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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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I skimmed the thread sorry, but in my view I think the legacy system is actually kind of cool.


Nobody here is trying to kill the legacy system. In fact, I think it has a lot of potential.


What I think should be allowed and solve a lot of our problems is to be allowed a changeable surname for each character. It boggled me that there was no surname slot at character creation. The legacy name and surnames should NOT be the same thing.


Pretty much. For the time being, they should allow name changes, in order to rectify the mistakes that many of us made. I am sure the CMs could change names, but only if they were allowed to. That's a policy -- rather than a game design -- issue, and it's something that could literally be rectified by a rubber stamp from somebody higher up on the food chain.


So, again, I hope for longterm change, but in the short term, I'd be perfectly happy to settle for a simple name change. I think that's fairly reasonable.

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My game name is Arg, If I can pick my legacy name it will be Arg, all my characters would be Whatever Arg and my main would be Arg Arg.


I think its fkn awesome. Kinda lame you cant change it but at least have some fun with it.


My next character will probably be Argh Arg.


Arghe Arg Argh Arg Arg Arg Arrg Arg Argg Arg.



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Aw hell, id be happy if i could just pick my legacy name at all...


I want to pick my real life first name, but the game wont let me...


tells me its not a "viable" legacy name :/


are you guys seriously telling me that my real name isnt a "viable" name???


its not even a name that is used by anyone remotely famous, nor is it a name used by anyone important in the SW universe (even checked it on wookiepedia), and its not a dirty name either.


so why cant i just pick my darned name?

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Aw hell, id be happy if i could just pick my legacy name at all...


I want to pick my real life first name, but the game wont let me...


tells me its not a "viable" legacy name :/


are you guys seriously telling me that my real name isnt a "viable" name???


its not even a name that is used by anyone remotely famous, nor is it a name used by anyone important in the SW universe (even checked it on wookiepedia), and its not a dirty name either.


so why cant i just pick my darned name?





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Aw hell, id be happy if i could just pick my legacy name at all...


I want to pick my real life first name, but the game wont let me...


tells me its not a "viable" legacy name :/


are you guys seriously telling me that my real name isnt a "viable" name???


its not even a name that is used by anyone remotely famous, nor is it a name used by anyone important in the SW universe (even checked it on wookiepedia), and its not a dirty name either.


so why cant i just pick my darned name?


I wouldn't be able to pick my name, either. Something to do with a symbol that isn't a regular A-Z letter, maybe?


Something I would personally like to see change in Legacy Names, aside from the OP's suggestion, is to allow a spaced surname. Not a lot of surnames have spaces, granted, and it might create some unwanted (for BW or RPers) choices. But some of those unwanted surnames will always be around, and it would still something to widen the scope of choice and realism.

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Heres the major points.


1. It would detract nothing from the game. If you don't want to have multiple last names, you dont have to. Keep the one legacy and just rename it across all your chars.


2. People who want different last names on their chars would get it. This would make people happy and wouldn't effect people who don't want it in the slightest.


3. The current system has huge flaws and should be looked at. Legacy could be across server but then last names could just be awarded at level 30 or 50.

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I remember in interviews that they wanted an mmo to make people have to deal with their choices and mistakes. Where you can't just "reload a save" and try again if you didn't like your outcome.


So toughen up and deal with it. You picked it.


They meant with choices when you level, not a freaking LAST NAME which is purely cosmetic.

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Aw hell, id be happy if i could just pick my legacy name at all...


I want to pick my real life first name, but the game wont let me...


tells me its not a "viable" legacy name :/


are you guys seriously telling me that my real name isnt a "viable" name???


its not even a name that is used by anyone remotely famous, nor is it a name used by anyone important in the SW universe (even checked it on wookiepedia), and its not a dirty name either.


so why cant i just pick my darned name?


Probably because someone else already took it. Legacy names are unique on a server, just like character names.

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They meant with choices when you level, not a freaking LAST NAME which is purely cosmetic.


It is NOT last name/surname. It's *legacy* name. You can use it as surname but don't mistake the two. There's option for using it *the [name/organization/whatever] Legacy*.

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I read about 10 pages of this thread before I realized that it was growing faster than I could keep up. I agree with the OP.


Here's my biggest concern:


If they choose to make this completely permanent, unable to change, then they need to TELL US before we choose our legacy name. I completed the quest, took some time to think about it, but I hadn't even reached a decision by the time I was completely fed up with the pop-up after every loading screen AND every time I opened my skill tree. So I thought a little more and came up with something unique, but not the name I wanted. I put it in, and pretty much hated it the second day.



I can't even remember if there was a confirmation box, with how little emphasis they put on the permanence of this name.


I've read all of your arguments. That it lets you recognize the good and the bad seeds on your server (not if they hate their legacy name and/or choose to hide it!), that the ability to change it will somehow degrade the game, that it is not important (I cannot believe that is even on the table), and whatever else it is that you nay-sayers think is a good reason.


Here's the deal. Just because you understood how important and far-reaching your choice would be, doesn't mean everyone else did. Just because you chose a name you love doesn't mean everyone else did. Just because you don't give a **** about legacy names OR last names DOESN'T MEAN NO ONE ELSE DOES.


The only reason you are opposing this is because you can't see it from our angle. So get off your high horse and give us a REAL reason besides "deal with it". Bioware and EA exist to make money. Them not wanting to make money off of this is flat out bad business.


Whatever. I guess if I really want to change it, I can just go to a different server, right? Y'know, screw playing with my real life friends and my fiance, I'm sure I'll have just as much fun on another server, unable to group or talk to them.


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Whatever. I guess if I really want to change it, I can just go to a different server, right? Y'know, screw playing with my real life friends and my fiance, I'm sure I'll have just as much fun on another server, unable to group or talk to them.



