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Will there be anything left for FTP and Preferred?


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I am personally a sub but I have to ask. With the removal of allot of content pre level 60... What will there be left for a preferred to do? They took away all the Commendation gear. My bad I mean "Crystal" gear. pre 65. Will FTP and preferred be stuck sitting around with their thumbs up their butt collecting Commendations 1 day a week. I mean before this update their was still allot they can participate in and even enjoy and even feel a since of achievement about. But now... I am a bit scared to ask my friends to even play this game with how bad of a turn it took in just 1 update.
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I am personally a sub but I have to ask. With the removal of allot of content pre level 60... What will there be left for a preferred to do? They took away all the Commendation gear. My bad I mean "Crystal" gear. pre 65. Will FTP and preferred be stuck sitting around with their thumbs up their butt collecting Commendations 1 day a week. I mean before this update their was still allot they can participate in and even enjoy and even feel a since of achievement about. But now... I am a bit scared to ask my friends to even play this game with how bad of a turn it took in just 1 update.
There isn't anything wrong with this update, matter of fact I love it,


It cut out a lot of the bots you would see every where farm crap but there is a lot of stuff you guys can do out there instead of farming comms & creds so quit qqing that you cant farm comms anymore, geez I have notice that f2p always wants more crap for free, how about you tell your friends to fork out the extra 15 bucks a month, it isn't hard matter of fact its pretty damn easy instead of qqing about it on here:rolleyes:


I mean nothing against you here but this game needs to make money some how...

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There isn't anything wrong with this update, matter of fact I love it,


It cut out a lot of the bots you would see every where farm crap but there is a lot of stuff you guys can do out there instead of farming comms & creds so quit qqing that you cant farm comms anymore, geez I have notice that f2p always wants more crap for free, how about you tell your friends to fork out the extra 15 bucks a month, it isn't hard matter of fact its pretty damn easy instead of qqing about it on here:rolleyes:


I mean nothing against you here but this game needs to make money some how...


Hey bolts for brains I am not a FTP I am a sub. and quite frankly I have not found one thing I have liked about this so called expansion. Why is it anyone wants to stick up for a FTP they are called whiners. The fact of the matter is the game is a FTP game with optional Sub and Cartel market. A little love towards the larger end of the player base would be nice seeing there are less bus then their are FTP and preferred. And honestly 15 USD is allot for some people. Not every one has the luxury of shooting out random amounts of money from their back sides with Bills having to be paid. And even before you go on about getting a better job or saying some wise crack about him working more and play less games. Fact of the matter is I personally have to work 3 jobs and I play this to wind down stress not add to it. I have to sub at least once every few months because my budget with 3 jobs don't exactly cut it with student loans hospital bills. Children and house payments and other random bills. So take into the account not every one is gifted with a silver spoon in their thermal exhaust valve and show a little respect for people who want to Enjoy a bit of the game and not be bogged down be so many restrictions that they should call it a Trial rather then a FTP game.

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geez I have notice that f2p always wants more crap for free


You did notice that the OP was talking about how things have been removed from the game, yes? I'm pretty sure that doesn't qualify as "more crap".


I play as preferred most of the time and it appears that with 4.0, "preferred" players are getting screwed. They may not be shucking out $15 a month, but they are paying customers and they do deserve something for their trouble.

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You did notice that the OP was talking about how things have been removed from the game, yes? I'm pretty sure that doesn't qualify as "more crap".


I play as preferred most of the time and it appears that with 4.0, "preferred" players are getting screwed. They may not be shucking out $15 a month, but they are paying customers and they do deserve something for their trouble.


How exactly are they getting screwed? Nothing significant has changed. OPs post is a mess.

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Sadly I don't have enough coffee in me yet to answer this in detail, so my short answer is:


Friends don't let other friends play SWToR as anything less than a sub.


lol seriously though, if you don't sub, don't even bother with this game. I played for approx 12 minutes (granted this is after playing 2 month as a sub when I first got here) as a non sub and I wanted to tear my hair out. Anything less than sub is just playing this game's Demo. I'm not going to get into any opinions about Bioware's FTP / 'preferred' statuses, but, in my most humble opinion, either sub or G T F O. And I don't mean "G T F O" in a negative demeanor I simply mean: If that's the case, don't waste your time here, spend it on something, anything else.


Do what I do/did for my friends: Whip out the charm and persuasion, and let them know why SWToR is worth the subscription.


