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Why I'm leaving Qyzen to freeze on Hoth


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Because I ain't got time for that. Seed more Jaggernath trophy creatures and make them easier to find.


And before you tell me to group up and hit the world bosses, firstly, why should I have to? Secondly, already tried, no one is interested.


So Qyzen gets to freeze. Kthxbai

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I also had a group try to do snowblind and he cant be found. This whole quest has been frustrating and stupid. I've looked everywhere and the worthy jaganath mobs cannot be found.


Weird. I found Snowblind without trying. Can't tell you if he wanders around much though.

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Because I ain't got time for that. Seed more Jaggernath trophy creatures and make them easier to find.


And before you tell me to group up and hit the world bosses, firstly, why should I have to? Secondly, already tried, no one is interested.


So Qyzen gets to freeze. Kthxbai


I found 10 jaggaath creatures in 20 minutes and found a group to do 3 WBs in another 20 minutes, had it all done within an hour. Put some effort into it, read the datapad, don't expect everything to be handed to you, this game is already too mouth breather friendly.

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I found 10 jaggaath creatures in 20 minutes and found a group to do 3 WBs in another 20 minutes, had it all done within an hour. Put some effort into it, read the datapad, don't expect everything to be handed to you, this game is already too mouth breather friendly.


This. I did it with 8 trophies and 2 world bosses. It's too easy.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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I also had a group try to do snowblind and he cant be found. This whole quest has been frustrating and stupid. I've looked everywhere and the worthy jaganath mobs cannot be found.

Respawn timer? :p

It has always been there and is about 2h respawn if someone already killed it afaik. Thars why you go check the bosses are actually alive BEFORE gathering a group for it. That's how it always worked.

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I found 10 jaggaath creatures in 20 minutes and found a group to do 3 WBs in another 20 minutes, had it all done within an hour. Put some effort into it, read the datapad, don't expect everything to be handed to you, this game is already too mouth breather friendly.


This right here.


Bioware did something interesting, and have allowed us to recruit companions that otherwise wouldn't belong with us. Really, how amazing is that? So if you really want someone to join your adventure, put in the time. I am actually looking forward to recruiting some of these people, then adventuring with them after!

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I didnt even bother to go get him on my Shadow he would get him instantly. Never liked him. Let him freeze.


PS> OP this was the best title EVER I actually laughed when I saw it.


Not that Optional when he's required to get other companions. Believe me, I'd let Qyzen rot on Hoth forever if I wasn't required to get him to get Lokin. I've always disliked him to begin with...this quest just makes me dislike him more. If I had the option of killing companions I'd kill him once I get him.

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Qyzen is easy Lokin is annoying (first part)



Lokin is kind of annoying I used all my stored jawa junk and droid parts, 15 rakghoul canisters and about 400K on GTN mats to earn his his favor.

For Qyzen I got up early to hunt the champs while everyone was sleeping took me about 45 minutes.

Edited by kwyoussef
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Got Qyzen in an hour. Follow the outside of the map around his location for the champions you need. There are about 5 along the edges, switch instance and do it again...Easy.


Lokin took me all of 5 minutes. Had all the matts in my bank. Barnacle of the eyeless gave him the most points. He also takes the canisters from the event.

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Can we please stop the complaining about the few OPTIONAL companions that have a somewhat challenging task?


Companions are cosmetic now. You don't have to get Qyzen in an hour. Do it a bit at a time.


The problem is that companions are gating further ones. For instance if an imperial agent wants to get Lokin back, he has to obtain Qyzen first. And this is going to be the same deal with future companions that will be locked behind Lokin.


I am not complaining, I have already done it on 3 characters, in 1 hour at worst. But I can understand the frustration of certain people.

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Yes companions are gated by who offers the quest right now.



You want Dr Lokin? Too bad you have to recruit Qyzen to get Lokin, since they're offered by the same quest-giver. If you Refuse Quest on Qyzen it should just pop the next Alert up so you have both at once.



This is supposed to be a game for our enjoyment, not "art".

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