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@Bioware, there's still time to remedy Early Access...


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That's crap. Did you get the email? There was no fine print. Just a link after a short marketing blitz about early access and rewards. Are you saying I can't trust EA at all? That I have to read the fine print? Is this what the gaming industry has come too?


Why couldn't the email had said "Subscribe BEFORE Aug 10 and get early access". But it didn't say that.


Or "Earn all 4 rewards and get early access".


They were simply trying to get people to subscribe now and were tying to avoid people waiting till Oct 27th to subscribe.

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If you really feel wronged, there is always the FTC!


Oh, and in case you miss it in the below quote from the FTC Website, the online complaint form is here:



Complaints help the FTC and other law enforcement agencies bring scam artists to justice and put an end to unfair and misleading business practices. If you have a complaint, file it online or call 1-877-FTC-HELP.


This is you. You've been ripped off, or you've spotted a scam. Don't keep it to yourself. Take it to the Federal Trade Commission by filing a complaint. What kind of complaint? The Federal Trade Commission is the nation's Consumer Protection Agency. So if a business doesn't deliver on its promises, or if someone cheats you out of your money, the Federal Trade Commission wants to hear about it.


I bought a phone card with 350 minutes of calling time, but it cut me off after 20.


I'm getting bills for things I didn't buy. I think someone stole my identity.


The letter said I had won a sweepstakes, but I had to wire money to cover the taxes. I did and never heard from them again.


I responded to an add on line for a free trail offer. But then I started seeing charges for it every month.


I thought the email was from someone who saw my resume and wanted to hire me. But they asked for my bank account number. I reported it to the Federal Trade Commission.


Telling the Federal Trade Commission helps us stop ripoffs, scams, and fraudsters. Your complaints matter here. To file a complaint, just go to ftc.gov/complaint, and answer the questions. Or call That's all there is to it.


If you've been ripped off or scammed, complain to the Federal Trade Commission. It can help put the bad guys out of business.


Edited by Bristol
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do you understand what misleading means?


I do, but apparently you don't. Because they did spell it out quite clearly, if anyone bothered to spend more than 10 seconds reading that page. The details were not hidden, they weren't even confusing.


Even the banner wasn't that confusing.


It was quite clear that if you subscribed from X date to Y date you'd get early access. It never said, or even implied that subscribing on oct 19th was good enough. Anyone who thought that has only themselves to blame.


And for the record, I subscribed on Sept 29th, so I'm not part of early access either.


What are they taking away from you? The fact that you are a have and there are have nots? Greedy little person aren't ya


The fact that you resort to insults on your second post says it all. They're taking nothing away from me, because I'm not part of early access.


For this game you had to be part of some secret club that followed the SWTOR news for the last 3 months.
BS!, everyone who was a subscriber got emails about it. Plus the information was on the front page, you didn't need to belong to any special club, just visit the page and you would've known about it. Edited by VanorDM
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You must be a troll, because no one even remotely honest would claim such a thing as 'predatory tactics'. The terms were extremely clear if anyone bothered to actually read them. The only people at fault here are those who read a single line, interpreted it to mean what they wanted, not what it actually said, and then stopped reading.


they were not extremely clear as evident by the need to add this disclaimer: To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates.


In order for the marketing to be extremely clear as you suggest this: To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates should have been in all marketing.


Let me ask you a question, which one is clearer?


To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates.




Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!

Edited by LexonLightsaber
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If I choose to go from London to New York I don't end up in the sea, unless the plane crashes, there is nothing gramatically incorrect, having from in the sentence makes it clear, its between these two dates you must be a subscriber, not somewhere between but from the first date until the last date.


On the main KotFE page there was very prominently placed a timeline that showed what perks you received for signing up by certain dates. The perks were in chronological order left to right with the exception of early access being on the far right. It is neither foolish nor negligent to think that early access was in proper chronological order.


Furthermore the text for early access used the present tense verb choose, implying the choice could still be made. In fact, many people make reference to an email they got in mid September that instructed them to come back and subscribe for early access. As of Aug 11 there was no longer a choice to be made and the text should have been changed to reflect that.