Granted for me it was as easy as pointing out that they spent over $15 in one day by trying out how different light bulb brands illuminated the kitchen.. which was yet another rude awakening for me that I'm a child in an adult's body because **** spending even more than 2 seconds on deciding what type of light bulbs to buy..

Edited by DWillikers
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Sadly I don't have enough coffee in me yet to answer this in detail, so my short answer is:


Friends don't let other friends play SWToR as anything less than a sub.


lol seriously though, if you don't sub, don't even bother with this game. I played for approx 12 minutes (granted this is after playing 2 month as a sub when I first got here) as a non sub and I wanted to tear my hair out. Anything less than sub is just playing this game's Demo. I'm not going to get into any opinions about Bioware's FTP / 'preferred' statuses, but, in my most humble opinion, either sub or G T F O. And I don't mean "G T F O" in a negative demeanor I simply mean: If that's the case, don't waste your time here, spend it on something, anything else.


Do what I do/did for my friends: Whip out the charm and persuasion, and let them know why SWToR is worth the subscription.


Granted for me it was as easy as pointing out that they spent over $15 in one day by trying out how different light bulb brands illuminated the kitchen.. which was yet another rude awakening for me that I'm a child in an adult's body because **** spending even more than 2 seconds on deciding what type of light bulbs to buy..


But hows that different than before? It was bad before, it still bad, nothing really changed lol

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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If there's one thing that's wrong with swtor it's the elitist attitude from people who think others shouldn't get much because they don't pay. I was f2p then preferred and now a sub but i don't have that elitist attitude which i can see above. Sad how you elitists are spoiled.
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But hows that different than before? It was bad before, it still bad, nothing really changed lol


I know right?? My friend just kept saying Compact Fluorescent Lights were better than standard LED lights even though they required more effort in their disposal/recycling due to the residual mercury they contain. But in my opinion, in the end, your kitchen either has enough light to allow you to do what you need to do, or it doesn't. I mean who cares? Like you said, either way, nothing really changed.


Or...did you respond to me in reference to something else? Because..I think I just forgot I was on the SWToR forums for a second.

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I know right?? My friend just kept saying Compact Fluorescent Lights were better than standard LED lights even though they required more effort in their disposal/recycling due to the residual mercury they contain. But in my opinion, in the end, your kitchen either has enough light to allow you to do what you need to do, or it doesn't. I mean who cares? Like you said, either way, nothing really changed.


Or...did you respond to me in reference to something else? Because..I think I just forgot I was on the SWToR forums for a second.


You did post in thread with certain title and content of OP.

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How exactly are they getting screwed? Nothing significant has changed. OPs post is a mess.


Oh, how about there are NO more gear vendors for pre 60 or 65 weapons or armor anywhere. Not on the planets and not on the fleet. I'm a sub and don't know much about free or preferred but aren't they limited by how many coms they can get? If so then they're going to have a very hard time since you can't buy any gear anywhere anymore. That's just one of the many things that are now missing. Good luck transferring those new crystals between alts. They took all the artifact boxes out too so now you're left with NOTHING but mods and orange armor and no way to easily get gear or mods even though you're alt is sitting on max coms and has nothing to spend them on. But hey I'm sure all those once free green items will be appearing in the Cartel Market soon so all the free players who can't afford or don't want to pay for a sub can not afford to buy them there also. Seems counterintuitive to me.


And to the OP I completely agree. F2P players are the blood of this game and without them it would be a very empty galaxy. Thank goodness for free and preferred players. You're right, not everyone can afford 15 dollars a month and kudos to those who choose to spend that 15 dollars on what's truly important: bills and their kids. People are having a hard time making ends meet and their entertainment should never make them feel guilty about not being able to fork over more money.

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I know right?? My friend just kept saying Compact Fluorescent Lights were better than standard LED lights even though they required more effort in their disposal/recycling due to the residual mercury they contain. But in my opinion, in the end, your kitchen either has enough light to allow you to do what you need to do, or it doesn't. I mean who cares? Like you said, either way, nothing really changed.


Or...did you respond to me in reference to something else? Because..I think I just forgot I was on the SWToR forums for a second.


For starters instead of adding new skills the upped the level requirements for your old ones.


They removed all the low level vendors expect rep and mods. Which can be a issue for new free to plays who don't have adaptive or custom gear. Oh yes you can say they can go to the GTN for their gear but I honestly see the prices shooting up simply because of how greedy every one is "AS A WHOLE" and FTP and Preferred have a credit cap. And you can argue they can just level alts for crafting but crafting has been made more difficult with all the cross crafting needed. FTP and Preferred will need 3 or 4 alts to level just 1 craft. too bad FTP gets 3 character slots and preferred gets 6.