Tomorrow, when I get home from vacation, I'll be jumping ship from my guild over this. It's not something I want to do, but they are forcing my hand.

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I agree with this, however, the laundry list of things things BW needs to fix is so long I doubt this has even been mentioned during staff meetings considering we can't get more than one response a day (if that) from the developers.
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So my <The BadDesign Legacy> might not last forever? I grew annoyed by the nagging to pick a name. I knew right away that every alt having the same surname was a no-go. Hell I don't even want them all to have the same <The ____ Legacy> tag.


Decouple surnames from legacy names.


Don't make either of them unique.


Stop nagging people to name their legacy.


The grand idea of creating and growing your legacy and unlocking cool stuff through it is great.


The idea of it having to be uniquely named and tied to surnames is horrible.

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I've got to say it, the I-chose-the-wrong-name thing seems a tiny, tiny tiny issue. Cosmetic and unimportant. If you know your characters' surnames, you don't really need to display them. You can hide your unwanted Legacy name until such time as the option to have it changed is introduced.


Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the importance of names. Longtime roleplayer in a number of different ways. This just seems to be something that can easily solved with patience, is all.

Edited by smartalectwo
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I've got to say it, the I-chose-the-wrong-name thing seems a tiny, tiny tiny issue. Cosmetic and unimportant. If you know your characters' surnames, you don't really need to display them. You can hide your unwanted Legacy name until such time as the option to have it changed is introduced.


Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the importance of names. Longtime roleplayer in a number of different ways. This just seems to be something that can easily solved with patience, is all.


I believe most, if not all, of us realize the importance of this issue on the scale things. No one here is acting like a kid at Toys-R-Us. We're simply stating our argument and our perspective on the issue.


For us to await patiently and mum is to avoid the issue entirely. We will not stand idly by. If this is in-fact an issue for us (and obviously it is), then we represent a sample of the ENTIRE player base of both those who are currently playing and those who will come. For Bioware to listen to our perspective is to understand their player base. For Bioware to fix such a problem is to avoid annoying future customers.


We're simply offering logic where little time was offered on Bioware's part in the first place. We're critiquing their judgement. If it were not for players like us (small issue or big) we would not EVOLVE the game for the betterment of all who play.


No one here is here is jumping up and down screaming. No one here is trying to throw Bioware under the bus. We're offering constructive criticism and alas, no real argument to counter our perspective has been made.


If you would like us to quiet down, then, say it with me this time: Bioware, how about something official?

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long time pre mmo RPer...


surname? not that big of a deal. never stopped me from RPing in games without them, often mroe annoying in games with them than without them.


it is kinda annoying that the legacy surname is a one time permanent unique thing for sure


but a deal breaker?


if you are a serious RPer, then you can work around this minor inconvenience.


and first off just to be clear- this isn't lotro, and being able to change your name at any price still isn't exactly common in mmo's, nor by any means a standard feature.


in fact could be argued that names should never be changeable because a player asked for it to be so, for many reason from community to RP and so on.


as for you kiddies jumping up and down demanding an official response to your issue of the moment, put on your big girl pants and have some patience and you know, wait on teh other person's due good time to respond or do something. we've known about this "issue" for MONTHS now and now that it affects you, it's temper tantrum time.


as for bioware ignoring you or not listening... lulz, never seen a company answer so many questions or give so many dev posts for stuff. not bioware's fault you missed these posts. just because bioware didn't do exactyl as YOU demanded INSTANTLY doesn't mean they aren't listening or acting on player feedback.


in fact, bioware has done several changes to things based on player feed back from jedi wizards to grace period and so on.


i've foun din life that if i need ot ask anothe radult a question, the best way to get an answer isn't to nag the **** out of them screaming in their ear spamming their facebook and twitter and so on until they listen. though by all means keep this thread alive.


but certainly expecting yoru demands to be met instantly right now yesterday this moment and if not then you'll make a stand and campaign and yell and scream and shot and #occupy #swtor until you get an official response and if that responses isn't to your liking then you'll make sure EVERYONE knows bioware doesn't listen or respond...



not sure what world you people are living in that this is an effective strategy for enacting change in things you care about.


not saying you should'nt speak up, but the dire consequences you plan to enact if you aren't answered immidaitely. ohhh god omg lol man oh man, srsly?:D

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What if BW already got someplans about Legacy and Surenames?

What if when Legacy will be fully unlocked - one of the feature will be add a surname to each of your characters? (lets say this will require Legacy LV 2 or 3).

We will end with:

Name - Weiss

Surname - Reeno

Legacy - the Farstar Legacy

So each of your characters will have unique Name + Not unique surname + All your characters on same servers will share same unique Legacy name. (Atleast sounds very resonable for me)


So maybe we just wait untill Legacy will be released and save some QQ until then? :cool:

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I'd be ready to may 20€ to change my legacy name. The reason why I finally entered something that I thought was good is because the damned "Create your Legacy" window was popping in my face each time I was changing zone. Now I noticed my legacy name is the same than a character name of a guildie, which is pretty lame. Can't ask the guildie to reroll, so for now, I just hide my legacy, but I would love to be able to change it to something unique. You simply don't have enough time to think about it when the dammed window is nagging you all the time.


To stop people from abusing it, they should simple give ONE SINGLE legacy name change per server. You pay 20€ (example), you change, and this time it's FOR GOOD, you will NEVER be able to change again. It will permit people to correct mistakes without being able to abuse the system.


I have The Durron Legacy. I will make Kyp proud.
And it's illegal. As soon as a GM notices it, you'll get a name change :p


"8. You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker."


Yeah, this includes characters from the EU.

Edited by Korrigan
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