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10 Good
  1. Well being a noob sub at lvl 16 I only have Qyzen Fess but I really enjoy the combat with him as I can hang back being a squishy Sage and use ranged force attacks and CC.. We can run around and cause pure havok. Only concern I have is in group dungeons (flashpoints?).. I intend on doing Esseles tonight but will I be redundant if someones companion can do a better job ay healing everyone? Or is that not how things work. Are companions even allowed in Flashpoints? Can myself and Qyzen happily do a Herioc 2+ alone? Sorry for the noob questions, juast trying to learn.. But back on topic - So far I like the companions power, considering how many groups of mobs are generally placed, it's nice to be able to slice through them and get on with the story, which afterall, is what this game is about.. Combat is secondary. Ciao
  2. Yeah by people having the "common sense" ( yup that term contains a smack or iriony) to just read and understand the terms and conditions of the offer. Every and I mean every offer from anyone has T&C's.
  3. The " * " is to lure in lazy idiots who know full well it means "there are T&C's" involved in this offer as with 99% of other offers around the world, but of course instead of checking T&C's (oh and that stands for terms & conditions) people just go "pffft theres nothin in them I need to read" and whip out the credit card. As previous posters have mentioned, BW slapped you around the face with sub dates everytime you came near the game, so don't go crying foul just because you're usless.. You're welcome.
  4. Where's a "like" button when I need one?!
  5. Thats your problem, not the games... "Hey devs, change your game to fit my life" Gotta love that "or else" comment too.
  6. You do know what the cold does to reptilian skin dont you>? 100 darkside points for you !!
  7. Hi, I'm a noob sub running around at lvl 16 so far. I see in the notes that any companion can be set to be either DPS, Heals or Tank at any time etc So what is the real point in having multiple companions now please? Is it to have more than 3 crew skills only or am I missing other advantages? Cheers
  8. Indeed since we havent been shown them yet... Looking forward to getting my eye-balls on em !
  9. How long? Silly question really but I'll nibble and say it's dependant on the speed of your connection.
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