Things we litterly could do 2 days ago as a 50 and 55 and enjoy was some old FP Hard modes and ops that are now moved up in level instead of adding newer content.


So saying nothing has changed and its all for the good. Not exactly true... And to the more Elitist subs out there... Try playing fresh FTP account now and see how much you hate it not having all that pre-level 60 content that was here only 2 days ago.

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Oh, how about there are NO more gear vendors for pre 60 or 65 weapons or armor anywhere. Not on the planets and not on the fleet. I'm a sub and don't know much about free or preferred but aren't they limited by how many coms they can get? If so then they're going to have a very hard time since you can't buy any gear anywhere anymore. That's just one of the many things that are now missing. Good luck transferring those new crystals between alts. They took all the artifact boxes out too so now you're left with NOTHING but mods and orange armor and no way to easily get gear or mods even though you're alt is sitting on max coms and has nothing to spend them on. But hey I'm sure all those once free green items will be appearing in the Cartel Market soon so all the free players who can't afford or don't want to pay for a sub can not afford to buy them there also. Seems counterintuitive to me.


And to the OP I completely agree. F2P players are the blood of this game and without them it would be a very empty galaxy. Thank goodness for free and preferred players. You're right, not everyone can afford 15 dollars a month and kudos to those who choose to spend that 15 dollars on what's truly important: bills and their kids. People are having a hard time making ends meet and their entertainment should never make them feel guilty about not being able to fork over more money.


? You can buy mods. Which are cheaper than buying gear was.


F2P/Preferred cannot use artifact level equipment without unlock.


You can transfer mods from your comm packed max level to your alt.


Nothing significant has been changed.


Wut crystals? Nothings changed regarding transferring cystals.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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For starters instead of adding new skills the upped the level requirements for your old ones.


They removed all the low level vendors expect rep and mods. Which can be a issue for new free to plays who don't have adaptive or custom gear. Oh yes you can say they can go to the GTN for their gear but I honestly see the prices shooting up simply because of how greedy every one is "AS A WHOLE" and FTP and Preferred have a credit cap. And you can argue they can just level alts for crafting but crafting has been made more difficult with all the cross crafting needed. FTP and Preferred will need 3 or 4 alts to level just 1 craft. too bad FTP gets 3 character slots and preferred gets 6.


Things we litterly could do 2 days ago as a 50 and 55 and enjoy was some old FP Hard modes and ops that are now moved up in level instead of adding newer content.


So saying nothing has changed and its all for the good. Not exactly true... And to the more Elitist subs out there... Try playing fresh FTP account now and see how much you hate it not having all that pre-level 60 content that was here only 2 days ago.


Upped level requirements for skills? Whoa, you get your skills 1 level later. And hows that affecting only F2P and preferred? Hows that earth shattering lol


You can buy full set of adaptive gear from lvl 7 comm vendor.


You can level crafting same way as before. You can even gather every node regardless of your skill.


Ahhh, thats whats this really about. AFAIK you can play all OPs at lvl 50. Just not HM.


F2P/preferred couldnt get past lvl50. have to pay for expansions. At which point you can buy 1 month sub to unlock everything.


I dont really know what youre tlaking about. Like really.

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How exactly are they getting screwed? Nothing significant has changed. OPs post is a mess.


Actually, that was just a bump. ;) Wanted to get people talking. :D


They're not getting screwed per se, but "preferred" is a bit of a misnomer. The only players anybody cares about are the subscribers. Preferred players can't even report bugs, for crying out loud. I can understand f2p, but preferred? People who have actually spent money on the game? That's dumb.

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There are a lot of truly free games on the market, Wildstar, Guild Wars 2, Blade and Soul is coming out first quarter. If the F2P and preferred players don't like what they have with SWTOR, there are other games to play. EA is never going to change it's strategy for making money especially off an MMO.


I do, though, think that BW should have left enough alone to keep these players happy and changed enough to make those of us who love the changes happy. They should have kept the vendors where they were.

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Actually, that was just a bump. ;) Wanted to get people talking. :D


They're not getting screwed per se, but "preferred" is a bit of a misnomer. The only players anybody cares about are the subscribers. Preferred players can't even report bugs, for crying out loud. I can understand f2p, but preferred? People who have actually spent money on the game? That's dumb.


But thats like that from launch. Selling quickbars is dumbest idea ever. But it didnt pop out with KOTFE. These people have tendency to blame KOTFE for stuff from F2P launch lol

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They removed all the low level vendors expect rep and mods.

