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(KOTFE) Do you really have to do PvP to recruit a PvE companion?


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I will admit I always like a choice in how to get or complete certain things like with Qyzen, there is a choice between group content (3 world bosses) and solo content (defeat 20 creatures) now obviously both will settle down after people have done KoTFE a while but at least you can choose how to accomplish the same goal.


I have never really been a fan of a choice that consists of do it or not, which is another reason I wanted a alternative option as to my mind that is not a "reasonable" option.


Given how vast this game is it will be almost impossible to please everyone, but different options "help" to please more people.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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I just got 4X last night. 18 games, 2 wins, took the weekly and the daily each day for added coms. Got a 208 Weapon out of the bargin as well that's better than what I had.


I didn't really fight, I just went to the object and "defended". Got about 5-6 medals a match, the 4 vs 4 were my favorites as they were super fast. I just ran up to the enemy hit an aoe or hard hitting ability to get 1 medal for doing 3000+ damage and then got killed. 30 seconds later another point out of the 20.


For all the complaints it's incredibly easy to do even if you don't do any pvp. Sure I had some people hating me on my teams.. but I don't care. I said at the start I was just there for 4X.


Good for you (no sarcasm)! Really, so long as you called incoming when you were defending, I would have no problem having you on my team. As for Arenas, in unranked they are too unbalanced to take seriously anyway.


Enjoy M1-4X! :)

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Either way, like I said, I'm just gonna sit in 20 matches and just nudge the mouse every once in a while to stop from idling out. Free kills for someone.

This is exactly what I imagine some people will do and it is in no way surprising. Instead of encouraging people to actually PvP it will "force" them to simply log into a WZ and just put in the time, thus making the overall WZ experience worse for everyone. They have tried to make all kinds of changes to PvP to get people to do WZs (reduce prices, make WZ comms transferable, increase the comm cap to 200k), but if I wanted to PvP, I'd play a game which is actually PvP, not gear vs. gear.


For myself, I will simply never get Pierce or M1-4X via the story (which is no big deal since I don't really like either of them much and there are plenty of other companions to be had). But I fully understand your attitude.

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This is exactly what I imagine some people will do and it is in no way surprising. Instead of encouraging people to actually PvP it will "force" them to simply log into a WZ and just put in the time, thus making the overall WZ experience worse for everyone. They have tried to make all kinds of changes to PvP to get people to do WZs (reduce prices, make WZ comms transferable, increase the comm cap to 200k), but if I wanted to PvP, I'd play a game which is actually PvP, not gear vs. gear.



That's PvE thinking. Where all the players are on one side, and the other side is a computer. So if you're in an Operation with someone who is screwing up, no players get anything but grief. But when you have players on the other side, that's one team that gets some warm fuzzies as they destroy people pouting in the corner! :jawa_tongue:

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Okay, I've been reading forum posts and Dulfy guides, and it's said that to recruit a certain companion, I'd have to do warzone matches? Play PvP? Otherwise I won't be able to recruit them? Seriously?


I'm not doing PvP, ever - I just don't want to hurt other people; doesn't work for me; I don't like it. I got legendary status, legacy level 50, 20k achievements, but no PvP. Never. Not going to.


But I do want another companion, another friend. It just doesn't make sense in my head. Why would they introduce such a strange requirement instead of a normal solo PvE quest?


For the record, I don't like recruiting Dr Lokin through Rakghoul event only, either. I've got eight(or rather eighteen) high-level characters who will need him as a companion: I can't wait for months for each of them - again, that just doesn't make sense.


I hope they'll change it in the later patches. As it stands, it just seems a really bad idea.



For the millionth time to the millionth thread about this, it's not a big deal. Go que for some WZs and get your companion. I don't like pve, yet I'm forced to do do pve for 90% of this game. Do you see me complaining?


For once they threw us papers a bone and made a companion rewarded through pvp (better than nothing), don't take it away from us. Side note, you gain affection for them through pvp as well, so I don't have to waste money of gifts.

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Yeah, I don't like PvP I play this game for PvE purposes only so by putting content behind a PvP wall I think is a really stupid decision.


The only thing I can think of is that the devs can't decide how to make PvP more appealing so they are going to try to "force" people into trying PvP to get companions in KoTFE.


Yeah, I don't like PVE, I play this game for PVP purposes only so by putting content behind a PVE wall, I think is a really stupid decision.


