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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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For us to await patiently and mum is to avoid the issue entirely.


Yup. To say nothing is essentially tantamount to admitting we don't give a damn. Were that the case, this thread wouldn't exist, and none of us would be posting in it. The current design is flawed -- it requires some change. Perhaps not immediate; certainly not before more pressing issues, but would I expect a resolution in less than six months? Yes. I think that is completely and totally reasonable. This isn't landing a spacecraft on the moon, and should not be treated as the programming equivalent of such.

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Yup. To say nothing is essentially tantamount to admitting we don't give a damn. Were that the case, this thread wouldn't exist, and none of us would be posting in it. The current design is flawed -- it requires some change. Perhaps not immediate; certainly not before more pressing issues, but would I expect a resolution in less than six months? Yes. I think that is completely and totally reasonable. This isn't landing a spacecraft on the moon, and should not be treated as the programming equivalent of such.


What's wrong with the current design? You end Chapter One and a Window pops up asking you to pick a Legacy Name. The concept has been discussed ad nauseum for the past few weeks. Seems pretty straight forward to me. I had an old toon named Zootzoot in another game so I intentionally made my name Zoot and picked Zoot as my last name (see my Forum name and sign up date).


I could care less if they let people pay to change their Surname but I fail to see how the system is broken.

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The current design is flawed -- it requires some change. Perhaps not immediate; certainly not before more pressing issues, but would I expect a resolution in less than six months? Yes. I think that is completely and totally reasonable.


I do not, however. The reason I advocate patience is that I think this is a long way away. From the sound of it, it may not be a matter of some tweaking of existing code - they may have to strip out the existing system and replace it with another, and that's a heavy undertaking. There's a difference between being broken and in need of repair, and flawed and in need of change. The broken things are going to be focussed on first. Raising this issue now may lead it to being unheard in all the noise.

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you know you don't have to use it as a last name... it can be displayed as a title or not at all... I don't really see the big issue in complaining about something that can be turned off at any time... right now the whole system does nothing so it doesn't matter... thinking of it as a last name which means all your characters are related is your choice it's not forced on you to use it that way... in all truth right now it serves the same purpose as if BW had given you the option to display your account username after your toon's name... at the end of the day not a big deal in the least
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I asked Stephen Reid this: it does nothing. And, not only that, but I asked what would happen if you deleted every character on the server. Know what happens then? Nothing! You can't even petition for a surname change -- the GMs are unable to do that!


I mean, really, it's mind-boggling. Name changes are just a part of life in MMOs. People get dissatisfied; they make mistakes; they have a change of heart -- how could you possibly launch a system whre NOT EVEN THE GMS CAN CHANGE SURNAMES, BIOWARE??

Oh, I'm certain they can. If someone made their surname a creative version of a curse word, GMs would be able to change it. Or if someone ends up being stalked/harassed (it's happened in other games, even led to people showing up at front doors and attempted sexual assault IRL) in-game, it would be stupid for the GMs not to be able to change the names associated with that player's characters so they could become someone new and not have to worry about it anymore.


They have to access to name changes... Whether they can do it for you at your whim or not is not in the cards right now. The rules the GMs follow are from above.

Edited by pocketthesaurus
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What's wrong with the current design? You end Chapter One and a Window pops up asking you to pick a Legacy Name. The concept has been discussed ad nauseum for the past few weeks. Seems pretty straight forward to me. I had an old toon named Zootzoot in another game so I intentionally made my name Zoot and picked Zoot as my last name (see my Forum name and sign up date).


I could care less if they let people pay to change their Surname but I fail to see how the system is broken.


Classic case of 'I don't care so it must not be an issue'.


I never noticed nor care about ability delay. Must be a non issue then right?


I am an avid RPer. Not being able to have a last name for one char while having it on another is just frustrating. It ret@rds the process of actually getting more into your alts. My alts will now all feel like little bastard children of some imposed system.


I don't see why they can't just give alts a unique surname after Act I and also have the overall Legacy named after the first character to get past Act I.


My main is Corbyn Skyric. I am of the Skyric legacy, but I don't see why you can't keep the Skyric legacy and let me have a unique last name for the Imperial Agent who will be an alt I plan to play and also a major antagonist in the RP story background that I am writing for my main on Republic side.


Think about it, you may not give a crap but those of us who derive more fun from RPing than PVPing really do care. Whats more is that changing it doesn't affect anybody. The only people who really even give a damn about the whole surname legacy system are the ones who will be unhappy or just not totally stoked about it by and large. The ones who aren't upset are generally the ones who really couldn't care less about the legacy system except what they get as bonuses for levelling it.


For feeding the RPers less control and more free options are always the best way to go. Its not a competitive system that needs careful balance because its the purest form of user created content. To create a restrictive system with a very strange esoteric system such as this Legacy system serves only to alienate the only niche in the game that really gives a damn about the thing anyway!



Legacy ridonkulousness is to RPers what Ability Delay is to PVPers.

Edited by P-Funk
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Its stated that your sur name is shared across the whole server. It tells you it cannot be changed. Guess what? You can also HIDE IT! You had days and maybe even a week or two to think of a sur name. Its no one's fault but your own if its fail.
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Its stated that your sur name is shared across the whole server. It tells you it cannot be changed. Guess what? You can also HIDE IT! You had days and maybe even a week or two to think of a sur name. Its no one's fault but your own if its fail.


Read the more complex reasoning why we think the system is flawed rather than just pull out the whiner-accusation card please.