Finally, the wording of the text was open to two different interpretations. However, given its chronological position in the timeline and the use of the present tense verb choose players had every reason to interpret it that they could still subscribe and receive early access. Especially considering the whole point of trying to bring back this huge mass of players was to entice them to stay. Telling them to get bent and read the fine print next time probably wasn't what they were going for.


Players with a continuous subscription starting Aug 10 through Oct 19 will receive early access to the game on Oct 20, one week before the official launch.


That is all it would have required to avoid this confusion. Telling players in late September that if they choose to subscribe they will receive early access is extremely careless at best,

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Do you not understand what the word exclusive means?


I do, but apparently you aren't aware that Early Access isn't exclusive content, while something like the Founders title; or pretty much every other KotFE subscriber reward; absolutely is.

You're getting the same content as everyone else, it doesn't matter if you play it now or in a few months, this particular content will stay the same. The same concept doesn't apply to titles or items that can only be obtained during a certain period of time and are completely unavailable afterwards.


We're talking about 7-9 hours of story-related gameplay here. Many of us who were eligible for Early Access have already completed the story once, so I miss the point in making everyone else wait a whole week, especially considering all the fuss and disappointment, when 2-3 days would have been more than enough.

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founder title is cosmetic, early access isn't. Which leads me to question has a game ever locked out a player base that has payed for the game? Pre-orders get you into early access. I think this might ave been the first time a compnay has locked out paying customers to there game, because essentially it only cost one subscription to buy KOTFE not four as is suggested.


Agreed.. I've never seen a model like this. The rule is to "Never, Ever, Evah! piss off subscribers". I wonder how many of us fell for this? How many subed between aug and oct only to be disappointed? now we're stuck with a choice: leave the game now or wait and finsh the story. I chose the later. than I'm gone.


So lets see.. I subbed (resubed actually after years absence) in aug so that means 15 X 4 (probably roll into November) - so I just paid $45 for a expac. And I didn't even get the perks. Great model for EA. Bad model for me.

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I do, but apparently you aren't aware that Early Access isn't exclusive content


Yes it is. If it wasn't exclusive then we wouldn't be talking about it right now, because everyone would have access to it.


But as it stands, it's exclusive to those who qualified for early access, and after it will be exclusive to subs. So again, my understanding of exclusive is quite correct.

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On the main KotFE page there was very prominently placed a timeline that showed what perks you received for signing up by certain dates. The perks were in chronological order left to right with the exception of early access being on the far right. It is neither foolish nor negligent to think that early access was in proper chronological order.



IMO, if they wanted to be clear on that timeline for early access you just put "earn all 4 and get early access". Straight, simple, and to the point.

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Yes it is. If it wasn't exclusive then we wouldn't be talking about it right now, because everyone would have access to it.


But as it stands, it's exclusive to those who qualified for early access, and after it will be exclusive to subs. So again, my understanding of exclusive is quite correct.


The Early Access itself is exclusive, the content is not. And good job completely ignoring everything else I wrote.

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Someone made a comment that I think sums up the situation well:


Snickers is holding a sweepstakes from July to October. You wouldn't be expected to buy a Snickers everyday to be entered into the sweepstakes, you'd just have to buy a Snickers once.


This is a bad analogy as buying a Snickers isn't guaranteed to win the sweepstakes whereas subbing for all 4 rewards guaranteed you early access. Not to mention, it would be a sweepstakes where you'd have more chances to win the more Snickers you buy. So you might win buying one, but it's not very likely.

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I do, but apparently you don't. Because they did spell it out quite clearly, if anyone bothered to spend more than 10 seconds reading that page. The details were not hidden, they weren't even confusing.


Even the banner wasn't that confusing.


It was quite clear that if you subscribed from X date to Y date you'd get early access. It never said, or even implied that subscribing on oct 19th was good enough. Anyone who thought that has only themselves to blame.


And for the record, I subscribed on Sept 29th, so I'm not part of early access either.




The fact that you resort to insults on your second post says it all. They're taking nothing away from me, because I'm not part of early access.