Also, you get your companion back if you are the correct class without any of the side issues like PVP, world bosses etc.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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That's PvE thinking. Where all the players are on one side, and the other side is a computer. So if you're in an Operation with someone who is screwing up, no players get anything but grief. But when you have players on the other side, that's one team that gets some warm fuzzies as they destroy people pouting in the corner! :jawa_tongue:

Having fun killing the characters of players who don't even want to be there or fight back (which admittedly is their choice). Talk about being a carebear. This is what many PvPers seem to be about: wins, not challenge. These are the PvPers who give real PvPers (i.e., those who like actual competition) a bad name.


Yeah, I don't like PVE, I play this game for PVP purposes only so by putting content behind a PVE wall, I think is a really stupid decision.

It's a PvE, story-centered game. You play such a game for PvP? Does not compute.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Having fun killing the characters of players who don't even want to be there or fight back (which admittedly is their choice). Talk about being a carebear. This is what many PvPers seem to be about: wins, not challenge. These are the PvPers who give real PvPers (i.e., those who like actual competition) a bad name.


I don't mind being called a carebear. Carebears are nice. Are you saying it's a bad thing to be nice? :jawa_angel:


Likewise, I don't mind a challenge in PvP either. I also don't mind destroying petulant PvErs. I'm kinda easy that way! :jawa_cool:

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Having fun killing the characters of players who don't even want to be there or fight back (which admittedly is their choice). Talk about being a carebear. This is what many PvPers seem to be about: wins, not challenge. These are the PvPers who give real PvPers (i.e., those who like actual competition) a bad name.



It's a PvE, story-centered game. You play such a game for PvP? Does not compute.


Yeah. Nothing ruins a good match more than one person yelling in ops chat about how much everyone sucks just because we aren't winning. Its not about winning, its about the competition, the struggle, and trying to work together as a team.


Admittedly, I'm not a PvP player, I'm far to argumentative and Schadendreudian to be able to handle those PvP'ers in a reasonable fashion, and its more enjoyable to not have to deal with that at all than take over ops chat with snide B**chery.

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Why would anyone que for a warzone and then not do anything?


It's incredibly childish. Has all the makings of a small child pouting.


It's unbelievably selfish. As there are other real life people who rely on you to at least make the effort.


Throwing a temper tantrum and being a douche because you didn't get your way and now you have to do chores before you can play with your toys should be unacceptable behavior from anyone old enough to play this game.


Whether you think the companions should be gated behind PvP or if you think they should be given to you for logging in makes no difference to whether or not you should believe that behavior okay.

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Why would anyone que for a warzone and then not do anything?


It's incredibly childish. Has all the makings of a small child pouting.


It's unbelievably selfish. As there are other real life people who rely on you to at least make the effort.


Throwing a temper tantrum and being a douche because you didn't get your way and now you have to do chores before you can play with your toys should be unacceptable behavior from anyone old enough to play this game.


Whether you think the companions should be gated behind PvP or if you think they should be given to you for logging in makes no difference to whether or not you should believe that behavior okay.

carebears are very scared; just look what's happened to this game. companions with 100k+ hp that hit like trucks. they dont want a challenge.


so the thought of facing another player instead of 3 AI skytroopers they can kill with one attack is pretty overwhelming to them.

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Why would anyone que for a warzone and then not do anything?


It's incredibly childish. Has all the makings of a small child pouting.


It's unbelievably selfish. As there are other real life people who rely on you to at least make the effort.


Throwing a temper tantrum and being a douche because you didn't get your way and now you have to do chores before you can play with your toys should be unacceptable behavior from anyone old enough to play this game.


Whether you think the companions should be gated behind PvP or if you think they should be given to you for logging in makes no difference to whether or not you should believe that behavior okay.


Well the way it works now all you have to do is turn up, not do anything no kills, no objectives and you still get M1-4X there is no incentive for PvE players to do much else than turn up and sit down. Many people cannot understand the reasoning behind this and will do just this in sort of a protest manor, its a way to say yes we done what you asked but just not in the way you expected.

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What you have here, is entitlement. These kids are so used to everything just being handed to them. Now that they actually have to do something to get their companion, they cry about it.


It's a few war zones people. Get over it. Oh and I really like the people who say they will just afk in their WZ matches. Yes, just ruin it for everyone else because you're selfish. Boo hoo.


It's **** like this as to why games are easy these days. It's not that difficult to play a few rounds of PvP. Such whiners man lol.

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What you have here, is entitlement. These kids are so used to everything just being handed to them. Now that they actually have to do something to get their companion, they cry about it.


It's a few war zones people. Get over it. Oh and I really like the people who say they will just afk in their WZ matches. Yes, just ruin it for everyone else because you're selfish. Boo hoo.