They also give us a chance to change our AC if we made a mistake. I mean... we had months to figure out which one we wanted and it even tells us when we get to Fleet for the first time. :rolleyes:


Troll not lest ye be trolled and you'll learn to appreciate other points of view. Or just keep telling us we're all whiners and we'll just hop on over to the Ability Delay thread and talk about how its no biggie.

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Should Legacy System be changed? could be tweaked a little


Should you be allowed a one time change? sure why not, one time per account, making a mistake is fine, being able to fix that mistake? even better, making the same mistake over and over again? unacceptable


However AJediKnight you are annoying me a little bit, and I will tell you why, I do agree that people who keep bringing up the identification process is idiotic because you can hide your legacy name, however Skouros did bring up a valid point and you focused on 1 part of his response and not the whole.


So I will reiterate what he said. I play a trooper, let's say my character name was Sally Sue, I would never be called Sally, it would be Lieutenant Sue, or sir or whatever. When I do unlock my Legacy name, I may or may not display it, I read a post that said it could be displayed as "The ____ Legacy" if that is true then it will be displayed proudly, and what it will end up being? I don't know yet, I have considered a few possibilities, but as it is, I am going to take my time and choose when I get there.

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In all honesty I think the best and easiest solution would be to let you pick a new surname everytime you get to the end of chapter 1 and just have list of surnames on your guys to choose from.


This way you could have 1 name for each toon to share or a surname for each toon or have all your humans with one and your twileks with another etc.


Everyone would win this way and you would unlock and new one the same way everytime.

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i don't realy care about surenames and i don't really know starwars lore. but is it really all that hard to except that some where down the line all your toon have a common ancestor...is it really completely unheard of to have poepole of differnt races to mate? why does that having the same last name have to make them related.


also why would some ones last name have anything to do with there peronaltiy. is so hard to believe that someone born with the last name goodguy is evil or one with the last name of lightside to be dark side.


sure it might not be the name you'd like to roleplay with but is it really all that hard to make whatever one you have work. isn't the fun of roleplaying in an mmo making your toon work with in the confines of someone esles perdefined world?

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I agree 100% unlink surnames and legacy and allow us the ability to change our legacy title. At least one time or preferably a credit sink reset like skill resets.


No way my Zabriek Bounty Hunter and Twilek Jedi would have the same last name. It's completely against Star Wars canon.

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Sure is, we play the same game and programming decisions they make impact my character. The whole purpose of a LEGACY is to have a lineage. If you took the time to actually research what you were doing maybe you wouldn't have ended up with an inappropriate name.


If they give someone the ability to change the name and you aren't taking advantage or using that no it isn't affecting you.


it's amazing how many people can be so vocal about something that wouldn't affect them, no matter how hard they try to justify their FAUX outrage.

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If they give someone the ability to change the name and you aren't taking advantage or using that no it isn't affecting you.


it's amazing how many people can be so vocal about something that wouldn't affect them, no matter how hard they try to justify their FAUX outrage.


It's all about screwing other people, or, in the least, controlling them. I don't really understand it, either way. It's as if they feel like their choices are diminished just because we changed our minds.


Again, as I have said many times, this has zero bearing on anyone but the people who want changes. If they had picked the 'right' names in the first place, the 'strangers who think they deserve a say in this' would never even know it. I mean, really, this is tantamount to these people believing that they have a right to make choices for others in the most personal of arenas. I feel embarassed for them.

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I do not, however. The reason I advocate patience is that I think this is a long way away. From the sound of it, it may not be a matter of some tweaking of existing code - they may have to strip out the existing system and replace it with another, and that's a heavy undertaking. There's a difference between being broken and in need of repair, and flawed and in need of change. The broken things are going to be focussed on first. Raising this issue now may lead it to being unheard in all the noise.


Again, no one here is being impatient. We're advocating our point-of-view on an issue.


Judging by your response, you weren't in Beta. Bioware have proven time and time again that they are more than capable of drastic and massive change in a very short amount of time. It's quite impressive. Moreover, it doesn't take an entire crew to "repair" what we're asking for. This change can be done simultaneously while repairing others. We're simply offering tweaks in the logic they used in the system, and furthermore, judging by the current incarnation of the system, they've already planned to go back and tweak it. It's quite obvious that it's not finished.


We're not asking to be at the front of the line. We're asking for acknowledgement. Frankly, this will NEVER be a non-issue. If I get bored and leave the forums, another Joe will take my place.

Edited by selectone
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i don't realy care about surenames and i don't really know starwars lore. but is it really all that hard to except that some where down the line all your toon have a common ancestor...is it really completely unheard of to have poepole of differnt races to mate? why does that having the same last name have to make them related.


also why would some ones last name have anything to do with there peronaltiy. is so hard to believe that someone born with the last name goodguy is evil or one with the last name of lightside to be dark side.


sure it might not be the name you'd like to roleplay with but is it really all that hard to make whatever one you have work. isn't the fun of roleplaying in an mmo making your toon work with in the confines of someone esles perdefined world?


You're like a dead horse, mate. A dead horse.


I'm not about to beat you and scream at you asking God why you're dead. You're just dead.


Read the thread.

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I suppose I agree with the OP; a cost incurred to change surnames, probably real money, not credits.


I spent a long time thinking about my Legacy name, like two months, and am fine with it linking all my characters on one server, Republic and Sith alike. Its not like Vader and Skywalker weren't related...

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The game has been out for less than a month.


I don't understand why people expect it to be so polished out of the box. It took Wow (sorry to flog that old benchmark) years to become polished.


Like a lot of features, there is a basic implementation, with undoubtedly more to come in the works.

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