FFS, did anybody except me actually *look* in the equipment section of Fleet? Apparently not.


In the low-level bay (left-hand end if you face out into the universe), there are the lower-level mod vendors.




The same level 8 vendor who was there before, in the same corner behind the same counter. He sells adaptive-weight not-class-linked orange shells pre-filled with 32-rated blue mods.



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There isn't anything wrong with this update, matter of fact I love it,


It cut out a lot of the bots you would see every where farm crap but there is a lot of stuff you guys can do out there instead of farming comms & creds so quit qqing that you cant farm comms anymore, geez I have notice that f2p always wants more crap for free, how about you tell your friends to fork out the extra 15 bucks a month, it isn't hard matter of fact its pretty damn easy instead of qqing about it on here:rolleyes:


I mean nothing against you here but this game needs to make money some how...


The game needs to make money lol they mae plenty and besides that they need to start listening to what people want and then maybe more people would be paying them. Stop taking **** away and start adding content.

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I love how they're slowly making the game itself P2P again, but keeping all the scheming F2P elements, to continue to nickel and dime. It's like EA / Bioware is evolving, and seeing how far they can go.


lol exactly this, just like when the game went F2P Selling quickbars and putting alreaday earned skills or gear behind paywalls with every new expansion or just simply removing things, people put alot of time and effort into, like Datacron shards. Limiting write permission on forums to subs only. I am actually surprised that SWTOR still exsists.


Must be alot more masochists out there than i thought. :D

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FFS, did anybody except me actually *look* in the equipment section of Fleet? Apparently not.


In the low-level bay (left-hand end if you face out into the universe), there are the lower-level mod vendors.




The same level 8 vendor who was there before, in the same corner behind the same counter. He sells adaptive-weight not-class-linked orange shells pre-filled with 32-rated blue mods.




I miss going to nar shaadaa and buying the actual republic trooper set at 20. You know the same one the NPC's walk around in. Or a actual Jedi robe set at 30. Heck even that armored Knight sets. The low level level 8 sets will not satisfy that craving for individuality like it did just a few days ago when you can mix it with a large assortment of options to choose from. Like I have stated before I am a sub. I know for many I should not care about lowbies or noobs. even FTP or preferred in allot of your eyes. But if some one does not say something about these missing aspects of the game that once where the same thing that all us Subs used at one point or another to deck our self out while we saved up credits for that 500k-1m (Which FTP and preferred will never accumulate) piece of cool looking gear. It would be a absolute shame as a experienced player to say this was alright and that we should screw every one else just because we have to grind for a new gear at a higher level.


Also to the person who commented about the skills going down a level. Please explain why my 55 had 4 missing skills that had to be learned in the 60's now. Such as Warding Call for Guardians which was the old 55 skill. Now its like 57-or 59. Why I have to wait extra levels for 1 slot of the last rank of the utillities. when I used to get it at like 54 or something. Now its past that in the 50's early 60's. Only thing that I saw that got bumped down mainly was speeders got reduced 5 levels.

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I miss going to nar shaadaa and buying the actual republic trooper set at 20. You know the same one the NPC's walk around in. Or a actual Jedi robe set at 30. Heck even that armored Knight sets. The low level level 8 sets will not satisfy that craving for individuality like it did just a few days ago when you can mix it with a large assortment of options to choose from. Like I have stated before I am a sub. I know for many I should not care about lowbies or noobs. even FTP or preferred in allot of your eyes. But if some one does not say something about these missing aspects of the game that once where the same thing that all us Subs used at one point or another to deck our self out while we saved up credits for that 500k-1m (Which FTP and preferred will never accumulate) piece of cool looking gear. It would be a absolute shame as a experienced player to say this was alright and that we should screw every one else just because we have to grind for a new gear at a higher level.


Also to the person who commented about the skills going down a level. Please explain why my 55 had 4 missing skills that had to be learned in the 60's now. Such as Warding Call for Guardians which was the old 55 skill. Now its like 57-or 59. Why I have to wait extra levels for 1 slot of the last rank of the utillities. when I used to get it at like 54 or something. Now its past that in the 50's early 60's. Only thing that I saw that got bumped down mainly was speeders got reduced 5 levels.


"Large assortment of options"?


Planetary vendors ever sold SINGLE piece of set.


And those sets are NOT removed from the game they can STILL be crafted.


Yes, i looked at my crafters and all sets are STILL there.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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