It's **** like this as to why games are easy these days. It's not that difficult to play a few rounds of PvP. Such whiners man lol.


Firstly people are just asking for a second option, just like Qyzen its not do 3 WB or else nothing, its 3 WB or 20 ginds. Secondly its not just a few rounds its 20 PER character (at most admittidley), which is a hugely disproportionate amount for someone who never wanted to step foot in a war zone

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Firstly people are just asking for a second option, just like Qyzen its not do 3 WB or else nothing, its 3 WB or 20 ginds. Secondly its not just a few rounds its 20 PER character (at most admittidley), which is a hugely disproportionate amount for someone who never wanted to step foot in a war zone


That's only, and this is really important, if you want the companion on every character. There is no need to have every companion on every character. The whole point of the change to companions was so you could use who you wanted, not who was the best mechanically. The corollary of that is that you don't need to have every companion in the game.


Only a couple of my non-consulars will even bother with Qyzen, for example. Maybe none since two of the characters I consider "mains" are consulars. If folks can let go of this obsessive need to compile every reward in the game, this would cause a lot less consternation.

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<--- Ruining your PvP.


Up to this expansion, I've never done a SWTOR PvP match.


I'm bad at it, I don't enjoy it and I've no clue about what the objectives mean and how to best secure a win. I figure with the combination of those three, I'm actually making the matches less enjoyable for those people on my team who might actually want to win.


Edit: SWTOR isn't my first MMO. I've tried PvP before and disliked it. The mechanics/goals aren't the issue... I just don't like the combat. I don't like dying to another player. It's a choice and primarily the reason I roll characters exclusively on PvE and RP servers.


But I want my PvE companion. Sorry PvP'ers. If I had an alternative... I'd do that instead.

So far, I'm up to 6/20. So the pain is probably going to continue for another couple of days.

And once I've got my 20 losses... I'll never PvP again (until the next time Bioware introduce an objective that make me PvP for one of my PvE goals).


So yeah... Sorry guys.


And Bioware CM's, if you see this message - could you mention to the people who look at metrics who are patting their selves on the back about increasing the amount of PvP done in this game three things.



  • I'm never going to PvP again.
  • You've made the game less enjoyable for me.
  • You've made the game less enjoyable for anyone who's forced to team up with me.


Oh... and for the love of gods... obviously... NO MORE FECKIN' PvE objectives in the Outlaw's Den.


[This line intentionally left blank]

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Well the way it works now all you have to do is turn up, not do anything no kills, no objectives and you still get M1-4X there is no incentive for PvE players to do much else than turn up and sit down. Many people cannot understand the reasoning behind this and will do just this in sort of a protest manor, its a way to say yes we done what you asked but just not in the way you expected.


Again, the incentive is self respect and personal responsibility. When in your life (either school or work or even sports if you got picked for a team that didn't have your best friend on it) have you been forced to participate in a group activity and rather than participate you simply went to a corner and pouted. By doing this you let down your peers and frankly let down yourself as you do nothing while others around you work towards a goal. It seems like shallow behavior to me.

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<--- Ruining your PvP.


Up to this expansion, I've never done a SWTOR PvP match.


I'm bad at it, I don't enjoy it and I've no clue about what the objectives mean and how to best secure a win. I figure with the combination of those three, I'm actually making the matches less enjoyable for those people on my team who might actually want to win.


But I want my PvE companion. Sorry PvP'ers. If I had an alternative... I'd do that instead.

And once I've got my 20 losses... I'll never PvP again (until the next time Bioware introduce an objective that make me PvP for one of my PvE goals).


So yeah... Sorry guys.


And Bioware CM's, if you see this message - could you mention to the people who look at metrics who are patting their selves on the back about increasing the amount of PvP done in this game three things.



  • I'm never going to PvP again.
  • You've made the game less enjoyable for me.
  • You've made the game less enjoyable for anyone who's forced to team up with me.


[This line intentionally left blank]


Glad you provided your feedback and I hope the devs take note of your opinion along with everyone else.


But I do have to question how you knew you were bad at PvP and wouldn't enjoy warzones without ever having tried them.

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Again, the incentive is self respect and personal responsibility.


You know absolutely nothing about me, in everything else that matters I do have self respect and personal responsibility.


But at the end of the day what goes on in this game means nothing to me, I don't owe anybody in this game anything, I don't know anybody personally, I come to this game to leave the real world behind temporarily and play this game just for fun and enjoyment.

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But I do have to question how you knew you were bad at PvP and wouldn't enjoy warzones without ever having tried them.


