I have ever experienced. Its as though you staffed a department in india, but there is only one english translator. Seriously. 3. Bugged quests, lack of content for solo players on decreasing low pop servers.. etc I hate to say it, but please learn from wow. Grey storm clouds indicate rain.
  2. lol not really that worked up. Was right after it woke up my baby after she finnally fell asleep at 3am. was my fault, just had to vent off some angst.
  3. 1. The factory recall he is always babbling about. 2. escape hatch into space. 3. Kick him down stairs Seriously, this damn droid is so annoying Im making my first post about him. There is something about his whiny squeal voice that wakes up my baby from her naps every freaking time. So I forget to turn the sound off.. honestly I should not have to disable the entire game sound just to ignore a poorly voiced repetative c3po attempt, every time I run past the freaking thing.. Thank you for your time.
  4. So drop your Biochem, level synthweaving to 400 and get your rakata gear. /drop synthweaving. /issue resolved (No? why not?)
  5. Wow, some people are so ignorant.. Do you not realize this is more of an issue to certain types of people than even broken content? This game was one of the best I have ever played little bugs here and there, no big deal. Then the legacy system crap pops up - boo! bioware.. boo!
  6. Greetings gladeo, I am Protocol Droid W4-Z0 of Human Cyborg Relations. Thank you for contacting us with your request to change your legacy name. At this time, we are unable to change a character’s legacy name. However, we are actively working towards being able to offer this service to our players in the future. Please keep an eye on our website at http://www.swtor.com, for any future announcements on this matter. We do appreciate that as your legacy name is shared across all characters on a server, having a typographical error in the name, or having chosen a name that you now regret can be a source of frustration. We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your patience while we work towards a resolution. If you have any more questions about this, or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Galactic Support is our Specialty…. Sincerely, Protocol Droid **-** (aka *****) Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!
  7. /Bump. This is truly a ludacris system. Allow us to change the surnames, or get rid of the system all together.
  8. I think this happens when other players loot the node, and don't take the content out. It sort of claims the node to that person, however no one else is ever able to access the node until "claimer" takes the resources out. Needs a time limit honestly.
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