BS!, everyone who was a subscriber got emails about it. Plus the information was on the front page, you didn't need to belong to any special club, just visit the page and you would've known about it.


I wasn't subbed so I didn't know! Hey come back to SWTOR but hey you have to sit on the sidelines while the people that supported us more than you did get exclusive access to the game. Let's penalize the returning customers by making them wait to get back into the game! Ya that makes sense!


edit and oh yeah I should of had ESP to know I should have visited the SWTOR site before aug 10th or w/e the cut off date was. Im not argueing about the learn2read issue or any of that. I'm arguing that the criteria was just plain stupid to begin with.

Edited by lordgracy
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On a blog post announced yesterday you have this:


"Entry to Early Access was announced when we announced the new Digital Expansion and was a reward for all Subscribers who were actively subscribed from July through early October."


Then on another page you have this:


"Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!"


However, on the same page you have this:




That "*"? That's explained at the very bottom:


"To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates."


So...which one is it??

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Agreed.. I've never seen a model like this. The rule is to "Never, Ever, Evah! piss off subscribers". I wonder how many of us fell for this? How many subed between aug and oct only to be disappointed? now we're stuck with a choice: leave the game now or wait and finsh the story. I chose the later. than I'm gone.


So lets see.. I subbed (resubed actually after years absence) in aug so that means 15 X 4 (probably roll into November) - so I just paid $45 for a expac. And I didn't even get the perks. Great model for EA. Bad model for me.


founder title is cosmetic, early access isn't. Which leads me to question has a game ever locked out a player base that has payed for the game? Pre-orders get you into early access. I think this might ave been the first time a compnay has locked out paying customers to there game, because essentially it only cost one subscription to buy KOTFE not four as is suggested.


You got what you paid for. You paid 15 dollars to get KotFE and you get it just as planned for late subs on 27th. You didn't pay for Early Access, so you didn't get it.

Edited by PavSalco
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On the main KotFE page there was very prominently placed a timeline that showed what perks you received for signing up by certain dates. The perks were in chronological order left to right with the exception of early access being on the far right. It is neither foolish nor negligent to think that early access was in proper chronological order.


Furthermore the text for early access used the present tense verb choose, implying the choice could still be made. In fact, many people make reference to an email they got in mid September that instructed them to come back and subscribe for early access. As of Aug 11 there was no longer a choice to be made and the text should have been changed to reflect that.


Finally, the wording of the text was open to two different interpretations. However, given its chronological position in the timeline and the use of the present tense verb choose players had every reason to interpret it that they could still subscribe and receive early access. Especially considering the whole point of trying to bring back this huge mass of players was to entice them to stay. Telling them to get bent and read the fine print next time probably wasn't what they were going for.


Players with a continuous subscription starting Aug 10 through Oct 19 will receive early access to the game on Oct 20, one week before the official launch.


That is all it would have required to avoid this confusion. Telling players in late September that if they choose to subscribe they will receive early access is extremely careless at best,


QFT. And this is all EA/BW needed to do. But they didn't. So fine.. cool.. my fault for not thinking I had to read the fine print. I should've expected this too since EA's rep sucks. I should've expected EA to pull something like this. But with the new movie coming out, I was excited for SW lore agin.


So boo on me. I'm not blaming them, I'm blaming me for being so stupid to actually take EA at it's word.


So EA got what it wanted, subscribers returned. But take a count in January and see how many of us "newbs" are still here.

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I wasn't subbed so I didn't know!


That's BW's fault just how? Just because you didn't subscribe doesn't mean the info wasn't out there.


while the people that supported us more than you did get exclusive access to the game.


Do you really think people who supported the game more than us don't deserve something? You honestly think having to wait until the expansion is actually released is a punishment?


I mean if a game is being sold and pre-orders are offered early access, do you honestly think you should get it too if you buy it on release day?

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You got what you paid for. You paid 15 dollars to get KotFE and you get it just as planned for late subs on 27th. You didn't pay for Early Access, so you didn't get it.


I have made the exact same payments as everyone else, but one was a few hours late because I was sleeping off anesthesia. The model opens itself to problems like this.

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