Ah yes, I'll probably edit my post to mention that.


SWTOR isn't my first MMO. I've tried PvP before and disliked it.


The mechanics/goals aren't the issue... I just don't like the combat. I don't like dying to another player. It's a choice and primarily the reason I roll characters exclusively on PvE and RP servers.


On those few occasions where I end up PvP flagged (either accidentally as result of running into the wrong area or hitting a PvP tagged player rather than the NPC she/he was near - I generally just stand still and allow myself to be killed - it was my mistake after all. Then go stand on fleet until the PvP tag is removed - again, a reaction to previously being attacked while accidentally PvP tagged.


Then there's the occasions like this where a developer or team lead tries to push a square peg in a round hole - with what I presume to be a goal of "showing PvP to players who don't PvP but might like it if they tried it". They create a Ratghoul event where a world boss is in the Outlaw's Den... or like this one... make PvP matches a prerequisite for obtaining a companion. Their choice to add it. My choice to express why I think they're fixing a symptom rather than addressing the core problem (PvP has been royally mismanaged and misunderstood by the developers).


[This line intentionally left blank]

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You know absolutely nothing about me, in everything else that matters I do have self respect and personal responsibility.


But at the end of the day what goes on in this game means nothing to me, I don't owe anybody in this game anything, I don't know anybody personally, I come to this game to leave the real world behind temporarily and play this game just for fun and enjoyment.


Nah, you're probably a good dude. And by all means stand to the side and do nothing while others earn you that companion that apparently means nothing to you. And keep not caring about other people's game experience because you don't know them personally. Especially because you have the excuse that Big Bad Bioware is making you do it by gating a completely optional companion behind it so you're entitled to ruin an entire groups warzone. Power to the people! Down with the Man!

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You've made the game less enjoyable for me.


Actually, it's YOU who made the game less enjoyable for yourself. You wanted something so bad that you did something you didn't enjoy to get it. Personally, I don't get that. I also don't get why you blame the developers for your own behavior.

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Only a couple of my non-consulars will even bother with Qyzen, for example. Maybe none since two of the characters I consider "mains" are consulars. If folks can let go of this obsessive need to compile every reward in the game, this would cause a lot less consternation.


In understand the gist of what you're saying here, but unfortunately if you want Doctor Lokin's alert to pop, you HAVE to finish Qyzen which, to me, is worse than slogging through 20 War Zones (which I did to get Pierce for my Agent. He was complaining about being a trophy before? Well sorry, buddy, but you're my PvP trophy now. Gimmie those sweet heals. You don't get to shoot anyone ever again, lolololol).


Of course not everyone has to get Doctor Lokin either. My point is that while people don't have to PvP to get Pierce/4-X, they DO have to do Qyzen's grind. Barf.


For what it's worth, I don't PvP. I *HAVE* done PvP in other games (most notably in Neverwinter Online because Astral Diamonds is the REAL currency in that game and the PvP Dailies give you 3000 of them) and I do if I *have* to. I didn't *have* to PvP in this game, but I gave it a go just to see what it was like. It was painful. I had no idea what was going on. But after 16 matches and getting some PvP gear, my final match went surprisingly well. I beelined towards objectives, defended them, and blew anyone up who came near me (engineer specced sniper). Fortunately, for that ONE match only, I had someone covering me the entire time when I did it instead of mindlessly slaughtering people. Even got a MVP nomination. I actually felt pretty good about it.


For all the people who say they aren't going to do anything in Warzones to make their time go faster, you're wrong. Not going for objectives or doing anything PROLONGS the match. If you want it to go fast, go for objectives.


Oh, and close your chat window. That way you can't hear the smack talk from other people.

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In understand the gist of what you're saying here, but unfortunately if you want Doctor Lokin's alert to pop, you HAVE to finish Qyzen which, to me, is worse than slogging through 20 War Zones (which I did to get Pierce for my Agent. He was complaining about being a trophy before? Well sorry, buddy, but you're my PvP trophy now. Gimmie those sweet heals. You don't get to shoot anyone ever again, lolololol).


Of course not everyone has to get Doctor Lokin either. My point is that while people don't have to PvP to get Pierce/4-X, they DO have to do Qyzen's grind. Barf.


Eh... I just won't do Dr. Lokin then. From what I can tell, you only NEED the main characters.


I once thought like a lot of people here, in that the developers could be 'forcing' you to do certain content. And I thought that way....until I stopped thinking that way. As soon as you let go of the need for this digital stuff that EA can take away from you in a second, you gain a new appreciation for the game.

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